Boy Band Games: Why Don't We...

Par isesaki

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Three months, with thirty girls, fighting for the heart of five boys. Who would have thought such thing coul... Plus

Boy Band Games: Season 1
Legal Terms
Character Aesthetics
BBG: WDW E. Playlist
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
To You
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Special Chapter: Character Interview
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Special Chapter: Character Interview II
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
Chapter Fifty-four
Boy Band Games: Season 2
S2: Character Aesthetics
S2: Insider Interview: Episode 1
S2: 1 | The Attack of the Fangirls
S2: 2 | You Took Advantage of Me!
S2: 3 | Sexy Hunk of a- WHAT?!
S2: 4 | The Ugly Trio's Exorcism
S2: 5 | The Brother
S2: 6 | Whatever it Takes
S2: 7 | Hotel Roomies
S2: 8 | The Love of My Life
S2: 9 | Jack's Revelation
S2: 10 | Zach and Corbyn are...
S2: 11 | All My Fault
S2: 12 | The London Eye
S2: 13 | The Countryside
S2: 14 | Proxy Speech 101
S2: 15 | Daniel to the Rescue
S2: 16 | Jealous Daniel
S2: 17 | Jack and Zach's Late Night Plans
S2: 18 | Hanging out with Jonah
S2: 19 | My Promise to Jonah
S2: 20 | She Calls Me Daddy
S2: 21 | Manipulative Daniel
S2: 22 | Daniel's Wifey
S2: 23 | Paris
S2: 24 | Secret Santa
S2: 25 | Gift Shopping
S2: 26 | Daniel's Baby
S2: 27 | Lizzie
S2: 28 | Frozen to Death
S2: 29 | The Savior
S2: 30 | Hotel Encounters
S2: 31 | Corbyn
S2: 32 | Voicemails
S2: 33 | There's a Wh*re in this House
S2: 34 | The Real Boyfriend
S2: 35 | Tea Time with Friends
S2: 36 | Chameleon Lizzie
S2: 37 | Live Streaming a Fight
S2: 38 | Tea Time with Mia Bibby
S2: 39 | I'm a.. Trophy Wife? EW!
S2: Character Interview
S2: 40 | Mission Impossible
S2: 41 | Kidnapped and Afraid
S2: 42 | My Anxiety & Me
Commercial Break: Kai's Cereal
S2: 43 | Choking on Milk
Commercial Break: Anti-Anger Pills
S2: 44 | Confessions
S2: 45 | Foreign Boyfriend
Commercial Break: Automatic Translator
S2: 46 | The Crimes of Elora-wald
S2: 47 | The Preparation for The D-word
S2: 48 | The Date With The Foreign Boyfriend Pt. 1
S2: 49 | The Date With The Foreign Boyfriend Pt. 2
S2: 50 | Jordan, Stuffies, and Doodles
Tea Time with J & Z : Episode 1
S2: 51 | She Let Me Go
S2: 52| Zach Herron
S2: 53 | Pain and Suffering
Tea Time with J & Z: Episode 2
Commercial Break: Life Size WDW Pillows
S2: 54 | Ocean Blue
S2: 55| Early Morning Rivalry
Tea Time with J & Z : Episode 3
Commercial Break: Limelight Tape
S2: 56| New Year's Eve
S2: Special Chapter | Character Interview II
S2: 57 | Ibiza & Lotte
S2: 58 | What I've Been Waiting For
S2: 59 | I Left Something
S2: 60 | Fade Away
S2: 61 | Warmth
S2: 62 | Kabedon
S2: 63 | New Year's Kiss
S2: 64 | Deja Vu
S2: 65 | My Man Band
S2: Epilogue
Boy Band Games: Season 3
S3: Blurb
1 | The Tragedy In Cambridge

Chapter Forty-eight

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Par isesaki

THE DAY WAS STILL young, it was only 3 o'clock in the afternoon. However, not a single participant of the BBG could be found loitering outside of the rooms. Well, except for me of course. But hey, I'm not a participant at all.

If any, I'm just a pet.

Because pets eat.

A lot.

Yeah, Lotte is a pet that eats.

Lotte the pet is me.

Nom nom. Grr. Rawr. Hiss. Meow.

