Johnny Depp Imagines {COMPLET...

By BayBay08

1.6M 27.1K 17.5K

Here are some Johnny Depp character (including Johnny Depp himself) imagines. **Requests are CLOSED** *No Smu... More

Edward Scissorhands #1
Mort Rainey #1
Sam #1
Willy Wonka #1
Gilbert Grape #1
Sweeney Todd #1
Barnabas Collins #1
Johnny Depp #1
Jack Sparrow #1
John Dillinger #1
Jack Sparrow #2
Willy Wonka #2
JD Characters #1
Ichabod Crane #1
JD Characters #2
Johnny Depp #2
Johnny Depp Poem
Sweeney Todd #2
Jack Marshall #1
Sam #2
Johnny Depp #3
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #1
Johnny Depp #4
JD Characters #3
Barnabas Collins #2
Gellert Grindelwald #1
Ichabod Crane #2
Sweeney Todd #3
Gator Lerner #1
Tom Hanson #1
Edward Scissorhands #2
Willy Wonka #3
Barnabas Collins #3
Gilbert Grape #2
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #1
John Dillinger #2
Sweeney Todd #4
JD Characters #4
Jack Sparrow #3
Mort Rainey #2
Gilbert Grape #3
Edward Scissorhands #3
Willy Wonka #4
Johnny Depp #5
Roux #1
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #2
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #2
Willy Wonka #5
JD Characters #5
Sweeney Todd #5
Mort Rainey #3
Ed Wood #1
Edward Ratchett #1
Willy Wonka #6
Ichabod Crane #3
Johnny Depp #6
Jack Sparrow #4
Edward Scissorhands #4
George Jung #1
Jack Sparrow #5
Gellert Grindelwald #2
Jack Sparrow #6
Tom Hanson #2
Willy Wonka #7
Sweeney Todd #6
JD Characters #6
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #3
Johnny Depp #7
Mort Rainey #4
Sam #3
Gilbert Grape #4
Willy Wonka #8
JD Characters #7
Willy Wonka #9
Glen Lantz #1
Tom Hanson #3
JD Characters #8
Willy Wonka #10
Barnabas Collins #4
Don Juan DeMarco #1
Jack Sparrow #7
Sweeney Todd #7
Gator Lerner #2
Gellert Grindelwald #3
Jack Sparrow #8
Johnny Depp #8
Mort Rainey #5
JD Characters #9
The Wolf #1
Gilbert Grape #5
The Wolf #2
Willy Wonka #11
Johnny Depp #9
Edward Scissorhands #5
Johnny Depp #10
Jack Sparrow #9
Johnny Depp #11
Edward Scissorhands #6
Ichabod Crane #4
Spencer Armacost #1
Johnny Depp #12
JD Characters #10
Richard Brown #1
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #3
Johnny Depp #13
Jack Sparrow #10
Barnabas Collins #5
JD Characters #11
Gene Watson #1
Don Juan DeMarco #2
Gilbert Grape #6
Sweeney Todd #8
Jack Sparrow #11
Johnny Depp #14
The Wolf #3
Jack Sparrow #12
Johnny Depp #15
Jack Marshall #2
JD Characters #12
Johnny Depp #16
J.M. Barrie #1
Johnny Depp #17
John Dillinger #3
Roux #2
The Wolf #4
Glen Lantz #2
Barnabas Collins #6
Jack Sparrow #13
Johnny Depp #18
Charlie Mortdecai #1
Ichabod Crane #5
Willy Wonka #12
Johnny Depp #19
Mort Rainey #6
Tom Hanson #4
John Dillinger #4
John Wilmot #1
Willy Wonka #13
Jack Sparrow #14
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #4
JD Characters #13
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #4
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #5
Gellert Grindelwald #4
Johnny Depp #20
Sweeney Todd #9
Tonto #1
Richard Brown #2
Gator Lerner #3
Tom Hanson #5
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #5
Johnny Depp #21
Tonto #2
Jack Sparrow #15
Tom Hanson #6
Barnabas Collins #7
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #6
Mort Rainey #7
Johnny Depp #22
Frank Tupelo #1
Sweeney Todd #10
Barnabas Collins #8
Mort Rainey #8
Barnabas Collins #9
Sweeney Todd #11
Ichabod Crane #6
Johnny Depp #23
Willy Wonka #14
Sweeney Todd #12
Agent Sheldon Sands #1
Ichabod Crane #7
Tom Hanson #7
JD Characters #14
Mort Rainey #9
Willy Wonka #15
Sweeney Todd #13
Johnny Depp #24
The Wolf #5
Johnny Depp #25
Sweeney Todd #14
Tom Hanson #8
JD Characters #15
Edward Scissorhands #7
Jack Marshall #3
Don Juan DeMarco #3
Johnny Depp #26
The Grand Finale Story

Jack Sparrow #16

4.8K 80 18
By BayBay08

Imagine you're a pirate who travels with Jack Sparrow and you both are confronted by the Royal Navy.

