Snooks || HIATUS

By asimpforfelix

46.9K 1.1K 889

I grabbed his chin making him look at me, "but i love you dearly.." He bit the inside of his cheek, "Oh how... More

Just some info
i. A visit to Riddle's home
ii. Hogwarts
iii. What house?
iv. Leaving so soon?
v. ๐‘‡๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘ง๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘ ๐‘‡๐‘œ๐‘ข๐‘Ÿ๐‘›๐‘Ž๐‘š๐‘’๐‘›๐‘ก
vi. Cowards!
Goblet of fire
vii. Four champions
viii. Harry Potter
x. Late night with a hufflepuff
xi. A ball
xii. I was waiting on you
xiii. ๐‘†๐‘’๐‘๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
xiv. Don't get yourself involved
xv. Changes
xvi. Disrespect on his name
xvii. ๐‘‡โ„Ž๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜
xviii. She took over
xix. Blood
0. Order of the Phoenix
1. Who is she?
2. Mother
3. Mission: Escort Harry
4. Out burst
5. Skateboarding
6. Anonymous Letter
7. I am Tiana Riddle
8. Fix of that attitude
9. Goodbye my dear friend
Quick little note
10. Rage
11. Me
12. Not quite returning yet
13. Kill
14. Preparing for the ministry battle
15. Hold back
Cero. Halfblood Prince
Uno. Train Ride
20k!!! WTFFFF
Dos. Sorting
Tres. Potions
Quattro: Anything for you
Cinco. Monster
Seis. Baby
Siete. Invite
Ocho. Slug Club Dinner
Nueve. Defense against the dark arts
Diez. Gaunt house
Once. Death
Doce.Ride back home
Trece: Ride back home II
Kristina Anderson Grindelwald

ix. ๐น๐‘–๐‘Ÿ๐‘ ๐‘ก ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ ๐‘˜

1.2K 30 15
By asimpforfelix

"HELLO EVERYONE, I hope everyone had a good nights sleep. And to our guests, I hope you are enjoying your stay here at Hogwarts so far. ' He paused looking around at everyone.

Today, our four champions will compete their first task. " Excited whispers surrounded the great hall as everyone was pumped up about the news, some even placing bets already.

"As you all know, classes will be canceled as I'm sure everyone is looking forward to attending the competition without any nights homework. " Cheers now filled the room as I smiled a little.

" The first task will happen after lunch so I suggest you all have a walk or use the remaining time you have to study." He said smiling

"Now, let's eat."

With two claps from his hands, played began filling each house as did they appear in the teachers table.

This morning I chose to sit next to Snape seeing as I didn't want to bother Minerva by sitting next to her anymore.

She didn't say anything but I knew she was still wary of me which frustrated me because I needed to gain everyone's trust.

Now Dumbledore wouldn't be as hard because of his stupid hope he had left with me, I just needed to use that to my advantage.

I knew I should have told him about my dad returning but it would meddle with time even though I knew Dumbledore wouldn't do anything about it unless Harry died.

How did I know that? Well I wasn't just going to merely spend time with Harry without extracting any information.

He was easy to get at, guess that's just a Gryffindor thing.

We made eye contact several times, especially when I gave him that pep-talk, so I used that wisely and looked into his mind.

Looking into the useless boys mind I saw he had no idea of what Legilimency was or what Occlumency is.

Thus, making it easier to look into his mind. There I saw Dumbledore more than anyone else, he held a very big admiration towards him and Dumbledore praises him often.

It is not a lie that Dumbledore praises the Gryffindor house a lot, preferably Harry and his two minions but there is an occasional two or three other Gryffindors.

"What you told Dumbledore wasn't all of what you saw was it..?" Snape question as I looked over at him.

I smiled, " Maybe, maybe not."

He raised a brow as I leaned in and whispered, "Someone important in my life comes back."

He's eyes widened visibly and he paled, "You don't mean the dark lord do you..?"

