A Wuxia Tale: Blade in Traini...

By ginaddict

51.1K 5.3K 929

Dao is off to train in the military base. His search for his own name and glory starts here. While Hua will f... More

A Weakness in my Blood
A Hellish First Hour
Personal Hell
Special Opponent
The Potential Guard
A Lone Wang
A Demonstration
Remain Alive
Second Test
A Sack of Rice
A Start
Most Prized Possession
A Guard's Mettle
Strongest Man
A Sire's Pride
Crown Prince's Guard
An Unexpected Visitor
Strong Love
Troubled Reunion
Rights and Lies
Princess Nadira
Crazy and Dangerous
Mughal Nest
In Laws
On Leave
Danger in the Air
Spilled Secret
Pitiful Human
Legends and Tales
Insufferably Annoying
Former and Current
A Kingdom's Fate
Mission Accomplished
Voice in the Head
Powerful Weakness
Sojourn Outside
Between Twins
Well Wishes
Standing Still
Pathetic Fool
Handpicked Truths
Interesting Character
A Way to Survive
Still Regrets Nothing
Thank You Note


535 61 21
By ginaddict


So early in the morning yet a surprise was already waiting for me when I went downstairs.

"An invitation from the Empress? Am I reading this right, Nanny?" I showed the message I received to my Nanny and Nana, Dao's Nanny.

"I think what you read is right, child." Nana said. "The Empress is calling for you."

"But why?" This is puzzling. Why would the Empress suddenly called for me. "Is there a problem in the Palace? Oh but wait, if there is a problem, why would they call me? I mean, who am I to fix anything in the Palace? Is this about my twin? Did Dao had a mishap while guarding the Crown Prince? But that's impossible...my brother is perfect." I said, my tone filled with pride for my brother.

Nanny chuckled. "You are like Master Dayu when you think. Your mind wanders everywhere."

"Maybe you should just answer that. Will you accept the invitation, child?" Nana asked.

"Should I?" I sighed. "Baba and Father didn't leave any instruction on what I should do if I get an invitation to the Palace."

"Maybe you should consult your fiance or Master Mei so you can decide." Nanny suggested.

I processed that in my mind and made a decision. "I think I should decide about this by myself. Father taught me to look at things and make decisions based on the variables given to me, I should use that knowledge."

Father adviced me to watch him make decisions around our home and estate. He said by watching, I could learn more than by reading or memorizing steps on how to be a homecarer like him. I should see his mistakes and learn from them, also see what I can improve or change to suit my values and principles.

"Even if I raise you, you are still a different person from me. There is no need to emulate all my methods. You can make decisions of your own, based on your principles..."

He trusts me...my Father. That warms my heart.

I stared at the parchment on my hand. Thinking hard on what I should do.

"Prince Guo already left for his travel with Yong and Manchu. Crown Prince Han is being guarded by my brother. The only thing occupying the Empress' time is the Palace and Princess Cai," I sighed upon remembering the Princess. She and I didn't exactly became friends when I was her playmate.

"Prince Jin won't mind. We are not scheduled to see each other this week. He is busy sorting out the things he will take when he started living here, on the Prince's Pavilion. I am free. The Empress might also be free. So..."

"So?" Both Nanny and Nana stared at me. I smiled at them. I took a parchment and quill and started writing a response for the Empress. "Send this to the Palace, please. I will see her Majesty tomorrow." I told my nannies as I pass my answer to them.

Both my nannies sighed but they nodded. I think they agreed with my decision. Or at least respect it

Is it the right decision? I don't know. But I think I want to know what her Majesty would like to say to me.

It's time for me to face her.



Talking about the future and death with Captain Wang has surprisingly calm me. I think like Uncle Feng, my Captain and I don't fear the future. We know death will be waiting for us, and it doesn't matter...because Captain and I will still be together in the end.

That thought calmed me and I now regard AhRan with a little less hostility. Why will I fear a boy who can see the future?

AhRan cannot scare or surprise me anymore. I don't fear the future.

"I know. I know you don't fear the future, Consort." AhRan said during our luncheon stop. We are a day and a half away from AnHui temple, the place where we will leave AhRan.

I sighed, "Tell me, can you read minds?" I asked the boy while we are sitting on the opposite sides of a little fire where the kettle for tea water is heating up.

We were left alone because Captain Wang is busy watering and brushing down the horses by the little pond that we saw a few meters away. Captain Wang is in charge of the horses, I am left to guard our "mission".

AhRan shook his head, his long, slightly curling hair moving with it. "I can't read minds but I can see the future and the past. I didn't hear your conversation with General Wang last night but I saw it, Consort."

I frowned, "Stop calling me Consort. I am not a Consort in this life..."

"Yes, I understand." AhRan nodded.

