Snooks || HIATUS

By asimpforfelix

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I grabbed his chin making him look at me, "but i love you dearly.." He bit the inside of his cheek, "Oh how... More

Just some info
i. A visit to Riddle's home
ii. Hogwarts
iii. What house?
iv. Leaving so soon?
v. ๐‘‡๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘ง๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘ ๐‘‡๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก
vi. Cowards!
Goblet of fire
vii. Four champions
viii. Harry Potter
ix. ๐น๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
x. Late night with a hufflepuff
xi. A ball
xii. I was waiting on you
xiii. ๐‘†๐‘’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
xiv. Don't get yourself involved
xv. Changes
xvi. Disrespect on his name
xvii. ๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
xviii. She took over
xix. Blood
0. Order of the Phoenix
2. Mother
3. Mission: Escort Harry
4. Out burst
5. Skateboarding
6. Anonymous Letter
7. I am Tiana Riddle
8. Fix of that attitude
9. Goodbye my dear friend
Quick little note
10. Rage
11. Me
12. Not quite returning yet
13. Kill
14. Preparing for the ministry battle
15. Hold back
Cero. Halfblood Prince
Uno. Train Ride
20k!!! WTFFFF
Dos. Sorting
Tres. Potions
Quattro: Anything for you
Cinco. Monster
Seis. Baby
Siete. Invite
Ocho. Slug Club Dinner
Nueve. Defense against the dark arts
Diez. Gaunt house
Once. Death
Doce.Ride back home
Trece: Ride back home II
Kristina Anderson Grindelwald

1. Who is she?

752 20 44
By asimpforfelix

-no gif today!

Also early update because I'm bored and have three chapter drafts waiting for y'all ! 🙈

Chapter one: Who is she?

(A/N; queen!)

Bellatrix pov;

"She is doing just fine lord. Yes, she hasn't made quite a fuss in Hogwarts." Severus? What was he on about?

I pressed myself against the door, eager to hear what was going on.

"Good. I visited her a couple days ago and I'm also going today. I'm bring her back with me...I presume that you'll make some time in your schedule to tell Narcissa? "

My brows furrowed, her? Does the Dark lord have a significant other now? Why would she ever be in Hogwarts?

I knocked on the door, "Come in." I heard Severus say and I walked in, looking around but failed to see the Dark Lord.

"What is it that you need Lestrange?" Severus uttered and I sighed.

"You see Severus...I've been hearing rumors that there's a new addition to our team?"

No, I hadn't heard these rumors but I knew it was the best way to find out.

"Really? From who." He question as he sat down on his chair, completely unfazed.

"People." I simply responded and wandered around in the room.

"Well then I must tell you that you are in fact correct." He responded and took out a Daily Prophet.

"And who might that be-? Because you know, we haven't had a new addition in years!" I quickly added and watched as he nodded.

"Well it's someone close to him, she's powerful and she attends Hogwarts." He responded but I bit my lip.

"Close to him? Who?" I said walking closer to him.

"You'll see later Lestrange, she's coming with him." He said and I grinned.

"She is? Well that's great..." I said and turned around, I would question Narcissa later.

"Don't try anything Lestrange, she's new but not stupid." He said and I shut the doors behind me.

I'll break her

"How come you are so close to him that even Severus says it." I whispered and headed straight to my room.

——— Meanwhile with Tiana ———

"Wake up child, wake up." I heard someone harshly say and I groaned, turning over.

"Wake up."

My eyes widened as I realized who was talking to me, I shot up and looked over at my door to see a very unamused Voldemort.

"Father....hi." I said sheepishly and he narrowed his eyes.

"Get ready, we're leaving to the Malfoy Manor. I'm currently staying there and it would nice if you cooperated and went with me so that you can be introduced-" He saw my face and then added on

"As a new follower, no one knows of your existence but they will after today. It is up to you if you tell them who exactly you are." He said and I grinned

"Really? So I can act all mysterious and then boom! I'm your daughter!" He stared at me for a few seconds and then nodded.


