Another Chance Book I of III

By yourfuturegirl11

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Prince Rogers Nelson has died sad, tired, in pain and alone. As people mourn his loss and buildings around t... More

Another Chance-Book I
Another Chance Book II-Chapter 1, The Arrival
Book II-Chapter 2, The Arrival Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 3, The Vow
Book II-Chapter 5, Collaboration, Bella's POV
Book II, Chapter 6, Comfort Anyway, Anytime
Book II-Chapter 7, Hold Me
Book II-Chapter 8, Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice
Book II-Chapter 9-The Making of Creation Song, Challenges
Book II-Chapter 10, The Making of Creation Song, Challenges-Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 11, Residual Feelings-Denise's POV
Book II-Chapter 12, Residual Feelings-Mary's POV
Book II-Chapter 13, Creation Song Preparation
Book II-Chapter 14, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
Book II-Chapter 15, Residual Feelings, Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 16, Residual Feelings, Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 4, Collaboration
Book II-Chapter 17, The Reckoning
Book II-Chapter 18, Bella's Fears
Book II-Chapter 19, Countdown to Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 20, Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 21, Prayers and Decisions
Book II-Chapter 22, What Paradise Teaches
Book II-Chapter 23, Family Is Forever
Another Chance Book III- Chapter 1, A Journey Begun
Book III-Chapter 2, Heaven and Earth
Book III-Chapter 3, The Journey Continues
Book III-Chapter 4, Bella and Elaine
Book III- Chapter 5, The Royal Prince
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 6, First Look
Another Chance-Chapter 7, Friends First
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 8, The Afterglow
Book III-Chapter 9, What Fathers Understand
Book III-Chapter 10, The Conversation
Book III-Chapter 11, Finally 18
Book III-Chapter 12, the Album
Book III-Chapter 13, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 14, Jimmy Sanders, Predator
Book III-Chapter 15, The Calm Before the Storm
Book III-Chapter 16, Storm Clouds Gather
Book III-Chapter 17, The Rain Begins
Book III-Chapter 18, The Storm Erupts
Book III-Chapter 19, The Tsunami Hits
Book III-Chapter 20, The Aftermath
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 21, Return to The Largo
Book III-Chapter 22, August
Book III-Chapter 23, Us Time
Book III-Chapter 24, Whirlwind
Book III-Chapter 25, Gold and Platinum
Book III-Chapter 26, The Creator's Plan
Book III-Chapter 27, The Elephant In The Room
Book III-Chapter 28, Practice Makes Perfect
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 29, Musical Road Warriors
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 30, New York City
Book III-Chapter 31, New York City Part 2
Book III-Chapter 32, A Time of Change
Book III-Chapter 33, Who Are These People?
Book III-Chapter 34, The Query, Answers Revealed
Book III-Chapter 35, Don't Play Me
Book III-Chapter 36, Countdown to The Interviews
Book III-Chapter 37, Taking Care of Bella
Book III-Chapter 38, The Interviews Part I
Book III-Chapter 39, The Interviews Part 2
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 40, The Project
Book III-Chapter 41, The Project Part 2
Book III-Chapter 42, Negotiations
Book III-Chapter 43, Details, Details
Book III-Chapter 44, Establishing Their Worth
Book III-Chapter 45, Establishing Their Worth Part 2
Book III-Chapter 46, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 47, Let's Work
Book III-Chapter 48, Midterms
Book III-Chapter 49, Homecoming
Book III-Chapter 50, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 1
Book III, Chapter 51, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2
Book III-Chapter 52, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 1
Book III-Chapter 53, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 2
Book III Chapter 54, A Parisian New Year's Eve
Book III Chapter 55, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 1
Book III, Chapter 56, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 2
Book III-Chapter 57, A New Year, New Challenges Part 1
Book III-Chapter 58, A New Year, New Challenges Part 2
Book III-Chapter 59, Movie Anyone?
Book III-Chapter 60, Family Oasis
Book III-Chapter 61, Back To Real Life
Book III-Chapter 62, Amiir Speaks
Book III-Chapter 63, Another Chance, the Phenomenon
Book III-Chapter 64, The Fame Game
Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again
Book III-Chapter 66, Showtime
Book III, Chapter 67, Miracles
Book III-Chapter 68, New Life, New Strategy Needed
Book III-Chapter 69, The Press Conference Part 1
Book III-Chapter 70, The Press Conference Part 2
Book III-Chapter 72 Tour's End; Soul Sanctuary
Book III-Chapter 73, From Darkness : JesseBelle and Lucian
Book III-Chapter 74, Light Against Dark
Book III-Chapter 75, A Test of Resilience Part 1
Book III-Chapter 76, A Test Of Resilience Part 2
Book III-Chapter 77, An Uncommon Sense of Style
Book III-Chapter 78, An Uncommon Sense of Style Part 2
Book III-Chapter 79, The Energy of Youth
Book III-Chapter 80, A Mission of Mercy
Book III-Chapter 81, Thank You God For Everything
Book III-Chapter 82, Weddings and Movies, Movies and Weddings!
Book III-Chapter 83, Drilling Down to the Details!
Book III-Chapter 84, Justice, Rain Down From Heaven Part 1
Book III-Chapter 85, Justice Rain Down From Heaven Part 2
Book III-Chapter 86, Filming Ends, Countdown to Premier Begins
Book III-Chapter 87, Home Sweet Home
Book III-Chapter 88, Family Goodbyes and Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 89, Sunny LA, Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 90, Colors, Furnishings, Dresses and Sexual Shenanigans!
Book III-Chapter 91, Thanksgiving With Family
Book III-Chapter 92. Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1
Book III-Chapter 93, Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 2
Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1
Book III-Chapter 95, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk -Los Angeles Part 2
Book III-Chapter 96 The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA
Book III-Chapter 97, The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA 2
Book III-Chapter 98, The Wild Ride Begins
Book III-Chapter 99, Satan's Plan
Book III-Chapter 100, To Love God Is to Trust God
Book III-Chapter 101, Key West
Book III-Chapter 102, Angels, Demons, Ray Burgess and Para-Sails
Book III-Chapter 103, Battle at Key West
Book III-Chapter 104, The Making of Wonderful Memories
Book III-Chapter 105, Learning to Live Joyously Despite Nonsense
Book III-Chapter 106, The Spirit of Lilith
Book III-Chapter 107, Christmas Day, 2215
Book III-Chapter 108, Gretchen
Book III-Chapter 109, Confronting Evil
Book III-Chapter 110, Be Grateful
Book III-Chapter 111, You're Dating Who?
Book III-Chapter 112, For My Homies, Happy New Year
Book III-Chapter 113, The After Party
Book III-Chapter 114, January 1, 2216, Downtime
Book III-Chapter 115, Business and Pleasure in Chicago
Book III-Chapter 116, Change
Book III-Chapter 117, Time to Tour
Book III-Chapter 118, World Conquerors
Book III-Chapter 119, The Wedding Week
Book III-Chapter 120, With This Ring
Book III-Chapter 121, My Husband, My Wife
Book III-Chapter 122, Newlywed...Year of Wonder
Book III-Chapter 123, Little Swimmers
Book III-Chapter 124, Finally Family

