Johnny Depp Imagines {COMPLET...

By BayBay08

1.6M 27.1K 17.5K

Here are some Johnny Depp character (including Johnny Depp himself) imagines. **Requests are CLOSED** *No Smu... More

Edward Scissorhands #1
Mort Rainey #1
Sam #1
Willy Wonka #1
Gilbert Grape #1
Sweeney Todd #1
Barnabas Collins #1
Johnny Depp #1
Jack Sparrow #1
John Dillinger #1
Jack Sparrow #2
Willy Wonka #2
JD Characters #1
Ichabod Crane #1
JD Characters #2
Johnny Depp #2
Johnny Depp Poem
Sweeney Todd #2
Jack Marshall #1
Sam #2
Johnny Depp #3
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #1
Johnny Depp #4
JD Characters #3
Barnabas Collins #2
Gellert Grindelwald #1
Ichabod Crane #2
Sweeney Todd #3
Gator Lerner #1
Tom Hanson #1
Edward Scissorhands #2
Willy Wonka #3
Barnabas Collins #3
Gilbert Grape #2
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #1
John Dillinger #2
Sweeney Todd #4
JD Characters #4
Jack Sparrow #3
Mort Rainey #2
Gilbert Grape #3
Edward Scissorhands #3
Willy Wonka #4
Johnny Depp #5
Roux #1
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #2
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #2
Willy Wonka #5
JD Characters #5
Sweeney Todd #5
Mort Rainey #3
Ed Wood #1
Edward Ratchett #1
Willy Wonka #6
Ichabod Crane #3
Johnny Depp #6
Jack Sparrow #4
Edward Scissorhands #4
George Jung #1
Jack Sparrow #5
Gellert Grindelwald #2
Jack Sparrow #6
Tom Hanson #2
Willy Wonka #7
Sweeney Todd #6
JD Characters #6
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #3
Johnny Depp #7
Mort Rainey #4
Sam #3
Gilbert Grape #4
Willy Wonka #8
JD Characters #7
Willy Wonka #9
Glen Lantz #1
Tom Hanson #3
JD Characters #8
Willy Wonka #10
Barnabas Collins #4
Don Juan DeMarco #1
Jack Sparrow #7
Sweeney Todd #7
Gator Lerner #2
Gellert Grindelwald #3
Jack Sparrow #8
Johnny Depp #8
Mort Rainey #5
JD Characters #9
The Wolf #1
Gilbert Grape #5
The Wolf #2
Willy Wonka #11
Johnny Depp #9
Edward Scissorhands #5
Johnny Depp #10
Jack Sparrow #9
Johnny Depp #11
Edward Scissorhands #6
Ichabod Crane #4
Spencer Armacost #1
Johnny Depp #12
JD Characters #10
Richard Brown #1
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #3
Johnny Depp #13
Jack Sparrow #10
Barnabas Collins #5
JD Characters #11
Gene Watson #1
Don Juan DeMarco #2
Gilbert Grape #6
Sweeney Todd #8
Jack Sparrow #11
Johnny Depp #14
The Wolf #3
Jack Sparrow #12
Johnny Depp #15
Jack Marshall #2
JD Characters #12
Johnny Depp #16
J.M. Barrie #1
Johnny Depp #17
John Dillinger #3
Roux #2
The Wolf #4
Glen Lantz #2
Barnabas Collins #6
Jack Sparrow #13
Johnny Depp #18
Charlie Mortdecai #1
Ichabod Crane #5
Willy Wonka #12
Johnny Depp #19
Mort Rainey #6
Tom Hanson #4
John Dillinger #4
John Wilmot #1
Willy Wonka #13
Jack Sparrow #14
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #4
JD Characters #13
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #4
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #5
Gellert Grindelwald #4
Johnny Depp #20
Sweeney Todd #9
Tonto #1
Richard Brown #2
Gator Lerner #3
Tom Hanson #5
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #5
Johnny Depp #21
Tonto #2
Jack Sparrow #15
Tom Hanson #6
Barnabas Collins #7
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #6
Mort Rainey #7
Johnny Depp #22
Frank Tupelo #1
Sweeney Todd #10
Barnabas Collins #8
Mort Rainey #8
Barnabas Collins #9
Sweeney Todd #11
Ichabod Crane #6
Willy Wonka #14
Sweeney Todd #12
Agent Sheldon Sands #1
Ichabod Crane #7
Tom Hanson #7
JD Characters #14
Mort Rainey #9
Willy Wonka #15
Sweeney Todd #13
Johnny Depp #24
Jack Sparrow #16
The Wolf #5
Johnny Depp #25
Sweeney Todd #14
Tom Hanson #8
JD Characters #15
Edward Scissorhands #7
Jack Marshall #3
Don Juan DeMarco #3
Johnny Depp #26
The Grand Finale Story

Johnny Depp #23

5.8K 95 46
By BayBay08

Imagine you and your husband, Johnny Depp, are having a baby and you challenge him to know what it's like to be pregnant.

