A Flower in the Dark [EDITING]

By an_unwrittensoul

60K 1.9K 258

[COMPLETE] You have heard of the Greek gods, Persephone and Hades. Of their twisted love story where Hades ki... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
*Chapter 5*
*Chapter 6*
*Chapter 7*
*Chapter 8*
*Chapter 9*
*Chapter 11*
*Chapter 12*
*Chapter 13*
*Chapter 14*
*Chapter 15*
*Chapter 16*
*Chapter 17*
*Chapter 18*
*Chapter 19*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 20*
*Chapter 21*
*Chapter 22*
*Chapter 23*
*Chapter 24*
*Chapter 25*
*Chapter 27*
*Chapter 28*
*Chapter 29*
*Chapter 30*
*Chapter 31*
*Chapter 32*
*Chapter 33*
Ending Author Note.
A Thank You Note
2nd book

*Chapter 26*

954 50 6
By an_unwrittensoul

I'm slowly loosing my will/love of writing :(

The next few days were boring. Nothing out the ordinary happened, I spent my days in the library wasting my life over books. Hades was busy and so were the others.

Not that I'm complaining though. It gave me more time to read books and figure a away out without losing my memories.

So far I've found nothing.

10 more days past and if it wasn't for Hecate I would have forgotten about my birthday.

Which honestly I would have been happier to forget my birthday but we all can't have what we wish for.

Hecate blew a whistle and grinned, doing a small happy dance around my desk. It was t really my desk but I claimed it after not moving from the spot for 8 days straight.

"How do you feel about turning 122?" Hecate mused before placing a small cupcake down on my desk. It had hot pink icing out with a sparkly number 22 candle.

I smiled, "Strangely I don't feel anything."

"Is it because you've been glued to that chair for 10 days straight?" Hecate teased as she sat down next to me.

"It's been 8 days." I said, "I no longer feel my legs or anything else below my hip."

"You smell like a pigs pin." She poked my nappy hair, "You look like one too."

I scowled are her. I don't smell that bad.

I sniffed my armpit and almost gagged, okay maybe I do.

I was too scared to look in the window and see my reflection. I didn't want to gag at how I looked...atleast not in front of Hecate.

"C'mon go take a bath. The books can wait."


Before I could finish Hecate snapped her fingers and we were in my bathroom. The bathroom smelled strangely of roses which was not my doing. At least not that I'm aware of.

"Now, there's two outfits for you on the bed. Be ready by nightfall." Was all she said before disappearing oncemore.

"Be ready by nightfall?" I mumbled to myself. "Are they going to sacrifice me? At least I'll be dead."

I pulled off my dress before slipping into the warm water. I quickly washed my self and my hair before climbing out of the bath like some water gremlin.

I didn't realize how cold the air was outside of the bath. Like a rat I scurried to my towel and wrapped myself in it. I shuffled my way over to the giant mirror and groaned at my reflection.

Heavy bags underline my eyes and my hair—despite getting washed— resembled a literally rats nest. I looked skinner, despite the fact that I had eaten every day.

Is this what stress does to you?

The last time I had been this stressed was when...

Never. I had never been this stressed in my life. My mother ensured I lived a fairly sheltered and comfy life, no wonder I struggle now. In her effort to protect me she just made things worse, my mind new this however my heart did not.

I wanted to go home but at the same time, I have never felt this free. I can go to the market, hang out with friends, and do everything I was never able to do.

I shook my head and sighed at myself, "Get yourself together Kore."

I frowned at the outfit Hecate had picked out for me. It was a black ball room gown, with a black collar like top. I flipped over the dress and nearly died, it was completely backless.

Meaning the only thing holding the dress up was the collar. I slowly looked down at my boobs then back at the dress.

I moved the dress out the way and looked at my second option, which was better.

It was a red off the shoulder ballroom gown. The sleeves were puffed and started at my breast line. Meaning the girls would be a little more..secured. I didn't know what the others had planned for me, but I was not about to expose my tits to everyone.

I shrugged the dress on and stared at myself in confusion. It fit perfectly.

What...how? How did Hecate get my exact measurements? Witch craft?

I did a small twirl in the dress and grinned. Normally I wouldn't wear red, but this was perfect.

I dug through my make up bag, pulling out mascara and red lipstick. I quickly applied it all, stabbing my eye in the process. It was way past night fall and I did not want to die via Hecate's hands.

I quickly shoved my feet into the heels provided and stumbled out the door just to collide with Hades. He caught me before I could hit the ground, a small smile on his face.

"We have to stop meeting like this." I muttered to him as he helped steady me.

Once I got control of myself I took one look at Hades and was a mess all over again.

He was dressed in an all black tux with a red rose pinned to his jacket. Men dressed in Black was apparently my new weakness. Flowers bloomed around us, embarrassing me even more. Even the little rose on Hades jacket began to bloom a little bit more.

Curse my powers.

"You look good- nice?" Hades said. A red blush settled on his cheeks as he quickly adverted his eyes from me.

"Thanks." I smiled at him as we began walking, "You don't look too bad yourself."

A moment of silence passed between us before I spoke up once more, "Where exactly are we going?"

"The others had a surprise for you, but I'm taking you to see my gift first." Hades explained. We stopped at a door that was all gold with swirly designs on it.

Once he unlocked the door he ushered me in and gestured to the middle of the room. The room was quite large, which honestly wasn't surprising. The whole castle was huge, it had an endless amount of rooms that I haven't even explored yet.

I've only been through 3 of the 100 doors in this castle.

I plan on going through all them before I leave...if I leave.

This room seemed to be yet another throne room. This one had a completely different mindset than the last throne we were in.

The floors were dark in color with specks of gold in it. Large windows made of colorful glass lined the walls and ceiling. The walls matched the dark color of the floor, with golden banners.

I slowly walked towards the throne that sat upon the dais. This one was all gold, red roses and various other flowers bloomed amongst the throne, nearly covering the top and back of it completely.

"It's gorgeous." I murmured as I ran my hand amongst the throne. More flowers bloomed and I smiled.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Hades said, "It's yours."


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