chapter 46

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Charlotte P.O.V

"What do I wear Beth? Nothing looks good since I have lost so much weight." I made Beth come over this morning, because I'm freaking out.

"Calm down. We will find something for you to wear. It's just coffee. Why are you so nervous?" Beth keeps looking at my closet.

"When I'm around Niall, it feels different. I use to feel anxious no matter what, but yesterday and at the party I could relax. Niall seems at ease. I don't know how to explain it. He acted like a normal person around Steve. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I think Niall is different."

"I hope so, but you need to put yourself first. Don't let Niall sweet talk you." Beth gives me a stern look.

"I know mom." I roll my eyes and Beth gives me a little shove.

I end up wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans that have holes in the knees with a cream colored sweater. The sweater is baggy on me, but Beth says it looks good. She curls my hair and does my make up for me. She keeps my make up natural looking, which I'm thankful for.

"You are such a babe. Niall doesn't realize how lucky he is." Beth says while fixing a few strands of my hair.

"I wouldn't go overboard. I look like a skeleton." I tug at my sweater.

"You will gain that weight back and look like the rest of us." Beth slaps my hands away.

"Most people would love to lose twenty pounds and I'm sitting here complaining." I laugh as I talk.

"You didn't have twenty pounds to lose though." Beth walks out of the bathroom and grabs all of her stuff. "Call me after and tell me every little detail!"

"I will!" I follow Beth to the door and hug her. "Thanks for putting up with me for the last three weeks."

"What are sisters for?" She smiles at me. "See ya later!" She opens the door and leaves.

Niall will be here any second and I'm nervous. I don't know what he is going to say. This is all so different. Niall never talks about his feelings and now he wants to. What if he still wants Brooke? Since I have only been on my medication for a day, my stomach starts to hurt as I stress out about going to coffee. Maybe I should cancel it. I don't think there is anything Niall can say that will change my mind about us not being together.

After a couple more minutes of me pacing around my apartment there is a soft knock and then the door opens. Niall walks in and his brown hair is really growing on me. I'm starting to like it more and more.

"Sorry I'm late. I ran into Beth downstairs and she gave me the dad talk." Niall laughs and shakes his head.

"Oh Beth. She definitely has my back." I laugh at the idea of Beth being intimidating.

"I'm glad you have her." Niall places his hands in his pockets and looks around. "It's weird being here. The last time I was here I was wasted."

"And the other time you were here you tried to kiss me." I quickly add, "even though you weren't attracted to me."

Niall walks more into the apartment and looks at me seriously. "Do you honestly believe that I wasn't attracted to you?"

The emotions in the room shift. Niall has a talent for taking things from being normal and comfortable to making there be sexual tension between us. He has a smirk on his face so I know he did this on purpose. Maybe he isn't completely different.

"Alright let's go get coffee." I grab my purse and walk past him.

We quietly leave my apartment and the bar and walk outside.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now