Two years ago, you met your favorite actor and celebrity crush of all time, Johnny Depp, at film festival conference. You had the courage to walk up to him ask for an autograph and picture with him. He took an instant interest in you when he met you and he made your day even special by giving you his phone number so you could call him sometime just so he could get to know you. After many dates together for a whole year, Johnny asked you for your hand in marriage and you both got married that same year.

Nearly a year after the two of you were married, you discovered that you were pregnant. It was a shock to you and Johnny, but it was the happiest moment for the both of you, especially since Johnny was gonna be a father again for the third time. Becoming a first time mother felt a little overwhelming at first, but with Johnny's help after having past experience with his other two children, Lily-Rose and Jack, you felt confident that you were gonna be a great mother. The next few months had been challenging, like dealing with morning sickness, but that didn't stop you from being excited to have a baby with Johnny.


Now nine months pregnant, you walked into the kitchen to grab a snack you were craving for, where you were greeted by Johnny's band members of the Hollywood Vampires; Alice Cooper, Joe Perry, and Tommy Henriksen. "Hey, guys." You greeted them, before you went to the refrigerator to grab a cup of chocolate pudding. "Hey, (y/n). You look very radiant with your pregnancy. I could tell that you're glowing." Alice said. "Aw, thank you, Alice. I can't believe next week is the due date. This baby will come any day now." You said, as you ate a spoonful of pudding. "Do you know what you and Johnny are having?" Tommy asked. "No. After thinking about it for a while, Johnny and I decided to be surprised to know what the gender is once the baby is born." You answered, and, then, you ate another spoonful of pudding.

"Speaking of Johnny, where is he?" Joe asked. "Oh, he's in our bedroom getting ready with something I wanted him to wear." You responded. "What would that be?" Alice asked, curiously. "Well, recently, Johnny was curious to know what it feels like to be pregnant as he has been curious about it with his other two children, so I went on Amazon and ordered a—" "(y/n), where are you?" You heard Johnny call out for you. "In the kitchen with the Hollywood Vampires. Come in here." You called out. "I don't want to do this, (y/n). I look ridiculous and I don't want the guys to see this." You heard Johnny say. "Oh, come on, Johnny. You wanted to know what it was like to be pregnant, now get out here." You said.

Then, Johnny stepped in from around the corner, wearing a black shirt that had a nine month size pregnancy pad under it and a yellow caution sign on top of the swollen abdomen that read 'BUMP'.

Once the guys saw what Johnny was wearing, all three of them started laughing hysterically, while Johnny was nowhere close to laughing. Instead, he was embarrassed. You, on the other hand, tried to hold your laugh back. "Are you guys done laughing?" Johnny asked. "Not really, Johnny." Alice said, as he continued laughing with the other two. Johnny laughed with them, mockingly, before Joe said, "Oh, Johnny. You sure got yourself a little bun in the oven there." Then, the guys walked out of kitchen as quick as they could as Johnny was about to run after them for laughing at him. But he stopped when he, suddenly, felt a pain in his lower back due to the weights inside the pregnancy pad that represented the weight of the baby at nine months.

You laughed and clapped before you said, "Oh, Johnny, you certainly got your friends entertained." "Ha-ha. Very funny, (y/n). But I am not wearing this thing anymore. A guy my age shouldn't be carrying something this heavy." Johnny said, as he was about to take off the pregnancy pad. "Hey, wait a second. I have to deal with carrying our baby inside me for the last few months and I still have to until the baby is born. If you really want to know what I'm going through, you would wear it for more than two minutes." You said. "Unless, you're not really man enough to be pregnant no matter how old you are." You added, with a little sass and a smirk.

"Ooh. (y/n), I've never seen this sassy side of you before. I love it. I find it very sexy." Johnny said, with a smirk, and you giggled at his response. Johnny, then, he placed his hand on the fake bump before he said, "You think I'm not man enough? I'm man enough to be pregnant. You just don't know it." Then, an idea popped into your head. "Well, then. We'll see about that. I'm gonna put you up to a challenge. Since we've been having arguments for the design the nursery, we'll settle it this way. I'll bet you that you can't last through a whole day with that pregnancy pad. If I win, I will get to do my choice that I found on Pinterest." You said, as you pulled up the picture on your cell phone.

