Go live your way

By Biajen

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how does all going on after the competition i changed the cover because this made my new friend sassycarpente... More

After the competition
Alvaro and Mia
The next day
Mia und Juanma
Juanma and Lupe
where is Juanma
the room behind the gymn
In the night
when you can't sleep
what now
A talk with Juanma
A talk with Juanma 2
Alvaro vs Juanma
strange feelings
The fight
In the Hospital
More Tests
finally back at school
Lupe/ Juanma+ Mia/ Alvaro
the evening
many Talks
The hollidays are over
Mia is ill
Mia feels better
The Date at the River
The performance
Mia can't sleep
In the hospital
A ride in the night
Talk to Juanma
At Alvaros Home
autors note
It's gonna be ok
At Ramiros
The Grave
The dinner
The Party
The rest of the night
Lupe and Alvaro
Juanma and Zoe
the park
At Juanmas Home
The Date
A few days out
The first day
Day 2
Bad News
Calm down
Out of here
Ramiro gets angry
Many talks
In the Disco
The next day
Somebody returns
Somebody returns
The rest of the week
the dinner
The Night
Waiting is hard
Gaspar and Zoe
Zoe and Juanma/ Mia and Mercedes
On the way to the Performance
The performance
In Madrid
Finally back
Talk in the night
The new student
THe show
Lupe and Ramiro
Training and a bit time alone
The time before the performance
The 3. Show
The shopping center
What's happened
Visit at the Hospital
Good news
Bad News
Almost weekend
A talk with Roberto
The letter
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Back to school
friends of Roberto amd worries
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sticking together
A part of Robertos Story
withdrawal symptoms
the night
outside again
Saturday night
Roberto und Zoe
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Juanma and Roberto
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The performance
Ski Holiday
The blizzard
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An evening with Roberto

147 4 8
By Biajen

The next day they did not have much school, so the time went by very well. Juanma and Mia returned to their texts after the lessons. Mia told Juanma, as she did to Alvaro, that she would meet Gaspar in the evening. Juanma wondered but said nothing. After lunch, they drove with Simon to Zoe. She was doing much better and she was really happy about her visitors. She was happy to return to school because her time in the hospital was too boring. Alvaro should pick her up the next day after class. Unfortunately, they could not stay too long because Juanma and Alvaro had still training. Mia and Simon decided to watch.
Roberto was repeatedly warned by Marcelo for fouling Martin and Fede, but he left Alvaro and Juanma completely at ease. However, he often played single-handedly when he had the ball.
After the training, Alvaro and Mia met in the lounge "When come Gaspar ?"

"At 19 o'clock," said Mia

. "Then I'll take you to the car."

  "you don't need to--- go to dinner before everything is gone."

"Ok, but then greet Gaspar"
Mia did not like lying to Alvaro, but she knew he would not let her go with Robero from the school grounds.
Roberto was already waiting at the car when she arrived. "Are you ready?" He asked.
"Sure," Mia said, "will you tell me where we are going?"

"Let yourself be surprised," said Roberto, grinning as he held the door open for Mia. As he sits in the car, he says, "Are you doing me a favor?"
"What, "Mia asked.

" Do you put your cell phone silent and let it in the car. I also leave mine in the car "

" Why? "
"First, we have more peace and, secondly, we do not want to. that the phones later are lost: "

" Okay, "Mia said a bit astonished.
Roberto drove with her a long way and then stopped in front of a kind of club. "That's definitely for people about 18, I can not get in there"

"Sweet, you come in there, just trust me" smiled Roberto. They both got out and he went with her to the entrance. The bouncer greeted him with a handshake and said "hey did you bring your girlfriend today?" He looked at Mia from top to bottom. "I wish you a lot of fun," he smiled.

Roberto took Mia by the hand and walked in with her. He went straight to a table where 8 other boys and girls were sitting. They greeted Roberto as if they already knew him forever. He introduced Mia and she too was greeted by everyone. The club was very dark, on the table where they sat now stood several bottles of alcohol. They were immediately given two glasses and a girl sitting at the table filled that from Roberto and asked Mia "What do you want we have Bourbon, Vodka and Tequilla. Mia stared at the girl and Roberto said. "For Mia first a coke".

"Ok, with a shot?" Mia looked at Roberto,

"No normal," said Roberto. The girl went to the counter and returned with a glass of Coke.
The others kept giving Mia a curious look while talking to Roberto. A boy who introduced himself as Luis asked her about school. Mia said she had been at school since the beginning of the school year and Roberto added that she was the daughter of the school owner.
Suddenly, one of the girls put a teqilla shot in front of her nose and said,

"Come on, have a drink so you can relax." Mia looked at Roberto. Roberto put his hand briefly on her arm and indicated that she should stay calm. He had already had two shots.

Mia said softly to him "You still have to drive" Unfortunately, one of the others grabbed this and laughed "It does not matter he drives drunk better than sober" The whole table laughed. The girl who gave her the shot touched her hair and said,

"You have such great hair and so soft" Mia smiled uncertainly at her. Normally she was seldom worried, but this group was strange and she was worried about what was going to happen. "She can sing and dance first-class," said Roberto proudly.

"We want to see that," said one of the boys.

"No, no," said Roberto. "Not right now, let Mia settle in first." Mia breathed relief. Everything in her told her to go.
"Now drink the shot, then you can dance too" said one of the boys. Mia looked at her glass. "Do you know how that works?" Asked the boy, holding out the salt.

"Let go, give her a beer or something, she has not eaten much today," Roberto saved her and took the shot himself. "I'd rather stick to Coke," Mia said. The girl who brought the Coke pointedly looked at one of the boys and they walked together to the counter to get Mia a Coke. Roberto was now on the 4th shot through Mia's glass and had one Beer in front of him. "I'll call Alvaro and let him pick us up if you drink more". Mia said to him even more quietly than the first time. This time, no one got anything and Roberto said

" Do not worry, I'm drinking Coke now too".

"Lena, can you bring me a coke too," he called to the girl at the counter. "Sure Roberto" Both got their Coke.
Mia had the impression that the Coke tasted different than the first, but after Roberto drank of his calmly, she pushed it to her nervousness. One of the girls tried to get her involved again and asked her a bit about her family. Mia told her that her mother had died and she had grown up with her godmother.
She said that she wanted so much to go to the St. Mary's school and she realized during the story that she was relaxing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Roberto had a shot and a beer again. She looked at him and he laid a comforting hand on her arm. Mia had not had much of her coke yet and Roberto took a sip. As he drank, he grimaced and glared at Lena. "There's too little carbonation in the Coke, I'll get you a new one," he said to Mia.

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just read this,,, and english is not my first language so have mercy. STORY COMPLETED
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when every thing is arranged and you try to fall in love I think it is called arranged love
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