"Dark lord...?" I raised a brow

"Only his followers call him that, say Severus are you...a death eater still?" I said raising both brows now, if he was that would everything, I could get my dads where abouts.

"Lower your voice silly girl, no I am not one of his followers anymore, now eat I think the lack of food is making you stupider."

I pouted but quickly smiled, my right elbow sat on the table as I brought my palm to my chin, my hand cupping my cheek as my index finger constantly tapped against my cheek. I sat there gazing down at the Slytherin table when a sudden idea came to me.

"What would everyone think if word got out that a certain potions teacher at Hogwarts: School of witchcraft and wizardry suddenly took an interest in younger girls..let alone touch one? What a tragedy.." I sighed taking my elbow down and reaching for my cup of pumpkin juice.

"Is that a threat?" He said lowly

"Dear me! It is merely a secret between us. Just one word and it wouldn't even be anything anymore.." I said as I raised the cup to my lips.

Someone else is staring.

My eyes went over all the house tables only to find no one looking at us, slowly my eyes went over to where Dumbledore sat.

He was staring at me carefully, as if trying to slowly read me like an open book.

"Well? Yes or no?"

"Yes, I am one." Severus answered

I stood and nodded, "Very well, thank you."

Behind me I could a seat being pushed back and up stood Igor.

Giving him a glance from the corner of my eye he nodded towards the door and I stood, I knew he took my answer as a yes as he came and we both walked out the great hall together.

We towards the Durmstrang ship and stood right on the dock. We both stood there, none of us saying anything, I was looking down at my feet while he stared straight at me, analyzing me.

Now it seemed as if everyone I talked to analyzed me, every adult and student seemed cautious of me for different reasons, to some adults they knew me as the daughter of a monster which automatically made me a monster. To most of the students I was a possible spy from up at our school, seems like they didn't quite trust me.

It was frustrating, yes I knew I had only been here for three months yet everyone treated me like some scum, they should be bowing to me. They should be listening to me, for I am surely much more superior to them then-.

"Everything alright? You look like just saw some muggle telling you what to do.."

"Ah yes I'm quite alright, just, thinking.."

"Tiana, you know I would never call you out here to chit chat. There's more to that vision then you're letting on." He stopped talking and stared at me before letting out a big sigh.

" Victor going to be okay? Will- will he win?"


Startled I took a step back, Igor had never yelled at me..ever.

Now realizing his mistake, Igor tried to take a step forward and reached his arm out but I flinched and he slowly brought his hand down.

"I'm..Tiana- I apologize, I really..." He stuttered trying to find the right words.

"Victor...he's going to be okay, he won't be harmed..he'll- he'll live.." I whispered before running off and into the woods.


(Trigger warning!! Triggered warning! Physical Abuse!!)

The little girl ran and ran as she tried going from home to home, but no one answered. Of course not, there was a party at the ministry and everyone was invited, it had started two hours ago, most families were already gone.

Their neighborhood was small, but a wizardly one. Everyone living here was a witch or a wizard, all pure of course.

"Please! Please!" The little girl cried as she slammed her little thin arms against the door.

"Help me please!"

"Darling..? Why have you run off? Hasn't mother told you not to?" Her mother said as she grinned sinisterly.

"No! No! Help me! Help me!" She cried out and used her hands to pull her dress up and run faster.

"Tiana Anderson! Right here at this instant! I wouldn't want to hex you again would I..?" She said sighing as she pouted, hoping her daughter was stupid enough to come back on her own. Much to her disappointment, her daughter didn't bother going back and thus she knew the little girl had no intention in coming back.

"You aren't...going to leave me are you?" She said, making sure her voice cracked and she fell to her knees.

The mothers hair covered her face completely, perfectly hiding her big smile.

"What will I do..What will YOU do..." She began again.

The little girl watched her mother no less than 60 feet away, huffing she turned back. Little did she know her mother too, was getting up and walking towards her.

"You..We both have no other family...what will y-we do.." She questioned the little girl.

"You don't. I do. I have my father, I'll find him, I will." The girl said bravely before turning to meet her mother.

