A Wuxia Tale: Blade in Traini...

By ginaddict

51.1K 5.3K 929

Dao is off to train in the military base. His search for his own name and glory starts here. While Hua will f... More

A Weakness in my Blood
A Hellish First Hour
Personal Hell
Special Opponent
The Potential Guard
A Lone Wang
A Demonstration
Remain Alive
Second Test
A Sack of Rice
A Start
Most Prized Possession
A Guard's Mettle
Strongest Man
A Sire's Pride
Crown Prince's Guard
An Unexpected Visitor
Strong Love
Troubled Reunion
Rights and Lies
Princess Nadira
Crazy and Dangerous
Mughal Nest
In Laws
On Leave
Danger in the Air
Spilled Secret
Pitiful Human
Legends and Tales
Insufferably Annoying
Former and Current
A Kingdom's Fate
Mission Accomplished
Voice in the Head
Powerful Weakness
Sojourn Outside
Between Twins
Well Wishes
Standing Still
Pathetic Fool
Handpicked Truths
Interesting Character
A Way to Survive
Still Regrets Nothing
Thank You Note


473 54 3
By ginaddict


I didn't get to sleep at all last night.

As the dawn breaks, I found myself in the anteroom of the Master's chambers, sitting by the large window and looking out as light slowly reveal the beauty of my home, Wang Estate.

Last night almost turned into a tragedy. I closed my eyes as I remember the feeling of losing control that prompted my lover to hold me back before I can get my hand on that...boy...and kill a little human.

But the calm way the Emperor, the Empress and that boy...AhRan, sat as I struggled against my own lover's hold just told me that the boy anticipated my reaction and he had warned the Emperor and the Empress about it.

A boy that can see the past and future...dare I believe that?

"Utter ridiculousness..."

"My heart," I look around to see my lover filling the door leading into our private chamber. Captain Wang is wearing a pair of pants made of soft fabric and a robe...that's all. The front wide expanse of his chest is uncovered as well as his feet that moved as he walked over to where I am sitting. "Did you even sleep, Dayu ah?" My lover sat down beside me, facing me.

"How can I sleep?" I retorted back a question at him. "That boy..."

"AhRan," Captain winced at me. "We have to familiarize ourselves with AhRan as he is our mission..."

"I think he is familiar to us already," my words came out as a growl. "He knows about my mother and the man who violated her..." I stopped as I remembered that the man who broken my mother's spirit is my lover's own sire.

Captain Wang sighed. "I know the shock that you felt when AhRan said that. But...he is just a boy."

"He knows about the abuse I suffered on the hands of those monks. He knows about my travels with my Uncle and Cousin. He knows my hatred of temples. What else does he knows?"

"Let's assume that he knows all." Captain Wang said before a light appeared in his eyes. "And...you hate that he knows a lot about us because..."

"It's information." I said in a steely tone. "Information is weapon, Captain. And right now, that boy has a lot of weapons he can use against us..."

"Against us?" My lover winced. "Dayu, you sounded like you think this boy is our enemy..."

My stony silenced clued Captain Wang of what I think about that.

Yes. I easily placed AhRan as my enemy.

I don't like that boy, with his condenscending demeanor and cold tone. His unassuming appearance and the way he addressed me as "Consort".

"I don't believe that he can see the past and the future. I don't know what kind of sorcery he has to learn about certain thinga from our past, but one thing I know for sure...I don't like it. I don't like that boy, his tone, his words. He easily gets under my skin," I said to my lover.

Captain Wang nodded, "I understand. He is an opponent then. And you hate that your opponent has weapons to use against us. It puts you in a disadvantage..."

"It puts us in a disadvantage," I made that clear to my lover. "Us. And I don't like that." An understatement. I don't just don't like it...I loathe being in a disadvantaged position.

But Captain Wang smiled. "You don't like that? You...an assassin who infiltrated a military base and surround himself with thousands of enemies, some highly skilled officials, to get his revenge. You? Who are you and when will you reveal the real Dayu to me?" My lover's smile turned teasing.

I moaned at that. "This is different. I was the "Shadow" then..."

"And you are still that "Shadow". My heart..." Captain Wang's hands reached out to take mine. "Didn't I tell you, let that "Shadow" out. Live as you please. Don't suppress that part of you. I will still love you..."

Yes, Captain Wang did say that. He told me while we were bathing together in the bathhouse. A moment when I felt truly loved by him.

I sighed. "I just worry...if that boy knows about my, our, past...what about the other thing he can see?"

"The future?" Captain Wang frowned as he nodded. "I thought you don't believe that he can see the future?"

I reeled in surprise at that. "Yes! I don't believe it! But what if...?"

"What if what? What about the future you worry about?" Captain Wang slightly frown.

He is frustrating me. "What do you mean...what about it? It's our future?"

"Yes," Captain smiled again. "What's to worry about our future? I already planned it. Our future will be you and me, growing old together. What's so worrisome about that?"

