Go live your way

By Biajen

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how does all going on after the competition i changed the cover because this made my new friend sassycarpente... More

After the competition
Alvaro and Mia
The next day
Mia und Juanma
Juanma and Lupe
where is Juanma
the room behind the gymn
In the night
when you can't sleep
what now
A talk with Juanma
A talk with Juanma 2
Alvaro vs Juanma
strange feelings
The fight
In the Hospital
More Tests
finally back at school
Lupe/ Juanma+ Mia/ Alvaro
the evening
many Talks
The hollidays are over
Mia is ill
Mia feels better
The Date at the River
The performance
Mia can't sleep
In the hospital
A ride in the night
Talk to Juanma
At Alvaros Home
autors note
It's gonna be ok
At Ramiros
The Grave
The dinner
The Party
The rest of the night
Lupe and Alvaro
Juanma and Zoe
the park
At Juanmas Home
The Date
A few days out
The first day
Day 2
Bad News
Calm down
Out of here
Ramiro gets angry
Many talks
In the Disco
The next day
Somebody returns
Somebody returns
The rest of the week
the dinner
The Night
Waiting is hard
Gaspar and Zoe
Zoe and Juanma/ Mia and Mercedes
On the way to the Performance
The performance
In Madrid
Finally back
Talk in the night
The new student
Lupe and Ramiro
Training and a bit time alone
The time before the performance
The 3. Show
The shopping center
What's happened
Visit at the Hospital
Good news
Bad News
Almost weekend
A talk with Roberto
The letter
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Back to school
An evening with Roberto
friends of Roberto amd worries
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sticking together
A part of Robertos Story
withdrawal symptoms
the night
outside again
Saturday night
Roberto und Zoe
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Juanma and Roberto
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The performance
Ski Holiday
The blizzard
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THe show

232 4 0
By Biajen

There were still a few incidents during training, but nothing bad. Friday afternoon, Mia saw him sitting on a bench outside on the way to the go. He was alone and she went to him.
"Everything ok with you?"

"Yes, why are you asking"
"Because you are sitting here alone."
"I have the feeling that I can not live here. It's all so different here "
"How different."

"So strict. You're always in control."
"Oh, that just seems like it took me  long, too ." Roberto said nothing to a monent. Then he said, "It's nice to know it's not just me."

Mia smiled at him. "I'm on my way to Go. Would you like to watch again? "

" If I do not bother you "

" Juanma's coming later . But why should you bother me ? "

" Well, I think he does not like me very much. "
Mia does a few warm-up exercises. Then she turned on the music. "That looks so good when you're dancing" said Roberto. He approached Mia and tried to keep up with her dance moves.

"I really feel like doing the exercise," he said. The door opened and Juanma came in with Alvaro and Zoe. Roberto withdrew right back from Mia while Juanma walked towards her. "We should start," he said, setting the first song. Roberto sat down a bit away from Alvaro and Zoe. Alvaro looked at him with mixed feelings. He did not care that Mia was alone with him on the go, but he also knew that Mia would make it to her personal duty that Roberto would feel better. And he hoped for information as to why Roberto was such a hothead sometimes.
Mia and Juanma all went through the songs once. It went very well and they both looked forward to the performance the next evening. Her friends had all agreed that they wanted to watch and even Gaspar wanted to join. The weekend, Alvaro Mia Zoe and Juanma wanted to stay with Ramiro again, because Mia and Juanma were not there the next weekend.
Ramiro did not mind, he had the feeling that this friendship was very positive for all four, and he learned things from the school that other wise would not be discussed. Of course, on Friday evening there was a lot of talk about Roberto. Juanma said that there were always some problems during the training and he played ruthlessly. Ramiro says that according to his information, Roberto moved to Buenos Aires after his parents split up with his mother and lived here with his grandparents. Ramiro had more information, but he could not talk about it with the students. He simply asked them to fit in a bit and make it easier for him.
When Zoe and Juanma were alone, Juanma said to Zoe, "He's always on Mia when she's alone."
"You know Mia, she was certainly nice to him and then he has some confidence."

"Yes, but that's strange."

