A Wuxia Tale: Blade in Traini...

By ginaddict

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Dao is off to train in the military base. His search for his own name and glory starts here. While Hua will f... More

A Weakness in my Blood
A Hellish First Hour
Personal Hell
Special Opponent
The Potential Guard
A Lone Wang
A Demonstration
Remain Alive
Second Test
A Sack of Rice
A Start
Most Prized Possession
A Guard's Mettle
Strongest Man
A Sire's Pride
Crown Prince's Guard
An Unexpected Visitor
Strong Love
Troubled Reunion
Rights and Lies
Princess Nadira
Crazy and Dangerous
Mughal Nest
In Laws
On Leave
Danger in the Air
Spilled Secret
Pitiful Human
Legends and Tales
Insufferably Annoying
Former and Current
A Kingdom's Fate
Mission Accomplished
Voice in the Head
Powerful Weakness
Sojourn Outside
Between Twins
Well Wishes
Standing Still
Pathetic Fool
Handpicked Truths
Interesting Character
A Way to Survive
Still Regrets Nothing
Thank You Note


512 61 10
By ginaddict


Mei and his children are my visitors. My cousin and I were having a fun time helping ZhouLin build his mock village using wooden blocks and carved animals.

But the real reason why Mei came is to report to me.

"It looks to me that they is something intriguing about the princess that arrived here in the Capital." Mei said while I urge ZhouLin to place one block on top of another.

"What is intriguing about her?" I asked with a frown. I will admit to not thinking deeply about the Mughal princess who arrived with a formal invitation from Princess XiLen's family. It's mainly because Hua is not feeling threatened about that princess. If my daughter doesn't deem that Mughal princess as a rival, then that royal is of no consequence to me.

"Our sources told me that there is no princess with that age in the Shah's family. The princesses in that empire are either old enough to be shipped away to get married and bore children or are too young to leave the nursery. The current Shah of the Mughal Empire has fifteen living daughters from different concubines in his harem, half of them are still infants." Mei explained.

"What is the appropriate age for a princess to be shipped away and bore children?" I asked Mei.

"Late adolescent. Seventeen to nineteen years. Princess Nadira is fifteen. Marriageable by any means but not in the ideal age to bear children." Mei replied easily.

"That means..."

"At her age, she should be inside their palace, surrounded by servants and being sheltered by her Shah and four solid walls of a castle. Not traveling across foreign lands and greeting royals from another kingdom."

"She is surrounded by servants," I pointed out. "I think Princess Nadira has two hundreds servants and people around her. Sufficient protection if you ask me."

"It might be. But two hundred guards doesn't compose an army, Dayu ah. Princesses in Mughal Empire are guarded by a full militia in their castles. They are political assets and pawns for royal families. No sane Shah, Kings or Emperors will let an asset like a princess to prance across lands with almost bare protection, unless there is war in their land. Last I heard, the Mughal Empire is not at war right now."

I nodded while processing what Mei is saying. "But Princess Nadira traveled thousands of miles from the South Indes to here...with minimum guards with her. Why? How?"

"There are two possibilities," Mei showed one finger to me. "One, she is here with sufficient guards to protect her but a bigger army is coming to secure her safety or..."

"She is no princess of the Mughal Empire," I supplied the other option.

Mei nodded, "Or she is not a real princess..."

That confused me a bit, "If she is not a princess...why is she here masquerading as one? What's with all the parade when she arrived?"

"A farce? A show? A trick?" Mei shrugged. "I am not sure. But all I know is since Princess XiLen arrived, I feel like we are watching an ongoing play in a big stage."

I nodded in agreement. "You are right. There is something theatrical about this whole thing. It's like a huge distraction to hide something..."

"What could be that something?" Mei asked.

"I think I can answer that," a new voice joined our conversation. We all look to the direction of where that voice is coming and I smiled upon seeing my lover entering the room where we are lounging to watch ZhouLin play.

ZhouLin stood up upon seeing Captain Wang. "Uncle Wing!" The little boy shouted as he run towards my lover.

Captain Wang chuckled as he welcomed ZhouLin with his arms and lifted my nephew up. "Argh! It seems to me like our  ZhouLin is getting heavier every week. Am I right?" My lover entered the room deeply while carrying our nephew.

