Chapter 27

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I am sitting in the corner of Niall's office, trying to ignore my own thoughts. Niall is off doing surgical things. He asked if I wanted to come, but I declined. Too worried that I might see another person almost die. That surgery was too much for me. I think Niall and I need some space from each other as well. Our emotions are running high.

I hear a "Hello hello," and then a knock on the door. Niall has had everyone checking on me. Louis got me to laugh, but it didn't last long. It was only a matter of time until he sent Harry.

"Come on in Harry." I just need some time to myself. I should go home, being at this hospital is making everything worse.

"I need you to come with me." Harry states and he sounds urgent.

I stand up and ask, "why?"

"Just come on. You will understand when we get there." Harry motions for me to follow him, so I leave my corner that provided safety and follow Harry.

We take the elevator and go up two floors. Harry stares straight ahead, but has a big smile on his face. I look around the floor that we are on and I notice that it seems happier. The white walls have portraits of babies everywhere. Harry shows his work badge to a few nurses and then we walk into a room with a few dozen babies sleeping. It was peaceful and I feel like I can breath again. Harry grabs my arm and pulls me farther into the room.

"There is more to surgery then just trying to fix someone. You could spend everyday bringing life into this world." Harry looks over at me.

"There will still be heartache. What if the baby or the mother dies? I couldn't bare it." I look over at one of the small newborns just sleeping away.

"Stop letting fear run your life. Yes Niall could break your heart and yes there are times where this job feels like prison, but it is always worth it. What if Niall is the one? What if you save thousands of peoples lives?" Harry always knows what to say.

"I don't want to be the naive and weak girl that everyone thinks I am." Silence lingers and I look over at Harry. He is standing there thinking.

"You don't have to be perfect all the time. Nobody sees you as weak or a naive girl. Well you are a little physically weak." Harry smiles and I laugh at his stupid joke.

"I feel like I'm setting myself up for misery. Opening up to Niall, working in a place where death happens daily." These babies have no clue what lies ahead of them. I wish I could be that young and hopeful.

"How is opening up to Niall going to make you miserable and are you forgetting that Mr. Anderson survived?" One of the babies wakes up and Harry walks over and picks up the little boy.

"I can't give him that power over me." I walk over to Harry and look at the little beautiful baby boy he is holding. I bring my finger up and rub the baby's cheek. I look at Harry and smile. "I know he survived, there could be repercussions from the complications."

"Stop focusing on the bad all the damn time. You are suppose to enjoy life and be hopeful." Harry places the baby back down and he brings me into a hug. "Niall is nothing like Chad. Give him a chance to prove it and give yourself the chance to change the world. You will do amazing things."

When we let go of each other I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. I have managed to surround myself with people who genuinely care about me and want me to be happy. The toxic relationships I once had are now replaced.

"Thanks Harry. You know exactly what to say. I guess I should go find Niall." Harry starts nodding his head.


"Why was this day so long? It felt like it would never end." Louis complains from the front seat.

"Maybe because we had to take care of princess Charlotte." Niall glances over at me. He has been a little grumpy since I told him about my conversation with Harry. I think he is just upset over what I said earlier when we were on the roof.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt