Another Chance Book I of III

By yourfuturegirl11

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Prince Rogers Nelson has died sad, tired, in pain and alone. As people mourn his loss and buildings around t... More

Another Chance-Book I
Another Chance Book II-Chapter 1, The Arrival
Book II-Chapter 2, The Arrival Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 3, The Vow
Book II-Chapter 5, Collaboration, Bella's POV
Book II, Chapter 6, Comfort Anyway, Anytime
Book II-Chapter 7, Hold Me
Book II-Chapter 8, Obedience Is Better than Sacrifice
Book II-Chapter 9-The Making of Creation Song, Challenges
Book II-Chapter 10, The Making of Creation Song, Challenges-Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 11, Residual Feelings-Denise's POV
Book II-Chapter 12, Residual Feelings-Mary's POV
Book II-Chapter 13, Creation Song Preparation
Book II-Chapter 14, Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse
Book II-Chapter 15, Residual Feelings, Bella's POV
Book II-Chapter 16, Residual Feelings, Prince's POV
Book II-Chapter 4, Collaboration
Book II-Chapter 17, The Reckoning
Book II-Chapter 18, Bella's Fears
Book II-Chapter 19, Countdown to Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 20, Creation Song
Book II-Chapter 21, Prayers and Decisions
Book II-Chapter 22, What Paradise Teaches
Book II-Chapter 23, Family Is Forever
Another Chance Book III- Chapter 1, A Journey Begun
Book III-Chapter 2, Heaven and Earth
Book III-Chapter 3, The Journey Continues
Book III-Chapter 4, Bella and Elaine
Book III- Chapter 5, The Royal Prince
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 6, First Look
Another Chance-Chapter 7, Friends First
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 8, The Afterglow
Book III-Chapter 9, What Fathers Understand
Book III-Chapter 10, The Conversation
Book III-Chapter 11, Finally 18
Book III-Chapter 12, the Album
Book III-Chapter 13, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 14, Jimmy Sanders, Predator
Book III-Chapter 15, The Calm Before the Storm
Book III-Chapter 16, Storm Clouds Gather
Book III-Chapter 17, The Rain Begins
Book III-Chapter 18, The Storm Erupts
Book III-Chapter 19, The Tsunami Hits
Book III-Chapter 20, The Aftermath
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 21, Return to The Largo
Book III-Chapter 22, August
Book III-Chapter 23, Us Time
Book III-Chapter 24, Whirlwind
Book III-Chapter 25, Gold and Platinum
Book III-Chapter 26, The Creator's Plan
Book III-Chapter 27, The Elephant In The Room
Book III-Chapter 28, Practice Makes Perfect
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 29, Musical Road Warriors
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 30, New York City
Book III-Chapter 31, New York City Part 2
Book III-Chapter 32, A Time of Change
Book III-Chapter 34, The Query, Answers Revealed
Book III-Chapter 35, Don't Play Me
Book III-Chapter 36, Countdown to The Interviews
Book III-Chapter 37, Taking Care of Bella
Book III-Chapter 38, The Interviews Part I
Book III-Chapter 39, The Interviews Part 2
Another Chance-Book III, Chapter 40, The Project
Book III-Chapter 41, The Project Part 2
Book III-Chapter 42, Negotiations
Book III-Chapter 43, Details, Details
Book III-Chapter 44, Establishing Their Worth
Book III-Chapter 45, Establishing Their Worth Part 2
Book III-Chapter 46, The Meeting
Book III-Chapter 47, Let's Work
Book III-Chapter 48, Midterms
Book III-Chapter 49, Homecoming
Book III-Chapter 50, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 1
Book III, Chapter 51, December, Finals, Performances and Christmas Chaos Part 2
Book III-Chapter 52, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 1
Book III-Chapter 53, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise Part 2
