Johnny Depp Imagines {COMPLET...

By BayBay08

1.6M 27.1K 17.5K

Here are some Johnny Depp character (including Johnny Depp himself) imagines. **Requests are CLOSED** *No Smu... More

Edward Scissorhands #1
Mort Rainey #1
Sam #1
Willy Wonka #1
Gilbert Grape #1
Sweeney Todd #1
Barnabas Collins #1
Johnny Depp #1
Jack Sparrow #1
John Dillinger #1
Jack Sparrow #2
Willy Wonka #2
JD Characters #1
Ichabod Crane #1
JD Characters #2
Johnny Depp #2
Johnny Depp Poem
Sweeney Todd #2
Jack Marshall #1
Sam #2
Johnny Depp #3
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #1
Johnny Depp #4
JD Characters #3
Barnabas Collins #2
Gellert Grindelwald #1
Ichabod Crane #2
Sweeney Todd #3
Gator Lerner #1
Tom Hanson #1
Edward Scissorhands #2
Willy Wonka #3
Barnabas Collins #3
Gilbert Grape #2
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #1
John Dillinger #2
Sweeney Todd #4
JD Characters #4
Jack Sparrow #3
Mort Rainey #2
Gilbert Grape #3
Edward Scissorhands #3
Willy Wonka #4
Johnny Depp #5
Roux #1
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #2
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #2
Willy Wonka #5
JD Characters #5
Sweeney Todd #5
Mort Rainey #3
Ed Wood #1
Edward Ratchett #1
Willy Wonka #6
Ichabod Crane #3
Johnny Depp #6
Jack Sparrow #4
Edward Scissorhands #4
George Jung #1
Jack Sparrow #5
Gellert Grindelwald #2
Jack Sparrow #6
Tom Hanson #2
Willy Wonka #7
Sweeney Todd #6
JD Characters #6
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #3
Johnny Depp #7
Mort Rainey #4
Sam #3
Gilbert Grape #4
Willy Wonka #8
JD Characters #7
Willy Wonka #9
Glen Lantz #1
Tom Hanson #3
JD Characters #8
Willy Wonka #10
Barnabas Collins #4
Don Juan DeMarco #1
Jack Sparrow #7
Sweeney Todd #7
Gator Lerner #2
Gellert Grindelwald #3
Jack Sparrow #8
Johnny Depp #8
Mort Rainey #5
JD Characters #9
The Wolf #1
Gilbert Grape #5
The Wolf #2
Willy Wonka #11
Johnny Depp #9
Edward Scissorhands #5
Johnny Depp #10
Jack Sparrow #9
Johnny Depp #11
Edward Scissorhands #6
Ichabod Crane #4
Spencer Armacost #1
Johnny Depp #12
JD Characters #10
Richard Brown #1
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #3
Johnny Depp #13
Jack Sparrow #10
Barnabas Collins #5
JD Characters #11
Gene Watson #1
Don Juan DeMarco #2
Gilbert Grape #6
Sweeney Todd #8
Jack Sparrow #11
Johnny Depp #14
The Wolf #3
Jack Sparrow #12
Johnny Depp #15
Jack Marshall #2
JD Characters #12
Johnny Depp #16
J.M. Barrie #1
Johnny Depp #17
John Dillinger #3
Roux #2
The Wolf #4
Glen Lantz #2
Barnabas Collins #6
Jack Sparrow #13
Johnny Depp #18
Charlie Mortdecai #1
Ichabod Crane #5
Willy Wonka #12
Johnny Depp #19
Mort Rainey #6
Tom Hanson #4
John Dillinger #4
John Wilmot #1
Willy Wonka #13
Jack Sparrow #14
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #4
JD Characters #13
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #4
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #5
Gellert Grindelwald #4
Sweeney Todd #9
Tonto #1
Richard Brown #2
Gator Lerner #3
Tom Hanson #5
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #5
Johnny Depp #21
Tonto #2
Jack Sparrow #15
Tom Hanson #6
Barnabas Collins #7
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #6
Mort Rainey #7
Johnny Depp #22
Frank Tupelo #1
Sweeney Todd #10
Barnabas Collins #8
Mort Rainey #8
Barnabas Collins #9
Sweeney Todd #11
Ichabod Crane #6
Johnny Depp #23
Willy Wonka #14
Sweeney Todd #12
Agent Sheldon Sands #1
Ichabod Crane #7
Tom Hanson #7
JD Characters #14
Mort Rainey #9
Willy Wonka #15
Sweeney Todd #13
Johnny Depp #24
Jack Sparrow #16
The Wolf #5
Johnny Depp #25
Sweeney Todd #14
Tom Hanson #8
JD Characters #15
Edward Scissorhands #7
Jack Marshall #3
Don Juan DeMarco #3
Johnny Depp #26
The Grand Finale Story

Johnny Depp #20

8K 119 78
By BayBay08

Imagine you meeting Johnny Depp on an airplane.

