A Reason to Change | Connor x...

By sugarlizzz_

225K 7.9K 2.2K

NEW BOOK TITLE - Previously known as "We Live, Therefore We Are" You never had anything against androids... I... More

Author's Note
1 : F A S C I N A T I O N [1/3]
1 : F A S C I N A T I O N [2/3]
1 : F A S C I N A T I O N [3/3]
2 : C H A S E [1/4]
2 : C H A S E [2/4]
2 : C H A S E [3/4]
2 : C H A S E [4/4]
3 : T H E _ N E S T [1/4]
3 : T H E _ N E S T [2/4]
3 : T H E _ N E S T [3/4]
3 : T H E _ N E S T [4/4]
4 : R E S T I N G [1/4]
4 : R E S T I N G [2/4]
4 : R E S T I N G [3/4]
4 : R E S T I N G [4/4]
5 : E D E N _ C L U B [1/4]
5 : E D E N _ C L U B [2/4]
5 : E D E N _ C L U B [3/4]
5 : E D E N _ C L U B [4/4]
6 : L I G H TS _ O U T
7 : T H E _ B R I D G E
8 : C O N F L I C T E D [1/3]
8 : C O N F L I C T E D [2/3]
8 : C O N F L I C T E D [3/3]
9 : P U B L I C _ E N E M Y [1/5]
9 : P U B L I C _ E N E M Y [2/5]
9 : P U B L I C _ E N E M Y [3/5]
9 : P U B L I C _ E N E M Y [4/5]
9 : P U B L I C _ E N E M Y [5/5]
10 : K A M S K I [1/3]
10 : K A M S K I [2/3]
10 : K A M S K I [3/3]
11: L A S T _ C H A N C E [1/3]
11: L A S T _ C H A N C E [2/3]
11: L A S T _ C H A N C E [3/3]
12: J E R I C H O [1/4]
12: J E R I C H O [2/4]
12: J E R I C H O [3/4]
12: J E R I C H O [4/4]
13 : S O _ C L O S E [1/5]
13 : S O _ C L O S E [2/5]
A/N (Not Dead)
13 : S O _ C L O S E [3/5]
13 : S O _ C L O S E [5/5]

13 : S O _ C L O S E [4/5]

2.4K 100 19
By sugarlizzz_

Picture edited by me (Photoshop)


Once finished with your breakfast, you leaned back against the couch with a pleased sigh.
"Thanks again. It was really good." You complimented the Android's cooking.
"I'm glad." he smiled gently.
"I'm gonna take a shower if that's alright." You looked over at Hank.
"Sure." he replied. "I, uuh, packed some, uhm, stuff. Of yours. From a drawer. And the closet." he reluctantly told you, obviously embarrassed from the fact he had to go through your wardrobe.
You let out a chuckle and got up. "Don't worry about it, it's very thoughtful of you. Thank you."
"Whatever..." The Lieutenant mumbled in response.

You made your way to the bedroom and rummaged through the plastic bag with your things and fished out some fresh clothes, a hairbrush and other toiletries. You patted Sumo and your dog who remained on the bed, before moving to the bathroom and shutting the door.
You set everything down, glanced at the mirror, and were almost startled by how messy you looked... Trying not to dwell on that thought any further, you quickly stepped towards the bathtub and drew back the shower curtain, immediately appalled by the sight that lied behind, the tub being all sorts of grimy, looking like it hasn't been cleaned in years.
You let out a noise of disgust when suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door.
"Excuse me, may I come in for a moment?" Connor asked politely.
"Uh, sure."
He slowly opened the door and stepped inside, a pair of towels in his hands. "Hank said you might need these." he set them down on a small dresser standing by the door.
"Oh, why thank you."
Connor looked at you. "Is everything alright?" he tilted his head.
"Well... Hank's bathtub is gross... Think I'm just gonna clean it real quick." You explained and opened the cupboard underneath the sink, pulling out a sponge and a bottle of bathroom cleaner that looked like it hasn't been touched in far too long.
"You shouldn't overexert yourself, (Y/N). Let me do it." Connor suggested.
"Oh, y- you don't have to..."
"I insist. It's alright, I'll be very quick."
"Fine..." You handed him the cleaning supplies and watched as he began scrubbing.
He was indeed anything but slow and you were impressed by his accurate movements, not missing a single spot, and wondered if there was anything this guy could not do.
It wasn't much longer until he rinsed the foaming tub and watched the dirty greyish liquid disappear through the drain.
"Ew." you muttered.
"Indeed." Connor confirmed and went to the sink to rinse the sponge and wash his hands.
"I'm guessing chemicals like that don't harm you at all?" you commented curiously, awkwardly trying to strike up a conversation somehow.
"No. The materials I am made up of are very durable." he answered and dried off his hands. "I shall leave you to it." he nodded with a smile. "Let me know if there is anything else you need."
"Sure thing." you smiled back at him as he approached the door.