I squealed and he covered his ears and glared at me, "Behave child."

I nodded and ran into my closet, looking at it I sighed and walked over to the bag of clothes I had bought.

I was too lazy to put them into my wardrobe and I was glad I was because now I don't have to take them out and take them with me to the Malfoy manor since I can just take them inside the bags.

"Oh do you mind?" I said looked at him, he looked a little confused and I held up my dress and then pointed at the clothes I was wearing.

"Oh right..." I muttered and closed the door.

(Dress is the picture in the beginning)


"I look beautiful." I said laughing as I watched myself in the mirror.

There was a knock on the door and I opened the door, walked to my bed and sat down, putting my heels on.

"You're wearing that?" I could hear the distaste in his voice and I looked up at him shocked.

"Um...yeah. It's beautiful!" I said and he stared me down.

"No, you look like you're going to a forest." He said and I frowned.

"Yeah well at least I don't wear the same old robe everyday." I covered my mouth and looked at him, he only glared at me and looked down at his robes.

"I don't see anything wrong with them." He said and I stood up, almost falling when I stepped on the bottom of my dress.

"You wear that everydayyyy." I sing song-ed the end

"Aren't you tired of it?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No, I don't wear a lot of color, in fact I don't like a lot of color that much." He said and walked out.

I stared at my dress, "So that's why you hate it so much."

I walked downstairs and followed him into the kitchen, "Where's that old Lady?"

I felt myself thinking about how mother also called her old lady.

"Tiana." His sharp voice made me look up at him instantly.

"Oh I kicked her out." I said and he raised a brow.

"You don't have a house elf?"


"We'll have to adjust some things here. Oh and this red color on the walls-"

"Maroon." I corrected him.

"Maroon. Has to go, so does the yellow and this disgusting blue." He said and shook his head in disappointment.

"Well come on, we need to go- oh put his hood on."

"What hood-" I spoke too soon as a clothing material hit my face.

I put it on and to my distaste, it covered most of my dress.

I grabbed hold of his arm and we apparated, "Keep your head low. I don't want your face being seen yet."

I obeyed and kept my head down.

"Oh lord! We are glad that you are back!" I heard a voice exclaim and I glanced up to recognize it as Dracos dad, Lucius Malfoy.

"Who is thi-"

"We will be going now. I assume Narcissa has a room ready for her?"

"Y-yes my lord."

"You'll be going with Narcissa, she's really trustworthy. She'll be leading you to your room. You are to stay there til I, or someone else calls for you."

I nodded, "Yes lord."

Looking satisfied, Father handed me to this women that named Narcissa and she gave me a warm smile even though she couldn't see my face which made me smile.

"Lucius, we need to talk." I could hear fathers voice and then it was gone.

We walked up a flight of stairs and I sighed, "Is anyone around here?"

"N-no." She seemed surprised that I talked and I laughed, pulling my hood down.

"Oh my god, it was getting so boring having to hide my face you know?"

She looked at me full of surprise, much more when she looked at what I was wearing.

"It's pretty right! It better be because it cost a lot of bloody money." I said and she nodded.

"I-it does!" She said

"Oh you don't have to worry about calling me anything! As long as you don't treat me like a bitch then we're good!"

She sighed in relief, "You're accent- are you from America?"

"No actually, I was born here!" I said and she looked confused.

"Oh well as soon as I could talk I moved to America and then I gained this accent, then I moved to East and went to Durmstrang. Yup up north from here."

She seemed genuinely interested and I smiled, "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

I stuck out my pinky and she smiled, linking her pinky with mine. "Promise."

"I moved to Hogwarts after Albus asked me to. I've been searching for Voldemort my whole life so when I found out he was here I, of course told Albus I would accept his offer. " I said and her jaw dropped.

"Why do you tell me this?" She whispered and I smiled.

"I dunno, I feel really comfortable around you. Also you promised and I believe in you." I winked and she laughed.

"Narcissa?" I heard a voice call out and immediately I clenched my fists.

I don't know what it was about that voice but I didn't really like it.

