Find my voice

By shinymewgirl

215K 10.9K 5.6K

A new world full of old things in how fourteen year old Paige sees the world and after seven long years locke... More

1~ a whole new world
2~ not for trade!
3~ first battle
4~ not that way
5~ payback is sweet
6~ Paige's first capture
7~ an orb or an egg?
8~ deep water deeper trouble
9~ Sights never cease to amaze
10~ my place in the world.
11~ hatching magic
13~ bug battle
14~ and Nyuu takes the lead
15~ Samurai's win
16~ the legend of Zekrom Reshiram and the girl who stopped a war
17~ Paige's truth
18~ A new companion or two or three
19~ on the road again
20~ bed time!
21~ recapture
22~ a promise is a promise
23~ I'll take care of you
25~ An Angel's hope
New book
26~ making a plan and breaking a promise
27~ between life and death
28~ stronger at heart
28~ hope
30~ breaking free
31~ finding you
32~ together once more
33~ battle 101
34~ a chilling battle- part 1
35~ a chilling battle- part 2
36~ the new adventures that lie ahead
37~ keep your hands off Paige unless you wish to loose them
38~ Danger beyond what you can see
39~ we all have our reasons
40~ I won't let go
41~ one lost and one gained
42~ would you do that to me?
43~ I'll stand by you
44~ back to the beginning
45~ just protecting you
46~ I'm not weak anymore
47~ not going to fail again
48~ the bravest girl I've ever met
49~ shocking ending to a flaring battle
50~ safe now and forever

24~ beleiving in you

3.1K 181 135
By shinymewgirl

Paige's pov

I woke up alone in my room I sat up slowly and crossed my legs. I wasn't sure what would happen next and that scared me... a lot. I was afraid of the uncertain, afraid of everything. Maybe that's why I was such an easy target, because I was afraid and weak.

I brushed some of my pink hair out of my face and stared at my hands laying limp in my lap. It had been years since I was last left feeling completely alone and I didn't like the feeling. Samurai and Gardenia were always there for me since the day I hatched them. Even as eggs the two had kept me company and now I don't know if I'll see ether of them again.

~Have faith young guardian, your greatest wish is yet to come true. Just have faith and believe in yourself.~

Wait what? That wasn't Gardenia's soothing and sweat voice, or Samurai's cool and calm voice, or Miku's squeaky kawaii voice, or Gummie's bubbly and giggly voice. This one was superior and feminine sounding but had a sort of cuteness to it... Like Miku's voice. The voice was also just barely there, like a whisper.

:Hello?: I asked back. Like with Miku before she hatched I didn't get a reply.

I shook my head. I was probably just imagining things because I was alone. I'd never liked this feeling it made me feel weaker than I already was. Made me feel small as well.

My stomach let out a loud obnoxious grumble signalling I was hungry. Last time I'd eaten was... yesterday at lunch time so I was really hungry. Starving in fact.

I leant against the wall next to my bed, hoping that someone would bring me food soon. Usually N did if he was here but if not then Anthea or Concordia did. But who knew if I'd even get fed. Who knew what Ghetsis meant by I would regret it if I ran away.

The sound of approaching footsteps caught my attention. But it could mean anything. Someone could just be passing threw the halls, it could be an echo from above or nearby hallways, it could be Ghetsis coming to punish me for running away or it could be N or someone else coming to bring me food.

I hope it was the last one. I held my breath and closed my eyes as the footsteps came closer. Those definitely were coming this way.

Please be N, please be N, please be N. I silently begged.

The door creaked open slowly. That's it, the world hates me. I thought to myself as the same dark haired Plasma elite grunt who'd caught me entered my room smirking.

"Well well well little runt, where's your little green haired friend?" She smirked.

Umm... I think N's older and taller than her...

"Wherever he is, he's certainly not gonna help you now. Ghetsis has plans for you." An evil smirk plastered on her face.

I scurried back a bit, shaking a little in fear. Please no. I just want to be left alone an to eat. Is that so much to ask for?

"Are you going to come silently or do I need to get Krookodile?" She said chuckling at her own little joke.

I gulped a little but slowly and shakily stood up. That big red and black Pokemon still scared me and either way I'd end up in trouble.

"Smart move." She said grabbing my right arm roughly, right where the bruise was.

I winced in pain as she put pressure on the bruise. Making her snicker. "Does that hurt?" She said squeezing tighter.

I bit my lip to stop myself crying out as she pulled me down the hall. "Make a sound and you'll have Krookadile to deal with runt." She hissed.

I nodded weakly and stumbled along, what else could I do? I was to weak to fight back and to scared to disobey.

She finally stopped inside a large room. Several grunts were standing around with their Pokemon, most of which I didn't recognise. Ghetsis stood in the middle of the room with an evil look on his face that made me freeze for half a second.

The dark haired girl pushed me into the centre of the room, making me stumble and fall at Ghetsis's feet. I shuffled back timidly, my bright blue eyes wide with fear.

Ghetsis slammed his staff onto the hem of my white skirt preventing me from moving any further back.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" He sneered. "Haven't you learned your lesson about running away..... Oh that's right, you haven't yet have you. How about we fix that?"

The grunts all snickered as I feebly attempted to free myself but once again I just couldn't do it. I was just to weak.

Ghetsis crouched down to my hight and stared into my eyes. His steel grey eyes were cold and cruel and scary.

He slapped me hard across the cheek making me gasp in pain and tears fall as I raised my hand to cover it on instinct. The grunts all laughed again.

