Chapter 42

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So, some of you guys guessed right! I hope you like this because it took me FOREVER to write it lol. It might not be really long. Idk And I didn't reread it either so I hope you don't get mad. I'm in the car right now with my uncle getting pizza and I'm using the resterants internet to upload until I get home so that I can use my own  haha. Love you guys!



"What are you doing Elle? Stop pulling me. I think that I can walk on my own." I said as Eleanor was pulling me out of the car and into the store. 

"Why are we here anyways?" I asked her when she ignored my first question and pulled me down the isles. She came up to an isle and stoped, grabbing a box that I couldn't quite read fast enough and pulling me to the check out. She was trying to hide the box from me but I don't know why. When she payed, the girl behind the counter looked at her weirdly. What? 


When we got home, she ignored the boys once again and ran up the stairs to my bedroom. When we got in there, she shut the door and locked it, grabbing my computer and pushing me into the bathroom. She logged onto my computer and clicked onto my skype icon. I was still logged on so...yeah. She clicked on Zach's name and pressed the call button. He answered almost instantly. 

Z-'Is she!?' He screamed as soon as he answered.

A-'Am I what!? Why wont you tell me anything!?'

E-'I don't know yet. We just got home. She is about to tell me when I tell her to. Aleia, I'm going to walk out and take the laptop with me. I want you to get this, and I want you to pee on it okay? I know that it's weird but I really need you to do this.' She said as she rushed out. 

A-'Is this a flacking pregnancy test!?' I whisper yelled at her but she was already shutting the door. 

Oh well..I took this thing and I peed on it like I was told. I didn't want to go out of the bathroom yet. I'm scared. I get now why Zach looked so scared when Elle asked him that. It says to wait 5 minutes so that's what I'm doing. I look down when I count to 60 five times....really slowly btw. When I look at the thing I'm not sure what it means. Does + mean that I'm not pregnant or does - mean I'm not pregnant? Oh well I'll just go and ask Elle. I breathe in deeply and walk out of the bathroom, hiding the text behind my back. 

"Um...Elle. What does the negative sign mean?" I asked her as she looked up from the laptop. 

"Oh thank god. It means you're not pregnant." I freeze. I freeze because what I saw on the test was not a negative sign. No. It was something much worse. Well worse at my age. I didn't want to see this sign on this kind of test until I was atleast 25 or something. Not almost 14. This can't be happenning. I can't do this to Zach. Zach doesn't want it to be this sign. This sign just ruined my childhood life. The sign that just so happends to look like this..


I break down and fall to the floor on my knees as I start to cry. Eleanor runs over to me and takes the test out of my hands. 

"Oh my gosh." She said as her jaw dropped and her hand found it's way to her mouth. 

"Aleia. You have to tell Zayn. I can't believe this." She said as her hand then went to her hair as she ran her hands through it. 

"No! I can't tell Zayn yet. He will kill me Elle. I can't please. I'll tell him eventually just not now please? Is Zach still online?" I said as I finally stood up and walked over to my laptop to see a frosen Zach just staring as silent tears fell from his eyes.

"Zach. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." I said as I looked down when more tears started to leave my eyes.

"No. It's okay. Alright. I'm going to help you. I don't care what anyone says Aleia. I'm going to be there and I'm going to help you." He said when Elle walked over. I nodded my head and just looked away.

"I just made you a doctors appointment. It's tomorrow at 4:30 pm. Zach you can come if you would like. I will tell the boys that we are just going to go and do something together okay? It's going to be alright you guys. If you want, you can get an abortion and nobody has to know about this." She said.

"No!" Me and Zach scream at the same time.

"Okay. I was just asking. It was just an idea." She said.

"I don't believe in that. My aunt got one just because she wanted a boy and she was having a girl." Zach said as he looked down.

"I'm sorry Zach. I was just asking. It might be easier because of your age. It was just a thought." She said.

"Girls! Come down here already!" We heard the faint voice of Louis yell. I look at Elle and we look at Zach. 

"We gotta go. Are you coming tomorrow?" I said to him. 

"Yeah. Deffinitly." He said. 

"Okay. Bye. I love you Zach." I said. 

"I love you too baby girl."He said as he gave me a small smile. 

Everything will be okay.  


So what do you guys think? Ohhhh. She's pregnant. WHAT WILL ZAYN AND THE BOYS SAY!? I like this chapter for some reason. My sister got pregnant at 15 and I'm just trying to write how I think that she felt. But she is good now. She is now 22 and her baby is healthy and she also had another baby whom she loves them all very much. Okay enough about me. So. Did you guys expect this? Alright. I know that you guys never really read these sooooo...Bye I guess haha. 


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