Go live your way

By Biajen

60.6K 912 620

how does all going on after the competition i changed the cover because this made my new friend sassycarpente... More

After the competition
Alvaro and Mia
The next day
Mia und Juanma
Juanma and Lupe
where is Juanma
the room behind the gymn
In the night
when you can't sleep
what now
A talk with Juanma
A talk with Juanma 2
Alvaro vs Juanma
strange feelings
The fight
In the Hospital
More Tests
finally back at school
Lupe/ Juanma+ Mia/ Alvaro
the evening
many Talks
The hollidays are over
Mia is ill
Mia feels better
The Date at the River
The performance
Mia can't sleep
In the hospital
A ride in the night
Talk to Juanma
At Alvaros Home
autors note
It's gonna be ok
At Ramiros
The Grave
The dinner
The Party
The rest of the night
Lupe and Alvaro
Juanma and Zoe
the park
At Juanmas Home
The Date
A few days out
The first day
Day 2
Bad News
Calm down
Out of here
Ramiro gets angry
In the Disco
The next day
Somebody returns
Somebody returns
The rest of the week
the dinner
The Night
Waiting is hard
Gaspar and Zoe
Zoe and Juanma/ Mia and Mercedes
On the way to the Performance
The performance
In Madrid
Finally back
Talk in the night
The new student
THe show
Lupe and Ramiro
Training and a bit time alone
The time before the performance
The 3. Show
The shopping center
What's happened
Visit at the Hospital
Good news
Bad News
Almost weekend
A talk with Roberto
The letter
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Back to school
An evening with Roberto
friends of Roberto amd worries
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sticking together
A part of Robertos Story
withdrawal symptoms
the night
outside again
Saturday night
Roberto und Zoe
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Juanma and Roberto
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The performance
Ski Holiday
The blizzard
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Many talks

285 4 0
By Biajen

On Tuesday morning, Ramiro announced to Juanma and Mia that an appointment with Charly Martin was made on Wednesday. He would drive the two to him.
In the morning's purchase, Alvaro was called to Mercedes. With mixed feelings, he went to his mother's office.
"You wanted to see me"

"Yes my son sit down".
"You certainly know that yesterday it came to an argument with Ramiro. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I actually acted wrongly. That does not mean now, That I can approve of your relationship with Mia. But I decided to tolerate her first. "
"Mama I really do not understand why you have a problem with her."
"You do not understand that I find it hard to endure her in the family, knowing that she arose from a relationship of Ramiro in a period of time when he left me?"

"Yes, but if I understood the right thing, Lupe" arose"under the same circumstances."
Mercedes fell silent for a moment. Then she said "Anyway. I will tolerate it first. On the condition that make the school like before"
"Yes I will. Thanks mom. "

" You can go now. I'll talk to Mia again. "
Alvaro went back to class. In the afternoon the boys had basketball. Trainig Zoe and Mia watched for a while.
Simon also joined them after a while. Mia talked about her appointment with Charlie Martin the next day and Simon was almost more excited than she was. The three of them decided to go out a bit, because Simon has been a bit short in the last time.

In the evening Mia met Alvaro in the storage room. There they could talk in peace and Alvaro talked about the conversation with his mother.
Mia did not trust the peace, but she did not say that to Alvaro. Alvaro told her that Zoe had kissed Juanma on the cheek and Mia grinned and said "they would be a cute couple"
"Yes, but Juanma seems undecided," said Alvaro.
"Give him time and let Zoe make Mia grin.

They snuggled together on a mattress and enjoyed the silence. Alvaro said after a while "So Friday at Ramiro?And , should we go to the disco again with the others on Saturday? I think after the days now it would be very well and who knows maybe there is even something to celebrate after the game on Saturday "

" Oh the captain is very confident of victory. "Grinned Mia.
"No, but one may hope," he laughed
They remained entangled for a while, then it was getting late and they said goodbye for the night.
Juanma and Mia were a little upset the next day when they started to Charly Martin. He greeted them warmly as always.
"I thought we'd record a couple of songs and then from the time the demo was on the radio I got two requests for live performances in two small clubs, one is here in Buenos Aires, the other is a little further you then stay overnight ". He looked questioningly at Ramiro. Ramiro nodded and Charly told a few more details.
He had already set up contracts, which he gave Ramiro, so that he could look at this in peace and could discuss everything with Juanma and Mia. When they said goodbye after a long time, they stayed so that Ramiro finished everything and then reported again.
Arriving at the school, Mia sought Alvaro and told him everything. He was very happy for Mia and said straight away that the friends in the Buenos Aires show would be all there.
Mia called Isabel to tell her the news. Isabel and she talked for a long time, and this time Mia told her, at least in part, about the problems the relationship with Alvaro had brought.
Thursday and Friday the guys had a final training and Marcelo was very satisfied. The players were in top form and since the disputes were settled mostly, the concentration was better again.
Mia had arranged with Alvaro that they would go to Ramiro's apartment after the trainign, where they would then stay the weekend with the exception of the game and the meeting with the others at the disco the next day.

