
By Hermohermoine

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A story in which a quiet town is home to the quiet girl, A.J. Jones who would do anything for her twin brothe... More

We can't live without a home
The book
Jason's killer
The Black hood
Trading schools
The tales of Nancy Drew
The Red Circle
Becoming serpents
The fight (serpents vs. bulldogs)
Race with ghoulies
The snake charmer
The snake charmer pt.2
Dad is getting out of jail!
Trading schools again?
Sorry another not a chapter
Riverdale High
Introductions & vandalism
Knight in shining armor and party for dad
Retirement party= breakups
No more Peabody or Blackhood
"Happy Pickens day!" *not*
The case of the missing pickens head
My brothers girlfriend cleaned up a dead guy
The Shadow lakes house
He's like Dracula
Hunger strike
They found the car
Saving Cheryl
Carrie the musical
Carrie the musical pt.2
Guess who's back in town
I'm not stupid he didn't do it
Reggie shot Fangs?????
Dads to the rescue
The ultimate sacrifice
Waking up and new information
The real retirement + arrests = "The best day ever"
Court Room and The Pool Party Fail
Lots of I'm sorrys and "The what King?"
Not a chapter
Ethel pt.2/// Griphons and Gargoyles
"What the heck is a Speak Easy?"
I'm not property of Malachai.
Definietely not my style
Do you wanna drive
Everyone loves my outfit
Your family
Keep Fighting
Have you seen BadBoys 2
You have no food!
The Queen of England?
The floors are nice
Just Talk
I'm happy with life
Candy Store Songs&Dark Secrets
Talks of the Future
First Challenge: 'Secrets, and Sins'
Challenge 2&3: Not Tonight
The Final Challenge: A Job Well Done
Leaving time
Promposal&Revamped Business Alliance
A Load of Crap
Diggin Up a Body
Not a Sidekick
The Harpy
My Challenge
The Final Betrayal
Don't Hate Me

Assitance Transferred

441 12 0
By Hermohermoine

"Can't be a coincidence. He asked for a transfer, and then his bus just bursts into flames? He planned it, he used me to escape, and now he's out there." I felt genuine sympathy for Betty, but it didn't make sense. According to Veronica, that truck was completely demolished.

"Betty, I was with you. I saw what was left of that bus. Nobody could've survived that." Betty looked up, "Yeah, but if he did—"

"If he did, you've got me, AJ, the Serpents, you have Archie, and his fight club buddies. You have a veritable armada here fo protect you. Also, you can move back in with AJ, and I. It's been a lot quieter since my mom's been gone." Betty glanced at me, and I gave her a reassuring nod.

"I'm sorry that she left, guys." I shrugged, my mom caused a lot of unnecessary drama, so overall, it was probably for the best. "How's JB doing after all this?" Archie asked. "Shockingly well. And she's filled in some key blanks. Apparently, there's a gospel of the Gargoyle King out there somewhere. Could be important. My dad's been sweeping Junkyard Steve's..." Jughead looked to me, and I shook my head.

"Don't give me that look. I have my own life to attend to." Archie laughed; "Our little AJ's breaking out of her shell." A laugh fell from my lips before I replied, "Actually, I'm just transferring my assistance to another friend."

"And whom would that be?" Jughead questioned, jealousy lacing every word. "Me." All eyes fell on Veronica who was practically beaming when Cheryl walked over. "Sorry to interrupt your no-doubt thrilling catch up, chums, but as you know, junior prom is this weekend. The theme is fire and ice, and naturally, Toni, and I are campaigning to be the most captivating prom queens the school's ever seen. So, it goes without saying, vote Choni for co-monarchs. Because, when you really think about it, no other options make sense."

Cheryl flashed us a smile before walking away. "Prom is this weekend? We still do things like that here?"

"I mean, apparently." I laughed as Betty placed her hand on Jughead's thigh. "Jug... will you go to prom with me?" Jughead smirked turning back to his girlfriend. "Only for you, Betty Cooper." Betty placed a kiss onto his cheek when Veronica, and Archie shared a few looks.

"I've already got a date."


"I have no doubt your loan will be approved." Veronica, and I shared a smile. "That's great. Thank you." Veronica shook the woman's hand, and she walked away. Pop leant forward with a worried look.

"Tell me you're not selling—"
"Absolutely not, Pop. We're just looking to get a loan to help Archie, and his boxing gym." Pop tilted his head to the side. "I thought you, and Archie—" "We're just friends, Pop. Friends, and business associates."

As we walked away, I decided to say what had been on my mind, "Suuuureee." Veronica gave me a look that made me laugh. "You still like him, don't you."

"Not the point, Kira."


"I don't know if this is a cry for help, or if you seriously need to refine your taste in athletic wear." I shrugged watching Archie jump rope. "I think he looks fine." Veronica scanned over my outfit, and rolled her eyes. "Of course you do."

"I gotta lose wait for the fight this Friday." My eyebrows pulled together in doubt. "You sure that's enough time?"

"I'll do it. Can you give me a ride back here after? I gotta focus in the car." "Focus on what?" Veronica questioned. "Another fight. My mom invited this recruiter to come see me box." I stepped forward. "Archie, that's insane! You can't fight twice in the same day. Just invite your mom, and the recruiter to the tournament."

