By VanRahdBooks

321K 20.9K 1.3K

A story about a woman who finds herself in a situation she never expected and it changes her whole life forev... More

Chapter 9
Continual of Chapter 39.
Continual Of Chapter 40
Continual Of Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Continual of Chapter 42
Continual Of Chapter 43
Continual Of Chapter 45
Continual Of Chapter 46
Continual Of Chapter 47
Continual of Chapter 48
Continual of Chapter 49
Author's Note.


3.6K 221 7
By VanRahdBooks


We are in the living now and all our clothes are wet from drowning buhle. I look at mbuso and he looks exhausted and deep in thought. What buhle said and did is really messed up and I, I know it really fucked mbuso up. He looks deep in thought like he's not even here and I'm worried about him because finding out that someone raped you, got pregnant for you and then aborted your that's some fucked up shit and I still ask myself why didn't mbuso let us drown this bitch.

Me:" bro ?, are you okay ? " he looks at me and he looks like shit, like he has no idea what the hell is going on. Celeste looks shaken too and keeps starring at mbuso and shakes her head.

Mbuso:" I'm fine. I just need so see luh then I'll be fine....I know " I don't believe him.

Me:" do you want to talk about it ? "

Him:" I don't!. I wish I didn't promise luh that I won't kill buhle because that bitch would be dead by now! " he throws a glass of whiskey that he was drinking on the wall and it breaks into pieces.

Me:" Look bro, I know what she did shook and scared you... "

Mbuso:" don't you dare talk to me like I'm a victim. Maybe this karma finally getting back to me for what I have done to luh "

Me:" mbuso!, don't say that!, that bitch fucken raped you! "

Mbuso throws the decadent full of whiskey on my direction and I duck. He is shaken and very pissed and I don't blame him for what he's doing but if I was in his shoes buhle would be dead by now, promise or not. Celeste screams and runs out of the living room then it's just me and him.

Me:" calm down bro, luh could call at any minute then feel or sense that you're not okay, what do you think that will do to her? . I know we are all shocked with what buhle confessed and I can't imagine what you're going through but you need to not let this get you mbuso. I know you made a promise to luh but sometimes promises are meant to be broken bro and if you can't kill her I'll glady kill her myself because I didn't make any promise to her "

Him:" you can kill her because she'll think it's me who put you up to do that and I don't want you fight with your sister or cause problems "

Me:" then what do you want me to do? "

Him:" just give me keys to your house... I want to rest and change some clothes then talk to my baby "

Me:" what are we going to do with buhle? "

Him:" You remember I told you I was selling her and then I changed my mind?, well she's leaving tonight. I'm going to call the guys that i promised to sell her to, to come and get her "

Me:" about damn time. Lets go I'll drive, we'll shower, get some food and then get fucken waisted "

Him:" lets go and I'll call my guys on the way "

Me:" celeste?, we'll be back later " I shout for her to hear

Her:" okay " then we get up and leave but a call comes through on my phone .

Me:" Sbusiso ? "

Sbusiso:" man listen, you remember one of my bouncers Mark ? "

Me:" yeah, the one I asked to take those girls home ? "

Him:'" yes him, well I was here at the club and he just got a call from his girl telling him that they need help with one of the girls..." I interupt him

Me:" which girl and what happend? "

Him:" the girl you checking out last night, the one you showed me "

Me:" bafo just tell me what happend " ( brother ) mbuso looks at me funny

Him:" he got a call from this chick he usaully fucks asking for help and said her friend is dying because her boyfriend is beating her up " what the hell?

Me:" are you sure it's about the chick I showed you? , what's her name? "

Him:" man he showed me her picture and it's her, her name is Ayanda Maseko. I'm sending you marks girl address ,go there and you'll find them and where your girl is ".

Me:" okay, send me her picture aswell. Thanks bro " I hang up and sigh

Mbuso:" what's wrong bro? "

Me:" there's this girl that I saw in the club I was at last nght, she was with her friends and I couldn't keep my eyes away from her. I told sbu about it and showed her and now he tells me that one of his bouncers girlfriend is friends with that girl I saw last night and now that same girl I like has a boyfriend and apparently he's beating her up "

Mbuso:" you want us to go there? "

Me:" No, he sent me the address.. I'll go alone. Just go to my house and I'll find you there. You need some time to process everything this bitch said but what I need you to do is to find out everything about Ayanda Maseko, everything bro no stone left unturned ".

