Things We Didn't Know.

By xLittleDirectionx

6.3K 64 20

This story is about a 13 year old girl who is abused. She bumps into Niall but she doesn't know who he is. La... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Not an update
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not an update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
This Ain't No Update(;
Chapter 34
Not And Update But Please Read!!!!!
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 23

120 0 0
By xLittleDirectionx

Hey guys...I'll upload like 3 or 4 more because it's Halloween and I feel happy! Lol comment and tell me what you guys are going to be! I'd like to know. I'm a vampire Eskimo lol lame ik haha well I'd like to know so comment please(; HAPPY HALLOWEEN and have a great day/night! 



Chapter 23

#two weeks later#

*Aleia-Marie's POV*

Everything's back to normal except for one thing, I don't have "that" dream anymore. Instead I have one with my "mum and sister" and I getting hit. That is the only thing wrong and Harry are close now. We have pulled a prank on each of the boys atleast twice and got everyone on camera. They hated us for that. I still sleep with either zayn or Niall but now I'm also sleeping with Harry (not in that way you dirty minded people(;) sooo...Liam and the boys (mostly Liam) is trying to get the spare room ready for me and they won't let me see it at all. They even shop when I'm not around so I cant see anything. Sneaking boys. "Leia." louis said. "yeah boo bear?" I say not looking away from my laptop. "do you have a twitter?" he said. Then I looked up..."what the heck is a twitter?" I said.  

"OHEMGEEEEE!!!! asdfghjkl;...LIAM!!!!" he said running out. Oh goodness.  

"no she has no clue!" Louis said coming back in nialls room with all of the boys, not just Liam. I look at them questionly... 

"yes Louis?" I said my sas coming out. He tought me a thing or two. "dont sas me! I'm the sas king!" he said  

"you mean queen" I said snickering at my joke.  

"yes I d- wait...HEY!" all of the boys laugh at this and Liam looks at me seriously. 

"do you really not know what twitter is?" he said I look down and blush.  

"okay we'll then I guess we have to show you.." he said grabbing the laptop from me.

#hour later#

"what did I just d- oh my god what was that?- what's that sound!? Guys help me! Stop laughing! Why do these things keep popping up!? Omg I don't know any of these peo-...HARRY! Are you recording this!?" I say while trying to figure this 'twitter' thing out. "yep!" he said and smiled. I shake my head as the laptop makes another sound.  

"oh my gosh help me please Liam?" I said giving him the best puppy dog look I can.  

"okay fine." he said and finally stops laughing at me and my epic failing on this twitter shit. (Louis got me into these words...he said don't tell Liam or zayn) 

"okay, that sound ment you were mentioned in a tweet so click here and it'll show you." he said pointing to the screen. I pressed the button and the video of me trying this thing out comes up and it says... 


@Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner (the boys came up with the name) Haha! Zayns little sister failing epicly on twitter...

I look at Harry and he runs away. "okay now to say something back you do this." he did it for me and said,  

"okay, now write what you want." I wrote


@Harry_Styles...butt head!!! Take it off!!! Your so mean!!! But I still love you lol<3 ...Faggot(: 

I wrote the last part without Liam seeing and pressed the okay button so he couldn't erase it. But when he looked at the laptop and saw it, he freaked..."!!!!!!!!!Aleia-Marie Grace Malik!!!! That's almost a swear word! Take it down!" he said and zayn ran over to me and looked at it.  

"Liam chill all it says is fag. It's not to bad" he said laughing.  

"yeah and when she starts to use that word all of the time and other bad words, dont come to me and ask for help on how to get her to stop cause my mouth is sealed." he said walking away and acting as if he is zipping up his mouth. The laptop makes the sound it did earlier and so I click on what Liam told me to do the first time. 


@Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner that's what she said(; if you don't get it...ask Liam and if he won't tell you...ask zayn(;

I look at it and get Liam to come over by me again.  

"what does that mean LiLi?" I said pointing to the last tweet.  

"what was the last thing you wrote befor he sent this?" he said. I scrolled up and he read that to.... 

"okay..well's know what....ummmm...HEY ZAYN COME HERE!" he said and I laughed.  

"what?" he said looking at the laptop.  

"what's that mean?" I said asking the same question doing the same thing.  

"umm okay so when you said 'take it off your so mean but I love you anyways'...well think of that in like a...dirty way and well...wait what am I doing?!?! HARRY!" he says and runs off...I get what it says and write back.  


@Harry_Styles your gross...never ment it like that and never will...hope zayn kicks your butt(; have fun up

After that little conversation, the computer went off like crazy. I did what Liam thought me but some of these things people are saying is ...mean and hurtful..I read one that says 


@Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner ew! Your gross and ugly!! You look nothing like zayn and you don't deserve to know them! Go jump off a bridge and die, if you don't jump, I'll push. 

At this I start crying. All of the others are just saying  


your ugly  


ew! Disgusting 

stuff like that but some are saying really nice things like  


omg your sooo lucky and so gorgeous I wish I was you!!! 



your beautiful, ignoor the hate! Your amazing! 

when the boys notice me crying they immediately know what happend but I don't know how. They came to the laptop and got out their phones. 


If you guys were true directioners like you say you are, you wouldn't hate on my baby sister @Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner she's amazing and you guys have no right! Piss off!!! 


Please stop hating on @Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner, she's amazing and beautiful and it hurts when she gets hate..she don't deserve hate. 


Damn! Some of you guys are really rude to @Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner. She's my little princess and if you keep hating on her, I'm deleting my twitter! Leave her alone! 


Wow some "fans" hu? @Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner is sweet and caring and she did nothing to get hate from you guys! I'm doing same as Niall...keep hatin and I'm deleting my twitter... 


Hey all you haters, back off my partner in crime @Aleia-Marie_#1Directioner, she is beautiful and an amazing person...she doesn't deserve what some of you are saying....and to the ones sticking up for her, thank you so much and I'm giving @Nialls_Princess and @1DisAmazing 4 free tickets each for our next tour! Thanks for some of the support!!!


@Harry_Styles, @Real_Liam_Payne, @zaynmalik, @NiallOfficial, and @Louis_Tomlinson thanks so much!! You guys are amazing. I couldn't ask for better bestfriends or brother!! Love you guys!!! I tweeted and smiled. I'm happy I have people who care and love me enough to stick up for me now. It makes me feel like I'm needed. Something I never felt at all in my old home.  


How many of you have people in your life who would do exactly the same thing for you If people hated on you? Ik I do and for those of you who don't...I'm sorry and I'm sure people would..don't forget. You matter to a lot of people weather you know it or not you are always loved. Bye my lovelys! Vote, comment, share etc!

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