"Yes," Mei smiled in agreement. "He is taking more variety of fruits and dishes nowadays. He is not as picky as Dao when it comes to food."

I chuckled at that. "Dao is not picky. My son is just not that enamored with rice and bitter tasting vegetables."

"Still, ZhouLin is not complaining when I shove vegetables on his mouth." Mei received ZhouLin when the boy reached for his Papa. "How is the Palace, Captain Wang?" My cousin asked my lover.

"Practically the same...with some nuisances here and there." Captain Wang looked at me. "The mountain is calling for you, my heart." He told me.

Mei and I frowned at that. The word "mountain" is our code for the Emperor.

"I will climb it tomorrow," I said. I look at Mei. "Will you come with me?" I asked my cousin.

Mei eyed me before he shook his head. "I would love to assist you but I have two little children at hand, Dayu ah. I think I will be confine at our estate until ShuYin and ZhouLin enter their adolescent years."

I laughed at that, "Oh I know. I used to live like a hermit here in the Wang Estate while the twins are growing up. Don't be sorry, my niece and nephew should be your main concern. I can go alone. That won't be an issue, right?" I asked my lover.

Captain Wang shook his head at me. "Not alone, I will be with you. I know how much you mistrust the mountain."

"I do. I don't trust it." I said without any hesitation. It's the truth anyways. I don't trust the Emperor. "Then I will look forward to climbing that mountain with you, Captain. When will we start, morning, noon or night?"

"It's always wise to go to the mountain in the morning." Captain Wang said.

Midnight then...in the gambling den, where I first negotiate the terms of Hua's marriage with the Emperor and First Minister Tan. Mei was also with me that time.

"I will take the call," I said to Captain Wang.

"I will ready our supplies," Captain Wang nodded.

That means Captain Wang will inform the Emperor and assemble guards to protect his Majesty during this trip to meet me.

I focused on my lover, "You said you know what is happening around Princess XiLen and Princess Nadira. How? Did a new information about them got known in the Palace?"

Captain Wang nodded, "The Emperor and Prince Jin had a sit down with Princess XiLen. The banished princess is asking for a certain information in exchange for her rights to claim Prince Jin..."

I felt my eyebrow lifting at that. "She is willing to exchange her son for a mere information? What kind of information is she looking for that is equal to having her son by her side? I cannot think of any information more valuable than Dao or Hua." I snickered while thinking about it.

"You love our children, my heart. Of course, nothing and no one is more important to you than the twins." Captain Wang pointed out.

"Are you saying Princess XiLen doesn't love Prince Jin? Her son?" Mei was also baffled with an idea of a mother not loving her child.

Captain Wang sighed, "Her love for Prince Jin is surely in question now that she is willing to bargain for her rights to her son with a mere information."

It's getting me curious now. "That information must be a great significance to her. Do you have an idea what that information is about?"

Captain Wang nodded. "We will discuss it in the mountain." He said.

I nodded, "In that case I cannot wait to climb that mountain." I turned my attention to ZhouLin and smiled at my nephew. "Our ZhouLin will grew up strong and big and he will not give us trouble, right love?" I poke a gentle finger on his cheek.

"Uncle Ayu," ZhouLin still talk in lisp and I find it adorable. Mei and I regarded his son fondly.

"Where are ShuYin and Hua?" Captain Wang asked.

"In the sewing room. The nannies are urging Hua to not give up on her needles. ShuYin is there to support her jiejie." I said.

"Then I will not disturb them," Captain Wang said. "I will go up to change my clothes. Mei, will you be having dinner here?"

"Yes, Captain." Mei nodded.

"Good," my lover nodded and turned away...but I called him back. "Captain, how is Dao?" I asked as an afterthought.

"Well, my heart." Captain Wang said simply before moving away. I sighed.

Mei smiled at me, "Stop asking after your son. Dao is obviously doing well in the Palace." My cousin admonished me gently.

"You cannot blame me. I haven't seen my son since that parade for the Crown Prince. He hasn't visited yet." I said forlornly. "I miss Dao..."

"We all miss him. But he is doing well and personally, I am proud of my nephew." Mei gazed at his own son. "If ZhouLin will do half as well like as his gege, I will be happy and content."

"Don't disregard your son just yet. I think ZhouLin will go farther than any of us. He has a natural curiosity on things. He will be fine." I trust my nephew will do fine as well when he grew up.