Without removing his staff Ghetsis turned toward the dark haired girl. "Good work Nicole. You are now promoted to executive elite."

Nicole... So that was her name.

Nicole cheered and smirked at me. "Thank you Lord Ghetsis."

"Now I trust I can leave you to finish this girls punishment for me?"

Nicole's smirk grew. "It would be my pleasure."

Ghetsis removed his staff from the hem of my skirt and walked off. "Return what's left of her to her room after you finish."

Nicole grabbed a Pokeball of her belt and released her Krookodile.

I shuffled back in the opposite direction as the large red crocodile Pokemon gave me a dirty look.

"Krookodile hold her!" Nicole ordered and the Pokemon grabbed my shoulders roughly.

He dug his claws deeply into my arms drawing blood from the point where his claws were embedded in my flesh.

I screamed in pain as the grunts got closer, jeering and laughing at me.

Nicole seemed proud and whispered something to the grunt closest to her, he than passed the message on and so on. Then one by one each grunt came up and started hitting and kicking me. Slapping my face, kicking my legs, punching my stomach. Some of the Pokemon joined in as well.

I cried out in pain but was unable to plead them to stop unable to beg for the pain to go away unable to do anything but take the hits and cry.

I really was weak and worthless. I really was a pathetic runt. I couldn't protect myself. I couldn't stop this. No matter how much I wanted to.

Krookodile soon pushed me to the ground allowing more of the grunts to hit and kick me as I curled up into a small ball with me arms wrapped protectively around my face as they stomped on my arms and kicked my back.

The sound of the doors bursting open rung in my ears as someone yelled for this to stop. Slowly all the grunts and Pokemon backed off and two as wrapped around me gently making me cry out in pain as my body seemed to burn at the points of contact. I flinch, expecting to be hit or pushed to the ground but it never happened.

I looked up slowly and saw N's blue-grey eyes looking at me with sadness, anger, worry and something I didn't quite know.

"It's alright. I've got you." He said gently while picking me up.

I sobbed into his chest, thankful that it was finally over. My entire body was sore and I could feel blood dripping over some part of my body. But being in N's arms made me feel safe. I knew he wouldn't let them hurt me anymore.

N carried me from the room, telling me that it was all going to be alright and that he would take care of me.

N entered another room and placed me onto a soft bed. I knew this wasn't my bed because my bed was bumpy and thus bed didn't have springs poking out. This one was soft and smooth.

I took my head slowly off N's chest and looked around. The walls were painted sky blue with a navy blue carpet. The bed was huge with a starry pattern with a few Pokemon plushies.

I have N a confused look and he just smiled a little. "This is your new room Paige, at least for now, until I can get you somewhere safe."

My eyes widened and for a moment I forgot how much pain I was in and looked around again. This was really my room? It was more than I'd ever owned in my life all in one room.

N snapped me out of my little day dream by pulling out a small white box with a red cross on the front. "Let's get those cuts cover up." He said gently and I nodded.

He picked up a bottle and put some of the contents on a cotton ball then gently dabbed it on one of the claw marks from Nicole's Krookodile.

I winced and recoiled my arm when the cotton ball touched my arm. Whatever was in that bottle made the cut sting really bad.

"Paige I know it hurts but you need it to make sure it doesn't get infected." He said softly.

After a few seconds I nodded and slowly stretched out my arm again as N gently wiped it.

"I'm sorry this happened Paige. I had no idea Ghetsis would go back on his word. I thought you'd be safe after he said he wouldn't hurt you." N said after a minute. He sounded really upset like he blamed himself.

I nodded weakly and gave a small smile showing that I knew it wasn't his fault.

N smiled back a little and finished wiping the claw marks on my right arm then bandaged them up before moving to my left arm. I was starting to get used to the stinging so it didn't feel so bad.

When N finished he put the cotton balls away and turned back to me. "Does anything feel broken or sprained?"

I nodded and pointed to my left ankle which hurt a lot. I think some one stepped on it when Krookodile pushed me to the ground.

N crouched down and gently ran his fingers over it. I winced at his touch. N gently poked it in a few places and ran his fingers over the swollen parts then asked me move it a little. (A/N this is what a teacher once did to see if I'd broken my ankle at a school camp. Thankfully it wasn't. But I'm just going off what she did.)

After a few more minutes. N gentle sat it back down. "I don't think it's broken. Just sprained."

I nodded as N sat back down and I snuggled close to him, still feeling really sore all over. N wrapped his arms around me and gently rubbed my arm.

My stomach decided that it was the right time to let the whole world know I was hungry by letting out a loud rumble.

N smiled and chuckled a little. "Are you hungry Paige?"

I nodded and blushed while N just smiled. "I'll call for someone to bring you something to eat. Sound good?"

I nodded vigorously as N pulled out his X-transceiver and called someone to bring me something nice to eat.

N ended the called. "Shouldn't be to long now."

I sighed in relief and rested my head on N's chest as he continued to gently rub my arm.

"I'm going to get you out of here Paige. I just need time. But I promise. Ghetsis will never hurt you again. I wont let him." N said braking the silence.

I just nodded believing in his words, believing in him.

I just wanted to be free. Was that so much to ask for?


Zere we go. Started off bad but ended better. Just thought I'd ask which do like better, Jake x Paige or N x Paige?

I'm gonna leave it to you. But keep that voice Paige heard in mind. It's kinda important. ^_^

Well it's like an hour past my bed time so bye now. TTFN SMG OUT!!!

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