The Marauders: A Muggle AU

By potterhead_fic

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This fanfiction is an Alternative Universe into the Muggle World but the characters still belong to JK Rowlin... More

Everyone Part I
Everyone Part II
Everyone Part III


1.9K 81 36
By potterhead_fic

I think I had enough with these two. Sirius and Remus are constantly together, snogging, hugging, flirting. Specially since Sirius lives with me now. I mean I'm happy for them but arrrg not in front of me. We are by the pool. They are cuddling in one chair. Kissing, smiling to each other, stroking each other's hair. 

Reggie is besides me being sick as I am, hiding behind a book. He is smoking again. I've tried to treat him normally since I rejected him. And we basically get along as before. But sometimes he gets weird around me. 

I see Sirius seductively takes off his shirt. Remus looks at him with heart eyes, bitting his lips. And Sirius gets into the pool. I roll my eyes.

"Oi! Lupin" I say "Watch your pants!" 

Remus shows me his middle finger but he is blushing.

"Come swim with me Moony..." Sirius makes a pout.

Remus shakes his head smiling.

"They're so annoying" Reggie whispers

"I know right?" I say smiling "So how you'd been Reggie?" 

We haven't talked in so long. 

"Fine" he says but I can tell he is lying.

"What did I say about lying to me, Reg?" 

He sighs 

"I'm just worried about mother" he says

"Arg, Reg...".

"I know what you're going to say" he says "She is a bad mother, I shouldn't worry. But she is my mother, Potter. I care about her. So don't say anything and don't ask me, okay?"

I've met Mrs. Black and she is everything but a mother. I saw her yelling at Sirius once. Pads haven't even mentioned his parents since he arrived. But I guess Reggie is not like Sirius. 

"Reg, someone that treats their children like that is not a good person" he doesn't answer. 

I better don't say anything else. I see Sirius sending Remus kisses from the pool.

"Arrrggg, That's enough" says Reggie closing his book. "I'm going upstairs" and he leaves.

Suddenly I hear my mom's voice. 

"It was so nice to see you again, sweetheart. James is in the back" 

My first thought is: Lily. I immediately fix my hair. But I see Emmeline coming in. I try not to be disappointed.

"Em?" I say "What are you doing here?" 

"Hello Emmeline" Sirius shouts getting off the pool. 

I can see Em staring at his body. She blushes shaking her head.

"I was looking for Peter" she says "I thought he would be here"

"No he had this thing with his mom" I say "Is there something wrong?"

"Actually there is" she says looking down "I need to speak with you three"

"What is that you want to speak to us?" Sirius says coming towards us. 

He and Rem are holding hands. Em looks surprised.

Em tell us everything and when she finishes, we are speechless. Peter has a freaking eating disorder?

"Fuck!" I say "That's why he didn't want to eat at Christmas"

"Peter eats" Sirius says "I've seen him"

"Little things" Em responds "But I haven't seen him eat a proper meal. Have you?"

We all shake our heads. Now that I think about it, he is always making excuses. Fuck. Why haven't I seen this before?

"Thank you for telling us Emmeline" Remus says.

"Of course Peter is my friend" she says "I care about him" she blushes. 

 "So what do we do?" I ask

"I've been talking with this girl" Em continues "The one that you kiss at you birthday party Sirius"

"Marlene?" Remus asks

"Yeah. I think she had the same issue years before"

"I didn't know that..." Remus whispers.

"She said she could help"

 "Then, let her help" Sirius says "We have to do something for Peter. He is our friend"

I nod in agreement. There's is nothing I wouldn't do for my friends. 

We agreed to talk with Marlene and Peter and try to find a solution. In the meantime, I'm currently sitting with Lils at a coffee place that I don't know. Leaky Cauldron I think is it's name. And I'm so fucking nervous and angry. Lily said we are going to meet the asshole of her friend. To solve things. Talk and shit. I'm here against my will. I'm here because I love her. Snivellus is bloody late. I decided to call him that.I move my leg nervously. Lils squeezes my hand. 

"Thank you for doing this" 

I look into her green eyes. I would do anything for her. I kiss her. 

"I'm gonna go to the loo" 

I go and wash my face to calm myself. I look to my reflection. My hair looks so fluffed. You can do this James. For her. For Lils. I sigh and walk back to the table. But Snivellus is already there. Talking with my girlfriend. 

"Please Lily" he is saying "I really need to borrow some money" 

"What do you need money for?"

 I sit next to Lily putting my arm around her.He looks surprised.

 "Potter. I didn't know you're gonna be here" he says with hate. 

"Well here I am" I smirk. 

He is pissed off. 

"Lily?" he asks "What is going on?"

"Amm.." she says "I think I'm gonna get coffee first" she goes to order. 

"What do you need money for?" I ask him again

"Is none of your business" he says "What are you doing here with Lily?"

"Because we are together" he opens his eyes "You know, as a couple?" 

He clinches his fist. 

"Stay away from her" 

His voice sounds full of venom

"Or what?" 

He is red of anger his fist is ready to hit me.

"The coffees" says Lily leaving the tray on the table. 

Snivellus relaxes his expression. Still glancing me with hate. Lily sits next to me again. 

"Okay" she says "I think things didn't go to well on the party. But maybe you should talk about it"

"Maybe he should apologize for what he said" I cross my arms.

"Maybe he should apologize for hitting me in the face" he spills.

"You talked shit about my friends!"

"You're stupidly agressive!"

"Okay" Lily interrupts "Maybe this wasn't the best idea"

 "Lily what are you doing with him?" Snivellus says

"I see James told you" she looks at me. 

"He needed to know" I respond.

"Lily why him?" he continues like I'm not here "After everything he's done to me, to you?" 

Lily doesn't respond. I'm getting angry.

"I'm the one who is been there for you. I've been there when you're sad, happy, I know everything about you. I love you!" 

He has tears in his eyes. Lily too. 

"And you fucking knew that. C'mon I was pretty obvious" he laughs "You knew I loved you and you go out with him! Him? God you're such a..."

Before he can continue I grab him from his shirt. 

"James" Lily cries

"A what?" I yell "A what? Snivellus say it!"

"Potter, you can control your anger, can't you?" 

I pull his shirt ready to punch him again.

"Hey, hey, hey!" a bloke I recognize as Alice boyfriend comes towards us. He brakes us apart. 

"No fighting in this place, okay?" 

I look around and everyone is looking at us. Lily is crying. I feel like shit for making her cry. But it was his fault. 

"Leave Now" the bloke says. 

"Okay Lily, fine" Snivellus cries "Choose him. But never speak to me again" 

He leaves.


Lily tries to catch him. And I stop her. Now I have tears in my eyes.

"Lily no, not again" I say. Don't leave me for him. 

"I'm sorry James" she says kissing my cheek and she goes after him.

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