Book III Chapter 54, A Parisian New Year's Eve
Book III Chapter 55, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 1
Book III, Chapter 56, The New Year, Reality and Comfort Part 2
Book III-Chapter 57, A New Year, New Challenges Part 1
Book III-Chapter 58, A New Year, New Challenges Part 2
Book III-Chapter 59, Movie Anyone?
Book III-Chapter 60, Family Oasis
Book III-Chapter 61, Back To Real Life
Book III-Chapter 62, Amiir Speaks
Book III-Chapter 63, Another Chance, the Phenomenon
Book III-Chapter 64, The Fame Game
Book III-Chapter 65, Paris Again
Book III-Chapter 66, Showtime
Book III, Chapter 67, Miracles
Book III-Chapter 68, New Life, New Strategy Needed
Book III-Chapter 69, The Press Conference Part 1
Book III-Chapter 70, The Press Conference Part 2
Book III-Chapter 71, The Press Conference Part 3
Book III-Chapter 72 Tour's End; Soul Sanctuary
Book III-Chapter 73, From Darkness : JesseBelle and Lucian
Book III-Chapter 74, Light Against Dark
Book III-Chapter 75, A Test of Resilience Part 1
Book III-Chapter 76, A Test Of Resilience Part 2
Book III-Chapter 77, An Uncommon Sense of Style
Book III-Chapter 78, An Uncommon Sense of Style Part 2
Book III-Chapter 79, The Energy of Youth
Book III-Chapter 80, A Mission of Mercy
Book III-Chapter 81, Thank You God For Everything
Book III-Chapter 82, Weddings and Movies, Movies and Weddings!
Book III-Chapter 83, Drilling Down to the Details!
Book III-Chapter 84, Justice, Rain Down From Heaven Part 1
Book III-Chapter 85, Justice Rain Down From Heaven Part 2
Book III-Chapter 86, Filming Ends, Countdown to Premier Begins
Book III-Chapter 87, Home Sweet Home
Book III-Chapter 88, Family Goodbyes and Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 89, Sunny LA, Premiers Ahead
Book III-Chapter 90, Colors, Furnishings, Dresses and Sexual Shenanigans!
Book III-Chapter 91, Thanksgiving With Family
Book III-Chapter 92. Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 1
Book III-Chapter 93, Rituals...Food Tasting and Red Carpet Walks Part 2
Book III-Chapter 94, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk-Los Angeles Part 1
Book III-Chapter 95, Signs and Wonders, Red Carpet Walk -Los Angeles Part 2
Book III-Chapter 96 The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA
Book III-Chapter 97, The Talented Ray Burgess and the Red Carpet Walk-LA 2
Book III-Chapter 98, The Wild Ride Begins
Book III-Chapter 99, Satan's Plan
Book III-Chapter 100, To Love God Is to Trust God
Book III-Chapter 101, Key West
Book III-Chapter 102, Angels, Demons, Ray Burgess and Para-Sails
Book III-Chapter 103, Battle at Key West
Book III-Chapter 104, The Making of Wonderful Memories
Book III-Chapter 105, Learning to Live Joyously Despite Nonsense
Book III-Chapter 106, The Spirit of Lilith
Book III-Chapter 107, Christmas Day, 2215
Book III-Chapter 108, Gretchen
Book III-Chapter 109, Confronting Evil
Book III-Chapter 110, Be Grateful
Book III-Chapter 111, You're Dating Who?
Book III-Chapter 112, For My Homies, Happy New Year
Book III-Chapter 113, The After Party
Book III-Chapter 114, January 1, 2216, Downtime
Book III-Chapter 115, Business and Pleasure in Chicago
Book III-Chapter 116, Change
Book III-Chapter 117, Time to Tour
Book III-Chapter 118, World Conquerors
Book III-Chapter 119, The Wedding Week
Book III-Chapter 120, With This Ring
Book III-Chapter 121, My Husband, My Wife
Book III-Chapter 122, Newlywed...Year of Wonder
Book III-Chapter 123, Little Swimmers
Book III-Chapter 124, Finally Family

Book III-Chapter 33, Who Are These People?

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By yourfuturegirl11

In This Chapter, Prince reveals to his inner circle who he and Bella really are...get ready to be shocked and perhaps even get some tissue out!

