Bad Luck or Fate?

By yummyfallon

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Breckyn Jones travels to New York to getaway from her past. Little does she know she's about to find her futu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85. FINAL CHAPTER.
Alt. Chapter

Chapter 81

748 26 10
By yummyfallon

I could hear the soft instrumental music playing down the hill where all of our guests were seated and conversing with each other while Pops and I waited outside for Mom. We were both leaning against the barn when my father looked up at the sky and squinted. "Looks like it might rain." I swayed back and forth for a moment before looking up and nodding, letting out a slow breath. I took my hand out of my pocket and pointed towards the altar. "We have umbrellas for everyone and as far as I can tell, most of the guests have grabbed one. Hopefully it will hold off until the reception, if we're lucky." Dad chuckled and grabbed my shoulder. "Rain on your wedding day is good luck, son. Besides, its out of your hands. No need to fret on it." I put my hand back in my pocket and nodded. "I'm not really fretting on it, I just feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest right now. I want this to be perfect for her. For us." I felt a reassuring squeeze and I looked over to my father whose eyes were filled with wisdom and pride. "It will be, no matter what happens. Something will go wrong but just go with it because when you look back on this day, you wont remember the flaws. Trust me." He smiled at me and then looked over his shoulder and clapped his hands. "Well, well, who were the idiotic men who let you two beautiful ladies out of their sights?" I turned to look over my shoulder and saw my mother and Breckyn's mother walking towards us. My mother was dressed in a classic black dress. It was conservative and elegant, just like her. She looked fantastic. Karen was dressed a form fitting deep purple gown that came to mid calf. She looked radiant as well.

"Well, my husband disappeared for a few moments and I've had the most awful time trying to find him. I was going to send out a search party but I'm thinking a handsome man such as yourself would be a wonderful escort down the aisle." My mother said to Pops as she walked forward with a playful glint in her eye. "Say no more, miss. I would be honored to hold the hand of a lovely woman such as yourself." My father held out his hand and my mom smiled as she slipped hers into his as he bent forward, kissing the back of her hand softly. He turned and held his arm out. I watched as my mother slipped hers in between and they walked slowly down the hill to the aisle, stopping at the end to grab an umbrella. I turned to Karen and was laughing softly when she took her eyes off my parents and looked towards me. "You wouldn't mind walking your mother-in-law down the aisle would you? Seems my escort is busy sharing a few final moments with your bride." I walked towards her and held my arm out for her. "It would be a pleasure, Mom." She slipped her hand onto my bicep and squeezed, laughing gently as we started down the hill. "I'm so proud to be gaining such a caring and just truly wonderful son. And one so handsome too!" I grinned and giggled a little and looked towards her as we made it to the aisle. I reached down and grabbed a umbrella out of its own little vase and handed it to her. "You may need this. I think I felt a few sprinkles as we were walking down and we wouldn't want that gorgeous gown to get ruined, now would we?" She took it and nodded, smiling. "And one who knows how to treat a woman? Are you sure you're for real?"

