For you (Kim Namjoon x Reader)

By Mono_l1sa

25.4K 2.4K 135

"I used to wish I could teleport." Namjoon admitted from behind you. It made you jump and he caught your shou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3

Chapter 44

478 48 2
By Mono_l1sa

Yoongi hung ominous curtains around the area designated for Namjoon's exhibitions. Namjoon didn't want anyone to see what was happening, not even you. Yoongi had also forbidden any of his workers to spoil anything. Apparently he had done so on Namjoon's command. You couldn't imagine anyone tells Yoongi to do anything, except maybe Seokjin, who came to visit on New Years to give you some small gifts. His definition of small consisted of diamonds brighter than the stars. It was unlikely that you'd ever wear them but he warned you not to return them.

You weren't the only one that was happy to see him. Taehyung tripped a few times trying to catch a glimpse of his man crush and when you asked him to get some tea, the poor boy had a heart attack having to come face to face with him. He both thanked you and punched your shoulder for embarrassing him like that. Seokjin smirked, thinking the boy was quite charming and felt quite flattered that he had fans. Then again, he was Kim Seokjin, even God is a fan of him. He complimented Taehyung's mint hair and you had to support the boy's body as he fell backward, fawning over the sentence.

Several days passed since then but you occasionally find Taehyung admiring the selca they took together. It reminded you of how Jungkook has Namjoon as his wallpaper, once again, you have quite the competition. Speaking of Jungkook, he had been helping out with the exhibition like bringing in the actual photographs. Until this day, Namjoon still hasn't revealed his most secretive collection yet. Anytime you asked about it, he would tease you by saying you needed to wait.

Aside from curiosity, it was also your job to know in order to report back to Director Song. You passed by the curtains again, hoping to take a peek, but your conscience told you to go back to your office. Sighing in defeat, you slumped back in your chair. It was at the same time Taehyung came into the room with a cup of tea. It was also his excuse to spill some other kind of tea.

"I heard the executives talking about removing Director Song." he whispered.

"How do you possibly know that? If anything were to actually happen, I would be the first among the two of us to know." you retorted in amusement.

"I might have peeked at her emails during the meeting yesterday." he answered shyly.

"Taehyung!" you exclaimed. "That's an invasion of privacy."

"It's not my fault, she was being stuck up as usual and wasn't really paying attention to what you were saying." he argued, flailing his arms around like a kid.

You nodded, "Yeah, I saw her typing furiously on her laptop, but I don't think we should assume anything by that."

Taehyung pouted and rolled his eyes cutely. "But it would be so wonderful that she's gone and you take over her position."

"You think I would make a good director?" you asked.

"There's no one else in the world that would be better." he claimed. It wouldn't be the first time he had brought it up. The idea had been in your head for quite a while now ever since you realized that it was you doing all her work and letting her take the credits for them. You knew the ins and outs of Reino better than anyone. The thought of it gave you butterflies.

"But that means I wouldn't be here most of the time." you pointed out. "I would have to travel around more, going to meetings at our internal office, I wouldn't get to see you a lot."

Even though you're essentially doing those things now, you were still here at least because you are the curator. But with the title of director, things would be different. His face fell, he hadn't thought about that at all. In the years that you two have known and worked with each other, it was clear that you two cared for each other as siblings would. You had gotten used to each other's presence. Taehyung couldn't imagine not seeing you every day or have a cup of tea like this. "Alright, I guess you can't be the director now." he shrugged. It made you laugh.

There was a knock on the door, interrupting the conversation. It was Yoongi, "Alright, everything's prepared for the opening this weekend." he stated.

"It's done?" you gasped.

"You sound like you doubted me." he scoffed, crossing his arms and leaned against the door frame.

"Can you blame me?" you shot back, "Neither you nor Namjoon would let me see the progress, I was worried to death."

"There's a reason why you of all people can't see it." he commented. "See ya at the opening." Then he walked off without offering any other explanation. You and Taehyung exchanged looks with each other, nodded, then walked out to the curtains. Your fingers lingered on the fabric, ready to pull it back. But something stopped you.

"I shouldn't do this." you said out loud, "I should respect his wishes."

Taehyung agreed, "True, it could be something personal to him. Like an embarrassing secret." You contemplated on that idea, Namjoon was a reserved person, so it's unlikely that he would display anything personal. But he's also an artist, so there's no telling what is possible or not. "It could also be some girls."

You snapped your head to him, "Girls?"

"Yeah, like girls he had taken photos of over the years of his traveling. It could explain why he's so secretive about it, especially with you." Taehyung explained casually. Your throat was dry, it would be a plausible explanation. Namjoon has taken photos of models before and he even hung those pictures up. It's an artistic expression, that's all, you told yourself in attempts to make yourself feel better to no prevail. He should have told you the truth, you wouldn't be upset, at least you don't think you would be, though it would be hard to not compare yourself if that was the case. You thought back to the conversation you heard exchanged between Yoongi and Namjoon while you passed by the curtains. They were talking about the photos that Namjoon finally allowed Yoongi to see. The older one gasped, "These are great, you really captured her essence."

"She's radiating by herself, I was just lucky to have found her at the right time." Namjoon interjected.

At the time, you didn't think much of it. But now your hand dropped to your side, you were over your overthinking mind but it was the only thing you could hear right now. The front entrance opened, it was the man of your dreams. But instead of running to him like you would normally, you backed away and headed for your office. Taehyung watched and understood he had said the wrong thing. 

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