A Wuxia Tale: Blade in Traini...

By ginaddict

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Dao is off to train in the military base. His search for his own name and glory starts here. While Hua will f... More

A Weakness in my Blood
A Hellish First Hour
Personal Hell
Special Opponent
The Potential Guard
A Lone Wang
A Demonstration
Remain Alive
Second Test
A Sack of Rice
A Start
Most Prized Possession
A Guard's Mettle
Strongest Man
A Sire's Pride
Crown Prince's Guard
An Unexpected Visitor
Strong Love
Troubled Reunion
Rights and Lies
Princess Nadira
Crazy and Dangerous
Mughal Nest
In Laws
On Leave
Danger in the Air
Spilled Secret
Pitiful Human
Legends and Tales
Insufferably Annoying
Former and Current
A Kingdom's Fate
Mission Accomplished
Voice in the Head
Powerful Weakness
Sojourn Outside
Between Twins
Standing Still
Pathetic Fool
Handpicked Truths
Interesting Character
A Way to Survive
Still Regrets Nothing
Thank You Note

Well Wishes

435 42 8
By ginaddict


"What are you doing?" Adda asked before taking a big bite at the apple on her hand. She came into my room and found me cleaning my room. So that's what I told her. "I'm cleaning my room. That's what I am doing,"

"No," Adda shook her head. "Your room is already clean. Your room is always clean. Spotlessly so. Again, what are you doing?"

I sighed. Can nothing escape her notice? Why did the heaven decided to give me an astute and bright companion? I could really go for a companion who is fun and won't question my every move. That will be a novelty for me.

Adda. Adda is fast becoming someone who knows me, my every move and as the modern people says it, she calls out my bullshits. Nothing get past her.

And arguing with her is a futile exercise so I just sighed and wave my hand. "Leave me alone."

"I wish I can. But I am indebted to you and I promised to look after you. Besides, I can see my question is starting to grate on your nerves and I find it amusing." She smiled before sitting on the bed that I just arranged neatly. "Again, what is wrong Master?"

I gave her an intent look meant to intimidate her. I don't have my blindfold on so my eyes are fully exposed. That should be enough to disconcert Adda.

But this is Adda and she is a different kind of insane. Instead of being intimidated, she just let one of her eyebrow arch. I sighed, "I am agitated..."

"Tell me something I cannot see for myself," Adda said.

"You will give birth to a son," I uttered to fulfill her request. I smiled in satisfaction when that got the reaction I wanted. Adda's eyes widened and he choked on the apple in her mouth. I acted graciously and helped her by thumping on her back as she coughed out that chewed apple.

"Master!" Adda, after recovering from her choking fit, glared at me. "Not that! Don't give me happenings on my future."

"Well, you said I should give you something you don't know and cannot see. You cannot see your future, so I am giving it to you," I said, with all the innocence I can muster on my tone.

"You are a menace," Adda sighed.

"And you are nosy," I scowled at her. "Just do your job. Protect me and stay by my side."

"That's what I am doing. Staying by your side and protecting you. That includes the soundness of your mind and behavior. Now, you are cleaning an already clean room. What is going on?" Adda scowled back at me. I knew I will never intimidate her. Not on this lifetime anyways.

So I decided to be honest to her. "It's Wang Dao..."

"Oh of course," Adda chuckled humorlessly. "It's always him. You always worry about him. You know what, maybe we should just get rid of him so your worries will be over. Stalk Wang Dao, come from his behind and slit his throat. Easy, no more worry for you."

Oh the simplicity of that plan. I like it. But alas...we can't just kill Wang Dao. My heart is someone difficult to defeat, much more kill.

"I don't worry about him. I worry about his effect on me. His emotions can reach me. And a storm is brewing for the Wangs. I wish it would not be this way, but Princess XiLen won't leave without gifting chaos to the Wangs. It was a fatal mistake for the Emperor to let her enter the Archive of Records where a certain record of what happened in HanZong was resting." I said.

"You said the Wangs are strong. They can survive it," Adda said.

"They are. They will. But not before hurt touch the Wang twins. Wang Dao will get hurt and I know that hurt will touch me. I am getting ready for it's effect on my body and mind. Having a clean room will help lessen the blow," I said.

"Ah, so that's why you are cleaning. To get ready and to distract yourself," Adda nodded. "Tell me, how hard it is to resist traveling to the Capital to warn the Consort of what will happen to his children?" She teases me with her words and eyes.

I rolled my eyes on her, "As hard as it is to resist warning the real Consort of what will happen to his Royal children with King Wang Qing. 16th century Wangs and 21st century Wangs are practically the same. They are all headaches."

"And yet here you are, tangling yourself with their business. If I were you, I will run away from that family." Adda wisely said.

But I am not as wise as her. I don't have the soul of a former mercenary with a kind heart and steel determination. "I don't have a choice. Wang Dao's fate is intertwined with mine. Our connection won't let me run away from him."

