Johnny Depp Imagines {COMPLET...

By BayBay08

1.6M 27.1K 17.5K

Here are some Johnny Depp character (including Johnny Depp himself) imagines. **Requests are CLOSED** *No Smu... More

Edward Scissorhands #1
Mort Rainey #1
Sam #1
Willy Wonka #1
Gilbert Grape #1
Sweeney Todd #1
Barnabas Collins #1
Johnny Depp #1
Jack Sparrow #1
John Dillinger #1
Jack Sparrow #2
Willy Wonka #2
JD Characters #1
Ichabod Crane #1
JD Characters #2
Johnny Depp #2
Johnny Depp Poem
Sweeney Todd #2
Jack Marshall #1
Sam #2
Johnny Depp #3
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #1
Johnny Depp #4
JD Characters #3
Barnabas Collins #2
Gellert Grindelwald #1
Ichabod Crane #2
Sweeney Todd #3
Gator Lerner #1
Tom Hanson #1
Edward Scissorhands #2
Willy Wonka #3
Barnabas Collins #3
Gilbert Grape #2
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #1
John Dillinger #2
Sweeney Todd #4
JD Characters #4
Jack Sparrow #3
Mort Rainey #2
Gilbert Grape #3
Edward Scissorhands #3
Willy Wonka #4
Johnny Depp #5
Roux #1
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #2
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #2
Willy Wonka #5
JD Characters #5
Sweeney Todd #5
Mort Rainey #3
Ed Wood #1
Edward Ratchett #1
Willy Wonka #6
Ichabod Crane #3
Johnny Depp #6
Jack Sparrow #4
Edward Scissorhands #4
George Jung #1
Jack Sparrow #5
Gellert Grindelwald #2
Jack Sparrow #6
Tom Hanson #2
Willy Wonka #7
Sweeney Todd #6
JD Characters #6
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #3
Johnny Depp #7
Mort Rainey #4
Sam #3
Gilbert Grape #4
JD Characters #7
Willy Wonka #9
Glen Lantz #1
Tom Hanson #3
JD Characters #8
Willy Wonka #10
Barnabas Collins #4
Don Juan DeMarco #1
Jack Sparrow #7
Sweeney Todd #7
Gator Lerner #2
Gellert Grindelwald #3
Jack Sparrow #8
Johnny Depp #8
Mort Rainey #5
JD Characters #9
The Wolf #1
Gilbert Grape #5
The Wolf #2
Willy Wonka #11
Johnny Depp #9
Edward Scissorhands #5
Johnny Depp #10
Jack Sparrow #9
Johnny Depp #11
Edward Scissorhands #6
Ichabod Crane #4
Spencer Armacost #1
Johnny Depp #12
JD Characters #10
Richard Brown #1
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #3
Johnny Depp #13
Jack Sparrow #10
Barnabas Collins #5
JD Characters #11
Gene Watson #1
Don Juan DeMarco #2
Gilbert Grape #6
Sweeney Todd #8
Jack Sparrow #11
Johnny Depp #14
The Wolf #3
Jack Sparrow #12
Johnny Depp #15
Jack Marshall #2
JD Characters #12
Johnny Depp #16
J.M. Barrie #1
Johnny Depp #17
John Dillinger #3
Roux #2
The Wolf #4
Glen Lantz #2
Barnabas Collins #6
Jack Sparrow #13
Johnny Depp #18
Charlie Mortdecai #1
Ichabod Crane #5
Willy Wonka #12
Johnny Depp #19
Mort Rainey #6
Tom Hanson #4
John Dillinger #4
John Wilmot #1
Willy Wonka #13
Jack Sparrow #14
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #4
JD Characters #13
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #4
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #5
Gellert Grindelwald #4
Johnny Depp #20
Sweeney Todd #9
Tonto #1
Richard Brown #2
Gator Lerner #3
Tom Hanson #5
Wade 'Cry-Baby' Walker #5
Johnny Depp #21
Tonto #2
Jack Sparrow #15
Tom Hanson #6
Barnabas Collins #7
Tarrant 'Mad Hatter' Hightopp #6
Mort Rainey #7
Johnny Depp #22
Frank Tupelo #1
Sweeney Todd #10
Barnabas Collins #8
Mort Rainey #8
Barnabas Collins #9
Sweeney Todd #11
Ichabod Crane #6
Johnny Depp #23
Willy Wonka #14
Sweeney Todd #12
Agent Sheldon Sands #1
Ichabod Crane #7
Tom Hanson #7
JD Characters #14
Mort Rainey #9
Willy Wonka #15
Sweeney Todd #13
Johnny Depp #24
Jack Sparrow #16
The Wolf #5
Johnny Depp #25
Sweeney Todd #14
Tom Hanson #8
JD Characters #15
Edward Scissorhands #7
Jack Marshall #3
Don Juan DeMarco #3
Johnny Depp #26
The Grand Finale Story

Willy Wonka #8

7.7K 162 107
By BayBay08

Imagine you're Willy Wonka's wife and you're assisting him with the tour of the Chocolate Factory.

