Hello Danger

By Tati433

43.2K 641 107

A school full of best friends, what could possibly happen? When Ray brings a new girl into the school, how wi... More

Welcome to S.W.A.G
Training to Be the Best.
When Duty Calls
Into the Flames
The Date
Stay Safe
Coming Home
Daddys Girl.
A Fathers Love
The Date: Round Two
Believe Me
Believe Me Part 2
Vacation Troubles
Hawaii Force
Beach Days
Us Time
The Party
Guess It's Really Over
Birthday Again
Missing Family
Missing Family Part 2
Protect You
Family Dramatics
Thinking Of You
Baby? Not In a Million Years.
Baby? Not In a Million Years Pt.2
Baby? Not In a Million Years! Pt.3
Loving Danger
Shaking For the Wrong Reason.
Shaking For the Wrong Reason Pt.2
Meet the Force
Christmas Dream
Fighting Doesn't Make Things Right
Villians Help Heros
New Year New Harper?
Because I Need You
New Boy Part 1
New Boy Part 2
New Boy Part 3
New Boy Part 4
The Good Little Witches
Puppy Love And Puppy Eyes
End of Danger? Part 1
End of Danger? Part 2
End of Danger Part 3
Thunder Claps
Does Love Last Forever?
Part 2. The Danger Force Musical
The Danger Force Musical 2
The Danger Force Musical 3
The Danger Force Musical 4
My Heart Might Go On
The Age-O-Blah Blah Blah
Return of the Henry
Harpers Thunder Problems
3 Months?!
Mud In Your Face
Home Early, Dont ask Why.
Was My Life a Dream? Part 1
Was My Life a Dream? Part 2
Too Early (Conclusion)

Heart of Gold

986 18 0
By Tati433

It was Saturday. Harper sat in the Mans Nest in nothing but her underwear and a sweatshirt. This is what Harper always dreamt of when she thought of Saturday. Harper scrolled through her phone and saw a post. It talked about how Danger Force would be better without Harper. Well, without Girl Danger. Harper scrolled past the post, until she realized there were more. They accused Harper of not being from Swellview. They blamed her for getting a new superpower.
"It'll get better. They were rough on Henry and me too."
Harper smiles and scrolls through. Then a chair zooms up to the Mans Nest.
Harper runs over to Chapa and gives her a hug. But Chapa only cries. Harper pulls away and looks at Chapa.
"Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"
Chapa shook her head and held Harper in another hug.
"I-I need to t-talk to you a-about a hard topic."
Harper took Chapas hand and guided her to the couch. Harper sat criss cross in front of Chapa.
"Now tell me what's wrong."
Chapa stared at the couch. She wiped the tears off her cheeks and steadied her breath. Chapa pulled her sleeve up making Harper gasp. It was bruised and purple. Chapa grabbed a piece of paper out of her pocket. It was the piece of paper. Harper held her hand up to her heart.
"Well I'm flattered!"
Chapa laughed a bit as Harper read the page.
"My parents found it a few days ago. And, well, they were upset. I continued anyways and my Mom found out and now here I am."
Harper set the paper down and smiled. She hugged Chapa and fell backwards. Chapa squealed as she fell on top of Harper. Harper moved Chapas head to on her shoulder and laid Chapa down on top of her.
"Am I hurting you?"
Chapa asked. Harper just laughed and shook her head.
"No I did this with my Mom on top of me for strength training. And all my brothers too."
Chapa relaxed and curled up on Harpers chest.
"You're comfy."
Chapa said, making Harper blush.
"I'm glad."
They laid there for a while. Then they heard a chuckle.
"What's going on over here?"
Harper smiles and laid her head back down. Chapa felt her face go red. But Harper was able to just sit there? How? She thought. Harper ran her fingers through the front of Chapas hair, neatening it. Harper loved the sight of Chapas red face. Harper giggles as she played with Chapas hair. Harper closed her eyes and took a moment to relax. She balanced the weight to her toes and shoulders, and Chapa felt weight-less. Harper opened her eyes and kissed Chapa lightly on the forehead. Chapa for once actually giggled. Making Harper smile and join. Chapa got up and Harper did to. They didn't know why but they both tackled each other and fell to the ground, wrestling, and laughing. They enjoyed themselves until Chapas phone rang. She answered the call, but put it on speaker.
"Lula Elena Chapa De Silva! Where are you! Never mind that! You need to be home in five seconds!
Chapa groaned.
"I'm at a friends house."
"Fine. Whatever do what you want."
The call hung up and Harper felt bad. Chapas hands turned red as the electricity flowed through her hands.
"Chapa, I-"
Chapa yelled releasing the electricity on Harper. Harper fell backwards and looked up scared. Harper opened her mouth as Chapa struck her again. Harper broke down in tears, as the memories of her Mom and all her other family members always did this to her. Now here she was, getting zapped by the only other person besides her uncle she cared for. Harper cried as she curled up in a ball.
She screamed.
"What do you mean?"
Chapa said coldly.
Harper dried the tears as she stood up weakly.
"The only time I open up my heart. The only time I let myself feel something. EVERYONE PUSHES ME AWAY!"
Chapa stops and stares into Harpers eyes. Harper sniffles as she stands there. Chapa walks over and tries to hug Harper.
"Get off of me!"
Harper said roughly. Chapa stepped back as they stared at each other.
"I think we need to take a break."
Chapa said. Harper went to go say something when a crunch was heard. Harper stomped off towards the kitchen and dragged Ray and Schwoz out, who were holding bowls of popcorn.
Harper screamed at them.
"Watching the show."
Schwoz answered.
Chapa looked over and exchanged a glance with Harper. Harper nodded and they both fried Ray and Schwoz. They continued until they screamed for mercy. Harper grabbed Chapas hand and lead her off to her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her and kissed Chapa.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry Chapa. I don't wanna loose what we have. Our friendship is one of a kind. I swear I will do anything to earn you're trust back. Even if that means sacrificing my life for you."
Harper said pleading. Chapa put her hands on Harpers cheeks and pulled her in for another kiss.
"I'm sorry too Harper. I let my Mom get in the way. I forgot how badly you were treated in Dystopia and I know I probably acted like one of those jerks. I'll do anything for you to let me be able to be with you again."
Harper hugged Chapa and looked her in the eyes.
"Maybe there is one thing we can do."
Harper smiled. Chapa wondered what Harper meant.
"If you don't mind... maybe we could go on a date?"
Chapa felt her heart stop for a second. Chapa was speechless. She just nodded and hugged Harper as tight as she could, knowing everything would be alright. After a little while of talking, Chapa left to go home. They decided they would go on their first date tomorrow. Harper was so excited that she was already looking for an outfit to wear.
Harper screamed.
Ray walked in and leaned against the door eating popcorn.
"What's up Harp?"
Harper smiles as she stole a fist full of popcorn.
"You've been on a million dates. I need you to help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow."
Rays eyes widened. He never guessed that the two would develop so quickly. Ray walked over to Harpers closet and looked at the small variety of clothes.
"I can't help ya. Might wanna call back up. Tomorrow!"
Harper rolled her eyes as she walked over to her desk and tore out a page of notebook paper.
"What would Chapa like? What would Chapa like?"
Harper stares at the paper for an hour. Harper ended up chewing on her pen. Then an idea, pooped in her head.
She screamed.
Harper yelled. Schwoz peaked his head in.
Harper turned around.
"Remind me to never plan a date for the next day."
Schwoz smiled.
He walked away. Harper smiled, knowing Chapa would love the idea.

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