I pulled my hood and ushered Narcissa to lead me to my room, which she obeyed and we walked down the hall that we room was in.

"Narcissa! It's you. How lovely! I've been searching for you- oh who's this?" Her voice sounded sickeningly sweet just like how mothers was when people came over.

"I'm not sure. She came with the lord though."

"Hmm why don't we ask her who she is?"

"Darling, what's you're name?" She asked and I glared at the floor, remembering mother.

"Thank you, Narcissa for taking me to my room. I'll be going inside now, I would love to spend more time with you but as Voldemort said, I cannot leave unless he asks for me or someone else under his order does."

With that I opened the room door and shut it behind me, I could hear them whisper arguing and it ended with Narcissa saying "She did not tell me her name and you mustn't get into the Lords business, he'll get mad at you Bellatrix."

Bellatrix? Dads most loyal follower.

I peeked my head out of the room, my hood still on.

"My names Tiana."

I shut the door again, not wanting to look at their expressions.

I laid down on the bed and sighed feeling how soft the bed was, "I need one of these beds in my house."

Not knowing when, I fell asleep and woke up to feel someone lightly shaking me.

"What?" I groaned and slapped their hand away but they only shook me again.

I opened one eye to see Draco, "Draco? Oh hi. Wait what!" I screamed and he winced.

Okay, okay, I knew Draco would be here but HIM waking me up...?

"Yeah, Hi Tiana. I kinda need you to go with me to the dining hall where everyone's waiting for you. Apparently your father gave you a notice an hour ago but you didn't go downstairs when my mom knocked so my father ordered for me to wake you up. The Dark Lord is upset."

"Well The Dark Lord can get over it." I said and stood up, dusting off imaginary dust.

"He's killed someone already but apparently you don't care since it isn't you dying." He said and opened the door.

"Woah woah. Slow the fuck down." I said and shut the door.

"Tiana did you not hear me? The Dark Lord's mad, or do you want him to kill more people."

I ignored that and stared at him, "I do care, okay? I fell asleep. I don't know what's going on with you but-"

"It's you not telling me who your father is that is going on with me."

I looked down, "Well I didn't want you to think bad of me so I didn't tell you."

"I do think bad of you because you didn't tell me-"

"And it's okay. I would think that of me too. It's just that people always assume bad things of me so I don't tell anyone." I said and he looked a bit guilty for a minute before he turned and nodded.

"Everyone assumes I'm like him and it hurts because everyone expects so much."

He slowly turned to me and I paused, "I don't want you to think bad of me though.."


"Because." I grabbed both of his cheeks and kissed him, my eyes fluttered closed and just when I was going to pull away he leaned back in and I smiled.

We both pulled away and our foreheads touched, "I really like you Draco."

He smiled, "I like you too Tiana."

My heart starting beating fast, Draco likes me. Draco likes me. Draco likes me. Draco likes me.

"We should go now.." I said and he nodded.

We both straightened up and we walked to the dining hall, arms locked.

"This is where we part." He whispered and entered before me.

I breathed in and gathered all of my confidence before pushing the doors open and walking in. I ignored the stares and only focused on my father who was looking at me expecting-ly. I spotted the seat next to him and walked to it.

I faced him, curtsied "Dark Lord."

He nodded, "Sit down."

I smiled and sat down, facing all of his important followers.

I folded my hands on top of the table of the table and scanned everyone.

"Is Narcissa Draco's mom?" I whispered at father and he looked at Narcissa.

"Yes." He said aloud making everyone curious as to what we were talking about.

"Hmm." I said and one women caught my eye, Bellatrix. She sat one seat away in the right. Severus sat right next to me, on the left.

"Bellatrix." Father said and everyone, including me looked at him.

"That's Bellatrix." I smiled and gave her a small wave.

"M-master i-if you don't mind me a-asking...who is this." She said looking down.

I looked at father, waiting his answer along with everyone.

Just then, a snake slithered from the end of the table to the very head, where father and I sat.