Book III-Chapter 71, The Press Conference Part 3

122 11 13
By yourfuturegirl11

The Press Conference Part 3

Bella's POV

Bella woke up pleasantly weary from the long night of lovemaking with her Prince. She looked over at him. He was sleeping on his back and a slight smile graced his lips. His breathing was even and quiet. She smiled realizing that no matter how often she woke to his amazing face, it always surprised her just how beautiful he really was. Every morning she was surprised and every morning she gave thanks to her Creator that she woke up beside him one more time. She started to get up. He felt her shift in the bed and reached out and grabbed her hand...still very much asleep. She leaned over and kissed his beautiful lips and whispered in his ear...just going to the bathroom. I will be right back. His grip lessened somewhat and she got up. She made her morning water, gave her hands a good washing and then made the coffee. She went into the sitting room to get the menu for breakfast. She decided to avoid the selection of breads this morning and went for oatmeal with all the fixings, Orange Juice, toast and butter with orange marmalade. She called in the order and then went back into the bedroom. Prince was laying there with his eyes open but had not moved. "How are you baby", Bella asked? "Deliciously tired" he said. She smiled and said," well I have ordered breakfast and it will be here in 15 minutes. Would you like me to serve you in bed". Prince smiled broadly and said "you already did all night long"! She giggled and play punched him in the arm. "Seriously mama, I will get up and eat with you". He got up and went into the bathroom.