Ramiro had already shopped the day before and so they were able to prepare a pasta meal until Ramiro arrived.
When Ramro came to it, everything was ready and the 3 spent a great evening. They thanked Ramiro again for the great holiday, but did not say that a surprise was planned. Ramiro also spoke again about Mercedes and Lupe, he had already talked to both again. In fact, Lupe had almost gone out of Mias way during the week. Ramiro said "Mercedes wants to talk to you again next week, and Alvaro if you want you can go with her"
Mia nodded with mixed feelings.A conversation with Mercedes has never been really posotive. Alvaro asked, "How is that between you now?"

Ramiro sighed and said "Well, right now it's a little bit of a hitch, of course it makes he angry that I indirectly threatened to quit her, but we agreed that it stays with separate flats at first, and we see if we can approach each other again. And I'm not even sure if I want that at all. "
Alvaro thought about the time when they were still family with Ramiro. At the moment he had the feeling that he has two fathers but no mother. His mother had changed a lot in the last months and Lupe followed her example unfortunately.
"It would only be a pity if Lupe continues to change so badly," he thought aloud. Ramiro looked at him.

"You know that Lupe is not bad from the ground up, but of course it's all a lot to her as well." "Yes, but she always wanted to be the most beautiful and the best. And she always had mum backing. And how mean she sometimes is with her friends. "
"I've already discussed it with Javier. He had agreed to approach Lupe. Everyone has to get used to this new situation as well. "He paused." But now tell me. Is there any new gossip from the school that was hidden from me? What's up with Juanma and Zoe? "

Alvaro and Mia looked at each other grinning "if we knew that. They both say nothing. "Ramiro laughed" They came out well last weekend. From time to time I thought at night, I should better check your rooms. It were great dasy with you and I could imagine repeating it again. If the other parents allow it. It has been a long time since I saw children or adolescents interacting with each other so carefree.

"He looked into space for a moment."

"Mom never really wanted family holidays," said Alvaro.
Ramiro shrugged. He got up and began to clear the table.
When Mia looked at her phone, she laughed. She showed Alvaro a message from Zoe "Help me Juanma, Fede, Nico and Tobi have dragged Simon and me to play billiards I have no idea of how it goes" After that lots of smileys. Alvaro said "great then their evening is indeed saved"
Ramiro said goodbye and wished the two a nice evening.
Alvaro and Mia cuddled up on the couch. "How much I looked forward to finally being alone with you." Alvaro said. Mia got into his arms and said, "Me too." "What are you thinking about?" Asked Alvaro
"How this should go on. How it will be with Mercedes. "
"Mia enjoy the time. When I go to college, we are not together every day, but Javier has already said that I can come to him at any time, and meanwhile he has resigned himself to your direct nature, "laughed Alvaro.
"Why did you have such a bad relationship with him?"
" That is hard to say. I think that was not easy between my mother and him before I was born. Well and a kid is nice, but not always easy for a relationship "
"Do you want kids?" Mia asked.

"Definitely," said Alvaro. "Not immediately, but when we're ready. Then definitely "
"I wonder how you and Lupe can be so different. By feeling you should have actually been Ramiro's son. But now that it's clear that you have the same parents, I can understand that even less. "

"Ramiro was right Lupe can be very different than it pretends to be outside. You have already seen her differently. I usually get very good at her. "
Mia grabbed his hand. "It's nice to be here together."
" I agree". He put his hand to her chin and turned her face to him and kissed her.
"Would you really have gone to Spain?" He asked. " I think so. I can not watch you clash with your family and be unhappy. "
"Without you, I would be more unhappy," he said. She snuggled up to him again. "It seemed to me the only option. Even if it had broken my heart "
They were silent for a while Then Alvaro said "Are we going to sleep in your room again?" Mia beamed at him.

"Yeah, sure." They made their way to Mia's room. When they were both cuddled in bed Mia said "I love you"
"Not as much as I love you," grinned Alvaro.
"You need to sleep, you have to be fit for the game tomorrow," Mia said.
"If I'm allowed to sleep in your arms, then I'll be more than fit."
They fell asleep quickly. The week had demanded a lot of strength.

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