Who Are These People?

Andrea Williams' POV

Andrea sat on the leather two seater sofa in Starbucks, in Rockefeller Plaza in Manhattan. After leaving the Sunday Morning In Manhattan set where she had done a review of the Royal and The World Changers Concert that took place on Saturday night, she had ducked into Starbucks for a Latte. She had been blown away by the show overall. The musicianship was amazing, the dancing spectacular, the original music was fantastic and the lyrics just as good. Further, Royal was an unbelievably attractive man. She found herself imagining being on his arm doing red carpet appearances during some of the times the audience was shouting for an encore. He was dating some little girl...but that didn't bother Andrea in the least, she was more than adequate to take on a child and send her packing if she wanted someone. She had wanted to size up just how difficult or easy getting Royal to hook up with her was going to be during a follow up interview she wanted to have with him. She had tried to set it up for today, but he had said that he, his parents, the girl he was seeing who was also one of his performers and her parents would be traveling home together. If he had seen her on Cloud Stream, he didn't seem to be impressed enough to want to get with her...which she found both annoying and highly unusual. She had been with many musicians, some of which were pretty big names and had yet to meet one that ever said no when she let them know what was on her mind. In addition to being hot, this one, this Royal also seemed to be newsworthy because he really was one of the best musicians she had ever seen or heard. He was also educated and scandal free so far. That in and of itself was interesting as he did not appear to be a superficial flavor of the week kind of guy who was using his music to hunt babes to add to the notches on his bedpost or to fill some overgrown adolescent need for fame and celebrity status...Hmm...that sounded more like her...she thought!

Andrea was a hard core reporter who was stuck in the entertainment department of The New York Times specifically with a music assignment. She would have rather worked a crime beat or a hard news column but those positions were very hard to come by as by-lines went only to the best and most experienced of reporters. Newer ones had to pay their dues which she had been doing for the last 8 years. She had worked in Hartford,Connecticut, Hackensack, New Jersey, Dallas, Texas and Indianapolis, Indiana in a variety of news assignments at several different papers. She however, was a native New Yorker, so when the opportunity came up with The Times, she took it. A Temple University graduate, she had majored in music but found teaching it both non-profitable and frustrating and was simply not willing to do the hard time to be successful as a performer. But she really knew music and that was able to open doors to being a critic and or correspondent. The Times let her combine the two roles and so here she was. Royal looked really young, but was 24. Andrea was 31, and looked it. She liked to party a little and while not an alcoholic by any means, did enjoy cocktails when she was hanging out. Needless to say they were bad for the skin and could age you. Only recently had she begun to think about finding a husband to settle down with. She just needed to find one who was or would become wealthy...soon and who would not want more than one kid. To have a rich husband she would give him an heir...but one was enough...anymore would be just too much work. She would call Grady Management on Monday...but she would be looking for a lot more than one interview from Royal Prince Anderson Jr.

Who Are These People?

Prince's POV

The trip to the airport had been uneventful and had gone very smoothly. The flight became airborne at 1:00 PM exactly and they were well on their way to their first stop which would be Detroit to drop off Andy and Linda, and David and Kendra. They would then head to Chicago, where Royal Sr. and Savannah would get off before beginning the last leg of the flight to Los Angeles. The flight was expected to be in LA at 7:25 PM, LA time. Prince and Bella were looking forward to getting home. They only had a couple of weeks to get settled into the new place before school began and they also needed to be available for the round of talk shows that were very likely to pop up. They worked well together when they needed to accomplish a lot so they were certain they could pull it all off, but it still represented doing a lot of multi-tasking. Bella was reading a book that she had brought with her on her tablet. Prince thought about the morning they had experienced. They were all thrilled at the positive review from the Times, but Prince had sensed something like annoyance coming from the reporter, Andrea Williams when he said he was not available to interview today. That sent up a red flag with him. He didn't know what, but something was not quite right with her. He would tell Bella, Elaine and Carlos about about it later and get their opinion.