When he had finished with his morning routine, he went into the sitting area where Bella was and noted that she had brought in the English version of the morning paper. He picked it up from the side table next to the couch and began scanning the headlines. They had a rehearsal today but for the band only. Elaine and Bella would join them at the rehearsals on Wednesday and Thursday. She had thought about going with them to the venue, but had decided that she would really like to spend the afternoon at the pool and in the Jacuzzi. While he was in the bathroom she had called Elaine and had gotten a big ditto to that thought. "Prince", she said, "since Elaine and I are not needed at rehearsal today, we would like to spend the afternoon here at the pool and just relax. Would that be okay with you"? Prince looked at her and saw the tiredness in her eyes and knew she needed a day to recoup after the lovemaking sessions they had during yesterday and last night. He really didn't like her to be away from his line of sight when they were touring in a city new to her, but he also knew that there were going to be times when he needed to let her do as she wished. Being too controlling was something that he did not want to repeat as it would only alienate her. "Let me call Frank and see which of the guys can stay with you today. I would prefer you to be with me but I understand", he added. He called Frank and told him what the ladies wanted to do and asked to have someone stay with them. Frank said he was concerned about what might occur since the announcement yesterday and said that he wanted 3 guards with Prince and Carlos today at minimum. So far, no one knew of where they were staying but that didn't mean they wouldn't figure it out and he thought they would need two men with the ladies also. He said let me make a phone call.

Frank called hotel security and asked to speak with the Security Director. He explained what he needed including that the individual would need to speak fluent English. The Director said that he would be happy to do it himself. He was very used to working Celebrity details and understood what was needed. Frank asked who he had handled recently and was given 4 names. Frank knew three of the security detail members. He agreed to Rocco Carpetti's offer and said he would call him back momentarily with the amount he would be paid for the day. Before he called Prince, he called his 3 security buddies who had worked details with Carpetti. Each of them said that he was a good man, well trained during his days in the Esercito Italiano, where he was in Special Forces. He was brave, skilled in various combat techniques and had excellent instincts. Frank called Prince and told him what he had in mind and cleared paying him the same as his teammates for the day. Prince had no problem with that. He would go to a bank and do a money exchange on his way to the rehearsal. He did however want to meet Carpetti. Frank said he would arrange it and asked if over lunch would work. Yes Prince had told him as long as it was early. Rehearsal started at 2:30 PM today. Frank set lunch up at 12:30 and would introduce Carpetti to Bella and Elaine then. They only needed 15 minutes to get to the venue. Ross would stay behind with the girls and Carpetti.

Prince shared the plan with Bella and then called Carlos to make sure he was comfortable with it. Carlos agreed but both men told their women to be extra careful and observant and under no circumstances were they to venture out of the hotel without their bodyguards. They were not to even move through the hotel without them. The women agreed to do as they were asked. At 12:20 PM the 4 were met by Frank and Ross and escorted to one of the upscale cafes in the hotel. They ordered lunch and Frank made the introductions. Prince and Carlos made it clear that they were leaving their most valued persons in his and Ross's care and thanked him for the diligence with which he would defend them. Prince decided that he liked this man Rocco Carpetti and Carlos felt the same. After lunch the girls were escorted back to their rooms and Ross waited while Elaine brought her suit and swim bag to Bella's room. The men agreed that one of them would stay with the girls and the other would return to escort them to the indoor pool in an hour. Ross stayed with the girls while they readied themselves for a day of relaxation. In exactly one hour Carpetti returned to Prince and Bella's suite and they took the girls down to the pool. The two men were dressed casually so that they would not stand out, but they remained strapped and holstered under their light jackets. Both girls took their phones with them as they knew that their men would call them periodically to check on them and their not answering would be a major issue.

Prince and Carlos had kissed their ladies and gotten into the limo provided by the hotel. The band had boarded the bus they had rented that had their instruments in it and had taken off a few minutes before the limo. A man who looked quite ordinary was sitting in the courtyard of the hotel reading the paper as Prince, Carlos, Frank, Larry and Melvin came walking through on their way to the elevators down to the garage. No-one noticed the slightly built man but he noticed that the dancers were not with them. They reportedly always rode with Prince and Carlos and all of the bodyguards were normally with them. So where was the fourth one and where were the women?