(A/N: Happy 58th Birthday, Johnny Depp!)

You were boarding on a late night flight heading to Paris, France after you have recently won an online contest for a first class plane ticket for a trip to Paris. It was exciting to travel overseas and go to another country you've never been to after you have recently graduated from college. But at the same time, you wished that you had someone to spend time with on your wonderful trip.

After you have found your first class seat by the window, you fastened your seatbelt and waited patiently for the plane to take off soon and curious to know who was gonna sit next to you throughout the whole ten hour flight. You checked your watch and there was only two minutes before the airplane would start departing from the airport.  But you look up from your watch when you felt someone sitting in the seat next to you.

When you glanced to the side to see who it was sitting next to you, it was a surprise to see none other than your all time favorite actor and celebrity crush, Johnny Depp. You couldn't believe it was him. You've been a fan of his for the past two years ever since you rewatched one of his movies that you used to watch repeatedly all the time as a child. After that, you watched more of his movies that you've never seen before, which helped you get through the stress when dealing with college work and it even got you interested in getting to know more about him and his career. You listened to his music from the Hollywood Vampires, looked up his artwork, and watched videos of him being so loving and kind to his fans. You even support him for what he's going through with lawsuits against his horrible ex-wife.

You hesitated to speak to him for a second until you finally had the courage to say, "Excuse me, are you Johnny Depp?" He turned to you, with a sweet smile, and said, "Indeed I am. What's your name, sweetheart?" You stared at him for a moment, enchanted by his handsome facial features, his sleek dark brown hair, and his dark brown eyes. 'Gosh, he's so gorgeous.' You thought to yourself. But you snapped out of your thoughts when you realized that you didn't answer him. "Uh...(y/n). My name is (y/n) (y/l/n) and I'm a fan of your films and other works that you have done." You introduced yourself, calmly. "Aw, thank you and it's very nice to meet you, (y/n). It's always wonderful to meet a fan of mine." Johnny said, sweetly.

Then, you felt the airplane moving, which made you a bit tense because you completely forgot what was coming up very soon that could trigger your personal fear. You held onto the arms of your seat and leaned back, with your heart pacing a little bit, as you were trying to avoid seeing the airplane move onto the airfield turf. Johnny noticed you and asked, while putting a hand on your shoulder and rubbing it, gently, "Are you okay, (y/n)?" "I-I f-forgot that I have a f-fear of heights, J-Johnny." You responded, nervously, as the airplane positioned itself on the runway. "Here. Hold my hand, look away, and it'll be over before you know it." Johnny said, as he offered his hand to you. Just as the airplane was beginning to speed down the runway, you took Johnny's hand and, without thinking, you hid your face against his shoulder and closed your eyes as you felt the plane taking off into the air.

A couple minutes after the plane had taken off, you heard Johnny whispering next to your ear, "The worst is over. You can open your eyes now, (y/n)." You felt your cheeks were getting hot after you heard his voice close to you. When you opened your eyes, you realized that your face was against his shoulder the whole time and you felt embarrassed as you lifted your head up. "Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry, Johnny. I got scared and I—I didn't mean to invade your personal space." You apologized. Johnny chuckled and said, "It's okay, (y/n). You're fine. You were scared and it's totally understandable." "Are you sure?" You questioned. "Of course, sweetheart. I didn't mind it at all." Johnny said, with a wink at the end.

