Door VanRahdBooks

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A story about a woman who finds herself in a situation she never expected and it changes her whole life forev... Meer

Chapter 9
Continual of Chapter 39.
Continual Of Chapter 40
Continual Of Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Continual of Chapter 42
Continual Of Chapter 43
Continual Of Chapter 45
Continual Of Chapter 46
Continual Of Chapter 47
Continual of Chapter 48
Continual of Chapter 49
Author's Note.


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Door VanRahdBooks


Seeing my sister getting married to the man she loves was the best day of my life. She is happy with him and they both love each other. I know I don’t have to worry about her cause I know mbuso will move heaven and earth to make her happy and she will do the same.

“ where are you going to get someone who will help us with their DNA? ” my dad asks as we leave their house.

“ we have to call victor and let him know that those detectives were here and he must go to their house and give us anything that has their DNA. I’ll send one of the guys to go collect it cause I have to go to Durban to talk to the guy who will help us. ”

“ ok son. I just wonder why victor didn’t call and let me know that his mother reported sipho missing. ”

“ Or the guy could be lying dad. Do you know he is luh's ex boyfriend? ” I laugj

“ he is?, which one? ”

“ the skinny one ” we both laugh.

“ that boy has a death wish, going to mbuso’s house like that?. ”

“ I know. ” we arrive home

“ I’m going to call Alex in Newcastle and tell him to watch out for those detectives in case they show up there and start asking questions. ”

“ ok dad I’m going to pack up then leave. ”

“ are you okay son? Ever since ngwende told you all those things you’ve been different. ”

“ it opened my eyes dad, that I can’t live my life like a bachelor forever. I have to have my own family and seeing luh and mbuso get married made me long for that kind of love too.”

“ don’t put too much pressure on yourself son. You will meet her ”

“ thanks dad, let me go and pack so I can leave. ” he pats my back then leaves. I go to my bedroom and begging to pack. I take the bags to my car

“ I have phoned victor and he says that police man is lying. No one came to mask him any questions and his family didn’t report sipho missing. ”

“ then what are they playing at?. ” I ask hin

“ he said he will get to the bottom of it and he will send someone here today to bring things that will have their DNA. ”

“ ok dad. Let me go then. ”

“ drive safe son and call me when you get home. ” my dad says.

“ I will. ” I hug him then get in the car and drive off..

Since everything is almost back to normal I have to focus on finishing building mbuso’s company with bonga then focus on my company. This year a lot has happened and I’m glad that most of the things are over and we can now all move and focus on our lives but then those detectives just came out of nowhere unless someone is feeding them information.

I call zama and see how she’s doing cause I’m still keeping taps on her. I know she bought a house in Joburg  and a car like I told her. She still does as she’s told. It rings. “ sawubona mapholoba ” ( hello) I chuckle.

“ maShenge unjani sthandwa sam? ” she laughs.  ( how are you my love? )

“ ngiyaphila sthandwa sam wena? ” ( I’m good my love and yourself? )

“ I’m good too. ” she sighs.

“ You don’t sound like you are fine? ”

“ just thinking a lot I guess. How are things going? ”

“ things are going great. I bought a house and a car and I think you already know that. My family lives here with me, I relocated them ”  I chuckle..

“ I’m happy to hear that. Is everything okay?, do you need anything else? ”

“ I’m graduating next year so don’t worry about me. But I’m struggling to find a job here.. It’s not as easy as I thought. ”

“ Zama I told you to let me know if you need anything from me. Do you still have money? ” I don’t want her to struggle not when I can help her.

“ I do have enough money to take care of everyone sicelo stop worrying. I just need a job cause you know I’m still going to study part time. ”

“ give me a week and I’ll have something for you. Other than that are you okay? ”

“ I am mapholoba and thank you very much for everything. ”

“ I’m just looking out for my homegirl ” we laugh.

“ Thanks homeboy. How is your sister doing cause I saw her traditional wedding pictures on her Instagram and she looked so beautiful sicelo wow. ” I chuckle

“ it was a beautiful ceremony, she’s great and she’s waiting to give birth. ”

“ I will call her and send my congratulations. ”

“ she would really like that. ”

“ thanks for calling and checking out on me. ”

“ remember I’m just a phone call away. ”

“ I know that. I’ll wait for your call then ”

“ Ok maShenge. We’ll talk later then. ”

“ bye ” I hang up. She sounds happy and good and that’s what I was hoping. I think about ayanda and I know she’s getting the help she needs from the hospital. I call one of my guys.

“ boss? ”

“ did I not ask you to find tshepo for me? ”

“ you did boss but then Celeste told us to drop it ”

“ do you work for me or for Celeste? ”

“ For you boss. ”

“ then find me that guy!. ” I hang up. Damn Celeste.

In two and half hours I’m in Durban. I go straight to my house cause I want to relax and call the guy to prepare a meeting with him. My guys let me in but they look nervous.. I drive in and see many cars parked inside my yard. What the hell is going on here!.