Him:" I'll do that but are you sure you want to involve yourself in that kind of situation? "

Me:" I don't know bro but I feel something for her and I can't let it go and not get to know her. If this is how I'm going to meet her and know her then I'm okay with it "

Him:" ok, I'll check her out after I call luh and when I'm done showering " I  give him my keys and then run out of the house and get in my car, put in the address on my GPS then drive out like a maniac.

I get to where they live and It's an okay flat but I hate it because it looks like junkies and criminals live here in this neighbourhood. I stop and park my car when I see Mark and two girls...yes the one's who looked drunk in the club are now running to get in the car. I get out of the car and run to mark.

Me:" Mark where's ayanda? "

Somelady:" who are you? " I ignore her she's short and looks like a teenager.

Mark:" boss you know her? " I nod

Mark:" I'm driving there now. Follow my car " I run to mine and drive behind them.


I don't know if they heard me and what I said but I hope they did. I want to close my eyes and sleep but I'm scared that I won't ever open them up again if I try to. I hear police and ambulance sirens then footsteps of people running and then the door gets kicked open and I hear their gut renching cries it's karabo and lilly. They cut deep because I did that to me to us and I hope they'll forgive me someday.

Lilly:" Ayanda?, awake up ayanda it's us " she says shaking me

Me:" I'm sorry, so sorry, forgive me" they cry

Karabo:" Noo aya no, it's not your fault" lindi says and I close my eyes and they inject something on my arm

"You have to hurry she's losing conciousness, she's going to die damnit" its a man's voice that says that and it's the last thing I hear before I blackout
I can hear people talking but I can make out what they are saying or who they are. I try to open my eyes but they won't open, I try to get up cause I know I'm in bed but I can't do that too because I know I'm in the hospital and I still remember what happend, what tshepo did.

I must have made a sound cause I can hear someone calling a nurse. I open my eyes and its super bright "please close the blinds" my mouth feels like has been stuffed full with cotton. The person closes the blinds.

"You can open them" I open them and see a man standing there, he gives me a glass of water to drink and Ido and then I look closely at him because I think I know him and it's tshepo's best friend prince and I panick.

Me:" What are you doing here?....where is he?...oh my God he sent you to kill me didn't he?" he tries to touch my hand but I scream

Me:" Nurse! nurse!....somebody help me"

Him:" come down ayanda, I came to see how you're doing" I don't answer him and keep screaming then a nurse and a doctor get in followed by lilly and karabo running.

Me:" I don't want him here, get him away from me" screaming

Karabo:" who told you what room she's in?...go before I call the cops on you"

Prince:" I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare her, I was just worried about her...he's worried too " . Oh God he sent him,  the machines start beeping loudy and I hear everyone screaming then they are pushed out of the room and they inject me with something andit makes me feel good like I'm high and flouting ...I fall asleep.

I'm dreaming about someone touching my hair, massaging my sculp and it feels so good and I turn my face to the hand that does that and press my face on it. This dreams happens for the next 3 days or more, I lost keeping track after the first 3 days. Whenever I would feel those fingers I would try to open my eyes to see who's doing that but they wouldn't open.

It's really dark when I open my eyes and see that I'm still in the hospital. I look at the clock above the door and see it's 2am. I felt those hands before I became awake up just now. My body has goosebumps all over and this feeling of someone watching me is there, very intense like the person is in the same room as me. I look around and see a figure at the corner sitting down like they've been watching me this whole time and funny enough that brings me comfort.

Me:" Who are you? " I ask him yes it's a man I can make out the silhouhete

Him:" You not scared " it's a statement not a question.

Me:" I don't know why I'm not...can I have a glass of water " he stands up and I see that he's tall and he's wearing black clothes, jeans I think or chinos and a long sleeve t-shirt. He gives me the glass and I try to look at his face but I can't see it, it's like he doesn't want me to see it.

Me:" you didn't tell me who you are " he goes to sit where he was sitting

Him:" yes I didnt" he leans forward and I can see that he has a beard that's all I see.