What is it that he understands? Ugh! This boy...

"Fine, you can see the future. I will indulge you then, what do you see on my future?" I asked the boy in a sardonic tone.

"Death." The boy replied easily.

I rolled my eyes, "We will all die."

AhRan nodded, "That's true. But you will die without your Captain beside your deathbed." He said.

That made my heart skip a beat. "W-what do you mean? Where will Captain Wang be when I die?"

"Waiting for you...in the afterlife." AhRan said.

That made me sigh, "Damn it! He will get his wish then. He will die before me! Damn it!" I feel a little annoyed that Captain Wang will die first.

But only if I believe this boy, which is still not fully the case. I let my anger leave my body.

AhRan made an amused sound. "Don't worry, you will get your wish too. You will be buried under the cherry blossom tree by the lake beside your lover." He said.

I frowned again, "I see that you heard everything on our conversation last night."

I don't believe for one minute that the boy sees the future. I will bet our horses that AhRan eavesdropped on my conversation with Captain Wang last night. Pretending to be asleep in his tent.

AhRan smiled at me, "You didn't mention that the cherry blossom tree was by the lake last night." He said.

That made me stop. Didn't I mention that last night? I tried remembering what I said to Captain Wang about wanting to be buried under the cherry blossom tree.

I winced when I remembered that I did forgot to mention that the tree was by the lake.

"That's wonderful to know, that I will get my wish as well." I said in a bitter tone. I think this charlatan is saying words I like to hear to make me want to believe him. It's all a trick.

AhRan nodded, "You are lucky. You had a fulfilling life with General Wang before you both died. Fate rewarded you in that way."

Those words made me stare at AhRan. A thought entered my mind. "Let's say I believe your claim of seeing the future. Say I believe your claim that you can see how you will die. You can see how you will die, right?" I just want that one to be cleared again.

AhRan nodded, "I can."

"Fine...so you know how you will die. How will you die?" I suddenly felt curious about that.

"Someone will kill me," AhRan said without hesitation. I froze. Someone will kill him? "You saw that happening?" He saw himself getting killed? This boy?

AhRan nodded. "I saw it. How I will die. My own future and end. That's why I don't let people's animosity and hatred affect me. Nobody can hate my gift more than I hate it myself..."

I felt shame at that. "I don't hate you..."

"You hate that I can see your past. You hate that I know what happened that night in the temple. You hate that I know what you look like in your most vulnerable moment." AhRan uttered without any implication. Or emotion.

My jaws hardened. "I will admit that. I do hate that you know that..."

"Yes, but more importantly, I know that you hated yourself that night. You hated that you were small and weak. That you didn't have the strength to fight them off." AhRan's face was towards me. I know, he is staring at me through the cloth tied around his eyes. "But I will tell you, you were so strong that night. Stronger than when you were killing all those generals. Stronger than when you finally forgave yourself and your lover for your sins. You survived that night. And that's all that matters."

"I was not the only one who survived..." I uttered sofly while staring at the heating keetle.

AhRan made an amused sound again. "I am the last person that will call Master Mei a coward."

I stared at him in amazement. He even know Mei. But then I realized..."You heard our names when Uncle Feng and Luau were talking about us."

AhRan nodded, "I won't deny that. Governor Feng is very fond of his nephews."

"He is scared of you. Why is that?" I asked the boy.

"That's between me and the governor. The water for tea is ready now,"

And like on command, the kettle started whistling as the water inside it boil.

I started making the tea. I look up to see AhRan looking stiff. The boy's lips are clamped tightly. I wonder what is wrong with him.

"Just ask it already," the boy said, in an irritated tone. The first real emotion I saw in him.

"What question? What should I ask?"

"What ever it is on your mind, Consort." AhRan grumbled.

He is back to calling me consort.

"Fine, I don't know why you are getting angry. I don't really have a question...well, except for one. Who will succeed in killing you?" I threw the question with a bit of caution. Thinking it will be too much for the boy. But yes, I want to know who is that person that can pierce the remarkable defense of this boy. AhRan said he can see the future, so he must know who to avoid so he won't die.

AhRan's mouth grew more tensed. Then he sighed. "I said you are lucky in you lover, remember? I meant it. You are lucky to have someone like General Wang by your side. As for me, I will die by the hands of my lover."

My eyes widened at that. "You are still too young to have lovers." I said.

AhRan made an impatient sound, "Did I say that I will die soon? You will die before me, Jian Yu." The boy is snarling at me now.

For some reason, that made me chuckle. Seeing AhRan irritated. It's a noble moment. "It doesn't hurt me to know that I will die before you. I am thirty years older than you..."

Of course it's natural that I will die before AhRan. The boy is only eleven years old.

