Chapter 2

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I found the bus stop and stood there waiting for the bus to come. Bouncing on my toes over and over again saying "c'mon, c'mon, hurry, hurry....C'MON!" it was still really dark out maybe around 10:00 or 10:30. So not many people where out and about on the streets so I could scream all I wanted. I knew where I wanted to go and now, nobody could stop me. The bus didn't come for about another 20 min, and when it did, I was so happy. Happy to finally be leavening and getting away from 'him'. "Yes." I said when I finally saw the bus coming my way. As I got on the bus I looked around for a place to sit. Luckley there was one place left. Right next to this blond haired, blue eyed, teenage looking boy..."Iv saw him b4, but where?" I asked myself while walking over and stopping right next to the boy. "Do you mind if i sit here?" I ask. " No, I don't. Go ahead." he said not looking away from the window. Rude much? "You know, it's impolite to not look at someone who is trying to speak with you?" I said sitting down. He didn't move but he huffed something that I bearly cought, "Yeah and kids your age shouldnt be talking to strangers." I didnt say anything back because I didnt want him to make me move. Sighing, I turned in my seat and looked forward. This is going to be a long trip..but I was determined. I could do this. "Where you going?" I ask the boy who still hasn't gotten off and it's been about an hour or two since we had our last "conversation". "Bradford, England" was his simple replay. "No way, me too." I say smiling trying to get him to continue the conversation cause I was dying of boredom. "That's cool. I have a question, how old are you and do you know who I am? Do you recognize me at all?" he said turning towards me so I can have a better look at him. " Im 13 and no, I mean I feel as if I have saw you befor but no, am I supposed to?" he just shook his head and put out his hand. " I'm Niall Horan." he said smiling. "What's your name, love and im sorry for being rude and all that earlier.?" "Aleia-Marie, and dont worry, im used to the rudeness." I say still shaking his hand. "That's a very pretty name." he said turning back around. At that, I was content, I had gotten the boy to talk to me. But now what?


Is this getting any better? Like at all? The book is just getting started so thats why its going really sllllooowwwww lol. Im sorry, dont hate me lol! Sorry the chapters are so short its just that in order to have more chapters, they need to be shorter. Ill just start updating more so that the short chapters wont seem so short. Okay my loveleys! Bye. LIVE~LOVE~BREATHE~FOREVER!

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