He petted the snake and I didn't flinch at all, I actually adored creatures, especially snakes.

He merely looked at me, "Well? Introduce yourself child."

My jaw dropped and furiously I whispered, "I thought you were to introduce me! That's why I didn't make a huge entrance!"

"You made everyone's eyes draw to you so you're good. " He whispered and I pouted.

"Introduce yourself, I won't say it again." He said aloud and I sighed.

"Fine!Fine!" I said and everyone looked at me like I had just killed their master.


No one said anything and I stood up, "My name.."

I looked at father who glared at me.

"Okay.." I said and took a deep breathe.

"My name is Tiana Riddle bitches." I said and grinned.

"I would've wish for you to do it properly but that'll do for now, sit down." Father said

I sat down and then everyone began whispering except for Severus, Lucius, Draco and Bellatrix.

I began laughing and everyone shut up, "What are you laughing about!" one person shouted and I stopped.

"I'm laughing at your lack of manners." I said and he gasped and looked at father who seemed pretty unbothered.

"With all due respect Lord, I don't think we should really add her-"

"Name, what's your name." I said glaring at a man who looked roughly around his 70's.

"Jason Bass." He said and I smiled.

"Well Mr.Bass as someone who's- I'll be nice- as someone who's around 70, you look quite stupid arguing with a 15 year old don't you think?" I said and leaned into the table.

"Look here-"

"Stupify." I said with boredom and watched him fall out of his chair and onto the floor.

"Now mustn't hurt anyone, remember? I need them alive. All. Even a 70 year old like him." He said making sure I understood and I only shrugged and put my hands on the table.

"Anyone else who wants to question whether or not I'm your Lord's daughter? Because that's questioning the Lord and myself. " I said sitting back, watching everyone bow.

"Ah, couldn't have said it better myself. " Father praised and I smiled a little.

"Everyone is excused except for the Malfoys, Snape and Bellatrix." Father announced and I stayed seated.

"What is this about?" I asked him and he ignored me, ouch.

"What can I do for you Lord?" Bellatrix questioned and I stared at her, true inspiration.

"Severus, your report?" Father said, completely dismissing Bellatrix made her look down and me stare at father.

"They are moving Potter in two weeks." Severus and everyone looked at him.

"I have heard from Dumbledore that he hopes to have Tiana also be there to move Potter as she herself has been making great progress in getting close to Potter." He finished and there was a minute of silence.

"He's apparating to my I correct?" I said and Severus nodded.

"Bellatrix, that is when you- along with other selected people will attack, make sure though that you don't kill Tiana. I could care call if you kill anyone else except Potter and Tiana. Got it?" He questioned in a firm voice and Bellatrix nodded.

"Yes my Lord." She said cowering

"Very well then, is that all? If it is I'll be leaving." I said and went to stand on to have father glare at me.

"No, there is a mission that I want to assign to both you and Mr.Malfoy."

I raised an eyebrow, "Bellatrix, you are dismissed along with Severus and Lucius."

Lucius seemed surprised at fathers request but listened, sparing Narcissa a last glance as the doors closed.

"Mission? What mission?" I said gripping the chair I was sitting on

"The mission to kill Dumbledore."

I sat frozen in my chair, "Kill Dumbledore?"

"Yes, that is how you will prove your loyalty to me, both of you." Father said like if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Narcissa looked concerned but regardless, nodded as did Draco.

" may leave." Father said and Draco briefly stared at me before leaving.

"Narcissa, it seems that Tiana has taken a liking to you so you will be in charge of showing Tiana around for the time being." He paused and continued talking when Narcissa nodded.

"She won't be staying for a long time but she will be staying for a while. That's all, you both may leave." He hissed and both Narcissa and I bowed our heads before taking our leaves.

I grabbed Narcissa's hand and eagerly whispered to her, "Do you guys have a graden because I swear I caught a glimpse of some flowers!"

"Ah we do!" She said and smiled

What I didn't know was that father was staring at us, with so much disgust.

Narcissa led me to the garden and I laughed and ran around, I did fall a few times, either because I stepped on my dress or I was afraid of stepping on the flowers.

