chapter 56

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Three and a Half Years Later

"Niall, get off! I need to go on a run before it gets dark." I try to push Niall off me. He got home five minutes ago and saw that I was about to leave and he tackled me to the ground. "You are so heavy!"

"You never have time for me. Look at what I have become!" Niall sprawls out while laying on top of me.

"We have date night every week and we have breakfast and dinner together almost every night. The only time we don't is when you work the night shift." I try to roll over so Niall will fall off. It doesn't work though.

"Why don't you just stay and be with me and work out later in our home gym?" I feel Niall slowly get off me.

"No. I have to study later. Tomorrow I'm going to brunch with the girls and then we are going shopping. No studying will get done tomorrow." I sigh at how busy my life is.

"So while I'm working my life away tomorrow you will be out spending all of my hard earned money?" Niall smirks at me.

"This is what you wanted babe. Just think, we could still be living in my cute little apartment above the bar and I could still be working at the bar." I can't help, but think back to all of over wonderful memories of us living there.

**flashback to three years ago**

"Charlotte, I can't do it. I am going crazy. This hellhole is too small for us. I am about to jump out the window." Niall says while pacing around the living room.

"Calm down, Niall. You just have cabin fever. As soon as you can go back to work you will feel better." We were hit with a huge snowstorm a couple days ago and the city is shut down. The hospital told Niall to stay where he was until the roads get plowed. "Look, the snow has finally stopped."

"No, I will not feel better. I'm not paying those damn contractors hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit on their arses. The house was suppose to be built a month ago. I can't live here for another day." Niall pulls at his hair in frustration.

"Why? It's so cozy here." I get off the bed and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his neck. "There are only so many things we can do in this small space." I let my hands move down his arms and to his pants. I untie the string to his sweatpants and look up at him. "Oops."

"You do have a point." Niall crashes his lips to mine.

We spent the night in bed wrapped up in each other. It is definitely one of my favorite nights together.

**flashback over**

"Living there for eight months was enough, thanks." Niall shakes his head.

"Were you really that miserable? I loved it so much and would never change it. No matter how busy we were we still got to see each other. The space was too small to avoid each other." It kind of hurts my feelings that he hated it so much.

"I wouldn't change it either. I wouldn't change a single moment with you." Niall walks over and kisses the tip of my nose. "You know, even though it was torture living in that cramped apartment the time went by fast, but since the day I met you time has flown by."

"Good. Now I am going on that run. If I'm not back in an hour come find me." I fix my ponytail and then walk out of our massive bedroom.

"Dont joke like that. Maybe I should come with you." Niall becomes extremely worried.

"I will be fine. I use to go on runs all the time when it was January." Why is he so protective all of a sudden?

"You don't run outside like you did when we first met. Why not?" Is Niall stalling?

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now