I sighed tiredly at that. I also pulled my hand out of my lover's hold. "You...have such simple way of thinking about this..."

"Do I?" Captain Wang chuckled. "Or maybe you are overthinking about this. The future can take care of itself. I don't worry about the future when I have you by my side."

That is...sweet, I guess.

"What about Hua and Dao?" I finally voiced out my worry. "Our children's future..."

Captain Wang turned serious. "Hua and Dao will sort their future by themselves. Their lives are on their hands. We don't have a say in that, Dayu ah..."

"I know but..." I feel frustrated. "Look at us now. Hua's future is hanging on a balance because of the appearance of her fiance's biological mother. Dao's future..." I frowned. "Do you have any idea what Dao intends to do in his future?"

Captain Wang's lips pursed a little. "Dao intends to be a soldier, a general, and he..." my lover stopped.

I nodded encouragingly at him. "And? And what?"

"And..." Captain Wang frowned deeply. "And what else does our son planned for his life?" My lover looked as baffled as I am feeling about Dao's plans.

"Oh my..." I cannot help but feel dismay at that. "Is that all what he wants to do with himself? Be a soldier and ascend up as a general?"

"Being a soldier and a general are no easy tasks, Dayu ah." Captain sounded defensive for his profession.

"I know that." I conceded that fact. "But if Dao has a plan for those things, his mission is as good as accomplished. Dao has good instincts in getting his goals. But do we really want our son's life to revolve around his career? What are his other plans?"

"I don't know," Captain Wang winced.

I feel flattened by that. "We are lousy parents," I sighed dejectedly.

"No we are not!" Captain Wang scoffed. Clearly affronted. "Dayu, we both know that no one can know the future..."

"That boy said he can see the future," I argued to my lover.

Captain Wang scowled. "That statement will only have credence if we will believe him. Which we don't. So, maybe the boy knows some of our past, so what? It will only be a weapon if we will let him use those knowledge against us. As for him seeing the future, I will only believe it if I see tangible evidence," My lover snorted. "Dayu ah, I will tell you now, I will not lose to an eleven year old pale looking toddler."

"He is not a toddler," I sighed. "But you are right, he only has enough power if we will let him control us." I smiled. "I feel less worried now,"

Captain Wang smiled, "That's good to know." My lover suddenly turned serious. "And Dayu ah, if you think you won't be comfortable doing this mission, tell me now. I can do this on my own. I can deliver that boy to his destination..."

He is being noble again, my Captain Wang. I let out a deep sigh. "That's a tempting offer. But I think I am like Hua, I will feel more at peace if I will know that I will be there to help my partner in times of his need. And this is clearly a dangerous mission. If that boy is the seer Prince Jin's mother is seeking, hiding him well is important in this whole fiasco."

"I think you are right." Captain Wang nodded. Then he gave me a critical stare. "You didn't sleep last night, how will you function later? The banquet is today and you will help Hua to get ready."

"I can do that. I am used to sleepless nights. When I was training under my Uncle and exacting my revenge, I can go on days without sleeping..."

"Decades ago." Captain Wang reminded me gently. "But since living with me and the twins, you developed a regular pattern of sleeping and resting. You should rest." My lover is clearly worried.

It touched my heart. My Captain Wang is always thoughtful when it comes to my welfare. My hand rose to touch his cheek. I smiled at him. "Thank you, for your concern for me..."

"It's more than concern. I love you," Captain Wang's determined tone made that point clear.

I nodded, "I love you too. Stop worrying, I will rest. I will take the morning off from worrying about Hua and the estate so I can rest with you. Our plans for tonight has been finalized and all ready anyways. No need to contemplate about that more."

Our plans to take AhRan, the seer boy, away from the capital and into somewhere secluded has already been in place. We are ready to travel.

Captain Wang nodded in satisfaction before he sidled close to hug me. I rest my head against his collarbone as I close my eyes.

In my lover's arms, I can rest.



Dayu slept all morning. Hua and I dined together for breakfast and she asked after her Father. It's not anything unusual as our daughter is used to having Dayu take care of everything from morning til sunset.

"He is not sick, right Baba?" Hua asked carefully while we are eating.

"No. Your Father just had a fretful night and he didn't get enough sleep so he needs this morning to rest." I said in clarification.

Hua sighed in relief. "I see. Then I won't disturb him. I will spend my time preparing for the banquet with my nannies."

I smiled at my wise daughter. "Ready for tonight's festivities in the Palace?"

"As ready as I can be. At least I will see Dao there, right Baba?" Hua's eyes are hopefully expectant.

I nodded. "Your brother will be there."

"That's great then. I have something to say to him," my daughter equipped.

That got me curious but..."I won't ask what it is because I think it'll be more twin shenanigans between you two. Just act accordingly on the Palace and stay close to your Father or fiance."

"I will, Baba." Hua nodded in obedience before focusing on her food again.