The flight went exactly as planned. The four of them had walked Elaine and Bella's parents from the tarmac to the VIP lounge, helping them with their luggage and after hugs and kisses all around had re-boarded the flight for the short jaunt to Chicago. When the plane came to a stop in Chicago, Bella and Prince walked his parents into the VIP Terminal and said their goodbyes. His dad told him again, how proud he was of him and told him to call if he could help in any way. His mom just hugged him and told him how much she loved him and did the same with Bella. The plane took off within 10 minutes of them returning to their seats. They would arrive in LA in about 4 hours and 40 minutes. Prince settled in for the long haul. Bella looked up at him and said what's on your mind baby? His brow was furrowed which happened often when he was deep in thought. I was going to wait and talk to you and Carlos and Elaine about this a little later. Carlos and Elaine were sitting across the aisle from Prince. But there were empty seats in the back of the plane where they could talk more privately. The four stood up and headed to the back and sat down where there were 2 sets of 2 seats that faced each other. Prince told them about the odd response he had gotten from Andrea Williams when he told her they could not meet for an interview today. He shared how she had sounded annoyed, especially after she asked if he couldn't book another flight and he had said no. Bella and Elaine looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "Prince...this is an easy one", Elaine said. "Yup", Bella echoed. "The woman wants to hit on you and you did not show interest", Elaine said. Bella looked closely at Prince. He said "oh...okay I get it now I guess". He had not thought her attractive at all when he had seen her on Cloud Stream. Not that it would have made a difference, as he had exactly what he wanted in Bella, but even if he was looking, she would never have gotten his attention. She looked and displayed a hard and tough demeanor. Not at all like his beautiful Bella...and definitely not his type of woman. "Thanks for clearing that up ladies", he said. Now at least I can be prepared. "Prepared how", Bella and Elaine asked at the same time and giggled? "Prepared like Bella is going with me when I do this interview"...he said and then started talking to Carlos. Bella asked Elaine how old she thought Andrea was? Elaine said at least about 35...that is what Bella thought too. Oh well, I guess even the older ladies are going to have the hots for Prince. Well why not she thought...he is gorgeous! But, he is also mine she thought, smiling to herself. The four chatted easily until drink service began and then they started thinking about food; they were hungry. Prince looked up the aisle toward the front of the plane. Christian was napping as was his wife and some of the band were doing likewise, some were talking and some were playing cards. All seemed to be content with the way things had gone on this trip, he knew he was. Once dinner was served the plane got quiet. It seemed that most of them were hungry. After dinner Prince took a nap and eventually all of them were sleeping.

At about 6:15 PM California time, the announcement of final descent into Los Angeles was made. They were instructed to let their seat backs up, secure their tray tables and check their seat belts. They were then advised that the plane would be at the VIP terminal at 7:00 PM, 25 minutes early. The four chatted for a while and then after a smooth as butter landing...again, they were back in the city that for now at least they would call home. The plane came to a stop and everyone stood up stretching their legs. They gathered their totes and other personal things and began to walk forward to de-board. Frank and Larry went out first and checked the tarmac and the area immediately around the bus as it was already there. The band began to get off of the plane along with Christian and his wife. The four friends were among the last to deplane this time because they had been sitting so far in the back. When getting off, Prince thanked Greg Landers, their pilot for the great flights throughout the tour. He in turn told Prince how he and his lady really enjoyed the show and thanked him for the arranging the tickets. They shook hands and agreed to stay in touch. Prince and Carlos helped to transfer the instruments from the plane to the Tour Bus while Bella and Elaine, accompanied by Ross and Melvin, went into the VIP terminal to wait for the men to join them. Frank went to get the SUV that was parked in VIP parking , Larry stayed with the bus. As they entered the terminal, several people recognized the two of them and began smiling and pointing at them. When Prince and Carlos walked in, those same people started to walk toward them. Ross took the point position and Melvin the end position. Prince was behind Ross, Bella and the Elaine were next and finally Carlos and Melvin brought up the rear. Larry, came in alone. "Great review this morning" some of the people in the terminal said. "Love the Album Royal" someone shouted...but no one harassed them as they exited the building and got into the waiting SUV. Frank was in the driver's seat and and immediately took to the air and headed to the new house once all were inside.