We had gotten back from the radio interview about an hour ago; and when we did, every single girl locked themselves inside their rooms and slept. They were probably tired from the camping trip yesterday. Even Mia and Trina were fast asleep in our room where I had just left them. Trina had moved in with us so we could have an easier time to gossip and whatnot.

The camping trip yesterday was fun, to say the least. The games and the team building activities were bizarre and totally fun. However, the other thing that happened last night was more mind boggling and dare I say this, heart stopping. When his beautiful sea green eyes met mine underneath the moonlight, all I could hear was my heart beating through my ribcage, begging for release. I shook my head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. I wouldn't want to read into whatever happened between Corbyn and I last night. For all I know, I might assume too much, and as a result, I may be awkward and stiff around him-- which I don't want to happen by the way.

The sound of my footsteps echoed across the mansion as I made my way downstairs, seeing nobody there. I shrugged to myself and made my way into the kitchen. It's been a while since I had my precious pita, so I'll be making a few for myself. Just the thought of it makes my mouth water.

However, when I got to the heavenly place where pita is made, I was surprised to see someone else inside the kitchen. For a moment, I contemplated whether or not I should run away. Because to put it simply. the person in front of me, was basically the reason why I'm confused as heck.

He wore a plain gray shirt, a pair of white jersey shorts, and he had on his cute pink bunny slippers. He had his back turned from me and seemed very busy, but I recognized the figure anywhere.

"Whatcha got there pretty lady?" I quipped using the same line he did on my first day.

The boy abruptly turned around in surprise. "Mother of—"

His face was covered in flour, and the front of his gray shirt was wet. His mouth was wide open, his ears perked up, and his eyes looked utterly spooked. The startled look on his face made me double over in laughter.

"Y-you should have s-seen y-your face!" I managed to stifle out in between laughs while the latter just looked at me with an amused expression on his face.

He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Not funny."

I stopped laughing and flicked his ear with a grin. "The misfortune of others is always funny."

"You wound me, Lotty." He scrunched up his nose and turned away from me. He continued doing what he was doing before. Somehow, even with the flour on his face and his messy clothes, Corbyn managed to look as radiant as ever.

Hey don't judge me for my vocabulary. Radiant means glowing or whatever; and Corbyn is a pretty lady with a huge light bulb on his head.

I rolled my eyes at his remark and did what I went here for. I went through the fridge and took out three pita bread and gathered all the ingredients I needed for the delicious dish. I turned on the stove and heated a pan for the pita bread after I diced the onions, cucumber, and tomatoes and then chopped the beef.

While I was cooking the shawarma, I heard a small clang come from Corbyn's side. At the corner of my eye, I could see that he had opened the oven and taken out something that he had baked. I then went back to what I was doing.

I don't get it. Does Corbyn not realize how much last night has confused me?

Maybe I'm just looking into it too much.

Maybe there is no deeper meaning to what happened than two friends just swimming or whatever.

This is all so confusing. I would rather go through 12th Grade Calculus again than to think about all the mixed signals these boys give me. Ever since they've barged into my life— well, I kind of barged into theirs because of this show, but let's not talk about that— everything has been so complicated and I am no longer able to form a coherent thought even for a second. Oh, what I would pay to go back in time and never get attached to them so I wouldn't be like this—

I was snapped back into reality when a sharp pain hit my left hand, making me drop the spatula onto the floor. The sound echoed throughout the mansion. I yelped in pain when I saw that I had accidentally got sprayed on by boiling oil while I was too caught up in my own thoughts.

"You okay there, Lotty?" I saw Corbyn rush towards me in concern but I kept my attention on my oil burnt hand. A small red burn was now forming and I struggled to keep my cool as the searing pain kept shooting up my hand.

I felt his presence beside me, making me look up at him. He turned the stove off to prevent any more damage. His sea green eyes were narrowed at my burnt hand in concern as I clutched my left hand that just got hurt.

"I'm fine, it's just a burn." I started to reason, but I'm sure the pained look on my face said otherwise. I was about to put my burnt hand down and act as if it was nothing when he took my left hand in his and examined it.

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the contact of my hand with his and flashbacks from last night came rushing back to my head. I tried to shake the thoughts away, but I couldn't. Not until those thoughts get explained.

