Unexpected Marriage [Complete...

By deluluOffgun19

167K 9.8K 2.8K

Off and Gun families are so close before then. Their grandfathers were super close when they were young. They... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Author's Note.
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Q and A

Chapter 40

2.1K 138 50
By deluluOffgun19


I'm like a lost puppy after I landed in California. This is all new for me. I never been in this place. The ambiance is different. I know nothing here.

When I walking out of the airport someone got my attention. He has a small banner with my name on it.

"Mr. Atthaphan" the middle age man called me.

I walk to him quickly. "Yes sir?"

"I'm the one who sent of Standford to fetch you here, I'm Alexander Hurrai." He offered his hand on me. I accepted it and we both shake hands.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Alex" I smiled.

"Let's go?" I nodded then he help me with my luggage.

When I got in my dorm I prepared my things. The room is quite big not it's kinda mess. It have two bed in one room. A living room and small kitchen. It seems nice but my dorm mate is the problem. He didn't know how to clean the dorm damn! His shirts and pants are all mess around the room.

*knock knock~

I immediately open the door and I saw one of the staff of this dorm.

"Excuse me sir. This is your card key, your ID, and your uniform" She  handed the things on me. And it folds well organized.

"Thank you" I get my things. "Anyways, where is my dorm mate? Isn't he going back here?"

'Please say that guy is move out so I could enjoy this place alone' I prayed inner me.

"Oh he sleep here often. He always not here. He just go here to change" She informed me.

I sigh of relief. At least he didn't stay here everyday. The look of his room that guy seems not a good man.

"That's good. By the way, do you know someone who can clean this room? I'll them after" I can't really stand seeing this mess.

"Yes sir. I'll send her here tomorrow" She smiled then I nodded.

"Thank you"

"okay sir. I need to go. Take a rest too" She wai'ed and exited the room.

I collapse on my bed after. I'm so exhausted in travelling. I need to relax myself because tomorrow is my interview.


"Sir" someone knocking the front door so I quickly put my short and T-shirt on.

"Yes?" I asked the girl.

"I'm the one who will clean this room" She smiled.

"okay, come in" I open the door widely. Before the girl came in she get her cleaning materials first.

I showed and I let the girl clean the whole room. I need to be quick because the interview will start in an hour.

After I prepare myself I saw the girl cleaning in the living room. She almost finish and I'm so glad seeing my room is net and clean.

"Sir I'm finish" She stood looking at me.

I gave her the money but she declined. "C'mon get it" I insisted.

"No sir, I can't. This is my job and our service is included in the tuition you paid"

I still force her to get the money. "I insist. Take it as a tip. C'mon i have interview now I don't want to argue"

She don't have a choice but to get the money. "thank you sir" she bowed her head.

"No problem."

"I need to go sir. Have a nice day and goodluck on your interview" I just smiled.

I'm walking to the Dean's office. The Dean is the one who will interview me. I'm so nervous and excited.

"Ouch" I hissed when someone bumped me. I look down then I saw a student collecting her things on the floor. "Oh I'm sorry." I help her to get the books scattered on the ground.

"Look at your way next time, hun" she said sassily as she flipped her hair. Then she walk away like a mean.

'She look weird but she's pretty'

I look at my watch "i really need to hurry" I inside the huge, beautiful, classy University.

I asked some students where is the Dean's office luckily they seemed all nice.

I knocked when I already reach the Dean's office.

"Good morning sir" I wai'ed when the assistant of the Dean.

"Are Mr. Atthaphan?" he asked me.

"Yes, sir"

"Come in. Mr. Hamilton is waiting inside"


After the interview between me and Mr. Hamilton we shake our hands.

"Thank you so much sir." I smiled.

"Your class starts three days from now so enjoy your stay in California for a while"

"Noted sir" the Dean is so nice. I like talking to him. He interviewed me about my personal life and such.

"Here. That is your schedule" his assistant gave me the small card.

"Thank you. By the way, i need to go sir. Nice meeting you" I stood.

"Same here Mr. Atthaphan" I wai'ed then I went outside.

I decided to roam around the University. When I was walking I saw a pink wallet on the ground. I get it as look around if the owner is still here but the bell rang and class is starting. I just shrugged then I look around to find the owner.

I saw the girl bumped me earlier. She's walking while looking at the floor. She seemed finding something.