Frank easily landed the SUV in front of the garage door and entered the code into the remote which opened it. Safe and sound inside were Prince and Bella's AirCars. Frank went into the house and checked it after turning off the alarm and came back to the door to let them know all was clear. Walking in through the garage, Bella and Elaine decided to walk from the front of the house to the bedrooms. Walking into the front hallway that ran from the front door to the living room and dining room that were on the left side, they smelled the unmistakable smell of roses. As they got into the hallway proper, they saw, sitting on the hall table a beautiful arrangement of roses. A note attached to the arrangement said "Welcome to Your New Home". Best Regards, Christian. Both of the girls smiled at both the beauty of the flowers and the kindness of the man who was helping to make the Album successful. He really was a sweetheart!

Walking into their bedrooms, they were really impressed. The Blue and Beige in Carlos and Elaine's room was stunning and the Lavender and Beige in Prince and Bella's room was equally so. Both ladies were pleased with things thus far. The men brought their bags in and they began to unpack in their individual Master Suites. Bella found the laundry area next to the kitchen and noticed that there were two hampers and a large laundry basket in the room for their convenience. There was also a hamper in the master bedroom closet that could be used for personal items. Bella put their undies that needed washing in the hamper in the closet and put the washable jeans and other pants and such in the lavender hamper in the laundry room. She noted the other one was pale blue...identifying easily which was for whom. Returning to the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator and found it to be well stocked. She opened the cabinets and found that staples had been provided also. They would be able to go several days without grocery shopping unless it was something specific that they wanted. Going back into their room, she found Prince sitting on the Lavender sofa. He said , "okay Mama, that is enough work for tonight, everything is unpacked including our toiletries. Sit down and relax awhile with me. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. He reached for the remote and turned on Cloud Stream. He turned on MTV and one of their videos was playing...Bella's Eyes. They sang along. "Let's christen our bathtub" Prince said. Bella giggled and said "that sounds like fun". He got up to run the water and put in the bubbles, while Bella went and found the towels. She selected some purple ones. They were super thick and smelled like lavender. Someone had really done their homework. They undressed laying their things on the bed to be put away later and once the tub was filled with hot water and frothy Lavender bubbles they got in. Prince was first and then Bella sat down in front of him and put her head on his shoulder. Prince took his washcloth and soaked it and then laid it on Bella's chest. "That feels good" she murmured. They soaked for awhile and then Bella turned around to face Prince and they bathed each other in his lovely lavender scented bath gel. They stood up and washed each others private parts and then sat back down to ensure all the soapy suds was removed from their nooks and crannies. Then they got out of the tub and toweled each other off and moisturized each other from head to toe. Bella put on a lavender gown and her purple robe. Prince put on some purple silk pajamas. He went into the kitchen to get something to drink for them and stopped by the bodyguards rooms to find out how they liked them. Frank who was rooming with Larry said, "they are really comfortable man". Ross said the same regarding his and Melvin's room. "Very nice; very classy. Thanks Prince", he said. Bella had just finished cleaning the tub when he came back into their room. "Frank and his team seem to be happy with their rooms", he said. "Great" she said. He sat down on the couch again and she sat next to him. He handed her a glass of White Grape juice and turned up Cloud Stream. He flipped to one of the all day news channels...CNN. They watched the news for a little while noting that Day 21 was almost over and there had been no new violent crime in California, or Atlanta, New Orleans and New York City had a complete day with no new crime. If that held through the night, it was probably safe to say that Manhattan was now experiencing the wonder of the power of the Creator also. "Praise the Creator", Prince whispered. " Amen" Bella said. "What do you have to do tomorrow baby", Prince asked? "Nothing really pressing". I thought I would confirm my registration for school and also order my textbooks since they will need to be sent to me this time. "Okay" Prince said..."after that, let's do something fun like go to the beach". "That would be wonderful", Bella said. Prince said, "let's go to bed Sugah. I got something special to show you", he said wiggling his eyebrows. Bella giggled. They climbed into bed and made slow passionate love periodically throughout the night. Their bedroom had been christened with both the passion and the joy of their lovemaking . It would remain a joyful room throughout their time of living there.

