Snooks || HIATUS

By asimpforfelix

46.9K 1.1K 889

I grabbed his chin making him look at me, "but i love you dearly.." He bit the inside of his cheek, "Oh how... More

Just some info
i. A visit to Riddle's home
ii. Hogwarts
iii. What house?
iv. Leaving so soon?
v. ๐‘‡๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘ง๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘ ๐‘‡๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก
vi. Cowards!
Goblet of fire
vii. Four champions
viii. Harry Potter
ix. ๐น๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
x. Late night with a hufflepuff
xi. A ball
xii. I was waiting on you
xiii. ๐‘†๐‘’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
xiv. Don't get yourself involved
xv. Changes
xvi. Disrespect on his name
xvii. ๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
xix. Blood
0. Order of the Phoenix
1. Who is she?
2. Mother
3. Mission: Escort Harry
4. Out burst
5. Skateboarding
6. Anonymous Letter
7. I am Tiana Riddle
8. Fix of that attitude
9. Goodbye my dear friend
Quick little note
10. Rage
11. Me
12. Not quite returning yet
13. Kill
14. Preparing for the ministry battle
15. Hold back
Cero. Halfblood Prince
Uno. Train Ride
20k!!! WTFFFF
Dos. Sorting
Tres. Potions
Quattro: Anything for you
Cinco. Monster
Seis. Baby
Siete. Invite
Ocho. Slug Club Dinner
Nueve. Defense against the dark arts
Diez. Gaunt house
Once. Death
Doce.Ride back home
Trece: Ride back home II
Kristina Anderson Grindelwald

xviii. She took over

825 25 25
By asimpforfelix

After poor Cedrics death, people seemed down a lot. Everyone was quiet during breakfast, lunch and now dinner. I just didn't get it!

Why's everyone so upset over some badger bitch?

Because people care for him.


"Everything's so...depressing now. It's disgusting." I said looking at my red painted nails.

"Someone just died Tiana! In hogwarts! Of course it's depressing!" Pansy said in a 'duh' tone.

"I mean it's not like y'all didn't hear Dumbledore's speech before champions were even chosen! He clearly stated to enter at your own risk and one might even die! And it did happen, honestly we're dealing with magic here, of course something is gonna happen." I said rolling my eyes

"Tiana..." Pansy said and gave me a look as I sighed.

We brought our attention to Dumbledore and his speech began, "Yesterday we lost one of our fellow students. He was in fact one of the brightest students here, Hufflepuff house did always have a lot of bright students."

He paused and sniffing and crying could be heard, "We will all remember him, his name, Cedric Diggory. We will raise our glasses in cheers to him. A bright soul stolen too soon."

We all raised our glasses and I glanced at Harry who looked defeated, Hermione and Ron right at his side.

Everyone seemed to be crying at the loss of this guy while thoughts of my dad filled my head.

Where is he now? How is he? Wait no- he's probably planning on how to kill Potter.

I placed my palm on my chin and looked down at my cup in distaste. I didn't feel like drinking for the dead.


I stepped out of the train and looked around, looking for Mrs.Maven.

"That old madam surely didn't forget about me did she?"

With no sign of Mrs.Maven I begrudgingly got my trunk and it let out a thud sound.

I walked to a secluded area and apparated home, I burst open the door.

I walked towards the living room fast, dragging my trunk with me"Mrs.Maven where are you! You forgot to-"

I didn't get to finish as I saw the man sitting on my couch, glancing around the room with a sour look in his face.

"Are you always this loud child?" He said, every vowel well said.

"N-no father." I said and looked down, sort of bowing.

Yes! Father's back. Time to start-

No. You aren't taking over my body, I hate when you do. You do whatever you want!

That's the point! You should be able to do whatever you want, so I'm only helping you.


"I take it that this your home?" He said raising a brow.


"Hmm. Not bad."

I shuddered a little under his hard stare and slowly brought my head up.

"U-um have you seen Mrs.Maven- I mean an old lady? She's sweet and always brings up cookies? Brags about me?" I said scratching the back of my neck and he raised a brow.

"Dark brown hair? Yeah, she's upstairs."

"Do you know what she's doing?" I said as my brows furrowed, Mrs.Maven beyond hated and was scared of father so why was she upstairs?

"She said she would be praying." He simply said and my eyes almost bulged out of my head.


"Are you deaf? Did you not hear me?" His voice raised a little and I flinched.

"Right. I apologize."

I bowed and headed up the stairs, leaving a glaring Voldemort downstairs.

I shut the door behind me and swatted Mrs.Maven's arm, "Why are you here praying!" I whisper-yelled and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"You didn't tell me he would be back! If I would've known before I would have poured some holy water around this whole house!" She hissed and I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon, go with me. I'm not staying downstairs with him alone." I said and she stared at me.


"You owe me for not picking me up." I said and she continued staring at me with a blank look.

"You seem to have gotten here in perfect condition so it's okay."

"I also pay the bills and you don't." I said nonchalantly and she sighed.

"That's because I don't have money."