"I just wish I will live long enough to support him and ShuYin in achieving their dreams. I wish we will all live long enough to assure them that we are proud of them," Mei said wistfully.

"Like how Uncle Shu did?" I nodded in agreement. "Uncle lived long enough to say he is proud of us."

"And I am ever so thankful he did," Mei smiled before staring at his son again.

Meanwhile, I focused on myself on that information that Princess XiLen needed so much that she is willing to give up her son for it.



The day after that disastrous meeting with my mother, I was summoned by my father. The Emperor is once again with General Wang, looking like they are discussing something important.

My Baba looked up when I got close enough to his table. "Your Majesty," I bowed to show my deference and respect to his position. "You called for me?"

"Ah yes, Jin." Baba sighed, looking a bit peaked. "I called you to say you don't have to worry about anything. I am already putting on a plan to stop your mother's plan..."

"May I know those plans, Your Majesty?" I asked.

The Emperor shook his head. "I am afraid not, my son. You will not be the Emperor, you cannot know every secret this throne and crown has."


"I see," I nodded. "Those secrets will be for Han, then."

"Yes," The Emperor nodded. "I just want to assure you that everything will go as our plan. You will stay here and marry Lady Wang Hua. You don't need to worry about that."

"I was never worried about it," I said to my father. Baba and General Wang gave me puzzled looks. "You never worried about it? You sound too confident about this, Jin. Why?" His Majesty seems baffled.

General Wang frowned at me. "My daughter has the same confidence, your Majesty. Hua talks like the presence and opposition from Princess XiLen didn't matter to her. I wonder about that."

I shrugged. "It's simple, Hua and I are ready to fight for our love. It doesn't matter if I have to go somewhere or ordered to leave. Hua and I, we will always find a way to go to each other and be together. Nothing can stop us."

Hua and I understood that about our love. I know, we will find a way to be together. No matter what, Hua is the one for me. I refuse to have another fate than having her by my side.

In that, I am confident. I trust our love for each other. All of these are just trials, and I have a lady who is not afraid of trials. Hua has defeated even death before. Her illness when she was young didn't defeat her, my mother opposing our union will be nothing compare to that.

No. I don't fear anyone. I only fear death. But I think even that won't defeat our love. There is another lifetime for us, anyways. Why be scared? Hua and I will always be together.

The Emperor nodded, "I am glad to hear that you and Lady Hua are both being strong. That is good."

"That's why I am offering help, Baba. If I can help, in anyway, your plans to go smoothly, I want to do it." I said.

"How do you suppose you can help, son?" My father asked.

"By doing what mother has done. I want to visit her in the Tans' ancestral home where she is residing since she made us aware of her presence here in the Capital. Maybe talk to her and ask simple questions. She might slip up and give me some clues about her own plans. She won't suspect me because I am her son. I can say that I want to spend time with her," I offered.

"Won't that be dangerous, my Prince?" General Wang asked. "I don't think your mother regards you that highly."

Yes, that's a bitter truth. All night I thought about that. How my mother can exchange having rights on me for some information about a caravan from seven years ago. Is that all my worth to my own mother?

I find it disappointing and puzzling. That information must be important or else I will feel truly cheap.

"I will take my guards with me," I said. "I won't go there unprotected, your Majesty."

"Will Yong and Manchu be enough?" My father looked concerned. "Jin, maybe it's not a good idea..."

"I understand your concern. But I still want to help. I want to determine just how much my mother wants this information. And how many people she has that follows her orders. I also want to gather information about her life in South Indes. Maybe we can glimpse some clue as to why she is here demanding things and information from you." I said.

The Emperor and General Wang both stared at me as they contemplated my offer of help.

In the end, Baba nodded. "But promise me that you will be careful, Jin. If you feel like you are in danger, get out of that place and come back home."

"I will do that, your Majesty." I bowed in gratitude. "Thank you for trusting me. I will be careful, you don't have to worry about that."

"I will assemble more guards to accompany you in your visit to the Tans' ancestral home, your Highness." General Wang said. "I will see you later,"

I nodded, "I will greatly appreciate that. Thank you, General." I then gracefully said my goodbye to them.

I don't worry though, I will see General Wang later. I am scheduled to have dinner with the Wangs later. It's about time that I visit my fiancee and see her lovely face.

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