I find space and park my car. I get out and go to the front door, open it and see many different woman of all shapes , sizes and skin colour. I stand there and look at them and they are having a party. In my house, it smells of alcohol and cigarette and I don’t even smoke. I look around and I don’t see Celeste. I am the only man here so this must be a lesbian party or something. I walk between bodies and find the sound system.

I take the remote and switch it off and they all make noise and some look at me like who invited this man.

“ hey! Hey! Hey!, I told you guys not touch the sound system!. ” Celeste yells from somewhere and sounds like she’s running towards me and when she sees me she stops and looks at me shocked. Even though I’m taller than all these women here, I stand on top of my coffee table.

“ If you know that you don’t live here please Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. House. Now!!!! ” I shout and they look at me like this man is crazy!.

“ boss? ” Celeste says. These women think I’m playing. Ok!. I pull out my gun and cork it and when they see it they all go out running.

“ but boss?! ”

“ I’ll deal with you later!. When I come back I better find my whole house clean and spotless or else you will know me!. ” I get off the table and leave the house. I get in my car and I drive off until I find myself at the beach. I park my car and walk to the beach and sit down. I think I’ll stay until the sunsets.

I close my eyes and listen to the waves and feel the sea breeze on my skin. I’m glad I’m wearing shorts cause it is hot. I take off my running shoes and feel the sand between my toes. I close my eyes and just feel the breeze when I hear this soft voice that keeps laughing. It stops and laughs again. I open my eyes and look at the ocean and there are people there playing but the voice doesn’t come from there. It laughs again and I wear my shoes, stand up and follow her laughter. I walk about few metres when I see her cause she’s laughing again. I sit down and watch her as she plays with her kids. They are playing soccer one is a girl and the other is a boy and they look like they are 7 and 8 years old. They are all playing, passing the ball to each other, laughing and they sound so happy.

I find myself smiling looking at them and wanting to join them. She’s wearing a long floral dress that’s covering her body and it fits her well. She’s a full figured woman and has a beautiful waistline. She has dreadlocks, nice. They stop playing. She opens her bag and takes out a towel and she lays it down and they all sit on it with her in the middle..

She looks for something and takes out a chocolate and shares it between the three of them and the kids look so happy. They eat it while watching the sunset and I’m watching them. She wraps her hands around both of them and brings them closer to her chest and they lay their heads in her chest. This is beautiful.

I look at her face and see that she’s looking at me fuck!. My hearts beats so fast I quickly look away but something pulls me to look at her again  and I do. She is getting up and packing her towel. I quickly get up and go to them.

“ Mr you have been watching us from the moment you got here and you are beginning to scare me. ” she really sounds scared. She does have a lovely voice.

“ I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. ” she ignores me and takes her kids hands and they walk away. I follow them. “ can I talk to you please?. ”

“ no!. Please leave us!. ”

“ let me take you back to your hotel cause it is not safe right now. It’s about to be dark and you don’t want to be alone with the kids on the streets. ” I tell her.  Well it is not safe.

“ sir please you are scarring my children. Lease us alone. ”

“ lady let me walk you to your hotel and I promise after I see that you are all safe I will leave you alone cause I won’t  forgive myself if anything happens to you. ”

“ why do you care? ”

“ I care because they need you and you need them. ” she stops and looks at me.

“ ok but no funny business. ” I chuckle.

“ no funny business. Lead the way. ” I walk beside the little girl. “ so can I ask what your name is? ”

“ you don’t need my name, you are just walking us. ” ohk.

“ mama we didn’t greet uncle. ” the boy says. I smile.

“ He’s not uncle, he’s a stranger. ”

“ but you are talking to him and you always tell us that we must greet adults. ”

“ and I taught you not to talk to strangers too kagiso ” the boy looks at me then looks down.

“ my name is kamohelo ” says the little girl with her front two teeth missing. We stop walking and I smile and crouch down to her level.

“ hello kamohelo my name is uncle Sicelo ”  she smiles, she’s adorable.

“ mine is kagiso uncle ” they are cute.

“ how are you champ? ”

“ I’m good uncle. Mom tell him your name. ” she smiles shaking her head and I laugh. I get up and look at her.

“ well are you going to tell me your name ? ”
“ nope. ”

“ I guess I’ll call you mom then ” she laughs I love her laugh.

“ please don’t!. ”

“ tell me then. ”

“ fine. I am lesego. ” I smile.

“ beautiful name. So our kids are all going to have sotho names?. ” she walks on and laughs. I join them and kamo holds my hand. I look at her and she smiles. This is big cause if kids don’t like you they don’t and you will know cause they don’t pretend. Her holding my hand means a lot to me. Cause it shows trust and acceptance.