"Wonder why."

She glared at me and sighed before opening the door and walking out.

I did a victory dance before clearing my throat and straightening my posture.

"Glad to see you do have a maid to clean around." Father said and I froze, Mrs.Maven would definitely not like what he is saying.

"I've been around for a long time so don't worry." Mrs.Maven said sharply and Father didn't pay her any attention as he stared at me.

"What's her blood status?" It wasn't a question it was a demand and I gulped.

"She's a-"

"Half-Blood." Mrs.Maven said cutting me off and I grimaced.

"Shut it. I asked her not you Half-Blood." He said coldly.

"You might want to get a new maid or punish her, sometimes Half-Bloods like her don't understand not to cut off their masters."

"Oh no she just-"

He glared at me and I shut up immediately.

"Like I said, I've been around for a long time. I'm like her second mother. For the time I've been around I've never seen you. Are you her Grandpa?" Mrs.Maven said boldly and I almost wished I had enough courage as she did. Almost.

"You filthy Half-Blood." Father screeched as he stood up.


To my horror, I watched as Mrs.Maven shook on the floor and screams erupted from her mouth.

"Shut her up." Father said and I slowly flicked my hand, thinking of the spell silencio and surely enough her screams stopped.

We both stood and watched Mrs.Maven on the floor, Father with delight and I with worry. He released the spell when she passed out and was about to say something when the door bell rang.

I stayed at the end of the hall and focused on the door, trying to see who was at the other side.

My brown eyes turned red and they widened a little when seeing none other than Dumbledore there.

I shut my eyes and turned to my father who had been watching me the whole time with curiosity.

"It's Dumbledore." I said plainly and his eyes hardened.

"This is goodbye then." He said and apparated away but not before leaving one last message.

"I'll be back."

I fell beside Mrs.Maven, my knees hitting against the hard and rough wood floor. I opened the door again with a flick of my hand and in came Dumbledore.

He rushed over and crouched down looking at Mrs.Maven then me, "Was he here?"

I pursed my lips and shook my head, "No, I don't know what it is that happened! I was waiting for her at the train station but she never came so I apparated here to find her here on the floor. I've already given her some medicine but I don't know when she'll be awake."

He stared at me, looking straight into my eyes and then looked down at Mrs.Maven. "Very well then, I'll take her upstairs so she can rest and then we'll talk."


"Tea?" I offered

"Thank you."

We both sat next to eachother and drank tea in peace until he spoke up.

He put his tea glass down, "Miss Anderson. As you know, I proposed to you something yesterday. I would have given you more time to think but we are in a difficult time right now."

I sipped some of my tea, "Its Miss Riddle, Continue."

"Harry- he, himself is also in a difficult time not just because of Voldemort but because of where he is now." He said, analizing my face, searching for something.

"Well then, just take him away from there. I don't see why it is such a big deal." I said and went back to drinking my tea.

"See the thing is that even if I were- I wouldn't have a place to let him stay at."

"Why don't you have him stay at Hogwarts?"

"I have a couple of issues I need to sort out and I don't want to leave Harry alone in the castle by himself." He said

"Wouldn't Minerva be there?" I asked and he frowned

"No, I'm afraid Minerva is going through personal issues at the moment- which I will not talk about right now." He added when he saw my expression.

I put my tea cup down as well and stared hard at Dumbledore, "What I'm getting from this conversation is that you want me to keep Potter here?"

Dumbledore let out a laugh, "No, No dear. Even if you do not tell me, I know who has and hasn't been here recently-"

I stiffed a little in my seat and shuffled.

"I will simply not risk Harry dying in your manor. I was suggesting that you do take Harry but not here, I want you to go with Harry to our safe house."

My jaw dropped, "Your safe house? Albus you, yourself know how big of a risk you are taking in the moment right? I, the daughter of the greatest wizard of all times, your enemy, Harry's enemy! Yet you are asking me to go with Harry to your safe house?"

I let out a laugh, "Are you insane?"

He was quiet for a moment, "I still believe that you will have a change of heart."

I skeptically raised a brow, "You do know that I myself don't know if I want to go, yet you're here making all these suggestions."

With that he stood and smiled, "You don't have to, that's right. I can just go ask someone else. Well, thank you for your time. Take care Miss Riddle."

What was this moron doing?

It could be a trap you idiot!

"What if it isn't?" I whispered and stared at my closed door.

If it is a trap then I'll take over your body.

"Better not be a trap." I said gritting my teeth.

I stood up and ran, trying to see if Dumbledore had yet to have left.

"Albus! Albus!" I yelled and he looked back at me, an eyebrow raised.

"I'll do it! You owe me though!" I yelled and his eye almost disappeared as he smiled brightly.

He gave me a nod and with that he apparated away.

I sighed as I walked back inside and went to the bathroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror and watched as she came out of my body and stared at me, smirking.

"So? Are you prepared to let me take over your body?" She asked and she licked her bottom lip.