Now little sniffles- no giggles left her mothers mouth, slowly she looked down at her daughter.

The girls eyes widened, her mother looked crazy, her black hair cascaded down her back, her grin fearsome and chilling, her eyes wild.

"Your dad?" She burst out laughing

"The one that left you? That dad?" Scared, the girl nodded making her mother frantically laugh more.

"Darling, he could care less of where you are, don't you get it? HE LEFT YOU TO DIE! HE LEFT US!" She said laughing, grimacing the girl looked down to the ground. Maybe her mother was right.

"I'm you're only hope, I can- I can help you, I will do my best.." Her mother said desperately outstretching her arms for the girl.

"Tiana...i'm your mom." She said hopefully

Slowly the girl walked to her mom, but at the last second she turned and ran. Not looking back she ran.

"Mom my ass, you little spoiled brat! I could and never would be your mom."

Wiping out her wand she quickly said "Stupefy!" and watched as her less-of-a-daughter fell to the ground, face planted.

"Stupid little girl, so useless. Couldn't even dodge a spell? Worthless."

(A/N: I feel sad just typing this )

She looked down at the girl and sneered, "Worthless."

End of flashback;

The words ringed in my brain over and over again, worthless, useless, stupid little girl.

"Famous Tiana Anderson? To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you-" Immediately he was hit with a hug as I held on tight.

Slowly he wrapped his arms around me, still shocked.

"Pleasure to see you too Draco." I smiled looking up at him.

"You're not hurrying to leave me today I see!" He said snickering when I flushed bright red.

"I don't make excuses!" I sighed knowing it was useless, we both knew I always made something up so I could escape from him but what he didn't know was that he was the first person that ever came around that managed to make me flush bright red.

"Sure you don't!" He said smiling a bit

"Hey I'm serious!" I said nudging his shoulder as he shook his head.

"You're always serious.."

Is that a bad thing?

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"Ah I was just...walking around- helps you take your mind off things." He awkwardly smiled

"Shall we head back now?" I had my doubts about what he was saying but I didn't want to invade his mind.


"I'll be back, I'm just going to wish Victor good luck."

Smiling I made my way off the stands and into the tent where the champions were.

"Victor?" He stood from the chair he was sitting in and stared at before turning and almost walking off, I grabbed his forearm and asked him to please stop.

"You should be in the stands, you aren't one of the four champions." He said, his northern accent coming in.

"Yeah but i'm here for you..." I said furrowing my brows.

"You should leave then. I don't really wanna see you right now and talking to you right before my first task is gonna mess me up, so please, leave."

I stared at him for a while trying to figure out what this paining feeling in my chest was.

Was I hurt?

I checked around my surroundings to see if someone had their wand drawn but their was no one so I frantically began checking my clothes but to me relief there was nothing there.

I'm sad.

Oh, that made sense. But I don't wanna feel sad. It's annoying.

Suddenly we both heard a squeal followed by a click of a camera.

Both Hermione and Harry who were hugging let go of each other slowly and Rita Skeeter who I learned was some bimbo who was a writer for the daily prophet stood right next to a man who carried a camera.

"Young stirring." She said, her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

She paused before bringing her hands together, "If anything goes unfortunate today, you two might even make the first page!"

I felt Victor move from where he stood making me follow him and he spoke up making Rita turn to him.

"You have no business here, this tent is for champions."

I looked down but feeling someone look at me I glanced up to see Harry, smiling I waved and he smiled back causing Hermione to look at me.

Her eyes widened a fraction but the attention quickly diverted to Victor as soon as the camera man took a picture of both Victor and I.

"and friends.." He finally looked at me giving me a small smile that definitely did not go unnoticed by Rita.

She gave me a little smirk and the quill was put to a stop.

"No matter...we got what we wanted."

Right before she left she looked at me one last time and "whispered" as in actually yelled out "Nice to meet you...Tiana, Victor's girlfriend. I hope you're doing well here in Hogwarts."