We walk until she stops outside this hotel and it looks dodgy. I don’t like this place. “ we are booked here. So thank you for walking us. ”

“ let me at least walk you to your door cause this place looks dodgy. ”

“ I know. It’s nothing like how it was on their website but I can’t do anything cause I have already paid the money. ”

“ let’s go. ” We get inside and this place looks like prostitutes live here and that means drugs and different men come here. We get in the elevator and there are people inside. I pick up kamo and put kagiso in front of me. It stops on the second floor and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol is very strong. She goes to her room, unlocks the door and we get in and it’s even worse. I look at the door and it looks like it doesn’t lock from the inside. I put kamo down and go to the bathroom and it’s okay but not fit for kids. I look at the windows and some are broke covered with plastic. And the bed looks old and worn out.

“ how many nights have you slept here. ” she’s looking at her suitcase

“ we got here today. I think someone went through our things. ”

“ did they take anything? ”

“ Uhmm no, but I didn’t leave our things like this. ”  I switch the tv on and look for a cartoon channel and okay it for the kids.

“ kids go and watch TV, I want to talk to your mom. ” they go and sit on the bed. I pull her away from them. “ I know you have just met me and you don’t trust me or know me but lesego please!. You can’t sleep here with the kids. The door doesn’t lock from the inside, look at the bathroom and someone was here and went through your things. This place is not safe for you and your kids.”

“ I know that.. I don’t have enough money to book is into another hotel. I asked for a refund and they told me I can’t get it back cause I had already paid and agreed to the conditions. ” she sighs.

“ let me take you and the kids to my place. You will be safe there I swear to you. I’m not a criminal and I will not do anything dodgy to you. I can give you my family’s phone numbers and you can call them and ask them anything you want. ”

“ honestly I was scared to sleep here with my kids. ”

“ then let me take you to my place. You’ll stay there and you’ll be safe. ”

“ your wife won’t mind? ”

“ I don’t have a wife or girlfriend. I have a woman who works for me and she’s a lesbian and I found her having a party in my house without letting me know. I told her when I come back I better find my house clean. ”

“ does she live with you?. ”

“ hell no. ” she laughs.

“ I choose to trust you Sicelo don’t make me regret it. ”

“ I promise you, you won’t.  ” She packs some of the things that were on the bed then I help her carry the bag. “

“ kids we are going to go with uncle Sicelo to his place. We are not going to sleep here. ”

“ but mom you said he’s a stranger? ”

“ he’s not a stranger anymore. He’s a good uncle who’s helping us okay? ”

“ okay mommy ” they are so well mannered.

“ is there a tv in your house uncle? ” I laugh

“ there is a big one.. You’ll watch all the cartoons you want to watch ”

“ can I play with my ball outside the street? ”

“ you’ll play in the backyard. Let’s go guys. ” l pick up kamo and take the bag. Lesego takes kagiso’s hand and we leave locking the door. She looks at me and I wink at her. We checkout of the hotel and we walk to my car for like 15 minutes.

“ wow mama such a big car!. A BMW mama yoh ” kagiso says and we laugh. I put kamo in the backseat and put the safety belt on and do the same to kagiso. I out their bag in the boot then open the door for lesego.

“ after you madam ” 

“ thank you ” she gets in.  I walk to the drivers side, get in then drive to my place


All the cars are gone but Celeste’s car is still here with a cleaning company car. She hired someone to clean my house. I park in the garage then look at kids and they have surprised expression on their faces. They have been quiet the whole way here and I don’t know if it’s because they are scared but what I noticed is they are well behaved kids. She’s doing a great job raising them. I look at lesego and I think she feels uncomfortable cause she keeps gripping her hand bag.

I place my hand on top of hers and she looks at me. “ what’s wrong? ” I ask her?. She shakes her head. “ this is my home and you are welcomed here. You and the kids are safe here and you will stay until you go back home okay?.  She nods. I get out of the car, open her door and she blushes, I smile. I unbuckle the kids and close their doors. “ come guys. ” this time it’s kagiso who takes my hand and man that does something to my heart.

“ Are we not taking the bag with us? ” she asks.

“ someone will get it. Come ”  I open the garage door connecting to the kitchen and kamohelo gasps in shock. I chuckle. “ are you guys hungry? ” of course they are why am I asking?. They look at their mom first then look at me when she nods.

“ we are uncle. ” they both say.

“ ok kids, you need to go and bath first then we will go out and have something to eat what do you say? ” they look at each other excited

“ yes please uncle. ” they both say

“ mom is that okay with you? ” I ask her

“ are you not tired? ” she asks them.

“ please mom. We slept the whole way coming here. Can we also get some ice cream please? ”

“ ok we will go out then. ” they do a high five.

“ let me show you your rooms. ”

“ I would like for us to sleep in the same room. If that’s okay. ” she’s scared and I understand.

“ I understand. Come. ” we leave the kitchen and Celeste is busy pointing and talking nonstop to the cleaners and the machine s making noise.

