Chapter 33

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Hey Guys, So....How Are You Guys Liking It So Far? I Think After Awhile....Imma Put Like (--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------)<---- That Much Drama Into It...Do Your Guys Want More Drama? I Think This Kinda Drama Im Thinking About Will Make It More Interesting...But Aleia Would Maybe Have To Break Up With Zach...OH NO POOR ZALEIA! Lol Well It's Up To You Guys...Just Comment Yes Or No...Oh And I Am Putting More People Into This So If You Would Like To Have A Part In This, Just Comment You Name; Personality; What You Look Like(Hair Color, Eye Color, What Your Style Of Cloths Is, And Yeah Anything Else You Wanna Tell Me.); And How Old You Are. I'll Pick Randomly Out Of Them And Then Tell You Who You Will Be. Okay Guys....Imma Write The Story Now, ENJOY! My Lovelys(;



*Aleia-Marie's POV*

When I woke up the next morning, I was in my bed. I guess Liam brought me here last night. I look at my phone again and see that it's 9:43. I get out of bed and brush my still damp hair. I brush my teeth and go to my closet. I pick out a pair of light pink, jean shorts and a black tank top. I get a pair of socks out of the drawer in the closet and slide them on. Fluffy. I'm about to close the closet when I see something interesting. It's my uniform. I pull it out and look at it. It's a white button up shirt with apink, black, and white plaid tie tucked under a black vest without sleaves. There was a skirt that was the same pattern and colors as the tie is and looks like it would go to about 2 or 3 inches above my knees. There is a Black blazer with pink buttons on it. Oh My Pink. I put it back and walk out to the living room. Nobody is in there but I hear voices in the kitchen so I go to walk in there. As I walk into the kitchen I start to say "Goodmorning boys and girl." But gravity has other plans and thought that I just HAD to pay the floor a visit at that time. I slip and fall, my bum hitting the ground and hard. I hear a bunch of laughter as I stand up and I look around.

"What are you guys laughing at?" I said as if nothing had happened about a minute ago. "Nothing just that, I was video taping Eleanor trying to get a cookie off her face without using her hands and I just happened to turn the camera at the right time to see you fall." He said with a smirk. I'm gunna kill him. I shot him a dirty liik and got my phone out. I smiled seeing that I have a text from Zach.


"Morning Beautiful. Hope u slept well(:



"Yeh I did. Got killer headache tho): hbu?


"Guys, do we have asprin or anything? My head is bloody killing." I said rubbing my temples. Niall nodded and ran off to the medicine cabinet...Thank you Niall! "Are you okay Leia? You had one the other day too." Louis said and I just shrugged my shoulders. Niall came back and I took the asprin just as my phone beeped. I took it out and read it.

"I'm sorry love. Wish I culd make u betr):


My head was getting worse by the minute and I couldn't blink without a horrendous pain souring through my head so I didn't  respond. My vision started getting blurry and I needed to hold onto the counter to keep steady.

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