"Pretty sure." I half snickered half sighed as I looked to the crowd, making eye contact with Justin and nodding towards him. I pinched myself playfully. "Ouch. Yep. Felt pretty real." Karen squeezed my arm again as I brought my arm back to my chest. "Well, my daughter is one lucky lady and so are her parents." We made it to the end of the aisle and to her seat next to Breckyn's grandparents. "I am the lucky one." I said as I turned towards her, releasing her arm and holding my hand out to guide her to her chair. She lent me her hand and accepted the help. Before turning to sit she kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly. "We love you. Enjoy the moment. It goes fast." I kissed hers in return and nodded. "I love you guys too and I will." I helped her into her seat and then walked towards my mother and father, also giving them hugs and kisses before taking my place on the altar next to Pastor Smith. "Good afternoon, Jimmy." He said, holding his hand out. I took it and shook it firmly. "Good afternoon, Pastor Smith." He gave a sly smile before adding. "Its nice to see you made it on time. I was a little worried I'd have to proceed with another stand in." I laughed and shook my head. "I wouldn't dream of missing this day. Not in a million years." I said softly before the song changed to a piano instrumental version of "Fields of Gold" for the wedding party to walk down the aisle.
I turned to face the crowd who turned to watch as Jake and my sister took their first steps out of the barn. Gloria was talking Jake's ear off, just like I suspected she would. He was nodding and then smiled at her, patting her hand that was around his arm. I could see him motion with his hands just under his knee. They must be talking about Lily, Nick and Ally. I could tell by the look on his face that he was talking about that little girl of Lexi's. Speaking of Lexi, I looked in the crowd and watched her as he walked down the aisle with my sister. Their eyes met when they made it to her row and they shared a silent moment that would be unnoticeable to most but I knew it all too well. Breckyn and I have shared intimate moments where those looks were all that were exchanged. I wouldn't be surprised if we were all witnessing their wedding next. I shook Jake's hand and gave him a hug as he took his place. I lightly kissed Gloria's cheek and she whispered into my ear. "I'm proud of you, you big idiot." I smiled and gave her a hug. "Love you too, sis."
Higgins and Drew made their way out of the barn. They were laughing with each other as they made their way down the hill. I could see Higgins turning and whispering in her ear. Drew's eyes bugged out slightly and then she covered her mouth so conceal her laughter. I shook my head slightly. We were asking for trouble when we made those two the best man and matron of honor. What were we thinking? I smiled when they stopped at the end of the aisle for a picture for Lloyd. I felt something hit the top of my head and then my forearm. I looked down and saw a raindrop resting on my skin. Higgins and Drew must have felt it too because they looked up and then he reached down for an umbrella. "Milady." He said, bowing while he held it out in his hands. Drew took it from him and curtsied before continuing down the aisle towards me. Drew smiled and me and winked before they parted and Higgins came to stand by me with Drew on the other side of the pastor. "You doing okay, brother?" Higgins leaned towards me as I watched Matt come down the hill, holding Thomas in one arm. Thomas had a little sign that Matt was helping hold up but I couldn't make it out. Winnie was holding Matt's hand as they walked down the hill together. She looked gorgeous in her little white gown with her purple bow in the back. She was adorable, reminded me a lot of her mom in that dress. She was going to be a heartbreaker when she got older, that's for sure. "I've never been better Higs." I whispered as I watched my kids make their way to the aisle with Matt's help.

I laughed at the sign that Thomas and Matt, mainly Matt, were holding up. "Has anyone seen the rings?" That was too cute but I leaned over to Higgins anyways. "You have the.." He stopped me and tapped his jacket. "Yup. Right here." He paused and hit the other side of his jacket and then scrambled in his pockets. "Oh thank god." He sighed as he pulled out the ring. "Not funny, Steven." He chuckled and gave me a pat on the back when I noticed that Winnie was frozen at the end of the aisle. Matt tried to walk forward with her but she wouldn't budge. She looked at all the people and then hid her face in Matt's pants, latching on to his leg. Matt looked up at me and I motioned for him to try one more time. He tried to get her to walk forward again and I could see her little chin start quivering. So I knelt down in my spot and called out to her. "Winnie Rose..." I said in a way I knew would get her attention. Her head popped up at the sound of my voice and she looked around for a moment before she locked eyes with me. Her lip quivered slightly but she also gave a faint grin. I smiled and beckoned her to come to me with my index finger. She gasped and tossed her basket behind her, causing everyone to laugh and took off as fast as her little legs would take her to me. She practically jumped into my arms and I scooped her up at the crowd gave a unified "Awwww". I held her close and kissed the side of her head as Matt looked around for a moment. He stooped down and picked up the basket of petals, putting what had fallen out into his hand. He gave an embarrassed smile as he started tossing petals onto the aisle for Breckyn to walk on. This won another round of laughter from the crowd.