*Requested by Unknown_Writer045*

Today's an exciting day for your husband, Willy Wonka. It's the day Willy opens up his Chocolate Factory for a full tour for the five lucky golden ticket winners. Since Willy was so nervous to tour the whole Chocolate Factory himself, he asked you to assist him on the whole tour since he wanted everyone to meet you and get to know the Wonka couple. It was nerve racking to meet the five children and their parents, but you were still excited to tour around the Chocolate Factory with your husband.

You dressed into your outfit for the special day before you met up with Willy in the long room with the red carpet. You picked out a sprinkle pictured dress that Willy gave you on your first anniversary with him, a black long sleeve shirt, black tights, and brown boots. When Willy saw you in your outfit, he smiled in 'awe'. "Oh, (y/n), you look absolutely stunning in this outfit." He said, as he took your hands into his purple gloved hands. "Aw, thank you, Willy. I've been saving this for a special day and today's the perfect day to wear it." You said.

"Are you ready for today?" Willy asked. "Yes, I am, Willy. I mean, I'm nervous, but I'm still excited." You answered. Willy pulled you towards him, where your face was close to his and you stared into his violet eyes. "Don't be nervous, sweetheart. It's going to be fun. You get to help me tour the Chocolate Factory with me and we'll get to choose the child who is the least rotten as the prize winner." Willy said. You smirked at him and asked him, "Can't you tell me what the prize is since you haven't told me?" Willy chuckled and bopped the tip of your nose before he answered, playfully, "I can't tell you. It's a surprise." "Darn it." You exclaimed, pretending to be sad. You and Willy giggled afterwards.

Then, Willy checked the time on his pocket watch and he noticed it was 9:59 am. He gasped, excitedly. "It's time to get ready, (y/n). Wait right here while I'll go greet our guests." He said. "Okay, Willy." You said back. Willy, then, placed his gloved hands on both of your cheeks and he gave you a peck on your lips. "I love you, Mrs. Wonka." You smiled and said, "I love you too, Mr. Wonka." After that, Willy walked, quickly, towards the curtains and headed to the secret door that leads outside.


Five years ago, you were one of the workers that worked with Willy in his Chocolate Factory. Working with candy and chocolate has always been a passion to you because you loved the different ideas candy makers, primarily Willy, come up with, that would instantly inspire you to open up your own candy shop in the future. When you worked in the factory, you mostly worked in the inventing room, coming up with ideas for Willy. He was very impressed with your creative ideas and your work progress, he promoted you as his assistant. Working along the side with Willy was wonderful, especially since you had a crush on him.

But when he announced that he was closing his Chocolate Factory forever because a few people had stolen his recipes and used them for themselves in their businesses, you were let go from your assistant job. It saddened you because you loved your job and working in the Chocolate Factory with Willy and it seemed like you were never gonna see him again after that day.

Then, one day, when you were out running some errands, you, unexpectedly, bumped into Willy, who was in disguise with his funny looking purple sunglasses. You both embraced in a hug and he asked you to come work with him again since he missed you after the last time he saw you. You were so happy to hear that, especially since he's your crush, you instantly took his offer and, then, you moved into the factory with him. You thought he was gonna ask all of his former workers to back, but instead, he found new workers. Oompa Loompas. You were a bit sad that none of the other workers were coming back, but you were still happy that you were working as Willy's assistant again.

Three years later, you and Willy became very close, he eventually asked you to be his wife after getting to know each other since the day you moved into the factory with him. You accepted his proposal and, then, you both got married in the Chocolate Room in a private ceremony two months later.


After waiting five minutes for Willy, he finally entered the long room, with the five children and their parents. 'Show time!' You thought to yourself, excitedly, as you watched them. "Just drop your costs anywhere." Willy said, as he took off his heavy black coat and threw it on the floor, along with his funny looking purple sunglasses. The others set their coats and other belongings either on the floor or on the red rope posts.

"Mr. Wonka, it sure is toasty in here." One of the fathers said, while unzipping his coat. Willy turned and faced him and said, "What? Oh, yeah. I have to keep it warm in here because my workers are used to extremely hot climate. They just can't stand the cold." Then, he was about to turn towards your direction until a boy's voice soft voice spoke. "Who are the workers?" He asked. You smiled at his question because you thought it was adorable. Willy turned to him and said, "All in good time." Then, he turned back to you.

"Now, everyone, I like you all to meet someone before we begin with the tour. This is (y/n), my sweet, beautiful wife, who will be assisting me on the tour." Willy introduced you to the group, with his arm around your shoulders. You smiled, a bit nervously, as you gave everyone a little wave. "Hello, everyone. I'm so happy to meet you all and I can't wait to help my husband out with the tour. I know you all are going to enjoy it." You said. Some of guests waved back at you, while a woman, with blonde short hair, glared at you, as if she was jealous. "How long have you two been married?" The boy, who asked Willy from before, asked you. "Two wonderful years." You answered.

Then, you turned to Willy and asked, "So, Willy, shall we begin with the tour?" Willy smirked at you before he bopped your nose and turned back to everyone. "Let's get started on the tour, everyone." He said, and, then, he held his arm out towards you and you wrapped your arm around his as the two of you began walking down the red carpet, with the group following behind.


