Go live your way

By Biajen

60.6K 912 620

how does all going on after the competition i changed the cover because this made my new friend sassycarpente... More

After the competition
Alvaro and Mia
The next day
Mia und Juanma
Juanma and Lupe
where is Juanma
the room behind the gymn
In the night
when you can't sleep
what now
A talk with Juanma
A talk with Juanma 2
Alvaro vs Juanma
strange feelings
The fight
In the Hospital
More Tests
finally back at school
Lupe/ Juanma+ Mia/ Alvaro
the evening
many Talks
The hollidays are over
Mia is ill
Mia feels better
The Date at the River
The performance
Mia can't sleep
In the hospital
A ride in the night
Talk to Juanma
At Alvaros Home
autors note
At Ramiros
The Grave
The dinner
The Party
The rest of the night
Lupe and Alvaro
Juanma and Zoe
the park
At Juanmas Home
The Date
A few days out
The first day
Day 2
Bad News
Calm down
Out of here
Ramiro gets angry
Many talks
In the Disco
The next day
Somebody returns
Somebody returns
The rest of the week
the dinner
The Night
Waiting is hard
Gaspar and Zoe
Zoe and Juanma/ Mia and Mercedes
On the way to the Performance
The performance
In Madrid
Finally back
Talk in the night
The new student
THe show
Lupe and Ramiro
Training and a bit time alone
The time before the performance
The 3. Show
The shopping center
What's happened
Visit at the Hospital
Good news
Bad News
Almost weekend
A talk with Roberto
The letter
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Back to school
An evening with Roberto
friends of Roberto amd worries
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Ohne Titel Teil119
sticking together
A part of Robertos Story
withdrawal symptoms
the night
outside again
Saturday night
Roberto und Zoe
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Juanma and Roberto
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The performance
Ski Holiday
The blizzard
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It's gonna be ok

466 11 3
By Biajen

He took her in his arms again and she snuggled up to him. Alvaro chose  another movie, set an alarm clock in the phone and set the timer of the TV.

They were both very tired from the day and it was clear that they would both not stay awake for a long time.

Mia stroked his stomach again, concentrating on his heartbeat.

Alvaro wished that night would never end. He did not really want to fall asleep because he enjoyed it too much, and when he slept the time was over too fast.

Mia could not sleep for a long time, many thoughts were in her head. She knew that she hurt Alvaro very much, if only they remained friends. And part of her wanted more too. She loved him. She was sure of that. But she knew that if she was with him then Lupe would make her life to hell. But she would, too, if she were with Juanma. Actually, the Lupe did it anyway.

She just loved Alvaros warmth. She felt safe and secure. Slowly she overcame the tiredness. She gave Alvaro another kiss on the cheek and said good night. Alvaro hugged her. It just made him unbelieveble happy.

The alarm went on too early. Alvaro had set the alarm so that they could still wake up a bit. He pulled Mia close and closed his eyes again, inhaling her scent. His emotions wen tcrazy. Mia moved a bit.

"Did you sleep well? "Alvaro asked softly.

"Yes, like a baby and you?"

"Me too. I would prefer to just lie down for the whole day."

"We have a few more minutes, right" "Yes," Alvaro said.

They stay for a few minutes cuddled together. After a while, Alvaro said, "I think we should get up." They got up and got ready. Alvaro put Mia's towel in the laundry rack and hid the toothbrush in his room "For the next time," he said with a smile.

When they went out he deactivated the alarm system and activated it again later and carefully they bypassed the cameras.

Laughing, they ran to the car.

At the school, Alvaro knew a door that was not closed on a regular basis. There they actually came in.

They hugged again at the dorm. "See you later," Mia said.

Quietly, she pushed the door open to her and Zoe's room. Zoe was still asleep. She had about half an hour left.

Since it was later in Spain, she wrote Isabel.

Isabel answered that she might not be able to get to her until the next day. Mia wrote to her that she would go to hospital again today and then report back to her. There was hope that he would wake up.

Zoe woke up. When she saw Mia she went to and took her in her arms. "Is everything alright with you?" She asked.

"Yes sure" said Mia. "How was your night?" Zoe wanted to know.

"It was really nice with Alvaro. And he was so cute to me, "Mia raved. Zoe grinned meaningfully. "We talked a lot," said Mia "It was really beautiful".

"How did you stay?" Zoe asked. "We are still friends. I'm attached to him a lot but right now I just can not do anything more than friendship. "" And that's not by chance because of Juanma? "Zoe asked. "Oh Zoe I do not know. No. Yes. I dont know. I'm so scared about Mercedes. Who knows what is with Ramiro. There are so many things "

"Yes, you are right." "Alvaro is so understanding," Mia said. "He even understands Juanma, even if he finds it very difficult."

"Well ... it's a completely complicated situation. Juanma understands a lot. Yesterday we talked for a long time, I think it did him good. "

"Thanks Zoe. That you looked after him yesterday. That was good. "

" I hope so"

Mia went to take a shower and they got ready for school.

After class all met in the Go Workshop.

