Go live your way

By Biajen

60.6K 912 620

how does all going on after the competition i changed the cover because this made my new friend sassycarpente... More

After the competition
Alvaro and Mia
The next day
Mia und Juanma
Juanma and Lupe
where is Juanma
the room behind the gymn
In the night
when you can't sleep
what now
A talk with Juanma
A talk with Juanma 2
Alvaro vs Juanma
strange feelings
The fight
In the Hospital
More Tests
finally back at school
Lupe/ Juanma+ Mia/ Alvaro
the evening
many Talks
The hollidays are over
Mia is ill
Mia feels better
The Date at the River
The performance
Mia can't sleep
In the hospital
A ride in the night
Talk to Juanma
At Alvaros Home
autors note
It's gonna be ok
At Ramiros
The Grave
The dinner
The Party
The rest of the night
Lupe and Alvaro
Juanma and Zoe
the park
At Juanmas Home
The Date
A few days out
The first day
Day 2
Bad News
Calm down
Out of here
Ramiro gets angry
Many talks
In the Disco
The next day
Somebody returns
Somebody returns
The rest of the week
the dinner
The Night
Waiting is hard
Gaspar and Zoe
Zoe and Juanma/ Mia and Mercedes
On the way to the Performance
The performance
In Madrid
Finally back
Talk in the night
The new student
THe show
Lupe and Ramiro
Training and a bit time alone
The time before the performance
The 3. Show
The shopping center
What's happened
Visit at the Hospital
Good news
Bad News
Almost weekend
A talk with Roberto
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Back to school
An evening with Roberto
friends of Roberto amd worries
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sticking together
A part of Robertos Story
withdrawal symptoms
the night
outside again
Saturday night
Roberto und Zoe
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Juanma and Roberto
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The performance
Ski Holiday
The blizzard
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The letter

141 4 0
By Biajen

On the drive to Juanma, Mia briefly related what she had discussed with Roberto. The boys were both unenthusiastic that they wanted to talk to him next week.
Juanma then said, "I really do not understand him."

"We do not all do that at the moment, but I think there might be more behind everything than we think.

Later, when she was alone in the room with Alvaro, she said, "You do not have any concerns about Juanma now, do you?"

"No. But because of Roberto. I think he's aiming for the same thing Juanma has with you. And I trust him to try more. "

" You know I would not do anything to break our relationship, right "

" Yeah, I know that, but I'm just scared he'll just take what he does want."

At dinner Marcello was there and they told how it was in the hospital. The story with Roberto first they didn't tell.. After eating, Marcelo Alvaro caught a moment alone nd said "Is Juanma ok? He is very calm. "

" Yes he is ok. Everything is very hard for him and he is reproaching himself. Then it happens that Roberto sometimes makes stress. "

"I am glad that you both have arranged so well and I am there for you when there are problems. Please speak with me ok "

" I thank you  Marcelo "

They sat down a bit with Florenzia and Marcelo, but  Florenzia and Marcelo said goodbye early for the night.
The three decided to watch another movie. Mia fell asleep with her head on Alvaros lap. When the movie was over, he woke her carefully so they could go to bed. Alvaro went up to get ready for bed and Mia cleared the table with Juanma. "Is everything alright?" Mia asked. "You almost say nothing"

"Did you talk about  me to  alvaro? So what Roberto said "

" Yes I talked to him and he still has no problem he just does not trust Roberto. So do not worry. "" Are you sure? "

" Yes, why are you asking? "

"Because I'm afraid that, with his constant remarks about us, Alvaro has doubts."

"Do not worry, ok. I would not let it come between us "

"No, but I know I can not expect you to put our friendship over your relationship."

Mia took Juanma's hand and said, "Now stop it, it's all ok. Alvaro would tell you if he had a problem  in hers and said :", ok, he's just scared that Roberto wants just that kind of friendship like we have "Juanma nodded and pressed  her hand lightly. When they were up at the room, Mia went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. When she returned to the room, Alvaro and Juanma both looked at Juanma's mobile. "What's up?" Mia asked. Without a word, Juanma handed her his phone. Zoe had sent a photo with the signature. "Are you serious, why now?" Mia looked at the photo. It was a letter written on PC

"Dear Zoe,
I've found out that I feel more for Mia than I thought. I'm sorry if I have to tell you so and now, but I can not do that with us anymore. I'm so sorry, I hope you understand me. "Signed, was  the letter with " Juanma" .
She looked at the chat and saw that Juanma had already reacted but it got not through
"Wait, I do not understand." Mia said.

"That was Roberto," said Juanma. "And now I can not reach her. I have no idea if she blocked me or just put out the phone. "

" She did not block you, you still see her picture, "Alvaro said reassuringly.

"Give me his number and I'll ..."

"Now, keep calm, I'll talk to him" Mia picked up her cell phone and disappeared out.

Roberto responded to the first ring. "That was quick, that you miss me," he said.
"If you go on like this, nobody  never will  miss you  again. What was the letter for  Zoe? "

" Which  letter "

" Now do not be stupid. You wrote Zoe a letter in Juanma's name and you ended the relationship. "

"Oh that, but she found it quickly"

"yes and now she is no longer available, so what on earth have you thought of it?"

"I ... I was so mad at Juanma, because he always approaches me directly and because he always has support in you. And I told you, I feel like he wants more from you. "

" Your feeling does not give you the right to do such a thing. And you seriously wonder that Alvaro and Juanma protect me from you? Will Alvaro find such a note soon? "

" No, "Roberto said softly. "I wanted to tell you that earlier, but then you had to go and I forgot. Then you could have warned Zoe"

"I do not want to imagine how she is doing now and Juanma can not even put it right because she has her cellphone out. You really are not normal. "Mia hung up.
Juanma was very pale, he had Zoe sent a voice message in which he said what was with Roberto and Alvaro had confirmed it. But it hurt all that they could not sort it out now, and Zoe was in the belief that JUANMA wanted to quit the relationship. Right now it was bad for her. And for  Juanma either.
She sat down next to Juanma and put her arm around him. "Tomorrow we clarify that ok?" He nodded. Then he got up and said" I'll be right back and bring us something to drink "
"This is really the worst thing of Roberto. How can he do that? "asked Alvaro

" His feeling told him that Juanma wants more from me, "

" so I know when I find printed letters, what to think about it "said Alvaro. "And he just calmed down a bit."

"I'm worried about Zoe," Mia said, "She certainly got upset and even cried, and now in her current state."

They looked at the TV for a moment. Then Alvaro said "Go to Juanma. I think he should not be alone "

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