Albus enteres the tent and addressed everyone, "Good day Champions! Gather round please, now you've waited and wondered for and at last the moment has arrived , only four of you can fully appreciate- what are you doing here Miss Granger? Miss Anderson?"

"Oh sorry I'll just leave.."

We both left together neither of us talking to each other til she asked me, "So you know Harry?"

"Everyone knows Harry." Forgive me for being blunt but she's a muggle-born.

"Oh- umm yeah of course.." She said her voice faint at the end.

I sighed, "I was with Harry when you both left him."

"Oh it's no wonder he wasn't in class-"

I gave her a sharp look that shut her right up and she apologized. "Sorry."

"Never mind that- why weren't you with Harry? He was pretty down when I found him.." I watched from the corner of my eye as her face filled with sorrow and shame.

"Ron and Harry had a fight- Ron thinks Harry put his name in the Goblet."

"Well Ron's a git- Harry couldn't have put his name in the Goblet."

I saw the way she reacted when I talked about Ron and I wondered if she liked him, but she possibly can't...Victor likes her.

"Yeah but it's not Rons fault-"

I cut her off, "You can go and defend Ron as much as you want but know that while you're with me everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit. It is Ron's fault. He shouldn't be one to quickly jump to conclusions if he's so called Harry's friend. Harry doesn't need you both, he doesn't need friends like you both. Keep siding with Ron but i'm telling you, one day it's gonna come and bite you in the ass Hermione. "

I smiled sarcastically and walked away, I waved and left her standing there, completely shell shocked.

Stupid bitch.

"Honestly how can Harry out up with her." I murmured.


We all watched anxiously as the last champion went, Harry. It was true everyone hated him but honestly you couldn't really hide your excited feeling or anxious one, I mean for fucks sake Harry Potter was about to go and try to get an egg from a dragon!

We saw Harry walk out and begin walking towards the egg, obviously not seeing the Dragon approaching him.

Quickly the Dragon slammed one of its arms down, the force making everyone shrink down in their seats. Harry dodged it and rolled down in front of a rock.

The dragon breathed out fire and some people screamed while Harry got up and ran. I watched, my eyes widening a bit as the dragon flew up and towards Harry.

"Watch out!" Came a shrill scream from a girl at the other side of the stand from me.

Right after it slammed its tail down, narrowly missing Harry and some teachers even drew back.

I grimaced as its tail managed to throw Harry but thankfully he managed to land behind a big rock.

The dragon spit out fire again but it was far off from where Harry was.

"You're wand Harry! You're wand!" Hermione yelled while slamming her hand down on the wood.

"Sheesh this girl..."

Almost as if hearing her Harry yelled out a spell which I couldn't hear but soon enough realized he had summoned his fire bolt as it came straight towards him.

Right when his broom was close enough Harry came out from behind a small rock and jumped onto his broom, missing the fire that was spot out from the dragon.

He flew towards the egg but couldn't grab it as the dragon realized his intentions and quickly spit out its fire towards where the egg lay.

More screams could be heard when the dragon flew up higher, it's chain now broken as the dragon flew up and towards Harry who made his way toward the school.

Quietly everyone in the stands waited for Harry, no one knew if he was alive or not. As not a sound could be heard.

Harry's frame came into view and cheers could be heard, even I let out a little jump and scream of excitement but stopped and regained my posture when realizing what I was doing.

He stooped down and grabbed the egg.

It was done, every champion had gotten their egg now.

how's online school been? I hate it 😃✨
Well here's another slow update <3

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"๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ฅ๐ ๐ข๐ฌ๐ง'๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ข๐ญ ๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐จ ๐ ๐จ๐จ๐ ๐ฉ๐ž๐จ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ž ๐š๐ง๐ ๐๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฌ. ๐–๐ž'๐ฏ๐ž ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ ๐จ๐ญ ๐›๐จ๐ญ๐ก ๐ฅ๐ข๐ ๐ก๐ญ ๐š๏ฟฝ...