"C- Connor?"
"Yes?" he turned around again, looking at you expectantly, slightly tilting his head.
"Uhm..." you muttered. "Y- your hair..."
"My hair...?" He turned towards the mirror. "Oh. I see." He chuckled and proceeded to fix it, not quite getting it right. "Is that better?" he looked back at you with the sweetest smile.
"Hold on, let me..." You reached up to sort his hair and Connor even leaned down a little to make it easier for you, seeing as he was quite a bit taller. With the silence and lingering thoughts from earlier events, the atmosphere was kind of tense... You could feel your heart pounding inside your chest, trying to keep your hands from shaking nervously. Connor not taking his eyes off you and seemingly examining your features surely didn't help, but you tried your best to ignore it.
"There you go."
"Thanks." The android smiled and checked himself out in the mirror. "Would that be all?" he tilted his head again. God, that cute head tilt of his... You really wanted to say no and pull him closer but decided to hold back instead, perhaps wanting to wait for a better moment. Either way, you couldn't help but smile brightly at his mannerisms.
"I guess so..."
"You guess?" he furrowed his brows ever so slightly, smiling back, tilting his head even more, wondering what was on your mind. "Then why are you smiling?"
"I- I mean..." you looked away sheepishly. "I just... I like the way you tilt your head... It's... really cute..." you stammered.
"O- oh..." he replied. "I appreciate it..." He looked at you and an awkward pause ensued, before he spoke again. "Well then... Feel free to call out if there's anything you need."
"Will do. Thanks again."
"It's my pleasure." Connor nodded and finally left the room, softly shutting the door.

You couldn't help but let out a huge sigh and just stared at the door for a few more seconds before finally turning on the shower, getting undressed and stepping inside.
You closed your eyes and sighed once more as you felt the comfortably warm water run down your body.
At that moment, nothing felt real to you, like you were in a trance. You couldn't wrap your head around all the insane things that have been going on the past few days for the life of you, and Connor... Just the mere thought of him drove you crazy, and you kept thinking of what happened earlier. You didn't want to miss a single moment with him before he left, so you made sure to hurry up.

Once finished you felt incredibly relieved, almost like a new person, probably never having been so messy before, with even just the thought of what you looked and smelled like – especially in Connor's presence - causing you to feel slightly embarrassed. You got dressed and dried your hair as quickly as possible, and left to join your partners in the living room.
Hank was still in his armchair drinking beer and watching TV, while Connor did some dishes in the kitchen.
"Hey, how you feelin', kid?" Hank smiled at you as you approached.
"Much better."
Connor turned around, his face instantly lighting up as soon as he met your gaze. You couldn't quite decipher his facial expression, though it looked like a mix of pleasant surprise and whatever else.
"(Y/N), you..." he began, only to pause, his mouth agape slightly.
"Hmm?" you raised your eyebrows enquiringly and entered the kitchen.
"Nevermind." He responded sheepishly and turned back towards the sink as you moved next to him, looking up.
"What's up, Con? Everything alright?" you asked quietly.
"Yeah, it's just... Well, you look... very pretty..." he finally admitted with a lowered voice, looking away.
You just stood there dumbfounded for a moment, your face feeling incredibly hot almost instantly. "O- oh... Thank you..." you eventually responded, looking at the floor shily.
There was a moment of silence before you decided to speak up again, clearing your throat. "So, anything I can help you with?"
"Not that I can think of. You can just rest if you'd like." The android suggested.
"Hmm, I dunno... I think I'd rather make myself useful somehow, to be honest." You explained and started looking around. "Guess I'll just tidy up a bit."
"Alright, but please try not to overexert yourself, okay?" Connor requested, a hint of concern on his face.
"I won't. Promise." You reassured him with a gentle smile, grabbed an empty trash bag and walked to the living room, starting off by clearing the coffee table.
"The hell you doin'?" Hank spoke up grumpily.
"What does it look like?" you responded sharply while picking up some empty beer bottles.
"Messing with my stuff?" he retorted.
"Jeez, Hank. Don't exaggerate." You chuckled. "I'm just tidying up a bit. You're welcome to help, you know?"
"Eh, I'm good." He grumbled and took a sip of his beer. "Just... don't break anything."
"Suit yourself, lazybones." you shrugged and proceeded with your cleaning, grabbing all the trash you could find from the living room, before doing more of the same in the kitchen.