I turned to Narcissa who was watching me with warmth in her eyes, "What does Draco do when he's here? Does he go out?"

She seemed unable to speak for a minute but then looked down, quite sad. "No, he's been staying in his room since the beginning of this summer."

"Really?" I sat down on the ground and looked at the manor.

"Yes, I don't know if it's because he is going through some teenage stage or...- but I'm worried about him. He doesn't really talk to us anymore and his father also doesn't talk a lot-" She sighed and crouched down in front of me.

I frowned and engulfed her into a hug, she hugged me back tight and we stayed there, hugging.

"With me around, you won't have to keep everything in okay? You are a strong women!" I said and patted her back.

She pulled away and gave me a sad smile, "I'm glad you'll be staying here for a little, I've always wanted a daughter for Draco to get along with. In fact Lucius was hoping that I would have a girl but we were gifted with our handsome Draco. Lucius pushes Draco a lot and I can see it's starting to weigh on Draco and-"

I pulled her back in for a hug and she sniffed a little.

She pulled away and stood up, wiping her tears away.

"I would just wish for Draco to go out a little- do something- talk to me- talk to someone!" She said and her voice wavered at the end.

I frowned and stood up, taking her hand I walked her out of the garden.

"W-what are we doing?"

"I'm taking you to a spa but I need Fathers permission." I said and didn't look at her.

She needs a break. Right?

I walked back into the dining room and to my disappointment father wasn't there.

"Where's his office?" I asked and Narcissa led the way now.

I knocked on the door and heard a small "come in".

I opened the door to find father reading a book, he didn't bother putting it down and it reminded me of the time I went to talk to Dumbledore.

"Father, I want to take Narcissa with me back to my house so she can help me bring my clothes." I said and he continued reading.

"I can just have some people do that for you." He said

"I don't want them going through my stuff- I have important stuff in there."

He raised a brow, "Well we can just tell them not to touch anything that aren't clothes."

"I also have jewelry and other stuff there like shoes." I said, determined to let him let me go.

"I can tell them to get it for you-" He paused and put his book down.

"It really isn't something you should bother yourself and Mrs.Malfoy with." He said

"Fine! Father can I just go out! Please! Narcissa will be with me!" I said and clenched my fists.

"No, you may not. You cannot be seen by people with Mrs.Malfoy. " He said and got back to his book.

"Well I can't take Bellatrixa can I? So Narcissa is the best option." I blurted out and father raised a brow.

"Well perhaps not, you might- but I highly doubt that." He said and I glared at him.

"What? It's not like Bellatrix is any better option than Narcissa! She's escaped from Azkaban hasn't she? So it'll be no good." I said and Father sighed, irritated.

"Fine. Take Narcissa with you, and leave. Now."

I grinned and took Narcissa hand, leaving his office.

"Yay! We're having a girls day!" I exclaimed and Narcissa looked a bit worried.

"What will happen to Draco though? I don't want to leave him here!" She said and I nodded.

"Well I'm not quite sure..." I said and she looked at me.

"We could take him but I don't know if he would like the idea of us having a girls day." I said and she looked down, she let go of my hand and smiled.

"Thank you for trying to make me happier! I'm okay though, I have stuff to do so it'll be okay. Maybe next time Tiana." She said and turned around, leaving me in the hallway.

My eyes widened as I stared at where Narcissa once stood.

I guess those are one of the perks of being a mother. You don't leave any kid behind, all except me.

I stared down at my shaking hand and smiled, "Tiana what are you doing?" I whispered and put my hand down before clenching both hands into fists.

I stomped up the stairs and into the hallway in which my room was in, I suddenly stopped at the door and gripped the door knob.

"Tiana? Darling is something wrong?" I heard Bellatrixs voice but I couldn't move.

"Tiana? Darling?"

Her voice was starting to fade and soon my surrounding changed.

I was flying a broom and looked at everyone, they all looked mad.