"But you are talking about a lover already? Someone will love you?" I find that amazing. I couldn't see one lovable bit in this boy. I will admit it now, AhRan is scary. But lovable...

AhRan sighed, "I find it amazing too. Why will he love me anyway?" He grumbled more to himself than to me.

"He? Your lover is a man?" That bit surprised me.

AhRan sneered, "Don't act scandalize now, Consort. You are with a man yourself."

I glared at the boy who got answer on everything. And penchant for throwing that title on my face.

The teas were readied and I put a cup in front of AhRan. "If you will be grumpy and snarling like that, I won't blame your lover if he will kill you. He must have a valid reason."

"Yes, he must have that." AhRan took the cup in front of him and blew to cool it down. "A reason to kill me..."

I sat down again and stared at the boy. "I think you are still lucky. If you can really see the future, then you can avoid this man and avoid getting killed by him." That made sense, right?

AhRan nodded, "That's what I plan to do."

"There," I gestured to him before taking my cup and blowing on my tea. "You have nothing to worry about. Just don't fall for this man and don't take him as your lover and you will be alright. You can change your fate." My lips kissed the rim of the cup so I can sip some tea.

"I will really change my fate. That's why I decided long ago that I will never let Wang Dao come close to me." AhRan said.

The tea that I managed to sip sprayed on the fire when I choked on what he said.

I stared at AhRan in utter shock. Who is the lover that will kill him? Who?! Did he really utter the name...Wang Dao?

I heard footsteps behind me and Captain Wang spoke, "What is going on?" He asked.

AhRan calmly sip his tea while I feel like my world is still shaking.



I think Dayu is beyond shock by AhRan's story. I just tended on the horses during luncheon and when I came back, I found Dayu had fallen on AhRan's trap as well.

My lover listened to the boy and Dayu was livid. Luncheon was promptly cut short and we continued to a deathly quiet travel until it got dark and we have to set up a camp.

Now, my lover glared at the makeshift tent I made for AhRan, looking ready to unload all his fury. The boy is asleep now.

"Hua cursed her brother. Do you remember?" Dayu turned his sharp eyes at me. "When we were about to formally present her to the Imperial Family, she told Dao that whoever her brother will take home to us will be much worse than Prince Jin. Well, she is right. Dao will take a charlatan home to us..."

"Dayu ah," I tried reaching for my lover's hand but Dayu is busy pacing back and forth in front of me. "This won't do at all. I don't want that boy getting near our son..."

"I think AhRan has more reasons to avoid Dao if you will believe his story. You said his lover will kill him. If Dao is his future lover...then our son will kill that boy." I said to Dayu.

"They will not be lovers!" My lover hissed at me. Dayu is truly angry and rattled with this issue of our son having a self proclaimed seer as a lover.

"Let's marry Dao off," Dayu suddenly decided. "When we got back to the Capital after dropping this boy off to some godforsaken temple, let's look for a bride for Dao. Let's do that..."

"Dayu ah..." I winced when Dayu glared at me again. "What? Are you not in agreement with my idea?" There is a warning in my lover's eyes that I should tread carefully while answering.

I sighed, "Do you think Dao will welcome our intrusion to his private life? Yes, he is our son. I don't doubt that Dao will listen to us, if we will only advice him to get married. But if we outright force your son...Dao might not take that kindly."

Dayu processed my answer to his brain. Then my lover's anger deflated and his shoulders slumped. "He will hate us if we will force him to marry. Like how you hated it when your father forced you to leave me to marry someone he likes for you."

"Exactly," I put an arm around Dayu's shoulder to hold him. "I didn't like it when my father tried doing it to me, what made you think I will do that to my own son? Dao is free to marry and love whom he wants. I know that's a bit too forward thinking of me but I want to trust my son in this regard. I want to trust Dao's heart that he will choose the right person for him."

"But what if he choose HIM?!" Dayu gestured at the tent, or more like to the occupant inside it. "I will die, Captain. I will really expire if Dao will take that boy home to us."

My heart is being theatrical. "You will not die. Dayu ah..."

"Let's still advice Dao to marry, Captain. Please," Dayu begged me.

I sighed and nodded, "If that is what you want." I will give in to Dayu's wishes.

Dayu gave me a relief look, "Let's talk to him after this mission. Will that be fine?"

I nodded again. Dayu rewarded me with a smile and a kiss on my cheek. I held him more securely. Dayu is worrying too much. He should have listened to his own advice and not get pull in one of AhRan's story.

But if what the boy said is true, I think Dao's future will be interesting. I wonder how my son will handle his future.

I think more than advicing Dao to marry, Dayu and I should teach our son to be stronger and more resilient. If his future will include a man who can see the past and the future, Dao's life will be truly extraordinary.

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