"Is everything okay? I heard something—" I heard someone enter the kitchen with a concerned voice.

I froze in place. I think I know who that voice belongs to. I looked towards the doorway and my theories were correct. He paused at the kitchen door when he saw Corbyn and I together. The concerned look on his face vanished and was instantly replaced with anger.

He suddenly charged towards Corbyn and I, and I covered my face with my undamaged hand, awaiting the impact of Daniel's anger. However, when I didn't feel it, I looked up and was met with a sight that I certainly did not want to see.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" The blonde-brown haired boy spat in the sea green eyed boy's face, pushing him backwards. The latter almost lost his footing, but then managed. Daniel's left hand gripped Corbyn's shoulders with a scornful look on his face, and then threw a punch.

"I didn't do anything to her!" Corbyn retaliated, successfully dodging Daniel's punch and detaching himself from Daniel's grip.

Daniel glared at Corbyn, who had the same look on his face. "But that doesn't change the fact that you were touching my girl!" He growled out.

My mind could not comprehend what was happening, and the searing pain in my hand wasn't helping either. I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do. I want to interfere and stop this nonsense, but I'm afraid that if I do, these two boys might hurt me. I mean, they are boys. They're biologically stronger than women, so even if I'm a black belt in mixed martial arts, they would probably knock me out at the most unexpected moment.

Next thing I know, Corbyn sent a punch to Daniel, hitting him square in the jaw. "She isn't yours, Seavey!" He spat, his sea green eyes turning a shade darker in anger.

What's got Corbyn so worked up? This is Daniel. Surely, he should have gotten used to the boy claiming everything as his. I mean, he claimed the fridge, the pantry, the rugs, the Venus fly traps, and the front door as his. It wasn't a huge surprise that he decided to "claim" me as well. I mean, it's not real at all. But somehow, the term he used struck something in me. I'm just not sure whether it's good or bad.

Daniel's hands went to his jaw as he clutched the now bruised spot that Corbyn had just punched. He shot him a scornful look, but visibly calmed down. The expression on his face suddenly morphed into something different— a sly one.

Oh, Daniel, what are you up to?

"Besson, did you really just punch me for a girl?" He scoffed, his eyes holding that of disbelief. He was probably pertaining to the band contract that they had. I suddenly remembered the time where something similar happened here in this very kitchen as a feeling of Deja vu hit me.

Corbyn's shoulders suddenly slumped when the realization hit him, but his tone remained angry. "You disrespected her and you didn't expect me to do anything about—"

"Don't tell me you like her?" Daniel's tone turned cold but he had a mocking look on his face. It was as though he wanted to get some kind of reaction from Corbyn with what he had just said.

When Corbyn didn't answer, Daniel took a step forward and started jabbing the boy's chest with a mocking smirk on his face. "You like her, don't you?"

Corbyn kept his eyes downcast, his lips formed in a thin line as he kept silent. Daniel narrowed his eyes at the boy.

I knew deep inside that he wouldn't get the reaction that he wanted, but what Corbyn said next made me freeze. "What if I do?"

My eyes widened in shock, "What the heck Corbyn?" However, neither of the two seemed to have heard me as they continued to have their pity-fight.

"Well then fuck you, Corbyn. Fuck you. I told you to back off. I fucking called dibs. That means you can't come near her, you can't hang out with her and you can't like her, because she's mine not yours. The two of us talked about this, and you fucking agreed Corbyn. I thought you were a man of your word." Daniel jabbed a finger on Corbyn's chest, making the latter flinch.

Dibs? He called dibs on me? I am not some kind of item in an auction that you get to call dibs on! Worst of all, Corbyn knew about it and didn't tell me! The confusion I felt before now sprouted into anger. How dare they betray me like this?!

"Dibs is nothing. She isn't yours to keep, Daniel." The blonde boy retorted, making Daniel's scowl deeper.

"And how do you know that?" Daniel tutted.

Corbyn shook his blonde head, "I don't have to answer to you—" But he was cut off when Daniel grabbed him by his shirt.

"Answer me." Daniel growled.

Corbyn pushed Daniel off of him in irritation. "You really want to know why?"