"Tiana what is going with you! Focus or you'll be knocked off your broom!" I heard the closest Harry shout and I nodded.

I looked behind me to see Death Eaters, many of them. In the bunch was my father himself, along him was Bellatrix who stared straight at me.

She whispered something to my father who glanced down at me and then straight ahead at Harry.

He whispered something to her and she nodded, he some disappeared into the fog and was soon no where to be seen.

"Hello Darling." Bellatrix whispered and my eyes widened as I looked at my right side.

I glanced at the Harry but he had gone ahead and was too busy fighting off another Death Eater to notice.

"Bellatrix what are you doing?"

"Don't worry sweetie, here-" she pulled out a green bracelet and attached it to my wrist.

"What is it for?" I said and watched in awe as it flowed when I spoke.

"So that you don't get mixed up along with the other filthy Harry's darling." She said and smiled.

"Now forgive me but we'll have to duel on air."
She said and grabbed her wand.

"Stupify!" I yelled, my wand out and purposely missed her head.

She ducked down either way and grinned, "Good good!"

I flew off and to another Harry, "Are you actually Harry?" I whispered and they shook their head.

"No, I'm Tonks."

"Oh Tonks! Good I wanted to ask you-"

A red spark flew past our heads and we looked back to see Bellatrix.

"What do we have here?" She said and glanced at our wrists.

"Get in front of me!" Tonks shouted

"Okay!" My wrist glowed and Bellatrix noticed, grinning she sent a spell straight at Tonks and she almost fell off but I had to swoop down and catch her.

Bellatrix laughed and moved forward to another pair of Harry's who rode together.

I began spinning, faster and faster.

The scene changed and once again I was pulled into a vision.

I stared around and recognized this as the owlery.

"Tiana...I don't know if I'm ready, I should be ready right? I mean I've been waiting my whole life to defeat Voldemort but why do I feel like I can't? "

I sighed and linked arms with him and pointed out of the window to a bird far off, "See that bird?"


"Well it once couldn't fly but now it can. Do you know why?

"Well it grew wings of course."

"Yes, but it had to work and train in order to know how to use its wings didn't it?" I said raising a brow

"I suppose." He said

"Harry, you've been training and working hard as well. You'll be able to spread your wings and fly, like the bird. If you really try you'll be able to defeat Voldemort." I said and smiled.

I gasped and my eyes closed as I tried getting out of this vision.

"See that bird?"

"See that bird?"

My words rang through my head and I shut my eyes.

"It grew wings of course!"

"It grew wings of course!"

Now Harry's words rang through my head.

I put my head into my hands and gripped my hair, "Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!"

It grew quiet and I slowly opened my eyes, I looked around me to see only darkness.

I opened my mouth but no words came out.

I could see a light far off and ran towards it.

I began breathing hard and I ran faster, my legs almost giving out.

The light began flickering and I ran faster.

I let out one big breathe and walked closer to the light.

My bathroom.

I was in my bathroom and the sight in front of me left me speechless.

My reflection showed me, my noise was bleeding and then my ears began bleeding.

My eyes widened and I watched as my eyes began bleeding, my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I felt myself falling backwards.


Bellatrix's voice brought me back and I turned my head and stared at her.

She looked at me, face full of wonder and concern.


"I-I'm fine-"

I fell back and the last thing I remember is Bellatrix gasping and opening her arms for me before my vision blacked out.

What's going on with Tiana? I would also like to know :)

Anyhowwww- enjoy this little scene with me included ;)

Author Yoselin; What in the world *bumps into someone*

Tiana; My god, are you okay?

Draco; *laughing* should've seen her face! Omg she looked horrible when she bumped into you!

Tiana; *slowly looking at Draco and blushing red*

Author Yoselin; Hey Draco wanna go ou-

Tiana; *grabs Dracos hand* We're kinda busy at the moment. Sorry for bumping into you!

Author Yoselin; Welp I need to find another person to ask to the ball now

Random man in a painting; *laughing* She has a lesser chance of getting someone to go with her to the ball then me!

Author Yoselin; shut it.

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