chapter 4

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When I open my eyes panic rushes through my body as I look around the unfamiliar bedroom. When my eyes land on the door everything from the night before rushes back to me. The way Niall pulled me through the door and started kissing me. As soon as he shut the door he pushed me up against it to kiss me harder. The way his lips felt against mine was nothing like I had ever felt before. It made me want more of him. Niall seemed to sense what I wanted and started to kiss down my neck and stopped right above my collar bone. He started sucking on my skin, probably leaving a mark. I tried wiggling out of his grip, but he seemed to like the challenge. He started guiding me over to the bed and once we got to the edge of it he sat down. Niall then pulled me on top of him, so I was straddling him. The longer we kissed the more I realized how bad I wanted it. He started pulling on my shirt to get it off and I knew I was in over my head. I told him to stop, because I was a virgin. Niall got out of the room pretty quick after that.

I laughed at the memory from last night. I'm not a virgin, so I don't know why I told him that. I can't even have a one night stand without messing it up. I start looking for my phone, but when I can't find it I know I will have to face Niall and let the embarrassment from last night set in.

Once I left his room I started walking down the long hallway. I realized I had no clue where I was going.

"Niall?" I felt a little silly yelling out his name, but this house is huge and if I make any turns I might get lost. I call his name a few more times. A door opened right across the hall from me and a female walked out in only a towel.

"What's with all the shouting?" Who is this girl? Was she here last night?

"Sorry, I was looking for Niall. If you don't mind me asking. Who are you?" I couldn't help but stare at her. What is going on here?

"Niall will explain all that to you. He is in the kitchen." I gave her a questionable look. I felt stupid asking where the kitchen was, so I was hoping she would just tell me. "Just go to the end of the hall and turn left. You will enter the dining room so just yell for Niall and he will find you from there."

"Thanks." And with that I went to go find Niall.

I followed her directions, but once I got to the dining room I hesitated before I called out for Niall. Maybe I should leave and just get my phone from Louis. Before I could make a decision Niall walked in.

"Oh, your awake. Follow me." Niall said and started walking towards the way I just came from.

"Niall wait." He didn't listen though, he just kept walking. We passed the room where that girl came from and went back into Niall's room.

"The lads are in the kitchen and I wanted to talk to you privately."

"Why did you bring me back to your place when there is a girl right down the hall from you?" I knew I had to take control of this conversation before Niall could.

"I see you met Whitney. Her being here won't make sense until the end of our conversation." For a couple seconds we just stood there and stared at eachother, his answer threw me off balance. I had to recollect my thoughts.

"About last night" I took a deep breath and then continued. "I'm not a virgin. I was nervous and drunk. I didn't know how to tell you no, so I guess I lied." Great, I'm rambling.

"I was wondering why you came home with me if you were a virgin, but I don't like liars. I actually hate them." Before he could continue I cut him off.

"I was planning on having a one night stand with you, but I just couldn't go through with it." When I realized what I just said I blushed out of embarrassment and looked down.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now