Cabin Fever | ✓

By partiallyprecarious

1.3M 63.7K 47.2K

Completed. ☾ This is a SEQUEL!!! 1) 'Camp Where The Hell Are We?' 2) 'Cabin Fever' 3) 'Asterism' ☾ "I do be... More

(1) A VIP Seat To The Full Leo Kahn Experience
(2) The Word
(3) Nothing Else To Do But Put Condoms On Bananas In The Back Room
(4) Is It Against The Rules As The 'Narrative Breaking Damsel'?
(5) Less Talking. More Petting.
(6) Revelation 16:16
(7) You See Anything You've Never Seen Before, I'll Buy You Another Ferrari
(8) Tick Tock Spitfire
(9) Sixty Minutes
(10) Kidnapping Is Really Convincing Me To Forgive You
(11) Violet
(12) It's A Combination Of My Abs And My Snake Catching Abilities
(13) Fire And Ice
(14) You Dropped The Soap And Realized What You Were Missing
(15) Let Her Go
(16) Armour
(17) Surrender
(18) Defeat
(19) You Have The Wrong Equipment For Him
(20) The Untouchables
(21) It Accentuates Your Bad Boy Image
(22) Never Again
(23) Marley Hoover Forgetting Basic Muscular Anatomy
(24) Sometimes You've Got To Be Karma's Bitch
(25) The Cheerio Effect
(26) Predator And Prey
(27) Solipsism
(28) You Scouted The Area For Make Out Spots While We Were Waiting In Line
(29) Extinguish
(30) Hazel
(31) Tequila And My Dealers' Mystery Pack Took The Wheel
(32) You: *Smack* "Aiden Matthews!"
(33) Can I Put My Hand In His Pants?
(34) Aiden Took Me Away To A Private Lounge So I'd Dance On His Lap
(35) AWOL
(36) I Could Have An Opening To Be The Big Spoon For A Few Hours
(37) How To Be A Good Girlfriend For Dummies
(38) 💏 Until 🤫
(39) So I'm Being The 'Cheating Girlfriend' Or Whatever
(40) I Probably Would've Kept My Mouth Shut If Your Boyfriend Weren't A Sex God
(41) A Whiny Night Owl And The Sociopathic, Creepy Portuguese Twins
(42) Hooters. 2014.
(43) Hello, Brother
(44) Even Steven
(45) Referencing The Wizard of Oz When Ordering A One Night Stand Off Your Porch
(46) You're The Bermuda Triangle Of The Group Chat
(47) Perfect
(48) On My Life
(49) Deal With The Devil
(50) The Enemy Of My Enemy
(51) Envy
(52) Eyes Wide Open
(53) Petrichor
(54) That's A Matthews Jawline
(55) A Slew Of Threesome Offers From The Creeps Of The World
(56) Attack Of The Boyfriend Stealers: World War Groupie
(57) Are You Seriously About To Strip In The Middle Of The Woods
(58) He Wants To Know If You'd Be Into Edible Underwear
(59) I'll Burst In To Every Room As We Walk Off Into Blue Ball Sunset Together
(60) Promise
(61) Alongside Automatic Weapons In Trumps' America And Aiden's Fangirls
(62) A Rich Housewife Needing A Maintenance Boy
(63) Hero
(64) Bad Boys And Rules Are Mutually Exclusive Events
(65) You're Finally Worn Out
(66) Ohana
(67) Heart
(68) Wanna Have A Look At The Magic Happening In My Pants Right Now?
(69) JH
(70) You're In Wonderland, Alice
(71) That's Three Comments About The Yoga Pants, Matthews
(72) I Don't Like Being On My Knees
(73) Worth The Risk
(74) You're A Sex God, Mr. Grinch
(75) Jingle My Balls
(76) The Bigger The Head, The Easier The Target
(77) The Same Guy Who Made A Booger Scrapbook
(78) I'd Love To See You Naked
(79) Catch And Release
(80) You're Always A Babe Magnet
(81) Clothing, Groping and Chitchat
(82) You
(83) Hope
(84) Demons
(85 Part 1) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
(85 Part 2) Ensure You Remain As Naked As Possible
Final A/N
Extra 1: Kingston High's Captain Asshole
Extra 2: Aiden's POV - The Butterfly Clip
Extra 3: Return To Kingston High
Extra 4: The Drawing
Asterism Republished!!!
The 2020 Readers Choice Awards!!
Fiction Awards CLOSING IN ONE HOUR!'
ASTERISM IS BACK with a 32 chappie update...❤️

Author Q&A Answers

8.6K 348 519
By partiallyprecarious

I huge shoutout and thank you to FREEEEEEEEMEEEEEE , VenomiaX , arianna1965 , @conversationpeace , raven_matthew , and a_lost_feather for your participation ❤️

I answered every question in the order of the names above, skipping questions that have already been asked and answered! In the following are fun unknown facts about my stories, advice, tidbits about me and name reveal :)

Q: Do you know an Aiden? Was he made of many people combined or a figment of your imagination?

