Young Love (Ein X Reader)

By peace0606

96.3K 2.4K 2.3K

Just read it None of these characters are mine or the pictures. Fan art: Tiny💙💙💙 Go watch aphmau on YouTub... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Fan Art
Chapter 29
Fan Art
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Update/ Fan Art
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46/ Fan Art
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
❗Chapter 57❗
❗Chapter 58❗

Chapter 44

1K 25 25
By peace0606

|    Gene's POV.   |

*Time Skipped*

I just put on a black hoodie on and was already heading my way to the mall. Thoses idiots better not ditch me! "Hey brother! Where are you going?" My little brother, Dante said while writing something down. "Oh, just heading down to the mall with my gang." "Are you sure~" "What's up with the sass." "Is there a girl there by any chance?" "Well yes, Sasha." "I don't think so, you would never ask Sasha just to 'hang' out." "Oh, well yeah, there is another one." "I knew it! So, who is she? Is she hot?" "Well, y/n, and she is pretty hot I would say." "Y/n? Huh? Where have I heard that name before?" "Anyways, I need to head out, cause I'm already late." "Alright then. Hey, go get her!" "Dante, it's not like that you retard" I said as I closed the door. *sigh* Irene, Dante can be a pervert, but he is actually a pretty cool guy and brother. Shit! I need to go! Oh well, they won't mind me being a little late.

|    Y/n's POV.   |

I am already heading to the Chinese Food area and I already see familiar faces. "Hey, over here" Sasha said as she waved at where she was. "Ugh! Sasha! You are so loud." "Hey guys. So, I'm here" I said a little awkward. "Wow, Gene wasn't lying. I thought he was trying to prove a point or something" Sasha said all surprised. "Wow, you can't even trust our leader of the Shadow Knights." "Shut up Zenix!" Sasha said as she smacked behind his head. "Oww! That actually hurt!" "Ugh, I didn't even hit you hard you baby." "Your the baby!" "No, you are" "You are" "You are" "You are" "You are" "Both of you Idiots are!" Gene said as he finally shows up. "That took you forever" I said sarcastically. "Hey! We were the one's who came here early than you fools!" Zenix replied as he pointed at me and Gene. "Oh save us the sad story Zenix! Let's just get some food already!" Sasha said as she grab my hand and ran up to the line. Heh. This group is a little strange. "So, what do you want to order... Um." "Y/n." "Sorry, I'm totally not good with names." "Why do you have to be so dumb." Zenix said when he crossed his arms. Sasha just gave him a 'Really' stare. "I-I would like compound chicken. Sounds good" I said trying to break them off. "Yeah, I'll have the same. Let me order while you guys find a seat" Gene said as he left me with these two. Thanks a lot Gene.

"Soo, did Gene really ask you to hang with us?" Zenix said as he started to get a little closer to me so that Gene wouldn't hear him.

"Yeah. I honestly thought that he would threaten me to come, instead, he trusted me or something"

"Trust? He trusted you? I can't really imagine Gene trusting people, especially you." Sasha replied.

"Shut up! He's coming! Act natural" Zenix replied as he fixed himself up.

"Hey, foods here" Gene said as he approached us with bowels stacked each other.

"Gene, these ladies are so girly. They keep talking about them having their periods"

That's when me and Sasha smacked the back of Zenix's head so hard, that he hits his head on the table.

"Owww! What was that for!"

"Let's just say that we 'were' having our period" I stated with a smirk.

"Ho ho! Nice one!" Sasha said as we high five each.

"Ooookkayyyy. Anyways, let's eat. I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch"

"You didn't eat? How can you survive without eating breakfast or lunch?"

"I don't know, just suck it I guess"

We then settled down to eat our Chinese food. To be honest, I've never eaten in this place before, but the food here is amazing! Heck, their even better than my chicken! Probably because I've never make compound chicken in my entire life. I tried the egg rolls and OH MY IRENE! They are to die for! I can tell that everyone enjoyed the food cause we all finished our food very fast, spick and span. Huh, I should try to learn how to make these. Aaron would be so jelly. Hehehe.

"Let's go to Hot Topic. I saw some very neat stuff in there last time." Gene said as he stood up and us as well.

"Pffft! So your a Hot Topic guy" I said as we all left the food area.

"Well yeah, we all are actually. What, you've never been to Hot Topic or what" Zenix replied.