Who Are These People?

Andrea Williams POV

Andrea was in her office by 8:30 AM on Monday and her first phone call was to Grady Management. Someone named Linda had answered the phone and she had to hold for a few minutes. "This is Andy Grady", a strong male voice said. "Good morning Andy. My name is Andrea Williams of The New York Times Entertainment Desk. "Yes, Royal told me to expect your call. How may I help you"? Well, I would like to get him back here as soon as possible to do an interview. "I see" Andy said. "When did you have in mind"? "Well like tomorrow if possible. I tried to get with him on Sunday and he was flying out and did not seem to want to schedule a later flight". "That will not be possible. Royal has been on the road for some time and has some engagements to attend to and intends to stick close to home for a few weeks". "A few weeks? Surely he can be available before that'? "This is his first day back in town Miss Williams as you know. Let me speak to him and get back to you. What is your telephone number please"? Andrea gave him the number and sounded even snippier that Royal was not available right away. She asked," when can I expect to hear from you"? Andy did not like this woman or her attitude. There was something off putting about her...and he bet he knew what. He would call Christian to check her out before he called Prince. "I will call you back after I have spoken with Royal", he answered. Andy had taken the call in his home office due to the early hour. Linda had made breakfast. He would go eat and then call Christian and Royal.

Andrea was irritated. Andy Grady had acknowledged that Royal had spoken to him about her call, but it did not appear that he had told him to prioritize her in any way. Well she was going to have to change that. Right now though, she was needing to prepare for a meeting and to also make some calls regarding a couple of upcoming artists that were on the Sony label. They would be performing in St. Louis and she needed to find out if they were worth her going to see. She would think about her next move with Royal later. He would need to learn that she did not like to be kept waiting.

Linda and Andy enjoyed their breakfast and talked about the past few days of concerts. Elaine had looked wonderful and clearly was very happy. She had performed beautifully and life in California appeared to agree with her. Andy shared his conversation with Carlos with her and she was both thrilled and excited. He was an outstanding young man, talented, smart and of good character. He had a bright future in music and was very good looking and would make gorgeous grandchildren. She was very happy for her daughter. He was a good choice. Now she just needed to graduate and they could begin to plan a wedding. After breakfast, Andy called Christian. He was not at all shocked by what he was told.

Christian had shared that he knew Andrea Williams very well. She was a good reporter and really knew music and held a Bachelor's degree in it from Temple University in New York. She was however quite easy when it came to men in the music business. She had slept her way through several lead singers and heavy metal rockers and the word was she really wanted to get married but had never been asked as far as he knew. Andy told him how impatient she was about getting together with Royal for an interview. Christian said that was part of the normal pattern with her...but it also confirmed for him that she had the hots for Royal. The woman could be quite ruthless and also vindictive and was known to try to dig up dirt on the other women in a man's life if she had interest in him to create tension between those that he cared for and himself. The mission obviously was to break them up. Andy thought to himself, not a good idea Andrea. Not with this couple. Not only were they in love, but, they were also two of the smartest young people he knew. He did not think they would be bamboozled by her or be intimidated by her either.

He then talked to Christian about hiring an assistant that would help with managing Royal's appearances. He thought it was a good idea to find a good person and get them trained. They could work out of his office. Would he be comfortable with sharing the expense Andy asked? Christian said as long as the person was also available to him for Royal's projects through Arista he was willing to pay 50% of the expense and provide benefits through their plan. Andy said he liked the idea and suggested they get together to discuss a job description and iron out the details. Christian said he would have HR work up a skeleton description that they could tweak until they were comfortable. Andy liked that idea a lot. Christian said that he would get back to him about it when he had the description available to review. After going through his mail and answering some of the more critical calls he had received, Andy called Royal.