"Thank you." I said as I shook his hand when he made it down the aisle. "You didn't have to do that." I added as he handed me the basket. "Someone had to distribute the petals. Might as well have been me if Winnie couldn't. Do you want me to take her?" I nodded and went to hand Winnie to Matt but she was latched on to me. I sighed and kissed the top of her head again. "On second thought, she can just stand up here with me and Breckyn. It'll be okay. Go ahead and give Thomas to Mom. " I whispered to him. It was starting to mist steadily now, and I could feel the moisture on my shirt and skin. "Hand me her little umbrella so I can cover her if I need to." He nodded and I leaned forward and gave Thomas a kiss, earning another "Aww" from the guests. The boys made their way to my parents. Dad stood up and took Thomas from Matt while my mother was already on her third Kleenex from the looks of it. I turned to Winnie and held her out. "Can you stand next to Daddy for a little while? Uncle Steve will be with you too?" She looked from me to Higgins who reached over and kissed her hand. She rubbed her eye and nodded. I gave her a little kiss and then put her down next to me. I handed her her basket and umbrella before leaning down to straighten her dress when I heard the song change from the Fields of Gold to Breckyn's song. I stood up straight and turned back towards the crowd that was now standing up, blocking my view of the barn. I strained to look over our guests but failed to see anything. I could hear the gasps and sounds of amazement and approval from everyone as they could see her and her father walking down the aisle.

Gosh I hope she doesn't slip on the wet grass. I thought to myself as I gave up on trying to see for the time being, falling back onto my heels from my tiptoes. That's when I noticed the song. Breckyn had told me she was going to play "To Build A Home" because it was elegant and she loved the way it sounded but this song was a higher pitch and just a bit faster on the piano. I tilted my head to the left and that's when the violin started in with it. Oh my gosh. I closed my eyes and put my hand to my heart and smiled as I realized she was playing Pachelbel's Canon in D. She must have decided to do that on her own after we realized we couldn't have a catholic wedding. She changed the song for me and didn't tell me so it would be a surprise. I was starting to get a little choked up and I cleared my throat. "Don't cry. Don't cry." I whispered to myself softly. "Its going to be hard not to. She's a sight to behold." I heard Higgins whisper and that's when I opened my eyes. I managed a gasp before I felt the air fall out of my lungs and my knees go weak as I finally made eye contact with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life.
"You look..." Dad finally said after a tearful moment standing with me while the rest of the girls left to room to give us a moment together. "I mean, I've had this vision in my head ever since I knew we were having a little girl, all those years ago, of what this moment would be like. What you would look like. How you would be. I've got to say that I could have never imagined how simply stunning you would truly be. My visions didn't do you justice, I'm afraid. You are a radiant bride. Jimmy is one lucky man and I am the luckiest father." I handed him a Kleenex and then proceeded to use one of my own, wiping my tears. "Oh Daddy, I think I am the lucky one. To grow up with a father like you and now I'm marrying the love of my life who is the best father I could ever ask for for my children? I didn't know life could be like this, Dad." He slipped his arms around my waist and held me close. "I knew it could be and I always hoped it would be. Now that it is happening for you, I couldn't be happier." I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed. "Me either, Dad. Me either."

We both looked up when there was a knock on the door. Matt looked in and smiled. "Jake and Gloria already walked down, Drew and Higgins are on their way. Me and the kiddos are up to bat now. You're on deck, Brecks." I nodded and Matt smiled before closing the door. Dad reached up and wiped my face. "You look wonderful, honey. He's going to be speechless. I know I was." I took a deep breath and grabbed my bouquet, making sure that Jimmy's rosary was visible over my fingers. "Are you ready, Dear?" Dad asked as he opened the door and held out my hand. I slowly let my air out and nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be." Dad laughed as I straightened my veil in the back of my head and slipped my arm into his as we walked towards the barn doors. We waited in the doorway until we heard the song change from "Fields of Gold" to "Canon in D". Dad looked down and smiled at me. "You chose this song for Jimmy, didn't you?" I nodded slightly as the first few notes started playing. "I did. It's partially my fault he cant have a Catholic wedding but I figured.." I motioned down to the rosary on the bouquet and then the music. "You know, the least I could do is give him a few pieces that would mean something to him." Dad rubbed my arm softly and then kissed my cheek. "I'm sure they will mean the world to him. Just like you." He grabbed my hand that was around his arm and squeezed. He went to step forward and right as he did, the few sprinkles that were falling around us released into a slight mist, just enough to wet the grass and put moisture on our skin and clothing. I looked up at him and paused before taking a step forward with him. "Just... don't let me fall, okay, Daddy?" He helped me take a step forward. "I never let you fall before, I don't plan on starting now. Let's go get you married, baby girl." And with that, we took our steps down the hill, being careful to not slip down the grass.

