A Wuxia Tale: Blade in Traini...

By ginaddict

51.1K 5.3K 929

Dao is off to train in the military base. His search for his own name and glory starts here. While Hua will f... More

A Weakness in my Blood
A Hellish First Hour
Personal Hell
Special Opponent
The Potential Guard
A Lone Wang
A Demonstration
Remain Alive
Second Test
A Sack of Rice
A Start
Most Prized Possession
A Guard's Mettle
Strongest Man
A Sire's Pride
Crown Prince's Guard
An Unexpected Visitor
Strong Love
Troubled Reunion
Rights and Lies
Princess Nadira
Crazy and Dangerous
Mughal Nest
In Laws
On Leave
Spilled Secret
Pitiful Human
Legends and Tales
Insufferably Annoying
Former and Current
A Kingdom's Fate
Mission Accomplished
Voice in the Head
Powerful Weakness
Sojourn Outside
Between Twins
Well Wishes
Standing Still
Pathetic Fool
Handpicked Truths
Interesting Character
A Way to Survive
Still Regrets Nothing
Thank You Note

Danger in the Air

499 47 6
By ginaddict


I feel a lot better after four hours of undisturbed sleep. When I woke up, I found Captain Wang still at home, writing and sending letters, waiting for me to get up.

"Hello, my heart." Captain kissed my cheek. "Did you had a nice rest?"

"Yes." I nodded before giving my lover a questioning look. "Why are you still here? Shouldn't you be in the Palace, overseeing the security for the banquet?"

Captain Wang nodded. "I should, but some guests had arrived."

"Guests? Who?"

"Your uncle and Luau." My Captain sounded disgruntled while answering.

I felt surprised. "Uncle Feng and Luau are here?" I look around our anteroom. "Where are they?" I asked when I didn't see our guests around. "When did they arrive?"

"During breakfast. They are resting in the guestrooms. Hua entertained them with stories and teas while the nannies readied the rooms." My lover replied. "I am sending messages to my subordinates. I will leave for the Palace after lunch to inspect the security measures I ordered to be imposed. But for now, your uncle wants to talk to us."

"About what?" I asked in curiosity.

"About the "parcel" we met last night." Captain Wang replied ever so casually. I felt my eyes widening. "My Uncle Feng knows..."

Captain Wang nodded. "He knows about the boy."

"Oh my..." I am about to feel lightheaded again. "And he is here to talk about the "parcel"?"

"That's what he said, yes."

"Then why didn't you wake me up?" I cannot believe Captain Wang let me sleep while there is an important thing that happened while I am resting.

"It can wait," Captain sighed. "You need the rest. This day will be long for us. Besides, your uncle needs some rest after his travel from SiChuan."

I scoffed. "I doubt my uncle tasked himself in this trip. He might have an experience in military and governing a province but Uncle Feng is not averse to luxury. I know he traveled very comfortably." I said.

"Even so, they need the rest so I decided to let you to sleep. And I think you should eat first before meeting them." Captain suggested.

"No. I am not hungry. Lets talk to Uncle first." I shook my head.

"But luncheon is still two hours away, my heart. You are hungry," my lover insisted.

"No! I am not hung--..." I stopped talking when Captain and I heard a growling sound from down between us. I put a hand on my middle.

Captain Wang chuckled softly. He kissed my cheek again. "You need to eat. I insist that you do. I will order some tea and buns. Eat first before talking to your uncle and Luau. They are not going anywhere."

I sighed and nodded my agreement to his decision.

And that's what I did. I downed two cups of tea and some savory buns before I washed and changed my clothes. I went to check on Hua first and saw my daughter getting her bathing equiptments ready. Hua will took a bath in her room after luncheon. The big wooden tub is already placed on one corner of her room, ready to be filled with bath water.

"Your Baba and I will have a meeting with your GrandPa Feng and Uncle Luau. You don't need to attend that meeting nor you need to know the details of it. Stay here in your room and we will see you in luncheon." I told my daughter.

