Chapter 67

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Thanks for your patience! I hope this chapter is great for you. I hope I did it justice and I hope you love it. As always message, comment, reblog but let me know what you think!

I was lying back in my seat with the back reclined. I was just beginning to drift off to sleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I opened my left eye and glanced at the flight attendant who had something in her hands. She flashed me an apologetic smile. "Excuse me? Ms. Jones?" She asked me. I opened both eyes and nodded. "Breckyn Jones?" She asked once more. I suppose Jones is a popular last name. 

"Yes. That's me." I said as I brought the chair back to its inclined position. She held up a pair of headphones and handed them to me. "I'm sorry for waking you, but these are for you." I grabbed the headphones and she gestured to the movie screen in the back of the headrest in front of me. I shook my head and attempted to hand the headset back. "Oh, no. I think you're mistaken. I'm not really that into watching the in-flight movies. They are always..." I tried to find the right words to make it seem less harsh, but there really was no other way to describe them. "-horrible and cheesy." 

The young woman nodded knowingly. "I know. They are. I'm not challenging you on that but I am under strict orders to have you watch it. I have to at least try to persuade you." She pushed the headphones back towards me and leaned forward. "Besides, I think this in flight movie is one you will enjoy. It's not.... too cheesy. It's just right. In my opinion anyway." I sighed and put the headphones on. "Fine." I looked at her name tag. "Lindsay, What movie is it?" I picked up the guide in front of me out of the slot in the chair and opened it. I scoffed and threw my head back. "Taxi. Perfect." I shook my head as I adjust the headphones so they fit my head better. 

Lindsay shook her head and lightly touched my hand. "Not quite. Taxi is what everyone else is watching" She looked around her. "Which, most people have either seemed to give up on it or have fallen asleep." She turned back towards me. "You, on the other hand, will be watching something else. Call it a private viewing. It still has Mr. Fallon in it, though, so there's that." I put the guide back on the tray in front of me. 

"Well, I've already seen Fever Pitch and Whip It a million times. I really don't need to watch the in-flight movie, but thank you for trying." I reached up to take off the headphones when she lightly put her hand on my shoulder. "Just.... Watch it. You wont be disappointed." She smiled sweetly at me and I put the headphones back in place and turned the monitor on. She walked a few rows up and checked on the other passengers. I shook my head and waited for the movie to turn on. At least I'll get to finally watch A Year of Getting to Know Us, I thought to myself before the movie started.

The screen went from black to a scene showing a house in the background in the pouring rain. I sat up further in my seat and turned the headphones up. That house looked oddly familiar. Maybe I have seen this movie before. Then I noticed the tree with the split down the middle from a lightning storm. There was a tire swing hanging off the strongest branch and the front door was an old red Victorian looking door. 

Huh. That's weirdThat almost looks like my old house.  I thought to myself leaning forward while the camera panned to the driveway as a truck pulled down the drive. I smiled to myself. It almost looked like my truck I had back home. That's when I noticed the license plate. Missouri. "Wait a sec.." I whispered to myself. I didn't have time to react before the drivers door opened and a tall, brunette jumped out and walked towards the camera. He was wearing the black and green plaid and khakis. I looked around to make sure no one was watching the same thing I was. All the other monitors were either playing Taxi or turned completely off. I turned my attention back to the man walking towards the camera. He lightly jogged in the rain and stood in front of the lens. He bent over and shook the water out of his hair and ran his fingers through his quaff. "No way." I whispered to myself as he slowly looked up at the camera.

"Hey beautiful." He said as he flashed his million watt grin at the camera. He closed one eye as the rain drops fell into it. "You're uh...." He looked around and huffed a breath out in a tiny laugh. "You're probably wondering why I'm standing out here in the pouring rain by myself in front of your old house. First of all, do you know how long I've been waiting for it to rain? I planned this entire hiatus around the weather in Missouri and every day it was supposed to rain.. it didn't. When it finally did decide to rain, you were at home and I couldn't get out to do this. Which brings me to my next point, I don't have much time to do this video because right now you are currently on..." He brought his left arm up and looked at his watch. "Hour two of shopping for maternity clothes right now, which means you are probably getting sick and tired of walking around while Drew is dragging you through every single store so I have to do this quick." 

I thought about what he was talking about. Shopping for maternity clothes? We only did that once and it was when that cashier accused me of getting pregnant on purpose to trap Jimmy. But, there's no way this could be from that long ago, could it?  Jimmy moved in front of the camera and the top part of his button up fell open. I immediately noticed it. His chest was perfect, toned, and tan. It only scarred with the rain water washing over his unblemished skin and that's when I realized just how long he has been planning... whatever this is. His voice turned my attention back to the screen. 

"So, I know this place holds some pretty bad moments for you. Awful, life altering moments. I've always said, time and time again, that life is about moments. Your life, my life, our life together is not any different. I'm not going to spend the next 15 minutes reminding you of your past because you don't need those. I'm sure you fight those reminders daily yourself. My job is not to help you relive those moments. My job is to help you create our own moments. Moments that will make the pain of your past disappear. For me, this place is chock full of good moments. You just have to search for them."

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