Flavio Esposito was a particularly nasty reporter employed by The Enquirer in Italy. He had no concern for truth or ethics and was known to do anything no matter how crooked for a story. It was Flavio that had found out where the 4 entertainers were staying from the rental company that had provided the bus for the band . Once Prince and Carlos had cleared the courtyard, he went in search of the women. He tried to get their room numbers but did not succeed. He then picked up a floor map and identified where the beauty salon and spa was. He went to the salon but could only see the lobby. He then went to the Spa but could see nothing from the window as far as who was inside. He then went in search of the pool. There was no one at the outdoor pool, so he headed to the indoor one. Bella had jumped into the pool and was swimming the length of it. Elaine had just launched into a dive from the diving board. Their were two men sitting in shorts and light jackets which was not unusual as the air conditioning could make the indoor pool area quite cool. They were seated on chaise lounges and one of them noticed him. As he did, Flavio turned away and went back out into the hallway. Ross did not like the way the man moved to avoid his gaze once he noticed him. He shared that with Rocco. Rocco got up and went out of the door into the hallway, but Flavio had headed back to the spa. He reasoned that the the girls most likely would head there next. He was right. He placed himself in a chair across from the spa and continued to read the paper. Bella and Elaine got out of the pool and wrapped towels around themselves and Bella called the Spa and made reservations for a massage in 30 minutes. Rocco was still sitting across the wide hallway when the girls and their bodyguards arrived. He waited until they checked in with the reception desk and then once they were guided down the hall to the dressing room, went in with $200.00 American in his hand and managed to find out that they would be in a combined room number 3. While the men were waiting outside the dressing room at the other end of the hallway, Flavio slipped into the linen room, pulled a clean white attendant's tunic from one of the shelves and slipped into it, placing his jacket into a laundry bag he also found and carried that with him. He slipped unseen into room 3 and waited for the masseuse to come in. He slipped her $200.00 and asked that he give him 20 minutes before she came into the room saying that he wanted to interview the girls. The woman refused the money but when he got up to $500.00 the woman said she would convince her partner who would show up shortly. When she did she explained about the money and her co-worker reluctantly agreed. She left with $100.00. The girls however had already arrived so Flavio would pretend to be the second masseuse. Ross and Rocco came into the room and cleared it before the girls were allowed to enter. When they did the two bodyguards said they would be right outside of the door. The two masseuses asked what type of massages they wanted and they said deep tissue. They got up under the sheets while Flavio and the other tech stepped into the hallway closet to get the proper oils. They re-entered, lowered the lights and lit some candles and began the massage. Flavio quietly locked the door when he turned down the lights. Flavio asked Bella what brought her to Milan and she answered truthfully to perform in a concert. Flavio then asked if it was with The Royal Prince and went on and on about how he had seen them in Paris while he was on vacation a few weeks ago and how great the show had been. He was doing his best to copy what the other masseuse was doing. Bella noticed his hands felt slightly rough for someone who had their hands in oils all day. She also felt uncomfortable with some of his questions. She rolled over and sat up grabbing the sheet around her when he asked her what she thought about the miracles that were following the show. It wasn't that the question wasn't appropriate, it was how it was asked...and also that this masseuse was talking so much. "I would prefer just to finish my massage and not talk if you don't mind", she had said. "Well I just wanted to know what you think about the miracles", Flavio said. Elaine now was on alert also. Bella swung her feet around and went to get up. "Please don't", the man said in a menacing way. At that point Bella called out Ross's name. Ross went to open the door, but found it locked. Rocco pulled out a master key and unlocked the door and looked at the man closely. "You are that reporter from The Enquirer" Rocco said. " Flavio something". Flavio tried to move quickly to the other side of the room but ran right into Ross's fist. Rocco pulled out a pair of handcuffs, cuffed him and then called the police. Ross stood by as the girls wrapped themselves in the sheets and he walked them back to the dressing room and waited until they were dressed. The other tech was also detained by Rocco as she clearly knew that the reporter was not a tech employed by the hotel. "How much did he pay you", Rocco asked? When she did not answer, he pulled out a second pair of cuffs at which point she told him $500.00 American but she had given the other real masseuse $100.00 of it. Rocco cuffed her and then called the manager's office. He came right down and fired the masseuse on the spot and got the other tech's name and went looking for her, found her and fired her too. He managed to get the $100.00 from her that she had been given and the $400 from the handcuffed tech. The three of them would be taken into custody, and the money bagged and given to the police. Ross then sat down to call Prince. "No" Bella, said. "Let me do that". Ross apologized to Bella and Elaine and the girls both told him that it was not his fault. He was worried that Prince and Frank would fire him, and while he could get another job, he loved working with Prince, Carlos and the ladies. "Let us handle this" Elaine said. Bella dialed Prince's number. She knew she had to call him right away. If she had waited until after the rehearsal, he would be far more difficult to deal with. She told him that he needed to return to the hotel and shared what had happened. "What" he had shouted! He grabbed Carlos and called the driver of the Limo on his phone and they were en-route back to the hotel in less than five minutes. He asked to speak to Ross telling him, "do not let the police take that piece of scum away before I get there". Ross took the girls back to the seating area near the massage rooms to wait for the police.

