Chapter 11

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"Ahh hey Niall. I didn't see you there." I smile at him, but he doesn't give me a smile in return.

"So you want to be friends?" Niall asks calmly.

"I'm tired of us fighting all the time and there is no point in us acting like a couple. We both hate doing it." I pause to see how Niall is taking this in. "I think friends is the best option. The less confusing option."

"You are really confusing, but if friends is what you want then I agree." Niall tries to turn and walk away, but I keep talking.

"What do you mean I'm confusing?"

"You were all over me tonight and let's not forget about last weekend." He smirks at me from the memory of last weekend.

"I was acting Niall. Remember you asked me to." He is ridiculous.

"I also told you to act sick, but that was a fail. How can you act like you like me, but you can't act sick? It's because one of those things you didn't have to pretend." Niall thinks he won this fight, but he is wrong.

Louis walks into the hallway at this moment and Niall and I simultaneously say, "go away."

"I have told you over and over again that I hate you. Why do you think I like you? Let's not forget that last weekend I was drunk." I won't argue that I like the Niall who acts sweet and nice around people he is trying to trick. However, I only see that Niall once in awhile. I'm usually stuck with this Niall. The rude and vulgar Niall.

"You always have an excuse, but you can't explain away how your body reacts to me. I see how you blush at my comments. I notice how flustered you become when I touch you. How your body gets goosebumps and your breathing gets deeper." Niall takes a step toward me, but I take a step back out of habit. My throat feels dry all of a sudden, I try to talk but my voice comes off a little raspy.

"None of those things happen and if they do I can't control it. I can't help how my body reacts to you, but I can control if I like you and I can promise that I don't." I look at Niall and he is smirking at me. "Wait I don't mean that how you are taking it."

"Are you sure Charlotte, because I think you are saying that you are attracted me. You are trying to fight it, but can't." Niall takes another step closer and I take another step back.

"How did we get on this topic. Niall focus. Let's be friends okay?" I try desperately to ignore the way Niall is looking at me.

"What if I need you to act like more than a friend at a party?" Instead of smirking at me he gives me a warm smile. As soon as those words left his lips I know what he is trying to do. I remember what Harry told me and I want to see if its true. I can play this game, lets see how Niall will act when he thinks I'm into him.

"We will decide how to act and neither of us will cross the line. Since we are friends who will have to sometimes act like a couple, we need to just beware of how not to act." I look in his eyes and they try to pull me to him. I want to fight it, but I take a step towards him to play this silly game of his.

"So what should we not do then?" Niall takes another step towards me. "Should I not rest my hands on your waist?" While I'm nodding yes, Niall puts his hands on my waist. He leans close to my ear and whispers, "I probably shouldn't let my hands travel up your body either." I look up at Niall and in a single moment I know that I can't play this game with him. He is too experienced. I need to stop this without him knowing that I can't keep up.

He bends down and starts to kiss my neck. Instead of pushing him away like I want, I pull back a little. Niall's blue eyes watch my every move. I wrap my arms around his neck and then crash my lips to his. He is surprised at first, but quickly recovers. Before I let him do anything crazy I pull away. He looks at me a little confused and I smile at him walking away.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now