As you were about to approach the front door to take out the trash, you noticed how bright it was by now and could see the very faint reflection of police lights through the blinds on the window to the left... You wished you could open the blinds to let some light into Hank's neglected place and maybe crack the windows, but it was too dangerous. You didn't want to risk getting yourself or your partners in any sort of trouble by being approached by patrolling officers or swat, so instead of going outside, you gently placed the full bag right by the door and returned to the kitchen to help Connor with the dishes.
You stood next to him and the two of you just smiled at each other silently for a moment, your heart rate yet again immediately picking up in speed as you starting drying off some cutlery.
"I'm glad to see you feeling better." Connor spoke up.
"Yeah, me too... Crazy scary experience..." you responded, glad to be safe and sound within Hank's home.
"Indeed. I'm amazed at how well you're able to cope with it, though." Connor commended you.
"Oh, well..." you started off, flustered "I've already had my fair share of crazy experiences as a cop, guess I'm kinda getting used to it."
"I'd enjoy hearing about those experiences sometime."
"R- really? I mean, sure." You beamed.
"And also... You know... Should you ever be struggling emotionally due to a negative experience, you can count on me." He softly bumped your shoulder.
"Cheers to that, son." Hank chimed in from the living room, raising his beer.
"Awww, guys..." you looked away shily.

Before Connor could say another word, the sharp noise of the doorbell cut right through the comfortable atmosphere, making you jump, almost dropping the plate you were currently drying off. In an instant, all three of you turned to the front door, wondering who the hell it could be. Hank looked back at you and quietly pointed towards the hallway, suggesting Connor and you should probably hide. You nodded and sneaked out of the kitchen and into the hallway with Connor. Sumo and your dog who were staying on Hanks bed this whole time were now curiously peeking into the hallway. You ushered them back into the room and softly closed the door from the outside, and proceeded to lean on the hallway wall with Connor next to you, to try and listen in. Hank unhurriedly got up from his armchair, sighed loudly and made his way over to the door.
Who could it be? Police? FBI? Maybe even CyberLife, coming to pick up Connor? You sure were hoping it wouldn't be the latter and anxiously gritted your teeth as you stood by the wall, feeling your heart in your throat.

The door creaked eerily as Anderson slowly opened it. For a moment, silence.
"Hey." Said the person on the other side.
"Jeffrey?!" Hank uttered. "The hell are you doin' here?"
You and Connor looked at each other with a mix of surprise and confusion.
"Thought I'd check up on you after your little tantrum yesterday."
"Oh yeah? What about it?" Anderson crossed his arms and leaned against the doorframe.
"You know you won't get off so easy with that one, right?" Fowler raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah, like I give a crap. Especially amidst all this bullshit." Hank spat.
"I could've guessed as much. What were you even thinking?" he enquired.
"Fucker had it coming..." the Lieutenant grumbled.
"That all? Seriously?" Jeffrey pressed.
"God damn it Fowler, what do you want?"
The Captain let out an audible sigh and paused. "I wanna to know what the hell is goin' on, Hank. I know you like to drink, but that? That's pretty bad, even for you. I can't guarantee you'll ever be able to come back to work..." Fowler paused, expecting a response from Hank, who said nothing. "I was also told the android hasn't returned to CyberLife yet." He continued "And no one has seen or heard from (Y/N) ever since you left after throwing hands. You don't happen to know anything about that, do you?"
"I dunno, maybe she got spooked by all this crazy shit?"
"Don't give me that, Hank. She would never miss work or leave over something like that. Hell, you know her!"
"Guess I don't know her as well as I thought, then."
"Well, what about the android?"
"I don't fuckin' know! Piece a' plastic left shortly after the FBI took over."
"So, I came all the way here for nothin'?"
"Guess so. Sorry." Hank shrugged innocently.
"It just... It doesn't feel right." He furrowed his brows and shook his head. "Hey, I don't wanna intrude on (Y/N) too much... Before the curfew, did you check on her at all by any chance?"
"Look, Jeff... I know you mean well. I'm sure she's fine. Trust me, I do know that much."
"Shit... Maybe you're right..."
"Yeah... So... That all?"
"I guess so..." he paused. "Man, all this crap just has me super on edge."
"Hey. You're not the only one. It's fuckin' crazy out there." Hank tried to reassure him.
"Alright... Guess I'll leave you be."
"Thanks for stoppin' by, though. 'preciate it."
"Sure thing, Hank. You take care. I'll get in touch again when this is all over. For now, you're put on leave."
" 'Kay, see ya."
Jeffrey looked over Hanks shoulder. "Oh, finally started cleaning up your place, huh? Would be nice to see you get back on your feet, after all this... Maybe consider yesterday the 'grand finale'." He smiled and patted his shoulder. "Well, bye now."
"Bye..." Hank watched him walk off before closing the door again and even locking it, just to be sure. He let out a huge sigh and turned around.

"The... hell...?" was the only confused reaction that escaped your mouth once you and Connor joined Hank in the living room. He just shrugged. "That was... unexpected..." Connor added. "Yeah..." Anderson grumbled and rubbed his neck.
"For a second I feared he was onto something." You mentioned. "Finally cleaning your place, pff..." you scoffed cheekily and Hank jokingly slapped your arm in response. "Oh, shut it." He spat, although smiling.
"So... Now what?" you asked. "I've no idea." Hank replied.

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