With each step, I felt my knees get weaker, my steps got shakier. I could feel my heart beating faster with each passing second. I felt a tightness in my chest as if it were almost too difficult to breathe. I felt my grip tighten on my father's suit jacket. I could hear the material get scratched from my manicured nails. I must have gripped too tightly because Dad looked down at me and gave me a reassuring smile. He motioned forward and it wasn't until that moment that I realized I had stopped walking completely. He coaxed me into another step and I complied, still scared out of my wits. Of what? I wasn't sure. I knew that I wanted to marry Jimmy, more than anything. What was I scared of? I wondered to myself as I looked around at all of our guests. Some of them had opened their umbrellas, some hadn't, All of them had their eyes on me, smiling. Some had their mouths covered, some let them fall open, in what I was hoping was amazement and adoration. I noticed some of the bows had fallen askew on the pews. The chairs weren't lined up anymore and some people looked like they were sitting one on top of the other. Dad took another step forward and we reached the beginning of the aisle. I felt like my heart might explode out of my chest and for a fleeting moment I was frozen. I couldn't get past the imperfections or how people were staring at me. I gripped my father's arm as hard as I could and I felt him move his arm from the discomfort. I went to look up into his eyes but when I looked up, I met the deepest brown eyes and everything else faded away. It was much like the picture I took of him a few months ago. Every thing else washed out while all my focus was lost in the rich mahogany gaze that stood before me. When I was younger and, really, before ever meeting Jimmy, I had only fallen for blonde haired, blue eyed men. I always thought brown eyes were dull and uninviting. They left more to be desired. "What a silly notion." I said to myself, in an exhalation of the breath I had been holding for sometime now.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Just one look into his beautiful brown eyes and I felt all of the apprehension leave my body instantly. I feel my grip loosen on my father's arm and there comes a point where I don't even know if I'm holding it anymore because I refuse to take my eyes from Jimmy's in this moment. I wouldn't be aware that I was moving except for the fact that he is getting closer and closer to me so I must be walking but I wouldn't know. I can't stop staring at the magnificent man standing before me. My breathing is no longer hard. It's as if it were the easiest thing in the world at this moment. My feet have never been more steadfast. It was as if I couldn't get to Jimmy fast enough. If running were allowed I would have done it. I finally let my eyes leave his and I noticed what he was wearing. He looked utterly dashing in his black on black number. He was regal and to be honest it looked as if he stepped directly off a runway. The way his sleeves were rolled up perfectly, the material hugging his arms and body perfectly. I smiled when my eyes stumbled upon the deep purple plaid tie. Resting against the sea of black, it set off the outfit perfect. I couldn't help but choke down a sob when I saw the white gold clover tie clip resting just above the V line of his vest. He took my breath away to be quite honest. It's not like I didn't know what he was wearing but what I had pictured didn't even compare to the sight that stood before me. I let my eyes wander from his black Italian dress shoes all the way back up to his face. I watched as he smiled at me. Or maybe he was laughing. Possibly both. Our eyes met again and this time there were tiny little golden inflections hidden amongst the dark brown. His eyes were glistening and it was only when he blinked and a tear fell, that I realized he was crying.
I began to get teary eyed as well as I saw Jimmy bend his knees slightly and bend over. He put both his hands on his knees and knelt as he looked up at me. His lips were quivering and he bounced up and down on his feet as he let out a long, slow breath before wiping the tears that were now flowing freely from his eyes. He never took his eyes away from mine this entire time and he took his right hand and tapped over his heart a few times. I laughed and felt my own tears fall over the edge and down my cheek as he stood back up and ran his hand over his mouth. I could hear a hushed "Wo.." leave his lips as we got within ear shot of each other. I'm assuming he went to say "Wow" but the moment caught him off guard and instead he just let out a puff of air along with a half sob half laugh before putting his hand over his mouth again. He took a moment and then he wiped his eyes again and stood in front of me beaming as my father and I reached the end of the aisle.

