Chapter 45

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Charlotte P.O.V

The next morning I wake up not feeling very good. I quickly get ready to go to the hospital. I wear a pair of leggings with a t-shirt. I didn't take my hair out last night and there is so much hair spray in it still so it looks good. I put some foundation and mascara on and look in the mirror real quick. I think I look decent enough to go to the hospital. I don't want to look like a complete bum, but I want to be comfortable. I still need to figure out how I am getting to the hospital. I could walk, but my stomach hurts so much that I would be in so much pain. I will call Beth, hopefully I am not interrupting anything.

"Charlotte! This is the first time you have called me in three weeks. You must be feeling better!" Beth answers her phone immediately and starts talking.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Will you give me a ride to the hospital? I am going to get those tests done to see if I have an ulcer."

"Of course, I will be there in a bit!" She is perkier than normal. Her and Harry are totally back together.

When Beth gets to the bar she texts me so I run down the stairs to meet her. Today is Beth and my only day off for the week. I feel bad that she will be spending it at the hospital with me. She is too good of a friend. As I climb into her car I notice that we are matching. She is wearing black leggings with the same t-shirt I have on. Her hair is still up from last night as well. We do way too much stuff together.

"I'm not changing," I quickly say. Beth smiles and shrugs. She drives in the the direction of the hospital. She is awfully quiet now. On the phone she was loud and bubbly. "Why are you so quiet now?"

"Are you still super depressed over Niall?" She glances over at me and I can tell that she is about to burst.

"Just the normal amount of depressed over him. Why?" I smile and wait for her to spill.

"I think I am ready to forgive Harry! I mean I don't want to jump into a relationship right away, but go on a date and see how it goes." Beth smiles while she drives.

"That's awesome Beth. What made you decide this?"

"He has just been super nice and so gentlemenly." She pauses and seems to be thinking. "Plus watching you and Niall last night made me realize that I want the kind of love you two have. To love someone else so much that you don't think straight. You two just gravitate to each other, even when you fight it. You guys fighting it also made me realize that I don't want to fight it. I want to be with Harry so I need to get over my stupid issues."

I did not expect her to say any of that. I open my mouth to talk, but nothing comes so I close my mouth. After a couples minutes all I can say is, "we don't love each other."

"Yeah and I'm a virgin." Beth laughs and focuses while parking her car. We both get out of the car and Beth runs up to me. "His toast last night, he was talking about you. We all know it."

"He was talking about Louis and Eleanor's love. Stop reading into things so much."

We quietly walk into the hospital and go to the surgical floor. Harry and Niall are working today, but considering everything Niall said last night and what Beth is saying I decide that having Harry do the test will be for the best.

"You know this is intern work. I shouldn't be doing this," Harry jokingly complains.

"Shut up and get to work," I tease.

Harry grabs a couple things he needs and then comes and sits by me.

"Beth come hold her hand. She is going to freak out when I draw her blood." Harry smiles at Beth and she quickly comes and stands by me. "So what did you say to Niall last night? He was pretty bummed out when you first left, but after you came back and said a proper goodbye to us all he was smiling like a fool all night."

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