You smiled at his response and said, "Well, I really appreciate you comforting me when the plane was taking off, Johnny." "Of course, (y/n). I hate to see a fan of mine scared and I wanted make sure you were okay." Johnny said, sweetly. "I'm okay and I'm not scared anymore, thanks to you." You said. Johnny smiled even more and said, "It was my pleasure, sweetheart. I'm glad that you're okay." He, then, took your hand and placed a kiss on top of it, which made you blush even more. When he noticed you blushing, he chuckled and leaned towards you and whispered by your ear, "You're so cute when you blush." You giggled and mentally screamed in your head after he said that. 'Oh, Johnny. You're so attractive and so gentle, you're making my heart beat like crazy.' You thought to yourself, as you were feeling your heart flutter like butterflies


During the first couple of hours of the flight, you and Johnny did nothing but talk to each other. It was fun getting to know more about him, including his inspirations, how he brings good ideas into his characters, being part of the Hollywood Vampires, what he's going through with the lawsuits, and many more. Even Johnny was very interested in getting to know about you.

"So, why are you traveling to Paris, (y/n)?" Johnny asked, curiously. "I had recently won a trip to Paris, along with a first class plane ticket. This is my first time traveling overseas and I'm really excited to see what's in store for me to see in Paris." You explained. "Nice. That's wonderful to win something like that." Johnny said. "Yeah, but it would've been even more fun to go there with someone. My parents are working and my friends have other plans." You added, sadly.

There was nothing but silence for a couple of seconds until Johnny took your hand into his again and asked, "How about I accompany with you on your trip?" You looked at him, surprised. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that would make your trip even more exciting. Spending time in Paris with your favorite actor and crush, Johnny Depp. That's something that would rarely happen to a fan when they meet their favorite celebrity. "Really, Johnny? Are you sure? I don't want to spoil your vacation or if you're filming something in Paris." You said. He chuckled and said, "I'm not filming anything at the moment. In fact, that's why I'm traveling to Paris myself to take a break from filming and to get away from the press and dealing with the lawsuits."

You thought about it for a moment until you nodded and said, "Sure. I would love for you to accompany with me on my trip, Johnny." After you said that, Johnny smiled and placed another kiss on top of it, which made you giggle and blush once again. "You made my day, Johnny. Not only do I get the chance to meet you and sit next to you in first class, but I get to spend time with you on my trip." You said, with a smile on your face. Johnny smiled back at you and said, "I'm glad I made your day and your trip better, sweetheart." He, then, leaned slightly towards you and whispered, "Can I tell you a secret?" You nodded. "It's my Birthday as of right now and I originally had nothing to do...until now." Johnny said, softly.

When he shared his little secret to you, it was exciting to hear that. "Really?" You whispered. "Spending time with a beautiful fan of mine and getting to know her and spend more time with her in Paris later on, it made my 58th Birthday so much better." Johnny said. You smiled and blushed even more after he said all that. "I think I'll make your special day even more better." You said, and, then, you turned to a stewardess and requested a bottle of champagne and two glasses of wine glasses.

After the stewardess poured some champagne in two glasses, she handed them to you and Johnny. "I would like to make a toast to the most talented and most handsome man who not only got me through those stressful days in college when watching his movies, but for making this the best trip I shall cherish and will never forget. Here's to the Birthday man, Johnny Depp." You spoke, softly. "And I would like to make a toast to the fan whom I met a short time ago that made my Birthday even more wonderful and better by getting to know her and spend time with her in Paris later on. Here's to the sweetest belle femme, meaning 'beautiful woman', (y/n)." Johnny said, and, then, you both clinked your glasses together before taking a sip of champagne.


A few minutes later, it was around one in the morning as you were starting to feel tired. You tried to keep your eyes open, but they kept on closing. Even Johnny noticed that you were about to fall asleep. "You feeling tired?" He asked. You nodded and let out a yawn. "Here. You can sleep on my shoulder." "Thank you, Johnny." You said, sleepily, as you rested your head on his shoulder. Before you drifted off into sleep, you looked up at him and said, "Johnny?" "Yeah, (y/n)?" Johnny said, in a soft, soothing voice. "Thanks again for making my day wonderful and for accompanying with me on my trip." You said. Johnny smiled and said back, "You're welcome, sweetheart." Then, he moved some strands of your (h/l) (h/c) hair out of the way and placed a kiss on your forehead, which made you sigh, happily, before you snuggled against his shoulder and fell completely asleep.

After you fell asleep, Johnny stared down at your sleeping form for a moment before he took his jacket and he put it over you like a blanket to keep you warm. Then, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and whispered, "Thank you for making my Birthday very special, (y/n)." Afterwards, he placed one more kiss on your forehead and rested his head on top of yours and fell asleep next to you.

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