“ celeste.” She hears me cause she turns and looks at me then looks at lesego and the kids. She comes towards me.

“ why? are they still not done? ”

“ boss, give us 20 minutes then they will be done. ”

“ 10.minutes Celeste and bring me the bag in the car. ”

“ hi my name is Celeste and I work for my boss here. ”

“ she is lesego and these are her kids kagiso and kamohelo. Go get the bags we need to talk. ”

“ boss I’m sorry about the party. ” I look at her and she shuts her mouth and leaves. I walk on and they follow me. I take them to the room opposite mine.

“ wow!. ” they all say. They like it, that’s better.

“  you like it? ”

“ it’s a beautiful bedroom. Thank you sicelo for your kindness. My kids and I really appreciate it. ” I nod.

“ the bathroom is that side and I think it has everything you might need in there. ” Celeste knocks and brings in the bag and leaves. “ I’ll let you guys get on it. I’ll be in the kitchen when you are done. ” she nods. I leave and close the bedroom and go the kitchen.

“ Celeste who do you work for? ”  she looks at me.

“ for you boss why? ”

“ does my staff work for you and take orders from you? ”

“ no unless you told me to tell them something. What’s going on boss? ”

“ who gave you permission to tell the guys to stop looking for tshepo? ” she shakes her head.

“ boss I thought that maybe since you and ayanda are no longer together then there was no need for us to keep looking for him. ”

“ do I pay you to make decisions for me or pay you to do what I tell you?. ”

“ what you tell me boss. I’m sorry and we will keep looking for him. ”

“ now tell me how the hell do you decide to throw a party here in my private house Celeste not even that one me and mbuso bought?! ”

“ boss I was trying to impress this chick boss. She has been giving me the run around and I just wanted her to see that I roll with the big dogs. ” I shake my head laughing.

“ don’t ever do that again. Not in my house or that house cause mbuso won’t be so nice about it and understanding.”

“ yes boss. ”

“ we have a problem. The police are investigating us about the disappearance of buhle and her parents. ”

“ what?, how do they think you are involved. ” I tell her everything that happened. “ there is someone leaking information to the police, someone in our circle. ”

“ I think so too but who cause it has to be someone who hears everything. ” I tell her

“ do you think your houses are bugged? ”

“ what?, hell no!. Mbuso would know ” fuck no.

“ a lot has been going sicelo with them, when was the last time he upgraded the security system? Or all of you searched the houses for any bugs since all of these people have came into your lives? ”

“ what are you saying Celeste? ”

“ sicelo I have known you and we’ve worked together for years. I trust you and you trust me. Who is Preston and what is his deal in this family?. None of you actually know exactly where he comes from. Look at how he blabbed and told everyone about luh expecting twins. ”

“ you think he is the one leaking the information? ” I’ll fucken kill him

“ look, I’ll investigate him and before the week ends I’ll have a file on him. ”

“ do that. I have to go and shower. I’m taking them out for dinner ”

“ She’s beautiful. Who is she? ”

“ my future wife and mother to my kids. ” we both laugh.

“ you think she’s the one? ”

“ I know she is. I found her. ” I leave her looking at me shocked. I shower quickly then change and go downstairs. I find them in the living room waiting for me. “ have you guys been waiting long? ”

“ just a few minutes. ” she says

“ have you seen Celeste? ”

“ no I haven’t ”

“ Celeste? ”

“ I’m right here, why are you shouting? ” she says coming from the kitchen.

“ you are coming with us. ”

“ boss please don’t make me babysit the kids, I’ll take any punishment but not watching the kids. ”

“ you are. ” she mumbles something then leaves. Lesego laughs.

“ why is she coming with us? ” she asks

“ so we can have some time to talk. You look beautiful ” she blushes and looks at me.

“ Thank you.”

“ are you guys ready to eat? ”

“ Yesss ” they say excitedly

“ where would you like to eat? ”

“ can we go to McDonald’s uncle? ”

“ but I want to go to Spur ” kamo says

“ but mom takes us to Spur kamo. Let’s go to McDonald’s please? ” her brother begs her a and I smile. It makes me think of luh and how I never got to know her when she was at that age. We were robbed of that.

“ hey, are you okay? ” she asks me touching my arm.

“ yeah I’m okay. They remind me of me and my sister. ”

“ we should let mom decide kamo. ” kagiso says. These kids are smart.

“ ok mom where are we eating? ” I ask her, she blushes.

“ let’s go to Spur tonight so you guys can play. ”

“ ooh man ” kagiso says and I laugh. We get in the car and drive off with Celeste and two of the guys following us. I drive to the one in Umhlanga and the kids are very excited. “ mom may we go and play? ” they ask her when we are shown to our table.

“ you may. But play where I can see you. ” she says.

“ Thank you mommy ” they say and run to the play area. We order and she orders for them.

“ you don’t drink? ”  she gets shy.