"Every drop of the river is hot melted chocolate of the finest quality." Willy said, as you and him were touring the Chocolate Room. While holding his gloved hand, you both walked over the bridge to the other side of the Chocolate Room, while everyone else followed from behind. As you both reached the bottom of the bridge, you and Willy turned around and faced everyone. "The waterfall is most important. It mixes the chocolate. Churns it out and makes it light and frothy. By the way, dear children, take note that no other factory in the world mixes it's chocolate by waterfall." You explained. Willy smiled at you before looking at everyone. "Isn't she magnificent? I love this woman." Willy said, chuckling a little bit, before he turned and walked down a pathway, with you and the group following him.

Moments later, Willy came to a stop and turned around, making you and everyone stop in their tracks. "Do you like my meadow? Try some of my grass. Please try it. Please do. It's so delectable and so darn good-looking." Willy suggested. "You can eat the grass?" The boy with the questions from earlier, asked. "Of course you can. Everything in this room is eatable, even I'm eatable. But that is called 'cannibalism', my dear children, and it is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies." Willy explained, which made everyone, especially the parents, stare at him, oddly. You, on the other hand, tried not to laugh. "Now, enjoy! Go on! Scoot! Scoot!" Willy gestured everyone to leave and enjoy some of the candy, which they did.

After everyone left, you and Willy just stood next to each other, while observing the children. "What do you think of the children so far, my dear?" Willy asked. "Well, uh, most of them are a bad way." You answered. Then, you glanced up at the boy, who goes by the name 'Mike Teavee', kicking and breaking a jelly-filled pumpkin and still kicking it. "A perfect example right there." You added, cringing a little at the boy's behavior and actions.

"Who do you think deserves the special prize at the end of the tour?" Willy asked. "Well, I don't know unless it depends on the prize you're giving out, which you won't even tell me." You said, crossing your arms. Willy groaned a bit before he told you what the prize will be for one of the five children. "Alright, I'll tell you what it is. I'm gonna give one of these children my entire factory. You know, help me run it, even know, I'm gone" He said.

You were surprised after he explained the prize to you. "Oh, my gosh, Willy. That's wonderful for you to do that. But what about, you know, when we have children in the future? Wouldn't they be the main heir of the factory?" You questioned. "Well, of course they will be, (y/n). They're the main heir and whoever we choose as the winner is the 'co-heir'." "Ah, I see. Well, that's still amazing that you're doing that, Willy." You said. "Thank you, sweetheart." Willy said, as he kissed you on the cheek.

Then, he turned back to observe the children again, deciding who could be the potential winner. "So, who do you think will be the winner, (y/n)?" Willy asked. "Hm, definitely not the 'Teavee' kid and that spoiled Veruca Wart, I mean 'Salt'." You said, snickering at the end, making Willy snicker as well. Then, you turned to the candy apple tree and saw the bubble gum girl, Violet Beauregarde. "Not that arrogant bubble gum-chewing Violet Beauregarde. She seems...too proud. Definitely not what we're looking for." You said. Willy nodded along with you. "Especially since she likes chewing gum, very loudly. It's just disgusting." He said. Then, you turned to the chocolate-loving plump boy, Augustus Gloop, who just spat out a piece of chocolate candy and started eating some whipped cream and also the grass. You and Willy cringed, in disgust. "Um, definitely not that kid." Willy said. "Yeah. We'd be out of business for sure after he eats all the candy." You mentioned.

You turned and noticed the only child you and Willy didn't mention about. "I think that boy, Charlie Bucket, is gonna be the winner, Willy." You said. He turned to where you were looking and saw the boy, wondering around, not even trying a piece of candy. Willy thought he looked starved. "Do you really think so, (y/n)?" He asked. "Of course, Willy. He's a curious little boy and he asks so many questions, unlike the other children, and he seems to be very admired of the Chocolate Factory, like he's been wanting to see it his whole life. I think he should be the prize winner." You said.

Willy smiled at you after hearing your opinion of the prize winner. "You have the best suggestions and opinions, (y/n). I'm so glad happy to have you in my life. If I did the tour by myself, I think I would've lost my mind. Those four other children are so...spoiled." He said, while he snaked his arm around your waist. You chuckled as you looked up at him and said, "I'm happy to be part of your life, Willy, and I'm glad that I'm helping you with the tour." Willy smiled even more as he caressed your cheek with his other gloved hand. "I love you, my little cocoa bean." He said. "And I love you too, my handsome chocolate man." You said back. Then, Willy leaned towards you and you both kissed each other for a few seconds. "Willy, don't forget, they're children around." You said, in between the kiss, and, then, Willy pulled away from the kiss. "Good point, (y/n)." He said, as he put both of his hands on top of his cane, acting like nothing happened.

"Daddy, look over there!" You heard the spoiled little girl, Veruca Salt, call out near the chocolate river bank. You and Willy looked to see what she was looking at and you both noticed an Oompa Loompa in plain sight. You turned to Willy and asked, "Ready for some storytelling, my love?" "Absolutely!" Willy exclaimed, excitedly, as the two of you headed down the river bank to meet with the group.

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