"I understand, Father." Hua nodded. I smiled and pass a gentle hand on her hair.

"We will keep her occupied, Master Dayu." Dao's nanny said. She and Hua's nanny will help my daughter on her bath.

"Thank you, Nanny." I nodded to them before leaving Hua's room to go to the library where I saw my lover, my uncle and Luau waiting for me.

"Uncle," I bowed respectfully to the man who is a dear friend of my deceased father and uncle. Uncle Feng helped Uncle Shu to raise us. Mei and I has deep respect and love for the former governor of SiChuan.

"My nephew," Uncle Feng came forward to hug me. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed in his familiar scent. Uncle Feng leaned out to regard my face. I smiled at him. Uncle sighed. "It's truly hard not to miss your mother whenever I am seeing her eyes and smile on you." He chuckled. "Gege, your father, must be really thankful that you didn't inherit his ugly face."

"Uncle," I chuckled at his jest.

Uncle turned serious. "But you got their strength. Your Baba and Uncle Shu. You got their determination. Your bravery from your mother. Heaven knows she was a remarkable woman." Uncle Feng shook his head. "What am I doing? Reminiscing about the people I lost a long time ago. I am fast becoming a silly old man, Dayu ah."

"Don't say that. I love hearing stories about my parents and uncle from you." I countered his words.

"Well, I am not here to talk about the people I loved and treasured the most before I had you, Mei and Luau in my heart." Uncle Feng moved away from me. "I am here to talk about the person you met last night."

I nodded. "The "parcel"."

"Yes. That. Him..." Uncle Feng sighed.

"How did you know about him, Uncle?" I asked while Uncle and I went deeper into the room and I watched as he sat on the end of the table that Hua and Dao used when we have a lesson here.

"The Emperor introduced us. But that...boy...he is different."

"He claims that he can see the past and the future. Do you believe him?" I asked my Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng hesitated for a bit before he nodded. "Yes," he said.

I reeled back in surprise. Uncle Feng is one of the wisest man I know. "How can you let that boy hoodwinked you into thinking that he is really a seer that can see the past and future? You cannot be this stupid, Uncle..."

"I am not stupid," Uncle sneered at me. "I just have proof to believe what the boy is claiming that he is. He came from a small tribe in middle Tibet that practiced sorcery and witchcraft. The boy is no charlatan."

Captain Wang and I looked at each other.

"But Uncle..."

"Dayu ah, listen to me...the boy is not cursed nor he is crazy. He is dangerous, though. He knows things that he uses to his advantage. For someone so young, he already seen a lot with those eyes of his. Don't underestimate the boy nor get too attach to him." Uncle Feng gave us looks filled with warning. "Just finish this mission and go back to Hua and Dao in the Capital. I was against this mission, I begged the Emperor not to ask the two of you to do these but...it obviously didn't work. The two of you, just think of your children. Finish this mission and come back here in the Capital."


Uncle grasped my hands to his. "Protect Hua and Dao. Protect your family. Keep them close to you. I know you worry about the future, Dayu ah but don't be tempted to find what lays on the future. Don't ask questions if you are afraid to know the answers. Just take the boy to that temple and leave him there. That's the mission...that's all you need to do."

I sighed. "Are you scared of him, Uncle?"

Uncle Feng laughed hollowly at the question. "Only a stupid buffoon won't be scared of that boy." The old man's eyes sharpened. "And Shu didn't raise any stupid boy, does he, Dayu ah? You are no one's fool. You are intelligent and shrewd. Use that mind of yours and be scared of that boy. He is not someone that should touch your children. Or Mei's..."

Captain Wang puts a hand on my shoulder. "We will keep your counsel in mind, Governor."

Uncle Feng looked at my lover. He nodded somberly. "I won't worry too much because you are with my nephew." He turned his eyes back to me. "Let your lover protect you. Protect each other."