He scoffed, then continued, "You were never there for her, okay?! You weren't the one who brought her to bed when she got piss drunk during the first elimination night— I did! You weren't there when she got fucking harassed by that shit magazine, because you were too busy kissing Angel Bordeaux— but I was! You weren't there when she cried because she and Mia had a fight, because her only girl best friend called her a bitch— but I was! You weren't there when she kidnapped Kai, when she got to see the Venus fly traps, or when she decided to escape the show because of all the hate she got from our fans— but I fucking was."

Corbyn took a deep breath and then continued again, "You were never there, Daniel. But I always was. I like her. Okay, so what? Unlike you, I know my limits. I'm not pushing myself to her because I know how much our friendship means to her. And I'd rather just be her friend than to be some stupid fucking bloke she met on a fucking telly show that tried to force himself on her. Because newsflash, Daniel James Seavey. You are that stupid fucking bloke." He snapped, leaving both Daniel and I with our mouths agape.

Silence ensued as the three of us went over what Corbyn had said. I could barely move a muscle. But even with all the tension in the air, I managed to whisper out in a croaky voice, "W-what?"

I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt the warm liquid come in contact with my cheeks and blur my vision. Everything that Corbyn had said was blurry to me as my mind narrowed on one thing. They called dibs on me.

Their heads snapped towards me in concern. Corbyn and Daniel were about to take a step towards me when I raised a hand to stop them both. "No. D-don't come near me."

"Elora, I—"

"L, I didn't—"

They both started, but I cut them off, "I don't want to see either of you, ever again."

I ran outside the kitchen and made my way up the stairs in a rush. How dare they? I thought they were my friends. I treated Corbyn like my very own best friend— well a best friend that makes me blush and warm inside. I saw Daniel as a mysterious boy with anger issues and a good heart. He was my good friend— well, a good friend that makes me stutter upon my words and makes my heart beat faster than Cardi B could say, CORONA VIRUS. But that's beside the point. I never thought I would see the day that these friends of mine would turn out to be such— as Corbyn has worded it— stupid fucking blokes that call dibs on you like you're a flickity flucking painting on auction.

I was cut off of my inner reverie when felt myself bump into somebody. I almost fell but I saw the owner of the familiar pair of coffee colored slides hold me up.

"Woah, Lotte. What happened?" His concerned voice was a complete contrast to everything that had just occurred in the kitchen.

Suddenly, all my anger for the boy vanished as I looked at him through my blurry vision. What Corbyn and Daniel did was far worse than the accusations I heard about this boy. I found myself snuggling into the boy's chest and choke out a sob. I suddenly felt his arms pull me into his warm body.

I felt him wipe off the tears from my cheeks. "What about we go to my room?" I heard him ask, while I meekly nodded.

"Can you walk?" I nodded, but even so, I still felt myself being lifted up the ground as he carried me bridal style. I kept my face hidden in his chest that smelt of vanilla and espresso. I probably left tear stains on his shirt, I have got to apologize for that later.

I felt him go up another flight of stairs and open a door to a room, most probably his. He then walked inside and laid me down on his well-made bed. I sat up, grabbing a throw pillow and snuggling it close to my chest.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I heard him ask as he sunk into the bed next to me.

I looked up from the pillow and saw that his crystal blue eyes were fixated on me. I shook my head, "N-no." I managed to croak out because my throat was dry.

He nodded his head in understanding as his eyes went downcast for a moment before they met mine again, "Do you want to stay here?"

I nodded, "If it's okay with you, that is."

He gave me a small smile, "Alright, I'll ask Kenneth to get dinner for the both of us later. Or I could get it now and—"

"No!" I found myself protest, knowing that the two boys were probably still there, but then I looked down, embarrassed at my sudden outburst. "I-I mean, we can get Ken to get it for us."

He smiled, "Alright. I'll just call him later." He then looked into my teary eyes and clicked his tongue, "Is there anything you need?"

I thought about it for a moment. I think I know what I need. I motioned him to come closer, but when he didn't comply, I tugged on his arm, making him fall onto me, our faces barely a few centimeters apart. "I need you to hold me." I whispered.

I saw his cheeks flush red, and for a second there, all my sadness washed away after seeing the effect I had on him. "W-what?" He stuttered out.

I held my arms out, "I need you to hold me, Jonah."


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Happy reading! :)

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