Me:" why are you here? " I ask him

Him:" I wanted to see if you're okay " he says huh?

Me:" why?, you dont know me "  he shrugs

Him:" I do know you but you don't know me " how?

Me:"have we ever met  before somewhere? " he scratches his beard

Him:" we did but you didn't see me....or rather notice me " what? I'm confused.

Me:" it you that has been massaging my head? "

Him:"maybe, did you enjoy it? " he says.

Me:" I did I think, why won't you let me see you? "

Him:" beacause I like it this way. I see you and you don't see me"

Me:" you sound creepy like a stalker....did he send you too? " he doesn't say anything for a while and that makes me think he did.

Him:" You mean your boyfriend? no. " he says

Me:" he's not my boyfriend anymore " I face the other way from him.

Him:" I'm sorry he did that. You don't deserve to be treated like that. and you'll never be treated like that."

Me:" what do you want from me?....did he owe you something and now your here to collect from me? "

Him:" he doesn't owe me anything "

Me:" please leave I want to be alone ". He stands up not saying anything and opens the door but before he leaves he turns and looks at me

Him:" I'ts going to be a pleasure knowing you Ayanda Maseko. I'll tell the nurse you're awake and someone will come to bring you food. Good night Aya ".  He closes the door behind him and leaves. True to his word the nurse comes checks on me and tells me the doctor will be here in the morning and another nurse comes in with food a while later says some guy was asked to deliver this to me.

I check it and see its a chicken noodle soup still hot and fresh this time where did he buy  the food?, I eat and finish the whole thing grateful to the guy. The nurse comes again and helps me showering since I insisted cause I  felt really dirty and sticky. When I get to the shower and see my face and my badly bruised body i weep blaming myself for allowing this to happen to me. The nurse doesn't say anything but I can just tell she feels sorry for me. I wear clean silk  pyjamas and they look new and very expensive. I karabo and lilly bought them to make me feel better I think and I'm grateful. I ask the nurse to call them in the morning and tell them that I'm awake. 

Karabo:" Ayanda?, are you're awake? " she says and I smile before I open my eyes and when I do she looks like a mess..when did I fall asleep?

Me:" and I thought I looked like shit " we chuckle but then she starts crying and I pull her to me  and comfort her. I let her cry it out until she's done.

Me:" I'm sorry...I really am karabo, you told me not go go alone and I didn't listen...please forgive me.

Her:" you know I forgive you and what tshepo did to you is not your fault ".

Me:" you look so ugly yoh, when was the last time you bathed? " she laughs and I feel a little bit better

Her:"nyou should see lilly,  how are you feeling though? " she asks

Me:" my body hurts and in pain but it's much better than the first time I woke up "

Karabo:" you are one of the strongest people I know and you'll be fine." I nod

Me:" where is he?" I ask her

Her:" we don't know where he is. The police have been looking for him ever since, it seems he's just vanished....what happend aya? "

Me:" not now karabo please sis. Where's lilly? "

Her:" she didn't sleep at her place...I've been staying there ever since that night and.... I think she's back to drinking everyday " oh lilly

Me:"I did this...I pushed her to this "

Her:" it's not your fault...none of this is your fault ”.

Me:“ she’s drinking and you know what happens when she does that ”

Her:“ she can’t keep numbing her pain by drinking., she must talk to us...not drink like this ”

Me:“ what day is this?”

Her:“ it's wednesday...why? ” she asks me

Me:“ how long have I been here?” she looks at me like I’ve lost my mind

Her:“ I’ts a month now don’t remeber?”

Me:“ no I don’t... I can’t remember?...” there’s a knock on the door and a doctor gets in followed by the police.

Doctor:“ Miss Maseko I'm doctor Skhondo, your doctor and the police here have some few questions for you, but after I have examined you. can you all please excuse us" the doctor says to the police and karabo

Me:" My sister can stay " he nods then stays. He examines me with a nurse and starts writing things down when he asks me how i'm feeling headaches, chest, pain and all that.

Doctor:" well miss maseko you're doing better than I had hoped and your ribs are healing. Three of them were broken and the swelling on your head has gone dowm. What happend to you is vey unfortunate and There's no head trauma thankfully or any swelling on your brain but if you feel any dizzyness or headaches you have to let me know immediately"

Me:" I only felt dizzy when I stood up to go to the bathroom  but the nurse was there to help me, it was for a few minutes. So there's no permanent damage?" I ask him

Doctor:" we did the brain scans and so far everything seems good. Do you remember everything that happend and how you got here?"