'Maybe she owned this wallet' I opened the wallet and I'm not mistaken. Her ID is inside. I look at the picture and to her to assure if she is the owner.

I approached her to give his wallet. "Hi"

"Hello..?" she looked at me oddly.

"I think this is yours" I handed her wallet.

"Oh my god! I was looking my wallet for a minute!" she exclaimed happily. "Thank you"

"No problem Ramida" I smiled.

She grimaced "Oh gosh! Don't call me that way again Nong! I'm Jane" she rolled her eyes.

"Are you thai?" I asked excitedly. She called me nong.

"Yes, and are you also?"


"oh nice" She said nonchalantly. "are you new here, aren't you?"

"Yes, i just came here yesterday. And by the way, I'm not Nong I might older than you" I said.

"Oh really? Sorry, I thought you're highschool" she giggles. "Anyways, I have class to catch up. See you around, hun" She flipped her hair again then she turn her heels and walk sassily.

I turned around but before I could walk something hard hits my head. I fall on the floor as I hold my head. My world spin faster as I feel dizzy.

"Hey, are you okay?" a familiar guy ask me.

He help me to stand. "Do you think I'm okay?!" I yelled in front of his face.

"yes?" he said but more on question. "There's nothing blood scattered and... you look fine" he wiggles his eyebrows. "So nothing to worry" he shrugged like it's not a big deal.

"What the hell?! I was about to die earlier?!" I hold his collar. I tip toed he is taller than me.

"Oh come on. You exaggerating, you won't die in a ball" Then he bent over to get the soccer ball.

"Why don't you say sorry?! You talk too much"

"Okay, I'm sorry" he rolled my eyes.

Damn. I want to poke that eyes agrhh!

I passed him as I purposely bumped his shoulder harshly.

A nice way to destroy my mood!

I try to divert my mind and focus on the food I was eating. I decided to have lunch here in the cafeteria, I haven't eaten breakfast earlier and I'm so fucking hungry.

"Excuse me" I look up who was talking. "Is this seat taken?" Jane pointed the available chair.

I shook my head. Maybe she wants to sit beside and accompany me. That's way better I won't feel lonely.

"No" I said.

"May I have this? The chair in our table is already preoccupied." Jane said. I just nodded.

I thought she will accompany me 


"Excuse me again" Jane get my attention. She still standing in my side.


"Can you carry this chair on our table?"

She command too much. Do I look his butler?!

"Sure" I don't want to be rude. First impression last, right?

I carry the chair to his squad. They are all girls. They look mean yet classy.

"Khob khun kha" She thank me while thai language.

I smiled. "No problem"


I will train myself to be alone.

I'm walking back to my dorm. It's already night and they have curfew here. Well, that's alright we are all students after all. This building is for all boys and in the other building next to ours is for girls dorm.

I opened my dorm and I saw nothing but a mess all over the corner. My blood rushing up in anger. I want to kill who did this!

I get myself in then I closed the harshly. I almost break our door. I immediately went to the room.

My jaw literally dropped when I saw the guy who hit a ball on me earlier. He is searching something in a drawer. He was throwing some things in on the floor.

The guy doesn't aware my presence because he was facing his back on me.

"Woaahh! A thief! A fucking thief! Help me! HELLPP!" I hysterically shouted.

He stood and glare at me. He walk closer so I stepped backward. Until I hit my back on the wall.

He hold my collar tightly as he look at me furiously.

"What did you do to my place?" he asked me with a cold tone.

"I should be the one asking you that?! What did you do to my dorm!" I yelled then I pushed him away.

"Why did you clean this room without my consent?!" I flinched when he yelled.

"How can I ask you if you are not around?! Are you crazy or what?!"

"Arggghh i really want to kill you!"

"Kill me now..." because I'm so tired of my life. It's full of heartaches. I don't want it.

The guy glare at me. "Are you sure? Because i will not hesitate to do that"

'my dorm mate has a criminal instinct. gosh I'm afraid'

"I'm just kidding!" then I nervously laugh.

He rolled his eyes and search for something on the drawer again.

"Can you find your thing without throwing the things up? What are you looking for?" I sat on my bed.

"My chip" he said without looking at me. He was because searching and throwing things.

"the hell?! Just a chip? I will buy you a dozen of chips tomorrow just stop..." I crossed my arms around.