Adda blinked at me. "If you really care for him, maybe you should warn him personally..."

My eyes widened at her words. "I don't care for him!"

Adda winced. "You don't need to shout," she said.

"I am not shouting!" I shouted and stopped when I realized that I am shouting. I deflated and sat next to Adda. "I apologize for shouting at you. Like I said, I am agitated. Although that is not an excuse for rudeness but..."

"I understand," Adda laughed. "Stop apologizing, you are terrible at it."

"I am sincere,"

"You are worried." Adda amended my statement. I nodded to agree on her words. "Yes, I am worried. In some ways, Wang Dao is shielded from life's hardships. Physically, the only hardship he faced was being trained by his strict parents. Emotionally and mentally, the only challenge he had to endure was watching his sister struggle to get well and not die. But being embraced with love by Master Dayu and fiercely protected by General Wang, the Wang twins almost grew up in a bubble dome..."

"What is a bubble dome?" Adda wondered loudly. I winced, "It's a future reference for a well controlled safe surroundings."

"Ah, a bubble dome. Yes. The Wang twins grew up in a well protected environment." Adda agreed. "They surely didn't have the experiences we had."

"Our lives are not exactly tragic. Not yet at least. And I promise you, I will assure that you will have a good life after serving as my companion," I told Adda.

"I am not asking for a good life, Master AhRan." Adda chuckled at me. "I will have that good life on my next lifetime. Or the next one after that. I just want to help you in this lifetime. That's all..."

She is selfless as well. Much like Master Shu. This beautiful soul who is so giving to others. No wonder it deserved to always be reborn on this Earth. A beautiful soul like what Adda held is much needed in this ugly place.

I closed my eyes. "If the heavens will grant me a wish. I hope you and Wang Dao will be happy in this lifetime." I said as I opened my eyes again.

"What about your sister?" Adda asked in a surprise tone. I smiled at her, "Her safety, I won't leave that to the gods and the heavens. They could be clumsy with mortals' fates. Her having a happy life, I will guarantee myself."

But ShuYin's happiness is not something I would worry about in the next year or so. It will come but not yet.

For now, Wang Dao is my worry. And the surprise Princess XiLen is setting up for the man I love.

"I wish this is not the way of how he will learn the truth. And General Wang and Jian Yu should have seen this coming. But alas, they are all getting comfortable with their lives." I said.

"That's life," Adda let her body fall on the bed and she stared at the ceiling of my room. "You think everything is going well on your life, then all of a sudden, fate will disrupt it. There is always a hitch on the plan. Mortals should have learned that lesson by now. You don't control you fate. Your fate controls you."

Wise words indeed. Who has control anyway? The Consort thinks he got full control. He is wrong. Wang Dao thinks he has it all figured out. He is wrong. Wang Hua only has the future in her sights. She is wrong. General Wang thinks he buried the truth with his lies. He is wrong.

They are all wrong. And Princess XiLen will show them how weak the Wangs' control really are.

I just have to get ready for that storm to hit me as well.



"I don't know why you have to do this," Hua sighed in disgruntlement as she stood beside me outside of my birth mother's ancestral home. "It's not like everyone here are clueless about the real status of your relationship with your mother..."

"For appearance's sake, my Love." I carefully took Hua's hand in mine. "The Imperial Family still require me to appear princely, especially to my blood. Not sending my mother off will put questions and doubts on the people's mind and we don't want them getting too curious about Palace's business."

Hua squeezed my hand. I hid our holding hands on the folds of her skirt. We are engaged to be married but General Wang is just a few feet away from us. I don't want Hua's sire to think that I am taking liberties on his daughter's person.

Although it really feels great to hold Hua's hand. Especially with the task ahead of me.

Saying goodbye to my mother as she starts her journey back to the South Indes. To the Mughal Empire where she spent the last fifteen years away from our kingdom.

Standing outside the Tan's ancestral home, we waited for the parade of my mother's entourage to step out of the residence so we can say our formal goodbye to the guests we never invited in the first place.

But like I said, we need to keep te appearance, for the public's opinion's sake.

We stood in attendance as the first ones to come out of the Tan's gate are General Wang and his lieutenants. Hua's sire spotted us and he walked towards us.

"They are ready to parade out, your Highness." General Wang bowed his head before reporting the status of the proceedings.

I nodded my understanding. "Are you sure they are taking every possession they have? We don't want anyone forgetting something and demanding to go get it back, General." I think that will be the height of misfortune for us. If my mother leaves and then turn around because she forgot something.

General Wang nodded. "My people made sure that Princess XiLen and her helpers checked every luggages and carts to categorized all their belongings. It was done meticulously, your Highness."

"Good. Then let's start this spectacle, General." I gave out the order. General Wang signaled his soldiers and soon, everyone is moving to get to their places. Hua and I stood together on the road facing the Tan's gate so we will see everyone that will step off the residence.