"Too natural for your choice of nursery, sweetheart, which is why I picked this one as my choice if I win." Johnny said, as he took out his cell phone and showed you a picture of his choice of the nursery. You covered your mouth and trying to hold back your laugh when you looked at the picture.

"The many faces of me. Someone who my son can look up to." Johnny explained. "And what makes you think we're gonna have a boy?" You questioned. "Yeah, that's true. Or for our daughter that could make her friends fangirl over me. I know you were one of them." Johnny said, with a smirk. You smirked back at him and said back, "You know, Johnny, you can talk the talk. But can you walk the walk?" Then, with a hand on your swollen abdomen, you started strutting out of the kitchen, with Johnny following behind you, doing the same thing you're doing. You quickly stopped and turned around to face Johnny, who quickly stopped walking and started rubbing his hand over the fake bump, with a smile on his face.


"So, how's the challenge coming along, daddy?" Alice asked, while he was lounging on the living room couch, reading a magazine about the Hollywood Vampires. Johnny looked at him, with a sarcastic look on his face, and said, "You're so funny, Uncle Alice. Anyway, it's not going well because my back is killing me. I'm just gonna take this thing off for a while. Could you do me a favor and keep an eye out for any sight of (y/n)?" "Personally, I wouldn't like to help cheaters, but I'll consider it since you are my friend, Johnny." Alice said, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Johnny, then, sat on the arm of the chair, with his back facing Alice, who held up the magazine and went back to reading it instead of keeping watch.

"I know this isn't right to give up, but having this thing on me for over an hour is killing me, especially for a guy my age." Johnny talked to himself, as he unstrapped the pregnancy pad from him and threw it on the floor, letting out a huge sigh of relief and leaning forward as his back was aching. While he wasn't looking, you walked into the living room and saw what Johnny was doing; giving up quickly on the challenge. You, quietly, walked over towards Johnny, without him knowing, with a satisfied grin on your face. "I can take the weights out of that and put feathers in there and (y/n) won't know the difference." Johnny said, groaning a bit.

"Oh, man, my back is killing me." Johnny complained, groaning a bit. Quietly, you approached him, with pouty lips, pretending to give him sympathy, as you started rubbing his back. Johnny slightly leaned up and relaxed from your touch. "Oh, thank you, Alice." He said, groaning, not realizing who it was behind him. Alice lowered the magazine down a bit and looked up at Johnny, with furrowed eyebrows. Then, Johnny lifted his head up when he realized something. "Wait. Who's keeping watch?" He questioned. "Technically, I'm supposed to." Alice answered.

Johnny's eyes widened and he, slowly, turned his head when he began to ask, "But, then, who's—" "Take a wild guess." You answered for him. When Johnny saw you, he exclaimed and quickly stood up from the arm of the couch and picked up the pregnancy pad from the floor, causing you laugh. "Hi, (y/n)." Johnny said, acting innocent. Then, he turned to Alice and told him, "Thanks a lot." "Oh, I'm sorry, Johnny. I got so distracted by this fascinating picture of me. They really captured the detailing of my eyeliner. I think I'm gonna go into the kitchen to see if the light in there will make the eyeliner bring out my eyes." Alice said, sarcastically, as he got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen, not wanting to be involved.

After Alice left, Johnny turned back to you and said, while he was trying to put the pregnancy pad back on, "(y/n), I'm sorry. I was taking a little break. But, here. I'll just strap this puppy back on and I'll—" But you interrupted him. "Oh, no, no, no. That's not how it works, Johnny. You couldn't last through the whole day with that pregnancy pad, so you lost. I get to do my nursery design." You said. "I knew I wasn't gonna make it through the day anyway. Your design is better than mine." Johnny said, sounding a bit bummed.

You placed your hand on his shoulder and said, while smiling, "I know what will make the nursery look even better." Then, you opened the drawer to the nightstand in the living and took out a picture frame with a black and white picture in it. "I thought I could it would be nice to incorporate part of your choice of design with mine." You explained, as you showed Johnny what the picture was, which was a picture of him when he was younger.

Johnny smiled up at you and placed a kiss on your cheek. "I love you so much, (y/n)." He said. "And I love you too, Johnny." You said. Then, you both leaned forward and kissed each other, with Johnny resting his hand on your swollen abdomen. Seconds later, you and Johnny pulled away from the kiss. "Would you like to get started on designing the nursery?" You asked. "After you rub my back more since it's still aching?" Johnny questioned. You thought about it for a moment until you responded, "I'll think about it." Then, you and Johnny laughed together before you both headed to the empty room where the nursery will take place.

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