I decided to listen to the Uncle's words. I think he was truly spooked by this child. If I am being utterly honest, even I feel unnerved by this boy.

"Did he say something to you, Uncle? About your future?" I asked my uncle.

Uncle Feng's face set in a hard expression. "I know my future. I know only death awaits me. I am not scared of dying, Dayu ah. I would welcome it. My mother is waiting for me on the other side of the veil. So are your parents and Uncle Shu. Death...will be a gift for me. I love you and Mei...and your children but death will be a gift I will welcome with open arms. I am not afraid of the future."

I don't know what to say to that. i nodded. "So did that boy says something about your past?" I asked instead.

I felt a jolt of surprise when Uncle flinched. He also let go of my hands. "The past...should stay in the past. The future should never mixed with it. I know I told you before that what happened in the past determines what we should do in the present but I would very much love it if the future won't be involve in our past. Protect your children, Dayu ah. I know I don't have to advice you on this because I am aware of the cautions you are putting to protect Hua and Dao. But still...humor this old man, I love your children."

I smiled, "I know, Uncle. Thank you for always caring for Hua and Dao."

Uncle Feng patted my cheek, "Because I know how much they make you happy. Forgive this old man, Dayu ah. If I can, I would take this mission from you...but a higher power won't listen to me."

"The Emperor has a mind of his own." I said.

Uncle Feng nodded, "But he is not above getting influenced. The boy has a lure that can seduce you to listen to him. But no matter what he said, understand that he is not a deity nor a god. He is just a boy with a certain gift and a way to express himself." He sighed. "All I want is to caution you and protect my grandchildren."

I looked at my Uncle again. I nodded determinedly at him. "I will protect the children, Uncle. Mei and I, we won't let anything unsavory happen to them. Captain and Master Jiang too. I promise."

"That is right, Governor." Captain Wang seconded my promise. "As long as I am alive, nothing destructive will touch the children."

"Then beware of that boy. He is...dangerous in ways we cannot explain yet. Don't get too close to him." Uncle sighed tiredly. He let my hand go. "Take him to that hidden temple and leave him there. Undisturbed. And I hope he won't descend on us again."

"How can that be?" Luau gave me a concerned look too. "He advices the Emperor. That boy couldn't be erased be erased in our lives." Uncle Shu's former protegee shudder visibly. "That boy...he is strange. The way he speaks and moves. His manners..."

I pressed a palm on my mouth as I breathed deeply. "Yes, he is all that. But is he proved to be too dangerous for us, the decision is easy, I will dispose him." I said after thinking about it.

Captain Wang gave me a wide eyed look. "Dispose...you mean kill the boy? Dayu ah..."

"I've done it before, I can do it again." I said in full confidence. "Or have you forgotten what I am capable of?" I asked my lover.

"You mean poisoning a whole household including innocent children?" Captain chuckled hollowly. "No, I know who and what you are, my heart. But this boy is different. You think he won't know when you are planning to kill him?"

"Should I care about that?" I challenged my lover. "I am the "Shadow". There is no target I cannot get. I don't care if my enemy is a clairvoyant. Someone who can see what will happen. I can keep him guessing about my plans. If the safety of my children are at stake, what can't I not do to secure them? Tell me, what won't I do. What line won't I cross?"

"That is not..." Captain Wang sighed. "Fine. You are right. If this is about Hua and Dao, yes, what line won't we cross? I think nothing..."

I nodded in gratitude at his agreement. I know I can count on my Captain to support me in this. We are talking about our children after all. Our Hua and Dao.

"So are you saying this boy is a threat to my children? To Jiang's children?" Captain asked Uncle Feng.

Uncle Feng visibly clenched his jaw, "He is a danger to all of us. He is a danger to this kingdom. He is a danger to our reasonable thinking. He is, dangerous."

He is dangerous. AhRan, with his eyes that are almost all white, is a dangerous creature for my family and Mei's family.