Jimmy held out his left hand and my father gently took mine and placed it in his. Jimmy took his free hand and shook my father's firmly. "I promise that I will love and protect her and our children with all that I am." Dad leaned in and clapped his shoulder. "I know you will, son." Then he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Jimmy helped me walk forward so that we were finally standing across from one another. "I was right. I could have never imagined a beauty like the one standing before me." He whispered into my ear as my dad took his place next to my mother. I put my hand on his chest and grabbed his tie. "I should've known plaid would have made its way onto your palette." Jimmy chuckled as he reached up and grabbed my hand returning it to our side, where he rubbed the spot between my index and thumb, instantly easing my nerves. He went to respond as he tilted his head sideways and lightly thumbed the crucifix hanging from my bouquet. I noticed and smiled slyly. "Is... is that my rosary?" I nodded and he put his forehead against mine and put his hands on either side of my face, rubbing gently. He closed his eyes and shook his head ever so slightly. "You. Are. Too. Much." He whispered as he enunciated every word. Pastor Smith cleared his throat, making us snap out of our little world and realize we were in front of a few hundred people at the moment. Jimmy threw his head back and looked around. "Sorry." He chuckled, eliciting laughter from the rest of the guests as well.

"As I was saying..." Pastor Smith laughed slightly as he addressed our friends and family. "Friends and Family, we are gathered here today on this rainy, yet gorgeous day to witness the marriage of Breckyn Nicholle Jones and James Thomas Fallon." Jimmy smiled at me and made his usual excited face. I rubbed his hand slightly and smiled back as Pastor Smith continued. "At this time I will ask if anyone sees just cause as to why these two should not be united in the bonds of holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace." Jimmy and I turned to the crowd for a moment and he gave a faux sigh of relief when no one spoke up. "It's fine. I paid everyone off before the ceremony. You can continue." Everyone laughed, including me as Pastor Smith smiled and opened his bible. "At this time, I ask who gives this woman to be with this man?" I turned to look at my father who was holding my mother's hand while she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Her mother and I do." Jimmy and I turned back towards each other as the pastor motioned with his hands. "You all may be seated." Pastor Smith looked at Jimmy and I and then continued with the ceremony.

"You have known each other from the first glance of acquaintance to this point of commitment. At some point, you decided to marry. From that moment of yes to this moment of yes, indeed, you have been making commitments in an informal way. All of the conversations that were held in a car, or over a meal, or during long walks-- all those conversations that began with, "When we're married", and continued with "I will" and "you will" and "we will" - All those late night talks that included "someday" and "somehow" and "maybe" - and all those promises that are unspoken matters of the heart. All these common things, and more, are the real process of a wedding." Pastor Smith paused and Jimmy took this time to mouth I love you so much to me. I reciprocated and listened as the reading continued. "The symbolic vows that you are about to make are a way of saying to one another, "You know all those things that we've promised, and hoped, and dreamed? Well, I meant it all, every word." I felt myself nodding as I looked over and saw the same response from the incredible man standing before me. "Look at each other," Jimmy's soft brown gaze met mine and I felt my heart melt. "and remember this moment in time. Before this moment you have been many things to one another. An acquaintance, friend, companion, lover, dancing partner, co-parent, safety net, and even a teacher, for you have learned much from one another these last two years. Shortly, you shall say a few words that will take you across a threshold of life, and things between you will never quite be the same. For after today you shall say to the world-- This is my husband." I shrugged excitedly to him and bit my lip. "This is my wife." Jimmy bounced up and down a little bit, shaking my arm for a moment before standing still again. "Repeat after me. I, Breckyn Jones.." I looked from the Pastor to Jimmy and suddenly the pastors voice faded away as I made my declaration to James. "I, Breckyn Jones.. Take you James Fallon, to have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer or for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love. To cherish. Faithfully and forsaking all others. For all of my days..." I paused and stared straight into his loving gaze. "I do."