Me:" I do remember doc" I tell him

Doctor:" Miss maseko I don't know how to say this but you're very lucky you survived cause domestic victims like yourself most of the time end up dead and sometimes paralysed. I would suggest you see the hospital psychologist to talk about what happend. you need therapy miss maseko and from the time you came here until now I've been examining you and the results from the ex-ray machine shows that your ribs have been broken before".  He looks at me expecting an answer or something and I just shrug my shoulders

Karabo:" she'll see the psychologist doc Ill make sure of that " karabo says and the police knock and get in.

Police:" Doctor we also have some questions to ask you, don't leave the hospital " the doctor nods

Me:" When am I getting discharged?" I ask him

Doctor:" tomorrow you'll be discharged  but you'll spend the night for more observation "

Me:" ok doctor ". I look at the two male detectives they look like they are in their late thirties or early forties.

"Miss maseko i'm detective Tshabalala and lona u dectective Shongwe" I nod

Tshabalala:" We have some questions for you. do you know who attacked you? "

Me:" yes my ex boyfriend Tshepo Moloi" I tell them

Him:" What happend miss maseko?" I tell them everything from us going out on friday and going to my place finding him there and going to his place and detective Shongwe nods and writes down

Ttshabalala:" he wasn't mad when you found him at your place"

Me:" no he wasn't, I thinke he pretend to not be upset "

Him:" then you guys had sex right? " I'm ashamed and I look down and karabo holds my hand.

Me:" yes we did "

Him:" so your intention was to break up with him but you ended up sleeping with him miss maseko, did he force you to? "

Me:"Iwhen i tried to break up with him, he didn't want to hear me say it cause he could tell so he said we'll talk when we wake up and after we've had dinner " I tell them

Him:" so you never said no to sleeping with him? "

Me:" no "

Shongwe:" you sleep with him then you go out and order and he says what?"

Karabo:" detective she already told you what happend, so why do you want her to relive that? " karabo asks then getting angry

Shongwe:" miss we're just doing our jobs, we have to be sure."

Me:" he said there was something he quickly had to do. I refused to get inside his house but he dragged me there and the moment he closed the door he hit me."

Him:" and you didn't scream outside so the neighbors can hear you?" shongwe asks

Me:" They've heard me before asking for help and nothing has been done and so i knew screaming for help me in anyway"

Him:" and then what? "

Me:" he hit me with his fists, kicked me with his shoes and then used a belt. I passed out and woke up at the shower naked then he took me to his bed and raped me....then when he left to seehis other girlfriend I crawled to the dining room to look for my phone and phoned my sisters and then I woke up here "  I don't tell them about my mystery man. Karabo has been giving me comfort and silently listening.

Tshabalala:" Well miss maseko your ex boyfriend is missing, we don't know where he is butnwe found your car burnt to ashes just outside witbank on the way to pretoria." what?, what was he doing there but I know I told him I'm originally from there but he doesn't know anyone there. It doesn't make sense and that devil how dare he burn my car.

Me:" I hope you find him" I tell them

Him:" we will. We have opened a case of attempted murder, rape, domestic violence and car theft. a rape kit was taken and there's very strong evidence agaisnt him so he'll be facing all those charges."

Me:" thank you"

Tshabalala:" we'll be in contact...and here's our cards anytime you hear anything from him please call us."

Me:" I will detective." they nod and leave

Doctor:" I'm giving you 5 minutes then you need to leave" doctor says to karabo

Her:" ok doc " the doctor leaves and it's just the two of us.

Her:" I'm sorry he did that to you but he's gonna pay one day sis "

Me:" I doubt the police won't find him karabo..he's very resourceful"

Her:" if the police don't I think that man who was worried about you will ".

Me:" what man karabo? " deep down I'm praying it's my mystery man

Her:" apparently he's the man that paid our bill in the club and got mark to take us home. He did all of that because he is interested in you " what?...he was in the club?, is that why I didn't see him and he saw

Me:" I'm tired sis, come get me tomorrow. Go home and get some rest too and tell lilly I love her "

Her:" I will if she comes home. I love you"

Me:" I love you too sis " she kisses my forehead and leaves.