“ I do but maybe when we get home… . I mean your house, I’ll have a glass if you have some wine there. ”

“ I do. When are you planning to go back home? ”

“ I had booked until it was Sunday. I would have checked out Sunday morning then took a bus home with the kids. ”

“ how was the ride on the bus with the kids? ”

“ ugh it was stressful. I don’t want to do it again but it was an experience. ” I  an imagine

“ who is lesego and where is she from? ” they bring us drinks. We both chose sodas and juice for the kids. I don’t want to drink while I’m driving with the kids in the car.

“ I’m from free state in Bethlehem, I live with my parents Mr and Mrs Motaung, have 4 other siblings. I’m the middle one. My brother thuso is the eldest, then it’s my sister mapaseka, me and my younger itumeleng and the last born my brother mpho. My brother and sister are married then it’s us. I work at the kids school as a clerk.”

“ you have a big family. ”

“ yeah we are. ” the kids come, drink their drinks then go and play with the other kids.

“ you are doing a great job with them. They are so well mannered and respectful. You are a great mom. ”

“ Thank you. It means a lot to hear that. We are strangers and you took us to your house why? ”

“ because I saw that place and it wasn’t safe for you and the kids. I have a sister lungi, she’s pregnant and I think if maybe she was in the same position you were in that maybe someone would help her. I know these days it’s not safe because women get killed and raped and so that’s the first thought that came into my mind and when I saw that the door didn’t lock from the inside. It scared me honestly. ” she nods.

“ so you have only a sister? ”

“ it’s my dad, me and my sister. We call my aunt mah even though she’s like two years older than me. ” she laughs. “ then my uncles and their wives and my cousins. ”

“ your sister lives with your dad? ”

“ no she’s married and they are expecting twins she is lungi Gumede now and I am sicelo ngcobo. She lives with her husband back at home in Ladysmith but they are going to relocate to here. The are currently building their house. ”

“ that’s really nice. So you are not in any relationship and don’t have any kids? ”

“ I woke up single but that changed when I saw you. I would like to be in a relationship with you and not be single anymore. And kids uhm I think I have two now. A boy and a girl ” she laughs.

“ don’t say that. Don’t joke like that. ”

“I’m not joking lesego. ”

“ you pronounce my name so beautiful ”

“ I love the sound of my name on your lips. It makes me want to taste them. ” heat creeps up from her neck to her face. The waitress comes and gives us our food. She stands and goes to call the kids and I look at her and she has a beautiful body and behind. My kinda woman. Full figured. She comes back and the kids sit.

“ let’s close our eyes. Kamo say grace. ” I close my eyes.

“ thank you God for this food. For mom taking us to Durban and we saw the sea and for meeting uncle uhmmm… uncle..uhmm thank you for uncle amen. ” she says and we say amen. Being included in her prayer makes my heart melts.

“ thank you angel of including me in your prayer. ” she smiles.

“ you’re welcome uncle ” I chuckle.

“ Mom says we should always thank God for what we are grateful for. ” says kagiso.  ( She prays for you and is waiting for you to find her. You will know when you meet her.) Ngwende was talking about her. She’s mine. My chosen one. I entwine my hand with hers. She looks shocked but I know she feels the connection I feel for her.

We all dig in and eat and they tell me about their school and friends but mostly they tell me how they hate waking up in winter to go to school. They make me laugh and I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun and laughed this much and Celeste gives me a thumbs up. She approves. They eat their ice cream but they don’t finish it cause they are getting sleepy.

“ let’s go before they sleep on the table. ” she fishes for something in her bag and takes out her purse. “ what are you doing? ”

“ paying our bill. ”

“ please put that purse inside. I already paid the bill. ”

“ you did? ” she doesn’t believe me..

“ I did.” I pick kagiso up and the little champ wraps his hands around my neck and sleeps. My heart feels like it was empty before but now those empty spaces are being filled by them. I call Celeste over, she comes and I give her the bill. She laughs. Lesego picks up kamo and we leave. I place him nicely in the car and fasten the seatbelt and she does the same.

I drive out slowly and switch the radio 2000 on. The traffic has cleared now and not as hectic. Lesego seems to be deep in thought and I don’t want to disturb her. I hope she doesn’t think that I want to harm her and the kids cause I would never. I take her hand in mine and she squeezes it lightly. I drive until I get home holding her hand.

We take the kids to her bedroom and I help her dress the kids with pyjamas and we put them to bed. She kisses them good night then looks at me.

“ you are sleeping too? ”

“ no, I would still like to have that glass of wine.” I take her hand and we leave the door slightly ajar and go to the lounge.

“ white or red wine? ”

“ can I have semi sweet white wine please? ” I go to the kitchen and come back with a bottle of it. “ it was in the fridge so it’s chilled. ” I pour her a glass and myself a glass too.