Prince's POV

The police arrived just as Prince and Carlos did. When Prince saw the reporter he wanted to take the cuffs off of him and beat him badly but he needed to see Bella first and know that she was alright. Bella assured him she was not hurt and that the man though pretending to be a masseuse had touched nothing but her back. Ross had knocked him out to keep him from escaping when it was discovered who he was and he tried to run. Prince pulled her to him and held her. "I am so sorry Bella", he said. "Don't be, we were well protected", Bella answered. Carlos was holding Elaine but she said the same thing as Bella. They were well protected. Frank was most concerned and talked to Ross. He was satisfied that he and Rocco had followed protocol but added that from now on any technical people would be formerly vetted before being left alone with any of their charges which meant that the girls and no-one else could make last minute decisions for massages or anything else. They needed time to vet! Prince approached the reporter. You and your paper will never come near me or my family again he said quietly. He called Andrea and told her that The Enquirer was to be banned from tomorrow's Press Conference and their credentials withheld and destroyed both here and in the states or Skylink anywhere, but he would announce why himself during the conference the next day. He would call her later to tell her all that had happened. She of course would be the first to get the full story and report it. "You can't do that", Flavio said. " Watch me" , Prince responded. "The people have a right to know", Flavio said. " Have a right to know what, Prince asked? "How the skin on my Bella's back feels", he shouted? "You are, simply put, scum who picks on women to make a living", Prince continued. The reporter ran at Prince to head butt him. Prince did a one two punch and the reporter was knocked out for the second time today. Frank, Ross I want to see you both in my room. The police took the reporter and the two massage techs away.

When they got to Prince's suite, all involved went inside. Frank, Ross, Bella, Elaine and Carlos. The phone rang as they walked in. It was Christian. He had just heard. "The girls are alright but I want that piece of human garbage under the jail", Prince said. Christian made a call to the attorney for the Label, who called the international office in Italy. They moved quickly to contact a judge who prevented the reporter from making bail. His crime was more that paying to get access to a celebrity. He was for all intents and purposes guilty of assault. He would remain in jail until his trial. Bella and Elaine ordered some soft drinks and juices for everyone along with some snacks. "Okay Ross Tell me what happened", Prince said. Ross walked through step by step what had occurred. He shared how he cleared the room, before allowing the girls in. He then shared that he had noticed a man leaving the pool area, but he had not tried to approach them and they had not seen his face. Prince asked Rocco if he had anything to add. Rocco said that Ross had been very thorough. "Bella, Elaine, do you have anything to add". Elaine said "we were never afraid". " Ross was right outside the door as he has always been when we got massages", Bella added. Frank said," I think that we need to add an action step. We need to vet every person who will interact with any of the four of you especially if they will be left alone with you. That means no last minute appointments for hair or massages etc. We must have time to vet". Prince listened closely. "I thought about what would have happened if this had been a kidnapping attempt or something like that all the way back from the venue. My Bella and Carlos's Elaine could have been hurt or worse. But as I listen, I know that you did what you have been trained to do and no-one is really at fault. We will vet going forward. Thank you for keeping her safe Ross. I know you really care about these girls. But as God is my witness, if anything like this ever happens again...I will kick all of your asses to the curb. Do you understand Ross, Frank". "Yes we understand Prince", Ross said. Frank started to say something more, but Ross put his hand on his shoulder lightly. Frank held his tongue. When they left the room, Frank asked Ross why he had not wanted him to speak. "Frank, Prince was scared that he could have lost his Bella. You and I would have felt the same under the circumstances. He was more than fair with his response. We just need to be even more diligent". Frank shook his head yes. Ross was right. "Thank you man". Frank said. They went back to their rooms. Christian called Prince back and told him that bail would be denied to Flavio Esposito. Prince thanked him. He and Carlos called the band members and scheduled the rehearsal for the same time tomorrow. Prince and Carlos then said that they were going to work on Prince's remarks for the Press Conference tomorrow detailing the ban of The Enquirer from this and all future Press Conferences for life. The girls said they would go over to Elaine's room so that they could work. They both needed to shower and wash their hair...they still had chlorine in their hair. They would do so in Elaine's room. Prince called Frank who sent Melvin up to be outside their door. He would walk them next door and positioned himself where he could see clearly anyone who might approach. Bella grabbed some jeans and a T and they went and got cleaned up. Prince called the ladies about an hour and a half later and said that he and Carlos were done and wanted to know if they were up for some dinner. They both said yes. Melvin walked them back over to Prince's suite. Thank you Melvin, both girls said. Prince could smell Bella's Vanilla Coconut shampoo and lotion as soon as she walked in the room. "Come here pretty girl" he said. She did and pulling her into his arms said" you smell wonderful. I love you Bella", he said and kissed her lightly on the lips. "I love you more" she whispered to him. They decided on Lasagna and salad and Prince called it in. He would not let her out of his lap until the food came. Bella was very proud of Prince. He had done the right thing by Ross and Frank and held both his temper and his tongue. But she knew him and she knew that inside he was both furious and terrified that something could have happened to her. She also knew he would be a bear about their protection going forward. It was for the best though she knew. He would move the earth off of its axis if needed to keep her safe and she was most grateful that he would. That evening they visited with their friends until about 9:00 PM but then they went to bed. They were both tired from all of the adrenaline driven activity today. They lay in bed and cuddled listening to music from the new album. Despite being in their favorite spoon position, Prince would not allow himself to sleep until Bella had dropped off. He would be extremely vigilant until this tour was over and they were back at home.

