Chapter 79

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I groaned as I rolled all the way over to the other side of the bed and hit the alarm. It kept beeping incessantly in my ear, so I slammed my fist down on the button and it fell to the floor, effectively turning it off. I let my head fall back on the cold pillow on the bed when I heard the door slowly open, followed by the patter of little feet on the wood flooring. I took a deep breath in and was amazed when I could still smell the clean smell of Jimmy's natural scent that seemed to be permanently soaked into his pillow. I smiled softly against the pillowcase as I felt little hands push the hair off my cheek. "Bwecks.." Winnie said softly, almost sounding like her father with that sing-song tone of hers. I opened my eyes and lifted my head to smile at her. "Well, good morning gorgeous! You're up early!" She nodded and lifted her arms above her head towards me. I pulled her up and rolled over, setting her down on my stomach. She played with the buttons on Jimmy's green plaid shirt that I had worn to bed. I moved a little blonde curl off her face but the end was stuck on her cheek. I licked the end of my thumb and dabbed at a spot of syrup. "I see you already had breakfast. That's good. What did you have?" I finally got rid of the stickiness and put my legs up to prop her against them.

"Cakes..." She softly giggled as she continued to play with my shirt. I looked over to Thomas, who was still fast asleep in his crib. His mouth was wide open and he was sleeping on his back with his arms above his head. I smiled to myself slightly. He even slept like Jimmy. I turned back to Winnie, who was working on the first button unsuccessfully. "How about we watch some tv before your brother wakes up or the entire house is full of people getting ready for tomorrow, huh?" Winnie nodded as I sat up in bed and leaned forward to grab the remote. I held on to her as she reached up and hugged my neck. I turned the television on and looked down to see that Winnie had her head buried in the material of Jimmy's shirt, slightly grinning. She took in a deep breath and hugged me tighter. I put my arms around her and rocked her slightly. "You miss Daddy, huh? Well, don't worry, he should be home in a little bit then you can hug him all you want!" Winnie leaned back and started clapping excitedly. "Yay!" I leaned forward and clapped along with her before helping her turn around to sit in my lap when I put last night's show on for her. I had just fluffed up the pillows behind my back and relaxed when I heard my phone vibrate against the end table and the ringtone fill the room.

Everyone that sees you always wants to know you

Everyone that knows you always has a smile

You're a standing ovation after years of waiting for a chance to finally shine

Everyone calls you amazing

I just call you mine

"Speak of the Devil, Winnie Rose." I chuckled as I leaned over and grabbed my phone, swiping right and answering it. "Well, hello handsome. I was just looking at your beautiful face on our tv." I heard him sigh into the receiver and give a slight chuckle. "Is that right? Well, soon I'll be standing in front of you and you wont have to watch the DVR anymore. Is Winnie watching too?" I looked down at his daughter sitting against my shins and she had pulled one of Jimmy's pillows to her and was hugging it. I softly played with her curls as she watched her father bounce around on screen. She gave a slight giggle when he imitated Gloria for a moment. "Never mind. I would recognize that giggle from a thousand miles away." I put the phone to my shoulder and started making tiny braids in Winnie's hair as we spoke. "Yes, she's watching pretty intently, hugging one of your pillows to her body. I wore one of your plaid shirts that still smelled like you to bed and she woke me up this morning. I leaned in to turn the tv on for her and she smelled you on your shirt and wouldn't let go of me. I think this might be taking more of a toll on her than it is on any of us. She's not used to being away from her mom and her dad at the same time." Jimmy groaned into the receiver. "Ugh. Don't tell me things like that. My heart cant really handle anymore. Trust me, it's taking its toll on me as well. I can't wait to get on that plane and I don't think I've ever said that in my life. I'm so ready to get out of this town and get home to you guys. How's Thomas handling everything? I bet he's grown like weed since I've been gone. I wouldn't be surprised if he was walking or talking when I get there." I wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of his exaggeration but I could hear the frustration and loneliness thick in his voice so I decided to let it go.

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