“ thank you for tonight. The kids had a wonderful time. ”

“ I did too. ” I sit down next to her. “ what were you thinking about in the car? ”

“ About you, showing up and saving the day. I kept waiting for my gut to warm me and tell me that maybe something is wrong but it hasn’t. ”

“ I know you don’t trust me and it’s okay. I hope I have shown you somehow that you can trust me but I’ll keep showing you that.”

“ what do you mean you’ll keep showing me? ”

“ dance with me? ”

“ what? ” I get up, switch on the radio and play radio 2000. I take her hand and pull her close to me. She’s afraid to touch me.

“ I just want to dance with you. ” she relaxes her body then snakes her one hand around my waist. Her forehead is next to my mouth. I kiss her forehead, I entwine our hands and place the other one on her back and we dance to kci-jojo all my life. I sofly sing the lyrics of the song to her until the song ends.

“ thank you for the dance but I would like to go to bed ” she yawns. I don’t want this night to end.

“ you had a long day. I’m just glad that I have two more days with you before you go back home. Tomorrow is Friday so we will take the kids to Ushaka marine. They are going to love it. ”

“ they will. Thank you sicelo for everything. ”

“ I haven’t done anything yet but if you let me I can do more. ”

“ sicelo… .. ”

“ shhhhh. Well talk tomorrow. ” I take her to her bedroom and we stand outside the door.

“ good night sicelo. ” she gets in and is closing the door but I stop her.

“ lesego? ” she looks at me. “ I…good night. ” she closes the door. I look at the door after she has closed it then leave. I am going to make sure that she and the kids have the best time here in Durban. I know she’s the one for me and I’m not letting go of her. I’m not going to spend another minute without her in my life.



All the cars are gone but Celeste’s car is still here with a cleaning company car. She hired someone to clean my house. I park in the garage then look at kids and they have surprised expression on their faces. They have been quiet the whole way here and I don’t know if it’s because they are scared but what I noticed is they are well behaved kids. She’s doing a great job raising them. I look at lesego and I think she feels uncomfortable cause she keeps gripping her hand bag.

I place my hand on top of hers and she looks at me. “ what’s wrong? ” I ask her?. She shakes her head. “ this is my home and you are welcomed here. You and the kids are safe here and you will stay until you go back home okay?.  She nods. I get out of the car, open her door and she blushes, I smile. I unbuckle the kids and close their doors. “ come guys. ” this time it’s kagiso who takes my hand and man that does something to my heart.

“ Are we not taking the bag with us? ” she asks.

“ someone will get it. Come ”  I open the garage door connecting to the kitchen and kamohelo gasps in shock. I chuckle. “ are you guys hungry? ” of course they are why am I asking?. They look at their mom first then look at me when she nods.

“ we are uncle. ” they both say.

“ ok kids, you need to go and bath first then we will go out and have something to eat what do you say? ” they look at each other excited

“ yes please uncle. ” they both say

“ mom is that okay with you? ” I ask her

“ are you not tired? ” she asks them.

“ please mom. We slept the whole way coming here. Can we also get some ice cream please? ”

“ ok we will go out then. ” they do a high five.

“ let me show you your rooms. ”

“ I would like for us to sleep in the same room. If that’s okay. ” she’s scared and I understand.

“ I understand. Come. ” we leave the kitchen and Celeste is busy pointing and talking nonstop to the cleaners and the machine s making noise.

“ celeste.” She hears me cause she turns and looks at me then looks at lesego and the kids. She comes towards me.

“ why? are they still not done? ”

“ boss, give us 20 minutes then they will be done. ”

“ 10.minutes Celeste and bring me the bag in the car. ”

“ hi my name is Celeste and I work for my boss here. ”

“ she is lesego and these are her kids kagiso and kamohelo. Go get the bags we need to talk. ”

“ boss I’m sorry about the party. ” I look at her and she shuts her mouth and leaves. I walk on and they follow me. I take them to the room opposite mine.

“ wow!. ” they all say. They like it, that’s better.

“  you like it? ”

“ it’s a beautiful bedroom. Thank you sicelo for your kindness. My kids and I really appreciate it. ” I nod.

“ the bathroom is that side and I think it has everything you might need in there. ” Celeste knocks and brings in the bag and leaves. “ I’ll let you guys get on it. I’ll be in the kitchen when you are done. ” she nods. I leave and close the bedroom and go the kitchen.

“ Celeste who do you work for? ”  she looks at me.

“ for you boss why? ”

“ does my staff work for you and take orders from you? ”

“ no unless you told me to tell them something. What’s going on boss? ”

“ who gave you permission to tell the guys to stop looking for tshepo? ” she shakes her head.

“ boss I thought that maybe since you and ayanda are no longer together then there was no need for us to keep looking for him. ”

“ do I pay you to make decisions for me or pay you to do what I tell you?. ”

“ what you tell me boss. I’m sorry and we will keep looking for him. ”

“ now tell me how the hell do you decide to throw a party here in my private house Celeste not even that one me and mbuso bought?! ”

“ boss I was trying to impress this chick boss. She has been giving me the run around and I just wanted her to see that I roll with the big dogs. ” I shake my head laughing.