Prince's phone alarm went off at 7 AM. He laid there comforted by Bella's even breathing. She stirred a little and he got up to go to the bathroom. After washing his hands he made the coffee and poured himself a cup and took his notes for the Press Conference with him into the sitting area to review. He was just getting ready to get himself another cup when Bella came into the sitting area. "Would you like another cup of coffee Prince" she asked? "Please" he said. Taking his cup she poured him a second cup and herself a first. She dressed them just right and took them back into the sitting area and handing Prince his, sat down beside him. "That's good Mama" he said, taking a sip. "Good morning Bella", he added, kissing her lightly on the lips. "Good morning" Prince she said. "Did you sleep well". "Surprisingly yes" he said. "Good" she said. "So are you ready for today baby", she asked? "Yes", he said. It is time that these guys were reined in. While this is just the first step, It is an important one. We who make a living from entertaining the world, still have a right to have lives...and that is what we are starting today. The quest to be allowed to live without fearing our wives or sons and daughters will be terrified by the actions of heartless, non-caring fools. Bella smiled at her Prince...he was as passionate about this as he was his music. She knew he would fight until he won. Only this time, she would be with him to help him. She was very, very proud of him. "What would you like for breakfast baby"? "A poached egg on toast please". Bella got up and ordered a poached egg on toast for two with a carafe of orange juice and coffee. She then went and picked out her clothes for the day. Returning to the sitting room she sat in silence as she could see that Prince had a lot on his mind. "Bella, do you ever wish that you had chosen a doctor or a lawyer as a mate"? "Nope", she answered. "You would look awful funny dressed as you like to in a surgical theater, much less in a court room", she said. Despite his heavy mood, Prince had to laugh. "Girl you really are a nut"! "Yup", she said. "I live with a nutcase so I had to adapt". He grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. "Mama, I'm serious. You are beautiful, brilliant, an accomplished writer at 19 and from a very wealthy family. You could have anyone you want". "Yup, and I do. I have exactly who I want. His name is Prince and he makes me feel like a million bucks every day because he truly loves me. Even if I do love him more"! "But doctors or lawyers don't have crazy people chasing them everywhere and breaking into spas pretending to be massage therapists". "I boring", Bella responded! "Look man, you are stuck with me. Plus I am not having any other woman trying to mother my son Amiir. He conscripted me for the job". Prince looked at this amazing, crazy woman that the Creator had given him and despite her lighthearted answers knew she meant everything she said. " I love you Bella", Prince said. "I know", Bella said softly. Bella could hear the room service tray pulling up to the door. Prince got up to answer it. As he did she said," let's eat and then go and make this world safer for our babies". He turned back around and kissed his beautiful woman and then opened the door. They dressed and prepared themselves emotionally and spiritually for the upcoming battle through prayer. At 10:00 AM, they heard a knock on the door. It was Carlos and Elaine..."let's go make history" Carlos said. "You got it brother", Prince said. He closed the door to his suite and taking Bella by the hand, met Ross and Melvin at the elevator and went down to the garage to their limo. Frank and Larry were already downstairs with Christian and his wife. They got into the limo and took off for the NY Times Cloud Stream Studio in Milan. Prince looked extremely handsome in a black contemporary suit. He also looked like he meant business...and he did. They climbed into the car and arrived at the studio in a little under 20 minutes. Ross and Larry went inside the building checked the lobby and called the all clear. The went to the 16th floor and entered the Studio. Gino Ricci, the station manager greeted them and took them to the set they would use this morning. He miked up Prince and Carlos, took Christian, his wife and the two ladies to their seats in the gallery while Larry and Frank stayed on the set and Ross and Melvin guarded those in the gallery. They sat quietly for 15 minutes and then heard in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then...

