Chapter 9

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I heard the door close again and Jimmy's sneakers squeak on the tile floor. "Breckyn, I'm sorry for how I reacted to seeing that. I just.. can't stand when women are treated like shit or abused. No one deserves that. You don't deserve that."

I opened the curtain and stuck my head out. "Its okay, really. I mean, no its not okay that this happened to me and the fact that it happens to woman every day all over the world is not okay, and no, I'm not completely okay, but I'm alive and I'm here. I got away. I'm lucky. Some women don't get that chance. And trust me, your reaction was fine actually. You should have seen how I reacted." I chuckled.

Jimmy looked up at me "You are so strong. I don't think even I could handle that happening to me with the bravery and the dignity that you have. How do you do it? How do you go on living with such a good attitude and a smile?" he asked, searching my face for the answer.

I looked at him and said "Everyone looks so much better when they smile." I smiled. "That kind of become my life motto." I cant believe I just quoted his own quote to him. He stood up and smiled at me. "Wow... really? I had no idea that what I said could actually matter to someone, or at least affect someone's life like that." He kicked the tub with his foot, I could tell he was kind of embarrassed.

"Really, Jimmy? You have no idea. You matter to people, what you say matters to people. Trust me, sometimes you are the only bright spot in peoples day. Sometimes, you've even saved people. I know you at least saved me. In more ways than one." I said, I stuck my arm out the curtain so he could see my bandage.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, then its worth it. I'm glad I could be that bright spot in your life, but I didn't save you. You saved yourself." He jumped up onto the sink counter and sat there.

"Agree to disagree." I said and stuck my head back in. I put my hair under the water and let the hot water run over my body for a little while before grabbing the soap. I lathered my body and washed off. I grabbed my razor and shaved.

"So where did you grow up?" Jimmy asked. I could hear him kicking his feet against the cabinets under the sink. I imagined him swinging his legs back and forth and smiled. "I know Missouri, but where?"

"I grew up in the country between Joplin and the border of Kansas. Technically Joplin, but not really. It was in the middle of nowhere. I went to school in Joplin, but that's it. I lived on a farm." I said as I was shaving my legs.

"That's really cool. I'm jealous." Jimmy said nonchalantly. "Really? You are jealous that I had to deal with bailing hay and harvesting and all that bullshit." I laughed. "Yeah, I bet you worked really hard. I bet that helped you a lot with life and stuff." He said. I stuck my head out. "No, seriously, I had to deal with literal bullshit. But, yeah, it did help me be the tough strong woman I am now. It taught me the value of stuff and the value of myself."

"Well, I guess I am just intrigued because I'm a city kid. I don't know what its like to do that kind of stuff. I always wondered what it would be like to work with my hands. I admire you for being able to do that. I haven't worked an honest day in my life. To have your work matter." He laughed and looked down at his hands. "My calluses are from playing guitar."

"Well, I admire you. I would love to get paid to do what you do. You're a genius Jimmy. Trust me Jimmy. Your work matters. I can't stress that enough. It's what got me here. It's what got me out of that hellhole" I said.  Jimmy blushed. "Well, thank you. I'm glad." I stuck my head back under the water.

"So what did you do in high school? Sports? Theatre? Clubs?" he asked.

"You know you don't have to ask these questions just to fill the silence if you don't want to." I laughed.

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