“ don’t ever do that again. Not in my house or that house cause mbuso won’t be so nice about it and understanding.”

“ yes boss. ”

“ we have a problem. The police are investigating us about the disappearance of buhle and her parents. ”

“ what?, how do they think you are involved. ” I tell her everything that happened. “ there is someone leaking information to the police, someone in our circle. ”

“ I think so too but who cause it has to be someone who hears everything. ” I tell her

“ do you think your houses are bugged? ”

“ what?, hell no!. Mbuso would know ” fuck no.

“ a lot has been going sicelo with them, when was the last time he upgraded the security system? Or all of you searched the houses for any bugs since all of these people have came into your lives? ”

“ what are you saying Celeste? ”

“ sicelo I have known you and we’ve worked together for years. I trust you and you trust me. Who is Preston and what is his deal in this family?. None of you actually know exactly where he comes from. Look at how he blabbed and told everyone about luh expecting twins. ”

“ you think he is the one leaking the information? ” I’ll fucken kill him

“ look, I’ll investigate him and before the week ends I’ll have a file on him. ”

“ do that. I have to go and shower. I’m taking them out for dinner ”

“ She’s beautiful. Who is she? ”

“ my future wife and mother to my kids. ” we both laugh.

“ you think she’s the one? ”

“ I know she is. I found her. ” I leave her looking at me shocked. I shower quickly then change and go downstairs. I find them in the living room waiting for me. “ have you guys been waiting long? ”

“ just a few minutes. ” she says

“ have you seen Celeste? ”

“ no I haven’t ”

“ Celeste? ”

“ I’m right here, why are you shouting? ” she says coming from the kitchen.

“ you are coming with us. ”

“ boss please don’t make me babysit the kids, I’ll take any punishment but not watching the kids. ”

“ you are. ” she mumbles something then leaves. Lesego laughs.

“ why is she coming with us? ” she asks

“ so we can have some time to talk. You look beautiful ” she blushes and looks at me.

“ Thank you.”

“ are you guys ready to eat? ”

“ Yesss ” they say excitedly

“ where would you like to eat? ”

“ can we go to McDonald’s uncle? ”

“ but I want to go to Spur ” kamo says

“ but mom takes us to Spur kamo. Let’s go to McDonald’s please? ” her brother begs her a and I smile. It makes me think of luh and how I never got to know her when she was at that age. We were robbed of that.

“ hey, are you okay? ” she asks me touching my arm.

“ yeah I’m okay. They remind me of me and my sister. ”

“ we should let mom decide kamo. ” kagiso says. These kids are smart.

“ ok mom where are we eating? ” I ask her, she blushes.

“ let’s go to Spur tonight so you guys can play. ”

“ ooh man ” kagiso says and I laugh. We get in the car and drive off with Celeste and two of the guys following us. I drive to the one in Umhlanga and the kids are very excited. “ mom may we go and play? ” they ask her when we are shown to our table.

“ you may. But play where I can see you. ” she says.

“ Thank you mommy ” they say and run to the play area. We order and she orders for them.

“ you don’t drink? ”  she gets shy.

“ I do but maybe when we get home… . I mean your house, I’ll have a glass if you have some wine there. ”

“ I do. When are you planning to go back home? ”

“ I had booked until it was Sunday. I would have checked out Sunday morning then took a bus home with the kids. ”

“ how was the ride on the bus with the kids? ”

“ ugh it was stressful. I don’t want to do it again but it was an experience. ” I  an imagine

“ who is lesego and where is she from? ” they bring us drinks. We both chose sodas and juice for the kids. I don’t want to drink while I’m driving with the kids in the car.

“ I’m from free state in Bethlehem, I live with my parents Mr and Mrs Motaung, have 4 other siblings. I’m the middle one. My brother thuso is the eldest, then it’s my sister mapaseka, me and my younger itumeleng and the last born my brother mpho. My brother and sister are married then it’s us. I work at the kids school as a clerk.”

“ you have a big family. ”

“ yeah we are. ” the kids come, drink their drinks then go and play with the other kids.

“ you are doing a great job with them. They are so well mannered and respectful. You are a great mom. ”

“ Thank you. It means a lot to hear that. We are strangers and you took us to your house why? ”

“ because I saw that place and it wasn’t safe for you and the kids. I have a sister lungi, she’s pregnant and I think if maybe she was in the same position you were in that maybe someone would help her. I know these days it’s not safe because women get killed and raped and so that’s the first thought that came into my mind and when I saw that the door didn’t lock from the inside. It scared me honestly. ” she nods.