"You have heard Ramiro, we should be nice to him. Let's just wait and see. "
She snuggled up to Juanma. "It's nice that we can always use the time here"

"I'm just surprised that Ramiro has not noticed with the room exchange yet"
"Maybe he has and just does not say anything," Zoe said with a grin. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"
"No. Maybe that will come tomorrow. The last time it was gone very quickly "

Alvaro and Mia also talked about Roberto, "He seems to like you," said Alvaro. "Juanma says he's always on the go with you"

"do not be jealous now, I can not send him away"

"I'm not. But he is really a bit strange. You do not imagine how he behaves in training and I feel like there is more to it than just a breakup. Just be careful when you're alone with him. "He hugged her. Mia closed her eyes with relish. She enjoyed his closeness to the fullest. At school they barely had the opportunity to be alone. She was also happy to be with Ramiro. "You have to sleep, you have to be fit for tomorrow," Alvaro said, stroking her back.

Saturday, the four enjoyed together at the river. Juanma had suggested taking advantage of the good weather and clearing their mind before they had to retire for the evening. They had taken something to eat and enjoyed the sun.
When Juanma and Mia arrived at the disco, they were both excited. But it was also the joy to be on stage.
They only slightly changed the order of the songs. When it started and they were on stage they saw directly that their friends from the school stood together and cheered them too. Ramiro was there, too. The songs were sometimes quieter but also a few faster and they tore the audience along. Alvaro did not take his eyes off Mia. Suddenly he was pushed from behind and Roberto stood behind him.
"They are great," he said. Alvaro just nodded. He was incredibly proud of Mia. You could tell she was alive on stage, heart and soul.
After the appearance of various encores, juanma and Mia joined the others. They decided to stay a little longer and enjoy the evening and then They would drive back to Ramiro. Ramiro came to them and hugged both of them and said, "You are great I am proud of you both". When Ramiro left, Roberto came to Mia. "Congratulations, that was a great show. "Thanks," Mia said as Alvaro pulled her to the dance floor. After some time, Alvaro went for drinks and Roberto took the opportunity. He danced to Mia and moved behind her as he gripped her hips. Mia spun out of his hands and walked away a bit.
As the music calmed down, Roberto came closer again, grasped her waist and pulled her close.
Mia propped her hands against his chest and tried to make distance again. When Roberto saw Alvaro  coming back, he kept his distance. Mia was a little disturbed. Roberto should gave understood that she was with Alvaro . It was one thing to dance together, but that  was too close. She decided not to tell Alvaro at first. "It's all ok ," Alvaro said as he came to "Yes," Mia replied. "Can we drive home?"

"Are you tired? The mood is just so good here "

' Too good, "Mia thought. She made her way to Juanma and Zoe. "Okay, we'll stay," she said, sipping her sprite. The boys were dragged along by the basketball players, and Zoe and Mia stayed offside.
"Tell me what did  Roberto want from you " "he just danced with me" "Ok" Zoe said "I'll have a drink too"
As soon as Mia stood alone again Roberto came back to her. "Hey, dance again?"

"No, I'm tired," said Mia.

"Oh, just come a bit." He took her hand and pulled her along. He turned her in his arms and held her tight. When she was so close, she smelled that he smelled of alcohol." "Did you drink something?" "Oh, I met a friend , he gave me something." He pulled her stronger.

Mia broke away now "Roberto that's enough now you know I'm with Alvaro and I do not want that you to come so close to me."

"Ok sorry that was without thinking I just love to dance with you, you're the only one that's really nice to me. "
Now she  almost felt sorry for him again. She briefly took his hand and said, "I did not mean to get mad, but I do not want  any trouble."

"What connects you to Juanma?" He asked.
" Why do you ask".

"Well you dance like that ... confided. I do not know how to express it."
"We are very good friends"

"Maybe we can become good friends too." Mia looked at him with mixed feelings "yes maybe", she said. She was glad when Alvaro came back with Juanma and Zoe and they  finally decided to go.
Alvaro noticed that Mia was calmer, but he thought she would be tired. They just sat down in the living room and then went to bed.
Zoe said to Juanma "Roberto  flirted with Mia " "He did what?"

"He danced it to her and pulled her over and over again. Mia resisted and then he gve up "

" Why did  you not tell Alvaro or me "" Because then there would have been stress and he gave it up then ". Juanma said nothing more, but he decided to watch the new boy..

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