I stay awake for hours hoping my stranger will show up but he doesn't and I start to think maybe I imagined this whole thing that there was no man massaging my head or talking to me. Maybe it was all those pills they gave me but deep down I know he is real and I want to see him again.

That smell....I know that smell and I know those hands that are massaging my scalp. I love how he touches my hair because it makes me feel something I have never felt before. I smile and open my eyes and see him starring at me. It's dark, why does he like to visit me when it's dark?. He smells so good like fresh mint and water and I just want to rub myself all over him so I can smell like him too.

Me:" I want to see you " nope I wanted to say hello not that.

Him:" but you can see me " he stops touching my hair and moves off the bed to go stand in the window facing me so the outside light shadows his face.

Me:" I want to see you in the light, not like this, dark "

Him:" why do you want to see me? "

Me:" I want to see what you look like "

Him:" I'm afraid if you see me, you'll never want me to be close to you " huh ?

Me:" what does that mean, are you not a human " he chuckles God his laugh is sexy

Him:" I am human but I'm ugly and a beautiful woman like you deserves to be with a man who will compliment her not  shame her " what is he afraid of...maybe he doesn't have an eye or has a nasty scar on his face.

Me:" I don't care because I want to see you and your ugly self " I giggle, what am I doing ?

Him:" are you sure? "

Me:" Yes I am "

Him:" you'll still like me after you see what I look like? "

Me:" I didn't say I like you " I blush

Him:" you are talking with a man you have never met and seen but you're talking with him like you've known him for a while and you're even blushing now. Doesn't that looks like you like me....even a tiny bit " I giggle this guy

Me:" I'm just being nice because I'm a nice person "

Him:" hmmm, don't say I didn't warn you when you see me and then run out of here like a crazy person is chasing you " I can't help it but laugh. Maybe he is ugly and has tattoes all over his face my God!.

Me:" what's your name before I see your face? "

Him:" I'm Sicelo Ngcobo. Hello Ayanda Maseko " he says and switches the lights on and OH MY GOD!.

This man is all sorts of gorgeousness wrapped in one. He's tall and well built not too musculine but damn I can see muscles beneath that tailored suit he's wearing and it fits him perfectly. He has caramel skin, has full pink lips that make you want to run your tongue on them suckling like your life depends on it, and that we'll trimmed beard.

My head would reach his chest if I were to stand next to him and I'm medium height. I wonder how many women fall for him. I look at his fingers looking for a ring but find none. He might be married but not wear a ring men nowadays do that and that thought makes me feel a certain way.

I can see myself laying on top of him and he won't mind because he looks like he can even carry my 36 size and there is nothing ugly about this man, nothing at all. There is absolutely no way this man is single. I refuse to believe he is single and he is here maybe because he's interested in me?, Hell no!, No way!.

Him:" are you okay " I nod

Me:" yes I'm okay "

Him:" You look flustured" oh can the ground open up and swallow me.

Me:" there's nothing ugly about you. You are a very handsome man and I'm confused as to why are you really here with me? "

Him:" I like you "

Me:" You don't know me? "

Him:" I know that I saw you in the club you were at with your friends and I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I paid your bill, asked mark to take you home so I can sleep well knowing your safe, then I get a call from my brother and he tells me that marks girlfriend is asking for help because her friend is being beaten by her boyfriend. I got so scared and drove to lilly's place and I found them in time and I followed them to your boyfriends place and we found you....."

Me:" it was your voice that I heard before I lost consciousness "

Him:" it was, I thought you were going to die before I even got a chance to get to know you and I thought God is playing a bad game on me "

Me:" I'm complicated sicelo, you dont need drama in your life " he comes and sits on the edge of the bed and takes my hand.

Him:" then get complicated. Give me drama "

Me:" I don't want you to get hurt because tshepo knows dangerous people and he will come after you " he moves his lips like he wants to smile but doesn't.