A: I don't know an Aiden. I chose a name that was not in my life on purpose and that is the same for everyone in my stories. I felt as though it connected to these people and may have been weird to write and share in the off-chance that anyone found out about this series. Especially with a romantic love interest named after a guy I know...awkward! Aiden's entirely a figure of my imagination.


Q: Do you have any siblings? If so how many?

A: I have three siblings - a brother and two sisters. My family is a complicated dynamic I see some more than others.


Q: What made you want to become a writer?

A: I've been writing since I was seven years old. Before that it was journals. I've always had that desire to tell stories but it began with wanting to express myself and let out inner emotions. Writing is truly the only path I'd ever take in life. Without it I honestly don't know what I'd do with myself.


Q: Music interests. (Prepare for the biggest fan girl moment of all history)

A: I like the song Better Now by Post Malone right now. A good beat while also being really meaningful and relatable. My favourite really deep, sad song is Sober by Demi Lovato. It's more than about not being sober, it's about falling off the rails's just an emotional song all around.

My favourite song of all time though, is the best song in the entire f*ucking world. 'talk is overrated' by Jeremy Zucker ft. Blackbear. That song will change your life I promise. It will fix your grades, add money to your bank account, clear your skin...I've been listening to it since it came out - two years ago - and it's the ONE SONG I never, ever get tired of hearing. It's a timeless favourite.

And now I'm listening to it bc talking about it makes me want to hear it. Lol. Also I have goosebumps every time I hear it. Legit.

"...And I don't need a girl I just wanna smile. Getting my mind right, I'll wait till the times right, I'm meaning to tell you why it's hard to sleep at night..."
Cue me literally almost crying at the beautiful sound of the chorus. No joke: "Talk is overrated let's just vibe...duh, duh duh duh...and love is overrated in my miiiiiiinnnnddd."

"...I know you looked at me wonder how I deal...but look inside my soul I don't mean to front...CUZ REALLY I DON'T KNOW what the fuck I WANT. I remember when we were more then friends, I would just pretend that was cold...after all this shiii I could not let you in..."

ok I'm getting carried away. point is this song is a masterpiece.

if god told me i had two minutes to live i'd listen to this fuckin' song.

Furthermore... I've always been the person that never fangirled over any artist. I just appreciated the songs I liked. I've never enjoyed every song from a person until him.

Jeremy Zucker could literally run me over with his tour bus and I'd apologize.

I can listen and love any song he writes. Lyrics on point. Voice of an angel I swear to god. Even at a young age I never had posters or wallpapers of singers, actors/actresses. Athletes. Youtubers. He's literally the only famous person I have ever been obsessed with.

My favourite genre is lyrics that give me goosebumps. Enough said.


Q: Favourite colour.

A: Blue. Definitely like Aiden's eyes.


Q: Have you ever heard of Thirdstory or Pretty Much? If not you really need to listen to their songs.

A: I haven't heard of those but I'll check them out :)


Q: Besides writing what do you like to do?

A: Besides writing I like photography - a simple, easy art of self-expression. I love reading obviously. Netflix. Nerd things.


Q: How did you first get introduced to Wattpad?

A: My older cousin had Wattpad and I downloaded it when I was thirteen. Suffice to say it was a real and unintentional eye-opener for my innocent young mind lmao.


Q: Do you play any video games?

A: I play GTA, Rainbow six, COD. I did play Fortnite when it was really popular because everyone I knew played it and I hate playing alone. In squads they carry me and give me guns and I get to win stuff. All in all a win-win-win.

Also, Mario Kart Wii. That shits iconic. Don't come for me unless you want your ass kicked to Texas in Coconut Mall, or to fall to your death a thousand times in Rainbow Road while I lap you repeatedly.


Q: Do you have an Aiden?

A: Nope. In my life the men I've met have actually been pretty shitty. That's how it goes until you meet the right person/people. I believe that everyone has a soulmate in some capacity - a relative, a best friend, etc - that is someone who understands you on a deeper level and who you will always stay close. Doesn't have to be a romantic soulmate. Still waiting on mine :)


Q: Do you have a best friend?

A: I'm an introverted person whose been hurt a lot. Betrayed. So I keep most people at arms length. I have close friends that I'm so grateful for but nobody can ever get beyond my bubble haha.


Q: Do you speak any languages?

A: I only know English :(


Q: Where are you from?

A: I'm from Canada. Best country ever.


Q: What inspired you?

A: I wanted to create something of my own after spending my life reading and being on the reader side. I published with no real intentions that I'd get an audience like I have now, just to have fun with it and be creative. Making my own world is a lot of fun too!


Q: What's the first book you wrote?

A: I've never finished a book before.

CWTHAW is the only story that stuck. I remember sitting in front of my laptop last year, blank page without even a title, and just began to write. No plan. It spilled out of me and I never felt more driven to continue with a story - ever.

To the point where I (fun fact time lol) have a whole journal of pages dedicated to little factoids about my characters, their appearances, likes and dislikes and about camp so I could keep consistent. Now it's something I've memorized and know my characters inside out without effort, buts that's the best advice to fellow authors I have.

