For you (Kim Namjoon x Reader)

By Mono_l1sa

25.4K 2.4K 135

"I used to wish I could teleport." Namjoon admitted from behind you. It made you jump and he caught your shou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Special Chapter 1
Special Chapter 2
Special Chapter 3

Chapter 17

406 44 1
By Mono_l1sa

The photographer took what felt like years to get back to you. It seemed like you weren't the first person to request to display his photos. Luckily for you, his mom is an admirer of Reino, so he agreed to have a meeting with you once he gets back to Korea. You did more research on the man. The strange thing about him was that he doesn't post any pictures of himself. All online articles show a picture of a faceless boy standing in front of a black moon. Taehyung asked around and apparently, no one knows what he really looks like. He doesn't even show up to his own exhibits sometimes.

What a person, you thought. Another worry was how you were going to recognize him. The man opted out for a meeting at the museum. He was against the idea of meeting at the museum, something about paintings bothered him. As much as you wanted to question him, you decided against it for the sake of this business deal. In the end, you suggested going to a scenic cafe with a koi pond in the middle of it.

Back in your apartment, you went through his collections once more before the meeting tomorrow. The strange thing was that he only took photos in black and white. Yet despite the lack of the colors, there was a warmth and dedication to the way he captured those images. Taehyung said he wanted the audience to fill the colors in themselves. It was a unique trademark, even though you thought it was such a pretentious thing to do.

You yawned. And just as the clock turned 10, your phone rang.

"Are you going to bed now?" he asked without even a greeting.

"Yes, Jimine, I'm getting in bed right now." you answered, unmoving from your chair.

"Liar, I know you're at your desk right now scrolling through your computer." he narrated. "And right now you're looking around to see if I'm in your apartment. Don't worry, I'm at the academy."

"You really don't have to call me every night." you sighed. "You could get in trouble with the teacher." The academy had a strict rule about phone usage after curfew. Honestly, you didn't know how the boy could survive. The place felt suffocating like a prison but he's loving it.

"It's Hoseok, he adores me." he refuted. That's right, Hoseok. You've met him a few times when you attended the academy annual orientations or Jimin's performances. At first you thought he was another student considering how young he looks, then adding on his outgoing aura. He smile was always radiating, and he was always smiling around Jimin.

"Everyone adores you Jiminie." you commented. "But I promise I'll go to bed soon, I just need to prepare for a meeting tomorrow with an important client. My career depends on this."

"You always say that." he nagged.

"Because it's true."

"I don't understand why you still work for that lady, you know so much more than her." he grumbled. There was a consensus that Director Song was unlike anywhere she went. The only reason why artists even want to work with Reino was because of you, though you would never openly admit it.

"I need this job Jimin, you know that."

You heard him pouting. "Alright, take care then. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too." Even though the phone calls felt overbearing, you were thankful to have your brother in the city with you because sometimes you would forget to look after yourself. It was another reason why your parents were okay with letting you move out to the city permanently. They knew Jimin wouldn't let you starve to death. Your little brother had grown to become your protector.

He didn't know what truly happened that day, but he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was staying by your side and making sure you never experience that again. That's why he started being cautious whenever anyone approaches you. However, he forgets that you won't be so naive anymore. Besides, you had your hands full with work, there was no time for personal life.

The next morning, you made a final check to make sure that you're prepared for anything. This initial meeting would serve to seal his permission. Then you'll meet once again to finalize the contract and begin working on the exhibit. The insurance said your car won't be finished until the end of next week, so, for now, you'll just have to survive by taking a taxi everywhere. You could have asked Taehyung to take you to the meeting, but he needed to be at work to defend the fortress without you. Glancing at the mirror, you felt that your blouse and skirt were fitting for this formal meeting.

The cafe was pleasantly not crowded today. The waitress led you upstairs and sat you down near the railing, overlooking the pond. You made the right call by going here, aside from the meeting, you also wanted to see what it feels like to be somewhere other than home or your office. Scattered throughout the cafe were couples sharing a morning coffee before they depart separate ways to work, but at the end of the day, they'll find their way back to each other. You wonder when your heartstring will be pulled, again. The waitress asked if you wanted to order and you politely told her you would wait until the person came to order.

That was half an hour ago and there was still no sign of him. You checked the time you sent him again and it was correct. You gave it another half hour, he might not be used to the city traffic just yet. Still, you hated people without punctuality. He could have at least sent you an email saying that he would be late.

You saw the waitress appearing at the top of the stairs, she was charmed by the man she was directing. You couldn't blame her. Even with the cap on his head, you could tell how alluring he was, tall figure with an organic clothing palette that gave him a mundane and approachable aura. He must be meeting his lover for a casual cup of coffee. However, that wasn't the case. The waitress pointed directly at your table. A knot formed in your stomach as he nodded at her and walked towards you. Once his eyes set on you, it was all over. The facade you put up, the hopes you had of forgetting him. It was all over. 

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