"Well no but-"

"*Gasp* Let's go then! Hurry!" Sasha teased. That's when all of us started to laugh and started teasing each other.

|    Time Skipped.   |

We arrived at Hot Topic and was looking around the store. I personally thought that Hot Topics are for emos, but the stuff here is so cool! Would that make me an emo as well? I was looking through the buttons and all of them are so cute and unique. One of them has the disney character, Stitch smiling. Another one is a little alien blob with a cute little face. And *Gasp* this button is (Favorite Thing, color, character, quote, etc.) This one is neat! Aww, but I don't have any money. I already bought the food. *sigh* Maybe next time. I put the button away and just saw Gene waiting in the line. I didn't want to stand here alone so I just went next to Gene so I won't look stupid.

"The line is over there cutter"

"I'm not cutting, I didn't even get anything."

"So you dont like Hot Topic after all. I'm guessing you are that Marshall type of girl or JCpenny"

"No, it's not lile that. I love the stuff that Hot Topic has, I just didn't bring enough money that's all"

"Really. What was it that you wanted."

"A-a (Favorite thing, color, character, quote, etc.) button."

"Yeah? Well, take it. I'll pay it since this isn't my money anyways"

"So what your saying is that if that was your money, you wouldn't pay it for me?"

"Just get the damn button or else I change my mind!"

I nodded in response and spotted the button. I reached out to get it, but someone else got it before me.

"Too slow" said the guy that took the button.

"H-hey! That's my button!"

"Well, technically it's not your button because you didn't pay it. Would be ashame if someone would of bought it"

"Y/n, what's taking you so long" Gene said as he approached me and the mean guy.

"G-gene! Where were you and the Shadow Knights! I was looking all over the school for you guys! I thought you guys were sick or something!" The guy said all graceful. Whaaaa?

"Oh Geez. *sigh* What are you doing here" Gene said with an annoyed tone.

"Oh! I was just strolling around here. Are the rest of the Shadow Knights here as well!"

"Yes. Are you done?"

"O-oh! Well, yeah I am I guess"

"Then go over there, pay it, and go home" Gene said coldly.

"Y-yes sir!" That's when he cutted in front of the line, payed the stuff, and left with that button.

"Woah. What was all that about?" Sasha said as Both Zenix and her approached us with the stuff that they paid.

"It's that nerd" Gene responded.

"Really? Ugh! Why does he follow us everywhere!" Zenix replied.

"Lets just go. I need to head back home" Gene said as we followed him out of the mall. It was pretty awkward since that mean guy showed up. I'm guessing that the Shadow Knights knows the mean guy.

"Sooo, who was he anyways" I asked politely as I can ask it.

"Oh, it's just an annoying nerd that wants to be in the club" Sasha responded.

"Yeah, his name is Zane I think. He's a Ro'maeve also." Zenix replied.

"What's wrong with him? You guys sound all annoyed about him."

"That's because he is! He doesn't listen to our answer that no is no! Does he speak dolphin or what! Whats so hard of understanding the word no!" Zenix replied all annoyed.

"I don't get it. I didn't want to be a Shadow Knight and you guys wouldn't take no for an answer, and then someone actually wants to be in your club but ignored it. You guy's are really confusing."

"He is not worthy of being a Shadow Knight. It's like a little girl wanting to be a musician when how she plays her instruments is just terrible. Now, would you want to accept her to join the club or what."

Wow. I've never thought about it that way. I've never seen this side of Gene. He's usually the jerk that always picks on me and Ein. How Gene answered the question sounds like he's the actual leader. I mean, he is the leader of the Shadow Knights, but he never acted like one.

"Well, we got to go to this street. See you guys on Monday" Sasha said as she waved at us.

Wait, Gene goes to my street? I thought he lives where the Shadow Knights are.

"Gene, you don't go to this street do you?"

"No, I'm taking you to your house stupid. I may be a jerk, but that doesn't mean that I have no manners."

"O-oh. Ok then"

Our walk was a little awkward that I can even hear the crickets with their noises they make.

"By any chance Zane took that button that you wanted"


"Zane, the guy with the mask. Did he took your button"

"O-oh, well, yeah he did. B-but it's fine honestly! I wasn't desperate"

"Hmm. Ok then. Hey, is this your house?"

"Y-yeah. H-how did you know that? Were you stalking me?!"

"No! I was walking down to this neighborhood with my brother and saw you walking in to this house."

"Oh. Well then. Thank you for taking me out. I had so much fun with you guys. It makes me want to see that you guys aren't that bad."

"Shut up! We will find you and your bodyguard at school. Don't think this is over"

"*sigh* ok then. Well, bye"


And just like that, we went on our separate ways. *sign* what an exhausting night. First, I was invited to hang around with the Shadow Knights. Second, they weren't the mean guys that they were in school. Third, they treated each other more than just club members, like as if their friends. Heh, maybe they are warning up to me. Hopefully, they can do the same to Ein. *sigh* Gene is so confusing. But honestly...

I wish we could be friends

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