*Requested by Janepeg*

It's been exactly a year since you ran away on your wedding day in Port Royal from your arranged fiancé, Cornelius Dudley, and went from being the daughter to filthy rich parents to starting your new life as a pirate on the Black Pearl with the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow, who 'married' you at the altar when he was disguising himself as Cornelius while he was running from the Royal Navy. Being a pirate was the best decision you've ever made as your life with your rich parents was rather boring and you've always been seeking out for adventure and excitement your whole life, even if it meant being chased by known enemies of the sea. You get to see what was out in the horizon that probably no one has never seen before, sword fight minions of an enemy, and being part of the crew of the Black Pearl that seemed like family to you.

Even though you weren't actually married to Jack, he still treated you like a wife. After he took you to his ship after you decided to run away with him, you both got to know each other and he warned his crew mates not to be 'googly-eye-balling' towards you. He's very protective of you whenever danger was potentially lurking around the corner, he would sometimes ask if you were alright, he taught you a few maneuvers on sword fighting, and he would make you laugh when it came to his drunken state and asking where the rum was. From time to time when you got to know more of him and have incredible adventures with him, you were falling in love with Jack and you wished that you would actually marry him, but you didn't know when that day will be and you kept wondering if he was serious about marriage.


The Black Pearl was docked at the Port Royal docks after Jack decided to explore your hometown for a bit, with you accompanying him so you can take a look at it yourself to see if anyone would possibly recognize you after being gone for exactly a year. You wore your pirate dress, along with your pirate hat, sword, black tights, and black boots before you met with Jack. He looked at you with admiration in his dark brown eyes of how beautiful you looked in the outfit you were wearing before he started walking down the dock, wobbling a bit from being drunk, with you were following him from behind.

You and Jack walked through the town, with people staring at you both with their mouths wide open in shock as they recognize Jack from 'Wanted' posters and seeing you with him. "Everyone's staring at us, Jack." You whispered. Jack blew raspberry and waved his hand before he said, "Let them stare. We ain't doing anything wrong except walking on the dirt of this miserable town." You rolled your eyes and chuckled at his response and smirked at everyone looking at the two of you.

"Pirates! Somebody help us! There are pirates walking on our land!" One man shouted out of nowhere, idiotically and dramatically, while pointing at you and Jack at the same time. People nearby, then, started running around, panicking, while you and Jack were being nonchalant with the commotion happening around you both. "Yes, we are pirates and we're just strolling along and hoping one of you could point to us to the nearest tavern." Jack said out loud. You rolled your eyes again and shook your head when you knew what he was going there for. "I'm gonna go find some bread, Jack." You told him. "Alright, love." Jack responded, and, then, you walked to a different corner of the market.

Moments later, the Royal Navy, suddenly, appeared and Jack stopped in his tracks. They had their Brown Bess Muskets in their hands before their they were ordered to surround him with their Muskets up. Once he was surrounded, the Commodore approached him, with his hands on his hips and a grin on his face. "Well, well, well. This day couldn't get any better. I sent the Royal Navy for a morning routine march. But instead, I have captured the infamous pirate Jack Sparrow, the one who ruined my wedding exactly a year ago and stole my fiancé." Cornelius said, with an evil revengeful grin on his face trying to look intimidating. But Jack wasn't feared by the Commodore; he was twirling one of his dreadlock strands, while he was thinking of another incident that happened that same day. "And I also stole the bottle of champagne that day as well." He added.

"I've waited for a long time to figure out how I was gonna get rid of you, Jack Sparrow." "Captain Jack Sparrow, if you don't mind, powder wig." Jack interrupted. "Whatever and the name's Cornelius Dudley. Anyway, now that you're here, I'll make sure to have you arrested and executed, slowly and painfully." Cornelius said. "Can I prefer it to be quick and less painful, Corny? I get impatient when it comes to slowly and painfully." Jack asked, dimwittedly. "Whatever you say. Arrest this pirate!" Cornelius ordered, and, then, the Royal Navy was about to move closer to Jack with their Muskets still up towards Jack, who put his hands up to surrender.

"I don't think so, Cornelius." A familiar voice said out of nowhere that caused Jack, the Royal Navy, and Cornelius to look around, confused to know who it was until they looked up to see you standing at the roof of a nearby building, holding a rope in your hand. Then, you jumped off the roof and swung down towards them. "Ha! See, Corny? My lady has come to rescue me." Jack stated. But as you were getting closer, you swung towards Cornelius' direction and kicked him in the chest, where he fell down on the ground, shocking all of the Royal Navy. Jack furrowed his eyebrows, in confusion, and said, "Strange. I thought she was gonna scoop me in her arms and swing away from all of you Red Coats."

You released the rope and landed on your feet on the ground and walked towards Cornelius, who was still on the ground, while being blinded by the sunlight where he couldn't see your face. "No one here is taking Jack away, so you back off or else we're gonna settle this the hard way." You said. "Oh, yeah? And how are you gonna settle this, lady pirate?" Cornelius mocked. You, then, drew your sword and responded back, "By challenging you to a sword fight. Unless you're too scared to be beaten by a woman." "Ooh. Now that's what I call sass. I love this lady." Jack said, in the background, with his arm around a random soldier's shoulders, who looked at Jack, confused.