Archie stopped, wrapping the jump rope around his neck. "That's the thing, my mom didn't sign that waiver. I did. I forged her signature. She doesn't want me to fight in this tournament, so much so that she brought his recruiter all the way from Annapolis. So..."

"So you've gotta give her a good show.I get it." Veronica finished for him. I let out a sigh, "And, I'll make sure you get back here in time."


Friday came faster than planned, but Archie did it. He lost the weight, and promised he was ready to fight. I used my dad's old truck to drive him, Veronica, and I to the Regional Classic. Archie almost had him, but in the last minute, he ended up taking the fall.

Him, Veronica, and I walked back to the truck. I offered to hold Archie's bag since he looked tired, but he said it was okay. Veronica wanted to drive, so I sat in the back. It was quiet for a moment. Just a moment.

"It was a great fight, Archie." Veronica reassured, "You almost had him."

"One more round, and I would've." I took this time to think about the long time I spent away from Sweet Pea. He had been doing everything he could to spend time with Fangs because he knew once his best friend joined the farm, they wouldn't be aloud to talk. I thought it was ridiculous. What kind of person just doesn't let someone talk to their best friend?

"I won't lose two fights in the same day." Veronica scoffed, "What that exhibition fight with Fangs? No, Archie." Not that long. I didn't have to wait for that long until I got to see him. Sweet Pea.

"You are punch-drunk if you think I'm gonna let you fight another match. You look like you were hit by a truck. Archie, you hobbled out of that ring, dead on your feet."

"I'm fine, Veronica. I told my mom I'd be there. I don't want to disappoint here." I sighed leaning forward in between the seats. "Let me talk to her. I'll get her, and the recruiter to reschedule." While Archie knew I could convince his mom to do about anything because she adored me, he mentioned thing. "You can't, she's leaving."

"Then we'll get her to come back!" Veronica retorted. I nodded, "My persistence is stronger than your uppercut." This time, it was Veronica's turn to nod, "We'll go first, and smooth out any ruffled feathers." Archie looked out the window, and I smiled.

"Have some gum, it makes everything better." I handed him a piece of spearmint take five gum, and he thanked me quietly in reply.


Veronica, and I headed into the El Royale together. "Girls, where's Archie?" Fangs threw his hands in the air, "Yeah, I'm going cold in here!" Sweet Pea pulled me into a bear hug that made me smile. "I missed you."

"Me too. I mean, I missed you too." Sweet Pea laughed, and I stepped back up to Veronica's side. "Ms. Andrews, Counselor Rivers I presume." The woman nodded with a small smile.

"We're sorry to have kept you waiting, but Archie is not gonna be able to make it." "What? Why not?" Ms. Andrews questioned worriedly. Veronica turned to me, and I quickly lied. "He's feeling under the weather."

"Since when? He was fine this morning." I gulped inaudibly, "We think it was food poisoning." Veronica replied for me. "I'd love to reschedule." Right on time, (stupid) Archie ran into the gym. "I can fight! I fight. I can still do this."

I rolled my eyes, "Are you out your mind?" Sweet Pea grabbed my hand clearly able to tell I was a bit angry. 'Bit'. "I'm fine." Archie turned to the counselor, "I'd like to show you what I got ma'am. Fangs, you ready." Said boy, shrugged. "Yeah. Let's do it."

Archie stepped up to the ring. His foot got stuck on the string, and he fell to the ground. "Archie!" I ran into the ring after them to check to see if he was okay, but he was out. "He passed out." Ms. Andrews turned to Veronica. "Food poisoning?"



My hand looped into Sweet Pea's. "Well, you look lovely." I let out a laugh at Sweet Pea's attempt of doing a fancy accent.

"Why thank you, sir. You like quite ravishing yourself." We stepped into the gym. "I don't supposed you're much of dancer." Sweet Pea pulled way from my arm, and grabbed my hand. "Oh, you wish."

We danced for awhile. It was kind of great. "I don't like us spending time apart." I nodded my head leant onto Sweet Pea's chest. "It almost seems unnatural."

"Well, from now on, you can expect that everything we do, will be together." I pulled away from Sweet Pea's chest to look him in the eye. "What about Fangs."

"We've come to an understanding." Before I could answer, a teacher (who's name I couldn't remember for the life of me) stepped on stage. "Good evening renaissance revelers. At long last, it's time to announce this year's court. And the winner of prom queen... is Betty Cooper!" I clapped dramatically loud, excited that my sister from another made prom queen.

She never went on stage. "Is Betty here?" The teacher said, asking the question we were all thinking. Jughead stepped up to us, "Hey, have either of you seen Betty?" I shook my head curiously. "Follow me." I nodded following Jughead out of the gym. Something's wrong.


After searching the halls of our school for a while, we found a Betty who had locked herself in the janitor's closet. Jughead knocked on the door. "Betty? It's Jug."

When Betty opened the door, she was sobbing. She leapt into Jughead's arms clearly needing a hug. "Did you see him? Did you see him?"

"Who? The Gargoyle King?" Betty shook her head. "No. The Black Hood. The Black Hood is back, guys."


My dad took Betty in for questioning, and Sweet Pea took me home. I plopped down on the couch after making sure JB had already gone to bed. Sweet Pea stayed standing through. "Come sit with me." Silence.

"What's wrong?" Sweet Pea let out a huff. "I'm worried about you, Princess. Last time, you were able to make it out alright, but he's back now. The freaking Black Hood is back!"

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