"It's not just a chip idiot. It's a guitar chip that has sentimental value on me!" he look at me then sat on the floor while he was leaning his back on his bed.

"Why didn't you tell me early?" I open my drawer beside my bed then I get the guitar chip i saw earlier in the floor while the helper cleaning the house. "here" i tossed the chip on him.

His eyes light up when he saw his chip. "Oh my god thank you!"

He immediately stood and about to hug me. But I put my palm on his face stop him what he was trying to do.

"Thank you is enough" I said with a straight face.

"I'm sorry. I'm just carried away" he said shyly then he sat on his own bed. He was facing me. "I'm so happy i thought I already lost it."

"No problem. The problem is the mess you did. Look around asshole" We wander our eyes around.

"I'll clean it later hihi" he smiled awkwardly as he stracth his head. "Anyways, are you my new dorm mate?"

"No, I'm your conscience. So i order you to clean these mess"

"Fuck! I'm asking properly. Can't you reply nicely?!" he said irritated.

"Nicely" I said nonchalantly.

"Touché" He tried not rolled his eyes but he failed. I want to laugh out loud.

We stay in silent and we didn't talk for a while.

"Lee Thanat" he offered his hand. "And you are?"

"I'm handsome" i grinned. He glared at me. "Gun... Gun Atthaphan" we shook our hands.

"okay, Atthapan i have one rule here----"

"Damn it! It's Gun, Mr. Thanat!"

"It's Lee!" he argue.

"now you feel me?" I smirked. "What's your rule again?"

"Don't sleep on my bed." he said seriously.

I burst out of laughing. "hahaha are you kidding me right?! Hahah" he looked at me oddly. "do you think I will let my precious body to sleep in your stinky and dirty bed, hell no!" i continue laughing.

"whatever at least we are cleared." he stood and walked out of the room.

A moment has passed I followed him to the kitchen. I smell something delicious so I feel my stomach growling.

"Wow! You cook all of this?" My eyes widen when I saw foods in the small table.

"Yes. And that is all mine. I don't share" I pouted. "ask my old dorm mate for you to believe me" Lee said while chewing the food he cooked.

"Please I'm hungry. I can't go outside they may caught me. It's already curfew hour" I show him my puppy eyes.

He didn't reply. Lee is enjoying his dinner. I heard my stomach growling.

"Okay fine! Sit there. You're pets in your stomach growls annoyingly" he said irritated.

I happily sit on the available chair. "OMG! This is good. Hmm" I hummed when I taste the food.

"Oh my god! You are drooling. Ew!" Lee throw the green piece on my face.

"Hey don't waste the food!" I scolded him.



It's already one month when I got here. I already catch up the lessons well and making friends with my school/classmates.

Me and Lee is kinda friends now but most of the time we argue and bickering because of unreasonable things.

I really tried to divert my attention and focus on my studies to forget Off for a while. But when Lee didn't sleep on the dorm I can't help to feel lonely and remember what Off and I before. I'm still crying every night but I just make it quietly especially when Lee is around. I'm sure he will tease me a lot.

"Atthaph—" I glared when I heard my first name. "I mean, Gun" He correct himself.


"It's Saturday. Wanna come where I usually go?" Lee said while dressing up. He wear his leader jacket.

"It's late. Later, the curf—"

"Don't worry. The guard and I are close. He will still let us in. C'mon live your life don't drown yourself in studying you will easily get old. Look at you. You look 43 years old hahaha"

"Hey! I'm just 19" I crossed my arms around.

"Really? You don't look like you are" He teased me.

I want to beat his ass! "Okay I'll come with you!"

We quietly went out of our building then we ride together quietly.

Not a minute later we reach our destination. "Quietly loud..?" I raised my eyebrows as I read the sign board of the bar. It's weird.

"Let's go" He dragged me inside.

This bar is not that loud. The place is cozy and warm. The lights is not hurt in the eyes. It have a lot of tables and the guests are drinking while watching the singer in the stage.

"Lee" someone approach us. "who is this cute boy?" she look at me. She seems in 40s but she still look pretty.

"My dorm mate madame" Lee said my tapping my back. Maybe she own this bar.

"Good evening ma'am" I wai'ed.

"Hi" she smiled. "Lee are you ready?" She turned to Lee.

"I'm born to be ready madame" Lee and the owner laughed. I laughed along awkwardly.

"you gonna sing?" I asked when the owner is not with us anymore.