Him:" Don't worry about me. Your ex is the one who should be worried about me. Will you get complicted with me and give me drama? " he gives me puppy dog eyes and I laugh

Me:" Friendship is what I can offer you right now "

Him:" Ayanda I want to be more than you're friend and be your only man. I want to make you smile, make you laugh and make you very happy. I want to erase everything that fool did to you "

Me:" What if I....."

Him:" stop with the what ifs, I'm not here to play games with you ayanda. I know what I want and I always get what I want and I want you. As time goes I know I'm going to need you with everything in me. I'm not trying to convince you to change your mind no, I'm only letting you know where I want to go with you ".

Me:" I believe you " I breathout.

Him:" I know i'm not the one who hurt you but please let me take the responsibility to be the one heals you ". wow, no man has ever said that to me.

Me:" I believe what you're saying and I'll give you the best of me I know how but I want us to take things slowly " he smiles and brings his face close to mine

Him:" thank you and I promise you, you'll never regret this decision. Kiss me " he says smiling and I look at the time and it's alomst 5 am.

Me:" I haven't brushed my teeth though "

Him:" I'm going to be kissing you even when you wake up in the morning with your morning breath, so lets practise now "

Me:" Sicelo " I cover my face and laugh

Him:" please yaya " I laugh then remove my hands on my face and the he brings his face close and we..... his phone rings....

Him:‘ Sure…..yes she's awake…..really?...hmmm....send it all out tell them whoever gets him first will get R50k cash. I want him alive ” oh my God I hope he's not talking about tshepo.

Him:“…yes Iet me know of any developments.…sure” he cuts the call then looks me, '' You hungry? " he seems tense now. I wonder what the person who was calling said to him.

Me:" yes I am but I'd like to shower first " he presses a button near my bed and a nurse gets in.

Him:“ she would like to shower, there's a bag in the bathroom with her things ” the nurse nods comes to help me get off the bed and my body feels much better " 

Him:“ I'm going to get you something to eat I'll be back ” he says.

Me:" you promise? ” I say then he smiles gives me the most beautiful smile I have ever seen , I hear the nurse next to me gasp softly and  I don't blame her the man is gorgeous.

Him:" always " he kisses me softly then leaves. 

Nurse:“ wow I have seen many man in my life but that man is purely the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen hmm, lets get you cleaned up ”.

I don't say anything but follow her. She helps me shower and I dont look at myself in the mirror because I know I look bad. I can see bruises on my stomach, arms and legs. He's the one who bought me those silk pyjamas not karabo and lilly and he bought new one's today too with sexy lace underwear and these things are expensive wow.

I'm done showering then the nurse puts a new bandage around my stomach then I wear my underwear and its lace boyshorts this man seriously lace?. I wear my silk pyjamas and they feel absolutely amazing on my skin and its the right size. We leave the bathroom and he's still isn't back and I feel a little disappointed but he said he's going to get me something to eat so he will be back. When did I get so clingy and needy? "

The bed has now fresh clean sheets, the nurse leaves then comes back after a few minutes tells me I have to go do a Ct-Scan. They wheel me out on my bed, they do their business and bring me back to my room and when I get there, sicelo is there freshly showed and wearing a jet black suit with a very crispy white shirt and he didn't button the 2 buttons from his neck.... wow he looks good straight out of the forbes Magazine damn.

Him:“ After you've had you fill looking at me you might wanna eat ” he says looking at me amused. I'm embarrassed that he caught me ogling him and I wasn't even aware that he was looking at me watching him. The nurse takes out my food and puts it on the table and I dig in. 

Him:“ you still want more or you're full? ” I forgot he was even here because I was so hungry

Me:“ I'm full thank you it was delicious. Have you seen my phone I have to call karabo and lilly. The nurse said I might be discharged today ” he gives it to me

Him:" you still want to go back to your place? "

Me:" no. I'm gonna stay with karabo "

Him:" don't you think it's not safe because he might show up at your friends house because he knows where they live and knows he'll find you either at lilly's or karabo's place? "

Me:" karabo will be there, I won't be alone "

Him:" Ok, I saved my number there and you will call me when they get you discharged so I can take you to karabo's place because you don't have a car anymore "

Me:" ok "

Him:" I have to go to work, we'll talk "

Me:" thank you for the clothes. They fit me perfectly "

Him:" ok yaya " he kisses me and leaves. I sigh and smile to myself.

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