"Oh, I'm not scared, darling. In fact, I'm the opposite of that. I'm proud because I know that no female can't win in a sword fight." Cornelius said, with confidence, as he drew his own sword and was beginning to stand up. Once he was up on his feet, showing off his tall height, he still couldn't see your face with the tip of your pirate hat blocking it. "Yeah. We'll see about that, darling." You said, while saying the word 'darling', sarcastically. Then, you started swinging your sword at Cornelius' sword, in which he yelped in surprise. "Ha! I can already hear the fear coming from your mouth!" You exclaimed, and, then, you kept stepping forward and swung your sword at him again. Cornelius was walking backwards doing the best that he could to block your swings. He was shockingly flabbergasted by your sword fighting skills since he'd underestimated you from the beginning. But he still wanted to beat you in this duel.

Seconds later, you did a quick twirl and swung your sword towards Cornelius' tricorne and sliced the feather off the top of it, making Cornelius gasp. You laughed and said, "Now you're featherless." You heard Jack laugh in the background before you continued on with your duel with the so-called fearless Commodore. He continued to keep up with you until he began losing his balance and it gave you an idea. "Here. Give me a big swing." You told him. A grin started to grow on his face as he was thinking that you were giving up, so he took his sword and gave it a big swing towards your direction. But you quickly ducked down and Cornelius ended losing his footing afterwards. You stood up and stepped towards him, where you pushed him to the ground and pointed your sword at his chest.

"Guess you were wrong, Commodore. Females can win at a sword fight." You said, and Jack cheered from the background at your success. "This is impossible. I can't believe I've been beaten by a woman in a sword fight." Cornelius said. "Not only did you get beaten by a pirate and a woman." You started to say, and, then, you put your sword away, took your hat off, fluffed your (h/l) (h/c) hair, and revealed yourself to him. "But you also got beaten by your own ex-fiancé, Cornelius." You added.

After you revealed yourself, Cornelius' eyes widened and his mouth was agape when he finally recognized you. "(y/n)?" He squeaked, shockingly. You grinned at his reaction. "Y-You're a pirate and you're with that filthy Jack Sparrow?" "Captain Jack Sparrow. Must I repeat me self again? And there's no need for name-calling, Corny." Jack said. "Yes. I am a pirate, Cornelius, and I am with Captain Jack Sparrow, since the day I left you on our arranged wedding day." You answered. "And when I 'married' her when I was you." Jack added.

Cornelius struggled to get more words out of his mouth as he looked at you and Jack back and forth until you spoke again. "I know. It must seem so embarrassing to lose a sword fight for once by a pirate who is your ex-fiancé in front of all these Red Coats right here, so Jack and I will go now while you have your 'losing' moment on the ground. Come on, Jack. Let's get out of here." You said, while you gestured Jack to follow you. "Right behind you, love." Jack said, and, then, he simply walk from behind you as you walked away from Cornelius and the Royal Navy.

Minutes later, as you and Jack were getting closer to the docks, Jack broke the silence once you both were further away from Cornelius and the Royal Navy. "That was brave thing that you did back there, (y/n). I'm glad you beat that Corny man." He spoke. You giggled at Jack's nickname for Cornelius and said back, "Oh, it was the right thing for me to do. I wasn't gonna let them take you away and execute you, Jack." "Well, I am thankful for you doing that for me and I am very impressed with you beating your ex-fiancé. You have no idea how much I love seeing you sword fight; you've got some sass and good-looking tricks." Jack said, with a smirk at the end. You blushed and giggled again after he said that.

"You know, (y/n), I've been thinking about this for quite awhile and I think it's time I finally tell you after you saved me." Jack said, which made you stop in front your tracks and look straight at Jack, who was looking directly into your (e/c) eyes, with admiration in his eyes. He took a strand of your (h/l) (h/c) hair behind your ear, which made you blush once again.

"It's been a year since you ran away with me from your wedding day and we got 'married', even though it wasn't for real, and I kept thinking that marriage was nothing to me. But being with you has changed me and even if we weren't actually married, I still treated and protected you as if you were my own wife. Um...I'm not good with speeches like these, so let me get to the point. Since we've got to know much more about each other during the whole year, why don't we make it into a reality of you becoming my actual wife?" Jack said, as he took something out of his pocket and revealed it to you of what it was. A pirate ring with a black diamond on it.

You gasped, quietly, at the sight of the ring and looked at Jack, with a smile of your face. You never thought that this day would come of him actually proposing to you to be an actual married couple. You were about to answer back to him until you heard Cornelius' voice from a far away distance about arresting you and Jack. Then, you quickly said, "Yes! Yes, I will marry you, Captain Jack Sparrow! Now let's get out of here!" "Couldn't agree more, love!" Jack said, as he slipped the ring on your left ring finger, and, then, he took your hand and you both started running towards the docks, where the Black Pearl was waiting for you two. "Wanna get married on the Black Pearl today?" Jack asked, while you two were still running. "Sure! I'd marry you anywhere and any day, Jack!" You answered back to him, while the two of you were getting closer to the Black Pearl.

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