"Good evening to all of our listeners tonight here in New York, in Milan, Italy and around the world. This is Andrea Williams, Senior Entertainment Correspondent for the New York Times greeting you from New York. I am pleased to be hosting this Press Conference for The Royal Prince on a most important subject, the privacy of Entertainers throughout the World. The rules tonight are very simple, Royal will make a statement and asks that you allow him to complete it. Thereafter he will take questions. Royal are you there in Milan"? "Yes Andrea. Carlos and I are here". "Then please begin", Andrea said...

"I had expected to begin tonight's conference totally differently, but yesterday something happened that changed everything. Carlos, the band and I had gone to rehearse in preparation for the concerts to be held on Friday and Saturday evening. Our wives to be, Bella and Elaine wanted to spend a relaxing day at the pool and getting massages. We left them in the care of two exceptional security men and they went to swim in the indoor pool. Shortly thereafter they went upstairs to the Spa to enjoy a relaxing massage. Unfortunately they never got to do that. A journalist had been tracking us and had discovered where we were staying. He tried to approach these precious woman at the pool but security was there so instead he went to the spa area and waited until the girls arrived. After they checked in he bribed the front desk into telling him what room they were in. He then went to one of linen rooms and stole a therapists smock put it on and went into the room while the girls were undressing in the dressing room. He then bribed the tech who would be working with him to pretend that he was a message therapist. When the actual second therapist showed, the first gave her part of the money which she accepted reluctantly and left. Bella and Elaine entered the massage suite after security had cleared it and they went out in the hall while the girls began their massage. What type of massage did they prefer, they were asked. They both said deep tissue. Both of the massage therapists went out into the hall closet for the proper oils while the girls got under their sheets. They then returned lowered the lights and lit some scented candles. Flavio, the reporter, locked the door when he lowered the lights. Bella's tech asked what brought them to Milan. She honestly responded to perform in a concert. He asked if that was with The Royal Prince and Bella said yes. He went on and on about seeing them a few weeks ago and how good the concert had been. Bella said she thought the hands of the tech who was working on her back quite rough for someone who spent hours daily working with massage oils. But it wasn't until he started asking her about the miracles that followed our concerts that she and Elaine became alarmed. Bella began to get up and the man in a menacing tone asked her not to . She then called out to Ross, one of our security team who realized someone had locked the door when he tried to open it. The other security man who is the head of security for the hotel in which we are staying opened the door with a master key. The journalist tried to run, but Ross put him down with one punch. He is currently in jail, has been denied bail and will be tried for assault. His name is Flavio Esposito and he is employed by The Enquirer of Italy. He and The Enquirer have been banned from this press conference all over the world and will never be admitted to one I hold or participate in again. No-one from the press has the right to intimidate my family or my band and their families, my label, its executives and their families or anyone else to attempt to gain access to myself or Carlos or information about us or anything happening regarding us. Intimidation is against the law, as is assault and we will see to it that perpetrators are punished to the full extent that the law allows.  I will take questions after Andrea explains how that will work". Andrea said "you were each given a question button when you entered your respective studios. Once we arm them you may ask your questions in the order the system receives. We are arming them now".

"Ben Dancer of the Chicago Tribune what is your question"? "Royal, I am hoping Bella is alright". "Yes thank you for asking Ben, she is fine". "Are you at all concerned that one of the papers or networks will take you to court over the Freedom of the Press Clause"? "No I am not concerned. As a matter of fact, I welcome such a challenge as I think that the Press stepped well over the line a century ago when the paparazzi became so aggressive. The public has a right to know many things. But what goes on in my home and in the lives of underage children of celebrities is not on the list of what they have a right to know. Nor is what caused the spat between a husband and wife or the parents of a celebrity. They are mistaken to think that everything is the business of the public".

Jacqueline Dubois of Lamonde-Paris. " Royal, what do you suggest when one has asked civilly and answers are not forthcoming"? "I think that the first thing that should be done is to ask what is the nature of the question? Does it involve national security, serious health issues that could threaten a community or country? Is it critical to the well being of the mind or spirit? Those types of questions are serious and should be answered? But who is sleeping with whom? If the people involved want to discuss it publicly so be it. If not, why is it the world's business"?

Olavi Korhonen of Aamulehti, the Finnish press. "People are fixated on the lives of their celebrities. Perhaps they need to focus on their own lives and making them better". " I agree" Royal said.

