S2: 3 | Sexy Hunk of a- WHAT?!

376 21 49

Word Count: 2,515 words


MY EYES STRUGGLED to adjust to the bright light that welcomed me. I hissed as the blinding light hit my eyes and squirmed in my bed.



Last time I remembered I was on the floor.. being stampeded on by hormonal teenage fangirls.

I jolted upright in the bed I was lying on and immediately, I saw a shadow loom over me.

"Lotte?" The shadow spoke.

I squinted my eyes and they finally focused on the boy in a pink Dora pyjama set.

"Pretty lady?"

Wow, I haven't seen him in such a long time that i barely even recognized him.

He had a clean shaven face, his sea green eyes prominently shining, especially with his messy dark brown natural hair. His button nose and cheeks were a little red from the chilly weather. His pink lips had a small bite mark on it and had dried blood. Either he got in a fight or just bit on it too much.

His eyes twinkled, and I saw him breath out a sigh of relief. "Thank God you're awake. You remember me now, don't you?"

I furrowed my brows, "Of course I remember you."

I looked around and saw that I was inside mine and Trina's designated hotel room.

I flinched when a sudden searing pain shot through my head. I clutched it in pain and felt that there was a huge bandage, smack dab in the middle of my forehead.

Suddenly, everything that happened came rushing back to me.

Trina leaving for the event.

The rooftop.

The attack of the fangirls.

Oh and let's not forget-

The stupid shiznugget responsible for the terrible pain in my head.

"Where's that bag of shiznuggets?" I sneered, not spotting anybody but Corbyn inside the room.

"The boys are in a meeting with management right now." The brown haired boy with sea green eyes explained sitting down on a black monoblock chair parallel to my bed.

Corbyn recently went back to his original hair color- brown.

It suits him well, don't you think?

Really brings out his eyes.

"I wanted to stay back to talk to you." He looked at me through his thick lashes, in a way that made my heart flutter.

Dear Lord.

My heart just... fluttered?

Charlotte, you are not a flickity flucking butterfly, stop it.

"Talk to me?" My brows furrowed as I leaned on my bedframe. "About what?"

"You remember the fangirl stampede, right?" Corbyn asked, quirking an eyebrow at me.

I nodded in response.

He sighed, playing with his fingers. "Before they got to you, Daniel opened the door and took you inside. But you were already blacked out, probably from the panic those girls caused you."

"When you blacked out, you knocked yourself right on Daniel's room's door knob." He explained. "You have a huge bruise in the middle of your forehead."

I absentmindedly touched the bandage on my head.

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