By Taekookieinacuteway

306K 10.4K 1.6K

Taehyung is heartbroken and pregnant the one he love did this to him, his parents disowned him but because he... More

Characters intro
chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30 (M)
chapter 31
Chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
chapter 57
Chapter 58
chapter 59
Chapter 60
Author's note

Chapter 41

2.4K 84 4
By Taekookieinacuteway

Please ignore mistakes.

No one's pov

It's been a week since they get back from their cute family vacation everything is going good and smooth kids were busy with school and also stayed at their grandparents for a week why.

Well because of the exhibition is tomorrow and jungkook and taehyung was so busy that they sometimes stay at their office because of work so thy ask jungkook's parents to take care of kids and they gladly accept because they love their grandchildren so much and also kids loves to spend time with them so it's no big deal for them.

Currently taehyung was at his office finalizing everything and jungkook was at the venue to take care of everything and checking if everything is prepared well he is planning something.

This exhibition is very important for them because after this they both get so much profit and also this is special for jungkook because of this deal he get taehyung back so he is planning to propose him and ask him to be his husband.

You guys probably wondering that it's too soon but for him it's not he made a mistake and loose him and his kids once he don't wanna loose them again he loves them to death so yeah he is going to ask him to marry him tomorrow.

And to be honest he is nervous as fuck well all of their friends know about that and they all were going to decide it after this that how he gonna propose him.

He was about to go out to meet with others when he recieved a call he checked the caller I'd and it says jimin so he picked up the call.

Hello jimin hyung, yeah I am on my way I'll be there in 5, yeah okay see ya.

With that he hung up and make his way towards his car he get inside and drove to where others were waiting for him.

After sometime he reached his destination which is a small cafe near the place where exhibition taking place so it just take 5 minutes for him to reach he made his way inside the cafe and saw everyone was there talking he went to them and greeted them.

"Hy guys I hope I am not late let's just order then we can discuss further" he said and take his seat beside hoseok who patted his back.

They all ordered and talked for a bit after sometime waiter came a placed there order they thanked them and digged in.

"So I was wondering what kind of proposal you are planning for tae" Jim asked all heads snapped towards jungkook he thought for a while and said "hyung I want to something special I want everyone to know that he belongs to me I want to propose to him in front of the world" he finished.

"Well you can propose to him while you guys were walking on a ramp" jimin said jungkook thought about it for a while and said "I can do that but where is the fun tho and I have seen many proposal like that" and pouted.

Everyone rolled their eyes at him but and idea pooped in jungkook's coconut head he smirked and said "I know what I have to do just need your little help jin hyung and also please we need kids help too" they all looked at him waiting for him to explain further and he explained everything to them thy all gotta admit that this coconut head give good ideas.

Time skip next day.

They were at the venue where exhibition is about to start the host invite jungkook and taehyung on stage to give speech so that they can start their exhibition.

Jungkook let taehyung speak first "hello and good evening everyone I am kim taehyung the founder and ceo of KTH fashion I am here to tell you that I am very glad to collab with Jeon entertainment and I hope you guys like the designs and our work together thankyou so much enjoy this evening guys and now Mr. Jeon would like to say something" with that he hand the Mic to his hubby I mean boyfriend.

"Well hello and good evening I am not going to take much time while talking non stop I just want it guys to stay till last I have an important announcement to make so stay tuned and enjoy the show" he glanced at taehyung and smirked he grabbed his waist and pulled him closer and pecked his lips "looking beautiful princess" taehyung blushed and said "and you looking handsome as always" and booped his nose.

                    (There outfits)

Exhibition is going great models were killing it and the designs come out so great that taehyung was receiving more offers jungkook is proud of his soon to be fiancé he chuckled at the thought of taehyung being his fiancè but he soon started panicking.

It's almost time for exhibition to finish jungkook went back stage and saw his cute bunnies dressed in a cute bunny outfit he cooed at them and picked them up in his arms and kissed both of them on cheeks receiving a fit of giggles from them.

"Dada are you ready" Areum asked jungkook sighed but nodded "yes princess I am ready" to be honest he was freaking out what if taehyung thinks that it's too soon what if he don't want to get engaged what if he will reject him but his thoughts cut off when he heard his hyungs saying that it's time for him to go to stage.

He gulped and make his way towards stage light were off taehyung was standing in front of the ramp confused thinking what is going on suddenly a spot light were on him he got more confuse.

Then pictures of him when he was young and him taking care of kids him working on his office his and jungkook's pictures were were start playing on a project and his favorite song was playing in background but what surprise him the most that it was in jungkook's voice and he can't deny he was feeling that he was on cloud9 he is the biggest jungkooker out there and he is define whipped for his bunny just like his bunny is whipped for him.

His thoughts were cut off when he saw his world standing in front of him carrying their children and they were dressed in a cute bunny costumes looking so adorable that he cooed at them loudly.

Areum hold mic for him and they both giggled at their dada because he was shaking and breathing heavily "dada you can do it" Jaeho said jungkook closed his eyes taking a calming breath he opened his eyes and smiled his bunny smile at taehyung who showed his body one.

With one last deep breath 'it's now or never jungkook' he nodded to himself and started "taehyung my love........


Don't worry next I will update tomorrow afternoon I won't leave you like that and also forgive me for this boring chapter but don't worry this is not the end.

Bye guys take care purples💜 and please stream lgo mv and also all songs on spotify.

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