“ so you have only a sister? ”

“ it’s my dad, me and my sister. We call my aunt mah even though she’s like two years older than me. ” she laughs. “ then my uncles and their wives and my cousins. ”

“ your sister lives with your dad? ”

“ no she’s married and they are expecting twins she is lungi Gumede now and I am sicelo ngcobo. She lives with her husband back at home in Ladysmith but they are going to relocate to here. The are currently building their house. ”

“ that’s really nice. So you are not in any relationship and don’t have any kids? ”

“ I woke up single but that changed when I saw you. I would like to be in a relationship with you and not be single anymore. And kids uhm I think I have two now. A boy and a girl ” she laughs.

“ don’t say that. Don’t joke like that. ”

“I’m not joking lesego. ”

“ you pronounce my name so beautiful ”

“ I love the sound of my name on your lips. It makes me want to taste them. ” heat creeps up from her neck to her face. The waitress comes and gives us our food. She stands and goes to call the kids and I look at her and she has a beautiful body and behind. My kinda woman. Full figured. She comes back and the kids sit.

“ let’s close our eyes. Kamo say grace. ” I close my eyes.

“ thank you God for this food. For mom taking us to Durban and we saw the sea and for meeting uncle uhmmm… uncle..uhmm thank you for uncle amen. ” she says and we say amen. Being included in her prayer makes my heart melts.

“ thank you angel of including me in your prayer. ” she smiles.

“ you’re welcome uncle ” I chuckle.

“ Mom says we should always thank God for what we are grateful for. ” says kagiso.  ( She prays for you and is waiting for you to find her. You will know when you meet her.) Ngwende was talking about her. She’s mine. My chosen one. I entwine my hand with hers. She looks shocked but I know she feels the connection I feel for her.

We all dig in and eat and they tell me about their school and friends but mostly they tell me how they hate waking up in winter to go to school. They make me laugh and I can’t remember the last time I had this much fun and laughed this much and Celeste gives me a thumbs up. She approves. They eat their ice cream but they don’t finish it cause they are getting sleepy.

“ let’s go before they sleep on the table. ” she fishes for something in her bag and takes out her purse. “ what are you doing? ”

“ paying our bill. ”

“ please put that purse inside. I already paid the bill. ”

“ you did? ” she doesn’t believe me..

“ I did.” I pick kagiso up and the little champ wraps his hands around my neck and sleeps. My heart feels like it was empty before but now those empty spaces are being filled by them. I call Celeste over, she comes and I give her the bill. She laughs. Lesego picks up kamo and we leave. I place him nicely in the car and fasten the seatbelt and she does the same.

I drive out slowly and switch the radio 2000 on. The traffic has cleared now and not as hectic. Lesego seems to be deep in thought and I don’t want to disturb her. I hope she doesn’t think that I want to harm her and the kids cause I would never. I take her hand in mine and she squeezes it lightly. I drive until I get home holding her hand.

We take the kids to her bedroom and I help her dress the kids with pyjamas and we put them to bed. She kisses them good night then looks at me.

“ you are sleeping too? ”

“ no, I would still like to have that glass of wine.” I take her hand and we leave the door slightly ajar and go to the lounge.

“ white or red wine? ”

“ can I have semi sweet white wine please? ” I go to the kitchen and come back with a bottle of it. “ it was in the fridge so it’s chilled. ” I pour her a glass and myself a glass too.

“ thank you for tonight. The kids had a wonderful time. ”

“ I did too. ” I sit down next to her. “ what were you thinking about in the car? ”

“ About you, showing up and saving the day. I kept waiting for my gut to warm me and tell me that maybe something is wrong but it hasn’t. ”

“ I know you don’t trust me and it’s okay. I hope I have shown you somehow that you can trust me but I’ll keep showing you that.”

“ what do you mean you’ll keep showing me? ”

“ dance with me? ”

“ what? ” I get up, switch on the radio and play radio 2000. I take her hand and pull her close to me. She’s afraid to touch me.

“ I just want to dance with you. ” she relaxes her body then snakes her one hand around my waist. Her forehead is next to my mouth. I kiss her forehead, I entwine our hands and place the other one on her back and we dance to kci-jojo all my life. I sofly sing the lyrics of the song to her until the song ends.

“ thank you for the dance but I would like to go to bed ” she yawns. I don’t want this night to end.

“ you had a long day. I’m just glad that I have two more days with you before you go back home. Tomorrow is Friday so we will take the kids to Ushaka marine. They are going to love it. ”

“ they will. Thank you sicelo for everything. ”

“ I haven’t done anything yet but if you let me I can do more. ”

“ sicelo… .. ”

“ shhhhh. Well talk tomorrow. ” I take her to her bedroom and we stand outside the door.

“ good night sicelo. ” she gets in and is closing the door but I stop her.

“ lesego? ” she looks at me. “ I…good night. ” she closes the door. I look at the door after she has closed it then leave. I am going to make sure that she and the kids have the best time here in Durban. I know she’s the one for me and I’m not letting go of her. I’m not going to spend another minute without her in my life.

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