Chapter 6

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This is the longest chapter I have written so far. I thought about splitting it into two chapters, but then I decided against it.
I hope you enjoy it!


Niall, Harry, and Louis walk into the dining room right on cue. The fourth guy that followed them I have never seen before. He looked a little shorter than Harry, but you could tell through his jacket that he was built. He had brown hair that he liked to put up just like the other guys. I think they call it a quiff. I make eye contact with him and we smile at each other at the same time.

"This is Liam. He use to live here with us until he decided he was too cool," Louis said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, but Cheryl is a lot more fun than you guys. Plus I don't think she would let Bear grow up in this environment."

Before Liam continued I had to ask, "who is Bear?"

"His son. What do you think of that name Char?" Niall says while smirking at me. Niall can tell that I think the name is weird and is trying to cause problems. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing me flustered.

"The name's Charlotte not char." I then turn to Liam and say, "Bear is a wonderful name. Very unique, way better than the name Niall."

Harry, Liam, and Louis couldn't hold back their laughter at my lame comment about Niall's name. Niall shook his his head and even chuckled at my comment.

"Alright let's eat. Char, tell us about what we are eating." As soon as Niall said that I glared at him. He is going to keep me here just to irritate me.

Whitney jumped in before I could say anything rude to Niall, "cilantro lime chicken to put on top of rice. She also made a big salad!"

Everyone sat down and ate. I sat between Louis and Liam. I did that deliberately. I could see Niall making his way over to sit by me and I childishly ran to the opposite side of the table. I pushed Harry away before he could sit down. I was surprised he didn't fall over. I made small talk with Liam through dinner to distract myself from Niall's stares. I found out that Liam's wife is out of town visiting family with their son, so I would probably be seeing him a lot more. He was also a surgeon, but he worked on the pediatric floor. When Liam was done eating he thanked me and asked for the recipe. That started a whole round of thank yous and praises from rest of the guys.

"That was delicious Charlotte, thank you," Harry praised.

"I didn't know you could cook. That was awesome," Louis said in a sing song voice.

"Yes, very good Char," Niall sarcastically says and then he continues to say, "let's go watch Derby!" All the guys get up and walk in the direction of the theater room.

"You shouldn't have let Niall know that the name Char bothers you. Now that is the only thing he will call you," Whitney said while shaking her head at me.

"Where is he going? We have to talk about our contract. I would like to be able to leave this house at some point this weekend."

"You aren't going to be getting anything out of Niall when Derby is playing. Just take some time to relax and think about what your going to say to him. Do you need help with anything or can I go study?"

I sighed and then said, "you can go study. I'm just going to put these dishes in the dishwasher and then sit and wait for Niall." I should have said go bug Niall, but I knew Whitney wouldn't approve and would talk me out of it.


After the kitchen and dining room were clean and Whitney was settled in her room I headed for the theater room. The closer I got the more yelling and hollering I heard. As I walked into the room a stench hit me like a ton of bricks. I hurried and covered my nose.

Different From The Rest (Niall Horan AU mature)Where stories live. Discover now