"And James if you would repeat after me. I, James Fallon, take you Breckyn Jones." Jimmy went to talk but instead took a long pause and a deep breath, covering up his mouth with his hand for a moment and I knew that he was trying his hardest to keep his composure. He cleared his throat and looked me straight in the eye. "I, James Fallon, take you Breckyn Jones, to have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer. For Poorer. In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish you. Faithfully and forsaking all others. For all of my days..." He rubbed my hand and reached up and tapped over his heart. "I do." Pastor Smith nodded and then read from his bible. "Breckyn and James, you are about to exchange your own personal vows. These vows are an expression of the promises you have chosen to make to each other. The vows you share will thrive on the love that you have for each other and your marriage will grow deeper as time goes by. As you go through life together, may you continue to trust in each other, laugh often, and always communicate with one another. May your marriage be long and joyful. Breckyn, please hand your bouquet to Drew, turn to face each other and join hands." I turned and handed my purple calla lily to Drew. "Be careful with his rosary. Actually, you know what?" I reached down and unpinned the crucifix from the stems quickly, putting the pins back into the wrap and putting the rosary in my hand. Drew gave me a questioning look as I released my flowers. I just gave her a reassuring look and turned back towards Jimmy. I put the rosary around our left wrists and he gave me the same look Drew had done. "You didn't have to.." He started softly as I grabbed the crucifix and placed it in his hand. "Yes I did. Just go with it." He nodded and grabbed both of my hands. "James, if you would like to recite your vows first." He looked from Pastor Smith back towards me and cleared his throat.

"The day I met you, my entire life was flipped upside down and everything I knew about myself no longer mattered. I didn't necessarily know it then but as I got to know you, I learned more about myself. About who I am and who I wanted to be. It's..." He paused and looked away for a moment trying to choose his words carefully. He finally returned his gaze. "It's scary for a person to recognize that someone might be their soulmate, but its even scarier to simply.. know someone is your soulmate. I didn't necessarily believe in soulmates until I realized how desperately, madly, and deeply I need you. I love you with my whole heart, body and soul. You've become a part of me, Brecks." He shrugged and gave me a classic Jimmy face. "Simple as that. And I know that I'm always giving you these big grandiose speeches, I'm always making these grand gestures for you. You don't need that anymore. We don't need that anymore. We made it. You just need honesty in this moment and to know that I love you. And I do. More than words could ever say and that's the honest truth. And honestly? When I saw you walking down that aisle, I was speechless. I'm a writer. That's what I do. I use my words to make a difference, to invoke feelings in others. I'm suppose to have the right words to say. I should be able to string together elegant words and perfect sentences to express the sheer joy and love that I feel in my heart right now. But I cant." He shrugged again. "I can't. You've rendered me speechless, like you have done a handful of times in our series of moments we've shared together. But to me, that's more beautiful and meaningful than any love story I've ever heard or read, or any dream I've walked through. So, thank you, thank you for rendering me speechless and making me forget what I was going to do or say like you have so many times before. I could only hope that this will continue for the rest of our lives. I love you, Breckyn. God, do I love you?"

I hadn't even realized I was very deeply and evidently very audibly sobbing at this point until I saw several tissues appear by my side. I gratefully took them and blotted my eyes dry. I didn't even wait for Pastor Smith to say it was my turn. I just started talking as I grabbed Jimmy's hand. "You better hand me a few of those, Drew." Jimmy said as he reached forward causing a slight laugh out of everybody, including me. Which, to be honest, I needed a moment before I started my vows. Jimmy tucked the tissues in his pocket and grabbed my hands. "Okay. Go." He giggled and rubbed both my hands reassuringly. "You may not be able to give me a big speech but I figured its about time that I gave YOU one. You're always giving me grand gestures, speeches, and pouring your love out to me. I figured I would save mine until we were in front of everyone who means something to us. All at once. So... here goes." I paused and took a deep breath before I started my vows. "When I met you, I had no idea how much my life was about to be changed, but then, how could I have known? You were like a godsend for me and you were my knight in shining... well, I don't know what your suits are made of but you were a Knight in Tom Ford. We'll say that." He laughed along with the rest of my family. "You are truly the best person I've ever known. Sometimes I think its too good to be true, but then again, why is that such a problem to have? If you're too good to be true, it's only because I'm still not totally sure that I deserve a single second of this beautiful life that we now live together. It's only because today is a day that I honestly never thought I would be a part of. With you or with anyone else. I never thought I was worth marrying to anyone, let alone someone who is so loving and wonderful as you. And I met you in the darkest period of my life, to boot. But, you proved to be the light that would overpower the darkness. You made my days worth living and my night full of life. You saw me for who I was under all my imperfections, even if you don't see them as imperfections, you still saw who I really was. Who I really could be. You taught me how to trust, how to let someone in again, and what it really means to fall in love. For that, you will forever be my life saver." I felt a sob creep up into my throat and I took a moment to gather my emotions. Jimmy took advantage of the pause to take his Kleenex out and wipe his eyes. "I promise you that I am not marrying you secretly hoping to change you because I wouldn't dream of it. I adore everything about you. The only thing I could possibly want is for you to become a more amazing you. I promise that I go into this marriage promising that I will not try to become someone I am not because I finally know that you love me for who I am. Nothing more. Nothing less. I promise that I will let you tell me when I have betrayed myself. I wont hold it against you if you call me on my..." His eyes widened and I cleared my throat. "I wont get mad if you call me out. In turn, I will never let you lose sight of yourself or anything you love. That includes your show, your career, your children, and this relationship." I paused and smiled up at him. "I might help you lose sight of those horrendous sneakers that you love. I wont make any promises about saving those." Jimmy laughed and threw his head back. God, I hope Lloyd caught that moment on film.