Write everything about your characters down and reference to form a dynamic character that remains a constant as you develop them further. For example: I would write about Marley's favourite food and her introverted behaviours and her banter with Aiden. I'd write about Aiden too. His brother. His favourite food, colour, etc until I knew it by heart

Another fun fact: I have FOURTY EIGHT other story ideas in my drafts section of my works on Wattpad. From sci-fi to horror to more romance to mystery and books I'd like to call 'timeless' genres. Like classics read in school kind of vibes. I'm looking forward to another series that 'sticks'... already having another one in mind I want to publish after CF :)


Q: Favourite book to read?

A: I haven't completed a book in so long and don't read very many anymore. I feel like it pulls me away from my own works and makes me compare myself to them as bad as that sounds. I'm always uncertain of myself and what I create so it's kind of like hanging up my painting next to Picasso's. Lmao.

But all my Wattpad all-time favourites - accumulated over six years - are in a reading list called Good Reads ☕️ on my profile :) there's only twenty something stories and I've read hundreds so it's a tough cut to make. Guaranteed awesome books!


Q: How did you balance this with school?

A: Balancing anything for me is so difficult. I'm a procrastinator big time, dealing with life and people like anyone else, and am working while getting an education. My strategy is to write a little every day so it's less work load and easier to give myself time for everything else.


Q: What colour are your eyes? Hair?

A: My eyes are green (anyone else have to actually check in the mirror when it comes to that) and I have dirty blonde hair. Like a caramel colour. Not blonde, not brown.


Q: What are you most proud about these two books?

A: I'm proud of the message they send about growth, rebirth. I'm proud of flawed characters and most of all a relationship that feels real and was developed in a way that is genuine and not forced (in my opinion, anyway).

I love that I managed to mix cliche and bad boy love with important lessons and could put my own wisdom about life, love and finding peace and hope in the darkest times.


Q: What character do you relate to the most?

A: I relate to both Aiden and Marley equally. They both play a role in a different part of me. They're pieces of myself while also created as their own people with their own thoughts, emotions, ideals and dreams.


Q: What is your favourite thing about Aiden? Marley?

A: For Aiden I'd say it's his ability to love beyond fear. The way he recognizes his mistakes and learns from them, and the way his insecurities and doubts are a lot more open than usual. A bad past is never an excuse to treat anyone - especially women - like garbage. I like that he doesn't want to do that. Yes he slept around, but he's also a teenager in 2017. He never pushed himself onto girls, only responding to ones who consented and vocalized that they wanted him, and he made his intentions clear. I also love how he treats Marley and the people in his life that he cares about.

For Marley it's her compassion, her acceptance of everyone and everything. Her understanding. Her spirit. Her ability to be gentle, soft and kind, to balance out Aiden's more defensive, protective and prickly side while simultaneously having a backbone to reject any BS and a voice when necessary. She's also one of the strongest female characters I've ever personally written or read which is cool :)


Q: What character is the most fun to write about?

A: I'd say it's a tie between Leo and Aiden. Marley is my true favourite, she's everything but I love the humour of those two from the beginning. Again, it doesn't feel like it's me that creates them, it feels like I'm just writing about them.


Q: What made you decide to write these amazing (❤️❤️❤️) books?

A: I kind of explained this in a previous question that it just fell out. I started to type with no plan, no true idea about where the story would take me.

I didn't know Marley had a bad past until I wrote it. I didn't know Aiden would approach her on the bus until I was writing his demand for Matt to get up from his seat.

It's all spontaneous and that also leads to - fun fact again - 49 drafts alone on on CWTHAW and 73 on Cabin Fever. I'll write a plot twist or another version of events and scratch it if my gut tells me it doesn't feel right. So I have a bunch of alternate realities just sitting there collecting dust haha. Only the best and brightest are published!


Q: What is the coolest/most fun thing you've ever done?

A: The coolest thing I've probably ever done is...this. I never knew I had it in me. I never knew this would become something bigger. It's so awesome that I can do something I love and can make an impact on others at the same time. True best of both worlds. Just to clarify: I've never rode a limo out front or met Orlando Bloom at a movie premiere.


Q: where the fuck is this going with leo and gabby???? it's the only question i've had throughout the entire book

A: #rr


Q: Are you a genius? (I snorted lmao)

A: Not at all. I do research and surfing online to make Marley into the character I see her as. I learn stuff to add to the realness of her character. I've always done well in school and now in university, but I have zero interest in anything outside of English and English related courses.


Q: How did you create your characters?

They created themselves. This is kind of a repeat of other answers but honestly they just fell into my lap so to say. I started writing and they became on their own. Like their humour. Their distinct way with words, personalities, littlest mannerisms - all out of nowhere. It's if I'm writing a biography.


Q: What's your real name and age?

My name is...Avery. Weird name and for both genders but I'm a 19 year old female haha.


Q: Pineapple on pizza yes or no?

A: Satan or Jesus yes or no?

(Jk lol. I'll eat it if it's there. It's pizza.)


Thank you for reading this far if you did ❤️ I had fun answering questions and knowing that some of you are interested in me personally!


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