Well, if he proves to be too dangerous, I can always kill him.

Child or not, if he is a threat to Dao and Hua's future...he needs to go.



Something dangerous is lurking around.

As my Crown Prince readied for the evening banquet in honor of Prince Guo's approaching travel, I felt myself steeling as my instinct scream at me that something, or someone, dangerous is lurking in the Palace.

It prompted me to sit on one corner of the Crown Prince's bedchamber, laid out my arsenals and started cleaning them. Polishing and sharpening them to my standard. While still keeping one eye on my ward as tens of servants helped Prince Han to his bath and dressing.

Captain Ching came around mid afternoon to check our preparation. His eyebrow lifted when he saw what I am doing.

"There is really something not right with you, boy." The captain sighed.

"What?" I leveled a dagger on my eyes to see if I miss a spot.

"You are aware that you are making everyone nervous with your...whatever this is..." Captain Ching gestured at my laid out weapons on the wide window sill. I laid out a cloth on the sill to avoid any steel from slipping. "These are servants and helpers, not guards. And we all know them. Most of them had been here way before you were born."

"Good, they are trustworthy. Go ahead and trust them...leave me to my own mussings."

I look at the servants moving around my Crown Prince who smiled at me while his arms are outstretched as the helpers fit his robe on him.

"What is going on, really?" Captain Ching asked, with curiosity this time.

I stare into his eyes. "Will you believe me?"

"This is no time for loyalty test, Wang Dao. Just tell me what is going on..." Captain Ching gave me a steely gaze.

"Fine," I palmed the handle of my dagger and bounce it around. "I think I smell danger in the air." I gave it to him steadily.

Captain Ching nodded. Then he turned to his immediate lieutenant. "Inform General Bam that Wang Dao is sensing danger around. Order the guards to roam the Palace and see if there are unusual things or people not in their supposed posts. Then report back to me."

I listened as Captain Ching gave those instructions to his lieutenant. When that soldier left, Captain Ching went back to me. I gave him a questioning look. "Just like that? You mobilize people because I said I sense something dangerous is lurking?"

Captain Ching chuckled. "Yes. Why not? We don't take anything for granted here in the Palace of the Crown Prince. We have the people. We have the resources, why won't we use them? And besides, if you gave me this warning and I didn't heed it, then something untowards happen, what are the chances that you won't rub this on my face?"

"Zero," I replied to that honestly.

"I thought so too. And if you rub my mistake on my face, my patience my slip and then I might kill you. You see, me taking your words seriously just saved your life." Captain Ching gave me a fully bright smile.

He is...

I sneered at that. "Like you could kill me," I went back to polishing my knife. "My Baba failed to do it, what made you think anyone will succeed in killing me?" I inwardly winced after speaking when I remembered the two persons that could kill me.

I forgot for a moment that I have a sister, a very deadly sister, and a Father who could, and would, string me upside down if I so much as take my life for granted.

Up until now, Hua and Father are still clueless about my last test, when I attacked Baba and Baba almost crippling me.

Wonderful. My secrets are finally beginning to file up.

"Dao," I woke up from my mussing when Captain Ching called my name. "Yes Captain." I focused on him.

"You sensing danger would also mean that you have to be more alert and vigilant in your surrounding. Never drift away from our Prince." Captain Ching turned his head to Prince Han.

"I will, Captain." I accepted that command.

"Good." Captain Ching waved his hand on my weapons. "Finish that and clean up already. We have a banquet to attend."

"Will do," I nodded and watched as Captain Ching moved away to look around the Crown Prince's chamber and supervise the whole robe ceremonial of dressing the heir to the throne.

My eyes moved to my weapons and through the ground under the window. I saw people dressed in greys being led around by strings. They look like a band of blind people. The group consists of different people. There are grown men, a couple of women and even some children. About fifty or so...some witb blindfolds on their eyes.

It looks like this banquet will have an unusual performance stored for us.


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