"You see the world in a unique way, one that no one else does. You appreciate anything and everything, including me. For that, I am truly grateful. Your love is stronger than anything that may come our way and its greater than I ever could have imagined for myself. I still cant believe you chose me but if you're going to commit yourself to me for the rest of your life, then I'm not going to tell you how idiotic that is." Jimmy scoffed and shook his head. "I have been so blessed just to know you. Loving you and being loved by you surpasses all of my wildest dreams combined. I will finish by saying that my mother always said "Don't marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son just like him." Jimmy wiped his tears away and gave me his best smile as we both looked towards Thomas that was babbling away in his mother's arms. "Well, I can tell you today without a shadow of doubt in my heart that there is no greater joy nor greater accomplishment in my life than to be the mother of that little mini you. You two are cut from the same cloth and I couldn't be prouder in my life. Thomas is and always be my greatest accomplishment along with any other children we may be blessed with. But loving you and Winnie.." I reached down and grabbed her hand, bending down to kiss her softly. "I love you, Winn." I whispered softly before standing back up, making my tear filled gaze meet Jimmy's. "And being loved by you is a very close second. If not a tie. I love you James. I love you today, tomorrow, and all of our days. I love you. I love you. I love you."

Jimmy leaned forward and kissed my forehead. "I love you." He whispered softly. I giggled and whispered. "I love you too but we cant kiss yet." He smiled knowingly and then he and I took a moment to gather ourselves, cleaning ourselves up and drying our eyes. "Do you have the rings?" Pastor Smith asked. Drew reached forward and handed Jimmy's black silver band and placed it in my hand. Jimmy turned and had both my bands in his hand. I stared down at his band for a moment and looked at the engraving I had put on the inside. I noticed Jimmy doing the same. He smirked and furrowed his eyebrows when he looked back up at me. Pastor Smith cleared his throat and motioned to Jimmy. "James, I would ask you to place the ring on Breckyn's finger and say these words to her." Once again, the pastors words faded away and all I could hear in the moment was Jimmy. "Breckyn, with this ring I take you to be my wife and pledge my love and life to you." Jimmy slid the rings past my knuckle on the ring finger of my left hand and let his hand linger on mine for a moment before handing his left hand to me, letting the rosary slid onto my arm. I placed the band at the beginning of his finger and began to slide it down his finger. "James, with this ring I take you to be my husband and pledge my love and life to you." I finished right as I put the band in just the right spot.

"James and Breckyn, today you have promised your love to one another in front of friends and family, sealing your promises with an exchange of vows and rings. It is my great pleasure and honor to witness the love that you have for each other. And now, without any further ado, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife." We both looked at Pastor Smith who smiled at us. We then turned to each other. I smiled. He smiled and we both knew. "You may kiss your bride. James." Jimmy looked at the pastor and smiled. He turned back to me and slowly brought his hands up, rosary still dangling from his thumb, he caressed my cheeks softly and then pulled his lips to mine, taking me back in a dip as he deepened the kiss. In an instant the cheers faded and all that there was in the moment was him and I. Lost in the moment and each other. The kiss made my heart flutter, it took my breath away and it made me weak in the knees. I could have stayed in this moment forever but soon I felt that I was back on my feet. Jimmy gave several smaller kisses before I heard my brother clear his throat. I smiled against my husband's lips and I felt him do the same. Eventually we pulled back and turned towards the audience.
"Its my great honor and pleasure to present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Fallon."

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