Olivia just said that Juanma and Mia should start when Alvaro came rushing into the room, picked Mia up and whirled her around and shouted, "Ramiro woke up. We can go straight to him if you want, Mom just told me. "Mia put her arms around his neck and the others smiled with relief. Mia looked questioningly at Olivia and Olivia said, "Yeah sure. You can perform that later. "Mia and Alvaro went to the hospital.

Ramiro was still in intensive care, but he was awake and approachable. They were allowed to stay for half an hour and they told him about the school.

He hoped he would be back soon. Mia writes to Isabel and tells her that Ramiro is awake and out of danger. They then decided together that Isabel did not have to come directly but preferred to come when it suited better.

Alvaro wanted to go for a walk with Mia to the river. They were both so relieved, that Ramiro was doing better, and wanted to enjoy the time a bit. Lupe had also arrived at the hospital with Mercedes to look for Ramiro.

At school, it knocked on Mia's and Zoe's door. Zoe opened the door. When she saw Juanma standing in front of her, she said, "Hi, sorry, but Mia is not there yet." I know, "said Juanma. "She's still in the hospital, but I wanted to see you. Can I come in shortly?" "To me?" Zoe was speechless. " come in". She looked at him questioningly.

"Zoe, you surely know that soon is Mias birthday " "Yes in three weeks," Zoe said. "Yes and I thought we could surprise her. With a party. Now that Ramiro is on the road to recovery, she sure would like a party. "" Great idea, what are you planning to do? "

"Well, I did not have plantned yet. I thought we were planning this here in the cafeteria. Now we can ask Ramiro for permission again. Mercedes would not have allowed that for Mia. I thought we could invite Gaspar and maybe even Isabel could come. "

"This is a great idea, I'll write to Gaspar later, he also has the number of Isabel." "Yes and please tell it to Simon and I talk to Alvaro, then we plan this together, but no one can tell her something"

"That will be a great surprise." Zoe rejoiced.

Juanma got up and said goodbye to Zoe. For dinner, Mia and Alvaro were also back. Alvaro briefly said in the cafeteria how Ramiro was and that he should greet all from him.

After the meal, Mia went to Juanma "Should we make up our performancefrom this afternoon?" She asked. "Yes, of course,"

On the Go, they went through the song twice. They tried a few more changes.

Juanma asked, "When will Ramiro get away from the Intensive?" "He shouldstay under control a few days.. If he recovers well, he does not have to stay there much longer. "That would be great, I'm glad Mia. I told you everything will be fine." "Yes, I'm glad. But what happened to you yesterday? "

"I'm sorry that Fede bothered you."

"Juanma he did not bother me, and that's not what it's about, I want to know what happened."

"Oh, you know that, you wrote me that you're with him. At home. Somehow all myfeelings went crazy. "

"I just wanted to be honest. I also told him that we were both together before. "

"Oh great then he'll be angry with me," Juanma said morosely.

"No he will not, but do you expect me to lie? Would you like to be lied to by me? Would you prefer that? "

"No," Juanma said quietly, "Why did you send Zoe"

"I did not want to tell Fede the place. Zoe knew it because we talk much, but she would never run after you. I was hoping you would talk to her "

" I have.. Honestly, before the beginning of this school year, I would not have exchanged a word with her and she would not have talked to me. She also told me that clearly. She is damn honest. "

"Oh yes," Mia interjected.

"At first I was really annoyed. But somehow it was good. "

"Should we go through the song again?" Mia asked "Yes, of course," replied Juanma.

They danced for a while until Mia asked, "Are you mad?"


"Because of yesterday for example".

"No. It hurt somehow. Well, imagine if I had spent the last night withLuper for example. I .... I do not want to talk about it, okay, Mia. "

" It just so happened. We were on the way and ... "

"And then you happened to get past Alvaros house and the car ran out of fuel right?"

"No we .."

"Mia I said I do not wantto talk about that. You don't need to explain something to me"

"But I have the feeling Ineed to explain., I realize that this bothers you. Juanma it happened nothing, I think Alvaro just wanted to have some time allone with me "

" Yes, I can imagine that."

"Juanma please ..."

"Mia I told you I do not want to talk and you talk about it all the time. And then you do not understand when I get angry. You know, I am alsohappy to be alone wizh you. And the evenings we had I enjoyed endlessly. I try to understand that Alvaro needs you and you need him too, I accept it even if it hurts and I do not want to talk to you about it, because I don't want to burden you. So please leave it here now "

Mia said nothing more. She turned and wanted to leave.

Juanma grabbed her by the arm. "Hey, do not go just like that. You need to understand that I do not necessarily want to hear about your night with Alvaro right? I know it now and that's ok. What would you like to hear from me now? "

"I do not want it to be between us." Juanma took a deep breath, holding her by the shoulders and looking her in the eyes. "Mia, it's all alright. There is nothing between us and I am not mad. It hit me yesterday, but it's ok now. I would like to just let the thoughts away and sing with you.Ok?

They performed the song twice more, and then Juanma said, "I think they will close here soon, we should go now"

"ok," Mia said. They said goodbye and each went to their rooms.

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