Marco Colombo of Il Giono- Milan here. "Why would you punish a whole paper for the actions of one man"? "People reflect the values of the organizations they belong to. If a person had any fear of losing his job for attempting to intimidate others, they wouldn't do it. but if they are considered a hero for getting the story no matter how hurtful or unethical the methods...then they will only care about the story. My own observation of the paper in question is that they only care about the story...not truth, not ethics. Those types of papers are not welcome to invade my life or attend my press conferences".

John Newport, London Times. "What do you think is behind all of the miracles that occur after you play a concert in a city"? "The same person that has been behind miracles since the beginning of time. Some call him God, others The Creator. I call him both, and Father and Friend."

Andrea Williams NY Times. "So if the Creator is creating the miracles what does that have to do with your music"? "The music is a gift from God. I am just the conduit for it. But he gives the music to me as he does all music. He gives it and uses it as he sees fit. My job is just to receive it and teach others to play it. He does the rest".

Giuseppi Russo- L'Osservatore Romano Vatican City. "The Pope's composer has asked, why your music and not someone else's"? "I honestly don't know the answer to that question. I just know that I was made to make music and all of it has God's hand on it. Music that encourages bound people to make love and bear children is as sacred to God I think as that which worships Him".

JR Franklin-The Detroit News. "But what about those that are not married or bound as you say? If they are having sex and are not married or betrothed is that not a sin"? " I am only to deal with the music that He gives me. He will deal with the people as He sees fit".

Jack Henson LA Times. "Okay, but what is His purpose behind all of these miracles? "While I cannot speak for our Creator, I think that it is to help those that he heals or wakes from comas or saves from destruction of course. But it is also to help the rest of us. As He does these things...He can do many miraculous things for us too. He wants to encourage us to believe that He is. He wants us to pray in whatever our tradition is and not get caught up in arguing about whose religion is true. He created or allowed the creation of all religion. Leave the correction to Him. Just pray...speak to Him both when happy and sad. When up or your love and gratitude to Him and He will take care of the rest".

Royal do you have any last words for the Press". "Yes. I am not the Creator of these Miracles. The music is not the creator of them either. The Creator of the Universe uses the music though somehow to assist in the miracles coming about. My job is just to create and play and bring the gift to the World. He does all of the rest of it through His power and for His pleasure. Just believe and trust Him for your answers".

"This is Andrea Williams signing off of the Miracle Press Conference. Just Believe and Trust. Goodnight". There was huge applause that came from the gallery. As the lights came up, he saw that the gallery was filled. Many people were in tears. Bella and Elaine came running to their men and said "Prince you were amazing. The Creator surely gave you every word you spoke", said Bella. "I am so proud of you" Elaine said. Carlos looked at Prince and they said quietly at the same time, Praise the Creator! They had much to praise Him for.

They would rehearse tonight and tomorrow and then perform the weekend. They would then move on to the next city and then the next until they finished up this road show with a powerhouse of an Album throughout Europe. They would awake tomorrow to discover that all hard discs of the music were totally sold out in England and France. There were very few left in Italy and so streaming in those three countries were the only options left. In just a few weeks, 4 the Tears in Your Eyes was number one in all 3 countries and was still holding that position in the States and was climbing in some of the countries to which they were headed. Next would be the Netherlands and then on to Germany and finally to Switzerland, Sweden and Austria where the tour would end and they would spend a little downtime. Each country would see miraculous occurrences through the music and in the course of all of this some of the people of each country would call out the name of God in gratitude and the Creator would be pleased. The Album was in the Top 5 in all three countries in which they had performed also. However in France it had taken the Number 1 spot! Prince and his Bella and their two closest friends in the company of their Label President and the Security team that they loved and trusted went to rehearsal and then to dinner and finally back to the hotel. The girls rescheduled their the screenplay meeting to Thursday at 5:00 PM and would do it from the performance venue dressing rooms. They would share their deepest thoughts with their partners this night and for gazillions more nights in their future. But no-one would ever forget this day, when Prince had stood up for what he believed about God and family and put the world on notice he would no longer run from those who would try to invade and take over his life. He would take a stand and unbeknownst to him on this day, would start a movement that in the end would help to return privacy and peace to the lives of those artists who chose to share their God given gifts to the world. He would grow in the respect of the creative forces of the world based upon this small beginning and would be rewarded mightily by his God over the course of his lifetime. "Praise the Creator" he said to Bella before they slept..."Praise the Creator" indeed!

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