"Yup" Lee confidently say.

"Goodluck" I smiled.

"Stay here okay? I'll just sing once. I go here to hangout not to work"

"You are working here?!" I asked surprisingly.

"Yes. That's why i went back to our dorm often. Sometimes I slept here"

"I see" I nodded. "Go your madame might waiting you" I pushed him. "wait Lee." he turned to me. "Can I borrow your phone?" he tossed his phone on me. Luckily I catch it.

I opened his phone. I forget my phone in the dorm and I want to take pictures of Lee singing in the stage.

"Good evening everyone" Lee spoke in the stage.

All the guests cheered and clapped when Lee spoke. Wow he is popular here?

I just smiled at him then he spoke something on the mic again. I focus on his phone again.

I open his twitter to check what is happening in the world. But someone whispering me to search Off's name. I haven't check his socmed accounts because I blocked him. I don't want him to bother me or I don't want to see him for a while. But now, i can't help it.

🎶Somebody told me you were leavin'
I didn't know
Somebody told me you're unhappy
But it doesn't show
Somebody told me that you don't want me no more
So you're walkin' out the door~

Lee starting to sing. I looked at him first then I looked down on the phone again.

🎶Nobody told me you've been cryin'
Every night
Nobody told me you'd been dyin'
But didn't want to fight
Nobody told me that you fell out of love from me
So I'm settin' you free~

I search Papii's name on Lee's twitter. I nearly dropped Lee's phone when I scroll down and saw Namtan and Off photos.

'This is what I want but why it hurt so much?'

🎶Let me be the one to break it up
So you don't have to make excuses
We don't need to find a set up where
Someone wins and someone loses
We just have to say our love was true
But has now become a lie
So I'm tellin' you
I love you one last time
And goodbye~

I didn't notice my tears forming and starting to fall continuously. They seemed happy. And I'm happy for the both of them. But I can't help to feel the pain.

'Is it okay to be hurt, isn't it?'

🎶Somebody told me you still loved me
Don't know why
Nobody told me that you only
Needed time to fly
Somebody told me that you want to come back when
Our love is real again

I really need to move on and forget the pain. I don't know how to start again but it's needed. That is the only thing I could do. I don't have a choice but to move on.

'Hopefully Off will take care of Namtan. Hopefully Namtan won't cry again because of love. Hopefully their love will last forever. And hopefully I can move on as soon as possible so I can face them without any feelings for them especially for Off'

🎶Let me be the one to break it up
So you don't have to make excuses
We don't need to find a set up where
Someone wins and someone loses
We just have to say our love was true
But has now become a lie
So I'm tellin' you I love you one last time
And goodbye~

I still scrolling and crying quietly until the song is ended. I didn't notice Lee is hugging me. I cried on his shoulder until I feel okay.

"Why are you crying?" he asked worriedly "Did you see the porns in my phone? I should put password my phone next time so the kids like you won't see the nasty things inside" Lee joked.

I laughed even i was crying. I must look crazy now but this guy is really insane.

I hit his head then I wiped my tears.

"Yes, their position was wrong so I cry in disappointment" I joked also. He laugh loudly.

"Damn! So you are expert in positions then?" He chuckled as he handed me the bottle of beer.

I chugged it straight hoping the bitter sensation of beer could ease the pain I felt.

I single tear drop into my right cheek but immediately wiped it away.

"I'm may not good at advices but I make sure that I will make you happy" Lee smiled sadly.

"Thank you. Your presence is beyond enough for me" Lee put his arm around my shoulder.

"You still owe me" Lee said out of nowhere while we were drinking.

"owe what? I didn't told you to comfort me" I rolled my eyes.

"It's not that... You owe me 100 dollars before" I looked at his confused. "You forget, didn't you?" I nodded. "in train station? I paid the driver 100 dollars because he didn't accepted your credit card."

My eyes widen. So it was Lee? That's why the first time I saw him he looks familiar.

"Oh shit. I really thought you were a ghost that time. You disappeared after you pay" I said amazingly.

"The hell?! Anyways, you so fucking idiot why did you gave your card on the taxi driver? You really wealthy huh!"

"Hey, I'm not! I just didn't bring cash that time!" I yelled.

And we ended up arguing again.

A/N: You guess the wrong guy. You said the guy who gave 100 dollars is Oab!!! Lol

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