I sighed as I stared at my daughter. Hua seemed...calm and happy. And it's giving me peace. I know, whatever sacrifice Dayu and I made to secure Hua's happiness will be paid in fold as we watch Hua live a peaceful life with the man she will marry.

I joined my daughter in enjoying our breakfast. We were still in the middle of it when a servant came in the dining room with a news.

"Master General, Governor Feng is approaching." The helper said.

I frowned at that while Hua's eyes widened in pleasant surprise. "GrandPa Feng is here?"

"Why is he here?" I am not sure what I will feel knowing that Dayu's other uncle is here.

Governor Feng, the powerful former governor of SiChuan, a great friend to Dayu's Uncle Shu and a close advisor of the Emperor is here in the Capital. And I am sure, he got a full army of guards with him. Most of them spies...

"Master Luau is here as well," the helper winced when I scowled. Luau was a protegee of Master Shu and is now the current governor of SiChuan. Luau is fiercely loyal to Governor Feng, Dayu and Mei. He adores my children and Mei's children. But his loyalty to me and Jiang are still in question.

As is Governor Feng. The old man is not shy in divulging his dislikes for the men his nephews chose to love and live with.

And now those two men are here. Hours before we have to dangerous and sensitive mission of securing a child seer away from the Capital.

Great. This is just fabulous.

Hua and I stood up from the table and didn't bother to finish breakfast. Hua just ordered trays of tea to be readied for our guests. Then my daughter excitedly bounded to the entrance to welcome her Uncle Luau and GrandPa Feng. I reluctantly followed her.

Six horses approached our home and when they got close, the horses stopped and their riders unmounted one by one.

Luau was the first to greet us. "General Wang...Hua!" Luau warmly greeted my daughter as Hua went to hug her uncle.

"Uncle Luau, I'm so happy you are here," Hua smiled brightly at her uncle as Luau let her go. "Yes, I am here to support my lovely niece on this banquet."

"Really?" Hua look back at me. "They are here for the banquet, Baba."

"Wonderful," I don't know what to say to that except...wonderful.

"Yes, it's great!" Hua turned around again to see her GrandPa Feng approaching. "GrandPa!" Hua excitedly hug Governor Feng.

"My flower," the usually strict expression on the governor's face softened as he hugged my daughter back. "Let me look at you." Hua leaned out and Governor Feng nodded. "You grew more beautiful every time I see you, our flower. And your letters to me are getting better and better in terms of penmanship and contents. Dayu must be so proud."

"I hope so. Thank you GrandPa." Hua glowed under her grandfather's praises.

Okay, I will give it to the old man. Governor Feng truly loves my children.

"How is your brother?" The governor asked. "I heard he had a day off a week ago."

"He did. And he visited us. He is good, GrandPa. We will see him in the banquet tonight." Hua replied jovially.

"Good. I will talk to your brother. I truly miss you two. A lot. And I have some gifts for you." Governor Feng patted Hua's hair gently before finally turning his gaze at me. "General," he acknowledges me.

"Governor," I bowed respectfully to him.

"Where is my Dayu?" The Governor asked while looking around.

"Father is resting, GrandPa. He had a fretful night. We should let him rest," Hua answered that question.

"I understand," Governor Feng nodded. He smiled at Hua. "Can I request some tea as I wait for your Father to wake up? The travel made me thirsty."

Hua nodded. "I already ordered the tea to be made. We will serve it on the Sun Room."

"Good. And I will show you the new parchments and trinkets I bought for you and your brother." The governor's gaze met mine again. "Then your parents and I will talk about a "parcel" they are about to deliver."

I stiffened when he said word "parcel".

Hua frowned at me. "But Baba and Father are scheduled to travel together, GrandPa? How can they deliver a parcel for you?"

Ah my innocent daughter.

"It's on the way of our travel, Hua." I simply said as an explanation.

"Ah, I see." Hua nodded her understanding. "Come now and have some tea, GrandPa." Hua added. Then hand and hand, she and the governor went inside our home.

I turned my eyes on Luau who winced at me. "General..."

"You know about the "parcel"..." that is not a question.

Luau sighed. "Why do you think we travelled here? For a banquet? No. We are concern about this "parcel's" effect on Master Dayu. The governor is deeply concern."

"How did you know about the "parcel"?" Now I asked a question.

"We had times of hiding it for the mountain himself." Luau admitted. "The "parcel" was in SiChuan when the  mountain decided to visit before he handed the heir's throne to his third son."

"I see..." that fits the string of events that happened before the naming of the heir. "So the "parcel" does have an influence on the Emperor?"

Luan nodded with a troubled look on his eyes. "That...boy...is unusual, General. And scary. More scary than anyone you have ever met. He even managed to scare the governor."

AhRan managed to scare Governor Feng. The man who burned down a whole military base for revenge. And survived the death of many of his comrades and friends, including Dayu's Father and Uncle.

Maybe Dayu has a reason to feel worried about this boy.

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