"No. You aren't getting me yet, no, not yet." I whispered as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"You'll just have to give it to me eventually darling, whether you want to or not. You haven't been good to father. Slacking off! I can help you do things right, just let me take over." She suggested and I shivered


"What about when you go pick up that Harry boy? You wouldn't want things to go wrong would you?" She said and I frowned

"N-no I wouldn't but-"

"That's wouldn't. You're starting to stutter girl, why don't I help you...I can help you gain that confidence you have so long wanted." She said as she touched my chin and pointed towards my reflection.

"Does she look confident? Does she look like someone you want to be for the rest of your life? So...disgusting don't you think?" She said and raised a brow.

"I-I'm not!" I said as my eyes watered

"Are you going to cry?" She laughed and let go of my chin, now she rested her hands on my shoulders and I shivered, it felt so...real.

"You won't have to cry if I take over darling. I will make those who doubt you kneel. Isn't that what you've dreamed of?"

I nodded and she grinned, "Nothing bad will happen if you let me take over."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, you will have everything you've ever wished for. Don't you want your father by your side, don't you want to make him proud?" She said whispering and I looked down but she lifted my chin.

"I will make him proud, I will make us proud. But you need to let me help you." She cooed and I nodded while a tear slipped down my eye.

"Changement!" I whispered and watched as every last bit of me left my body and she took over.

I stared at the mirror, my eyes were now bright green. I brought my hand to my cheek and scraped my nails against my cheek, watching the way my cheek turned a bright pink.

That was when I realized I had no makeup on at all, my brows furrowed and looked at my lashes, expecting some mascara but found none.

Scoffing I opened the drawers, searching for a bag of makeup. "Where do you keep your makeup Tiana?"

I slowly wandered the halls I had seen with soft Tiana's eyes, now felt so sureal. I walked up the stairs and opened every door.

My smile vanished as soon as I found the old lady that soft Tiana trusted so much, she had to go.

I sat by her side and waited for her to wake up.


She stared at me with this weird look in her face, it had been about 5 minutes and it was starting to annoy me.

"What?" I blurted out and she narrowed her eyes.

"You're not Tiana are you?"

I smiled, "How'd you know?"

"If it were her she'd be trying to help me out of this bed and her eyes aren't green. She doesn't wear contacts either."

I smirked and stood up, "Pack your bags."

She stared at me hard, "No, I can't leave. Especially if you took over her body again, I don't trust you."

"Well old hag, it's not like you have a choice." I said as I casted the Imperio charm and watched as she stood up and walked out of the room.

I grinned big when I heard the door close and looked out the window to see her apparate away from my doorsteps and to god knows where.

I cracked my knuckles, grabbed a bag and apparated to Diagon Alley, I walked from shop to shop, not finding what I wanted to.

I sighed and apparated somewhere in the streets of England.

I didn't gain much attention as I was wearing jeans and a black shirt, though I did have heels on.

I stopped in front of a building labeled 'Bank'.

I cleared my throat and put on my fake british accent, "Good evening, I was wondering if I could withdraw some money?"

He stared at me, "You aren't from here are you?"

I looked down, "You can tell?"



I walked out, my bag full of muggle money and I wandered around the streets.

I stopped infront of one specific store and watched in awe at the clothes inside, quickly I made my way in and bought many clothes.

"Thank you!" I yelled, my american accent sounding very awkward and loud.

"Ah I really hate this voice." I muttered and walked down the streets, some though, both my arms were full of bags. It surprised me how no one stole anything from me yet.

I was ready to leave when I stopped, 'Ladies shine and pearl makeup' I opened the door and walked in.

I stopped at the lipstick isle and picked out a few colors, red, light pink, rose, maroon.

I grabbed a few mascara's, all different brands just to test them out and a lot of eyeshadow pallets.

"This should be enough." I mumbled and walked over to the counter.

I put everything down and she raised an eyebrow, "Would that be all?"

"Yes." I said not caring to watch her expression as she put everything into a bag and I paid.

"Bye! See you later." I called out and she glared at me before forcing a small smile.





——— Explanation ———

So as you know Tiana has two sides to her as I have mentioned before, I guess you could say she has some sort of Bipolar disease.

The other Tiana, which Tiana herself calls 'her' is the side of Tiana in which she wishes to be like. Since Tiana hasn't had the childhood she should have, she went through many things a child her age shouldn't have to.

For one, her mother blamed Tiana for Voldemort leaving her. It got so bad that her mother began abusing Tiana, physically and mentally.

Two, Since the age of 6, Tiana understood why her mother hated her and therefore had to create a friend that she could talk to. That was when Tiana created a new version of herself, one that she believed was someone much better.

So technically Tiana believed that she HAD two sides but in reality she's just the same Tiana as always. Nothing took over, it's just her believing that someone, 'she' did.
That is why you readers, always see two sort of povs;

This one.

And this one.

So Tiana goes through mental problems but she doesn't believe she does and therefore makes herself as normal as she can even though deep down she knows she does have mental issues.

Hope that cleared some things, if you don't then just feel free to ask me any questions <3

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