Princess Nadira and her group of servants were the first ones to emerge from the gate. Upon seeing us, the lovely princess smile.

"Your Highness. Lady Wang," Princess Nadira stood in front of us. She stepped closer to hug Hua first, then me. Some light hugs that were devoid of warmth or meaning. Much like Nadira herself. "It was eventful, this visit of mine to your Kingdom...but I promise you, I enjoyed it so much. I hope I will be invited to visit again. Maybe on Crown Prince Han's ascesion to the Emperor's throne. I heard the coronation of Emperor Shen was a magnificent event."

I highly doubt it. I will advice Han to invite other Royalty on his coronation, not this Mughal Princess.

"We wish you safe journey back to your home, your Highness." Hua, ever the gracious lady, smiled at Princess Nadira.

Nadira nodded, "Thank you, Lady Hua. I wish I could stay some more to get to know Wang Dao better." A rosy tinge decorated the Mughal Princess' cheeks. "I will admit, I came here thinking a Prince will prick my interest, but it turns out a Royal guard will take my attention."

I don't know how to react to that except to say that..."Wang Dao is indeed an interesting person. Maybe too interesting for his own good."

Both ladies looked at me in fascination. I winced at the love of my life. What I said made sense. Hua's twin is too interesting of a person that sometimes Wang Dao hates the attention coming his way.

I could bet my horse that Wang Dao doesn't enjoy the attention Princess Nadira bestowed on him, if the incident on the Wang Estate will be the judging point.

"I wish you both a happy marriage," Nadira said that woke me up from my mussings. What she said, was something sweet that both Hua and I took a moment before answering. I cleared my throat, "Thank you. And we will. With Hua, a happy marriage is already guaranteed for me." I said.

"And I feel the same way," Hua said. We smile at each other. With more nods, Princess Nadira moved on.

Then the parade of Mughal guards followed the Princess. The last one to emerge from the gate was my mother and her personal servants. She found us easily.

I braced myself as my mother came near. Her eyes, focused on me. As we stood, almost eye to eyes, her hand rose to touch my cheek. "A mother should never experience this. Not twice at least. Leaving a child. Leaving a son behind. No mother should endure this much pain." She said.

I looked into her eyes and a jolt of electricity traveled through my body as I saw sincerity in her eyes. Yes, I see pain in my mother's eyes. The prospect of leaving me, pains her.

Or maybe she is not seeing the current me. Maybe she is picturing that helpless little boy she left behind fifteen years ago when she was first banished from our Kingdom.

Either way, I cannot do much for her except apologize for her genuine pain. "I'm sorry you have to endure it twice. But this time is different, Mother. I am a grown man now. I can take care of myself."

My mother nodded. "Yes. Yes you can," she stepped close to hug me. "I know I caused disruption on your life with my visit but I don't regret it. I will never regret coming here to see the man you have become. And I am proud, Jin. I am proud of you."

I closed my eyes before hugging her back. I passed a calming hand on her back. She leaned out to smile at me. A hint of tears on her eyes. "Always be well, my son. I hope I will see you again. I hope it will not take another fifteen years for us to be together again. I love you,"

I couldn't do anything but nod at what she said. "Have a safe journey, Mother. May you stay healthy as well."

She stared at me for a few moments before she smiled and nodded at me. She lets me go so she can turn her focus on Hua. She hugged my fiancee as well and whispered something on Hua's ears.

When my mother let the woman I love go, Hua curtsied gracefully in front of her. "I will try my best to support Jin on every endeavor he will undertake, your Highness. I wish you well, always."

"Good," my mother smiled at me, touched my cheek again before putting on a brave, haughty mask to walk towards the enclosed palaquin meant for her.

General Wang came in front of us next to perform a formal salute to me and I nodded to him. Hua hugged her sire, "Stay safe on the road and come back soon, Baba."

General Wang smiled. Something his soldiers might have rarely seen because they all gave their Master General a surprised look. "I will, daughter." General Wang patted Hua's hair before he let her go to shout the order to match.

Hua and I stayed behind and send that parade off with our eyes. When the last person at the back of the parade was out of our sight, I turned to Hua. "What did my mother whispered to you?" I asked with curiosity.

Hua turned her body to face me. "She asked me to support you. And she said I deserve everything."

"You deserve everything?" That's kind of a vague sentence, I think. "What does that mean?"

Hua shrugged. "I am not sure as well. But if she is referring to our love, then she is right. I deserve all the love you have for me."

That made me smile. "True." Hua deserve everything. Every last drop of love I have in my heart for her. I took her hand in mine and together we started our own travel back to the Wang Estate, as the afternoon sun kept on shining light on our way.

My mother is finally leaving. Somehow our lives and this Kingdom will regain its peace she briefly disturbed with her visit.

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