Who Are These People?

Andy Grady's POV

Royal and Bella had slept in for a while and gotten up at 9:00 AM. Bella, after doing her normal morning routine went into the kitchen found the coffee which was in whole bean form. The coffee maker ground them and then went right into a brewing cycle after. She loved freshly ground coffee and thought that Prince would too. She made a pot and then looked at the pots and pans in the cookware drawer. They were really nice heavy ones with copper bottoms and glass tops. She decided to make some banana muffins and some omelettes. Prince wandered into the kitchen, saw the omelette pan on the stove and smiling said...."woman I have told you before, I make the omelettes in our house... finish your muffins Mama" and began the preparation for the omelettes. Bella made the muffin batter and then cut up some banana slices to garnish them with when they were done. When the coffee finished brewing she poured a cup for herself and for Prince and dressed them to their individual taste. When she finished she heard Prince's phone chiming and asked him if he wanted her to get it for him. He said yes. By the time she got to it, it had stopped ringing, but she could see from the displayed number it was a call from Mr. G. Taking the phone to Prince, he asked that she dial Andy back and put the phone on speaker. She did so and soon they heard "good morning Prince". "Hi Andy...Bella and I were making breakfast for the house so you are on speaker". "Good morning Bella" Andy said. "Hi Mr. G", Bella said. "Prince, I heard from Andrea Williams this morning and she wants to interview you right away". "Yes, she made that clear when I talked to her. I shared with Elaine and Bella that there was something a little off with her and when I told them what she had said and what I sensed, they told me that she wanted to hit on me and that is why she was sounding so annoyed", Prince said. "Yes that is what I sensed also. So I called Christian and asked him about her. He says that she is a good reporter, holds a Bachelor's in music from Temple and really knows her music. But he also said that she tends to sleep her way through many of the musicians that she meets particularly front men, and rockers. Word is though that she is now looking for a husband, and because she can be ruthless and is vindictive, you want to be careful not to allow her to put you in any kind of compromising position or even the appearance of a compromising position because she would use it against you publicly, true or not. She was really pushy this morning actually starting off wanting you back in New York tomorrow and sounding very irritated when I told her that was not possible. I told her you had some engagements to attend to and would be near home for several weeks. Prince, I don't like her nor do I trust her, but I think she might be able to do you some good. I know that Good Morning America also wants to talk, but we will cross that bridge when we get to it".

Prince listened carefully and then said, "Mr. G. I am not going to start off by allowing women that have questionable motives to drive my life or behavior in any way positive or negative. I think that we should make her wait for an answer, and I think if she is to be worked with before Good Morning America, she will need to come here. Bella and Carlos will be involved although she is not to know that until she arrives and I think it appropriate at least about Bella...I may force the issue with her about Carlos. We will decide where we will meet, probably in the executive offices of Arista. What do you think about that strategy", Prince asked? "Andy laughed , (thinking to himself, like I thought they will not be intimidated) and said let's add one thing...let's make her wait up to 3 days. That will give Good Morning America through Wednesday to call before we set up plans with her". "Done" Prince said. subject. I am in the middle of arranging for a job description with Christian for an assistant. He will pay 50% of the expenses and provide benefits through the Arista Plan. I like the idea though of the assistant having their desk in my offices. It prevents Arista from "owning" one of your employees. I have many things this person can do for Grady it is worth it to pay 50% of the expenses. Prince asked, isn't that something that I should be funding? Maybe in two years...but not today. need to be about building your brand through your music, your mission and your character. The money to fund will come. Save your money as you will need to build a studio at some point. Just keep doing you!

Prince listened to Andy and then said "you have done so much for me and for Carlos and the band. I cannot even imagine how I will repay it all at this moment, but I will".
"No you won't because I won't allow it", Andy said. "You are the son of one of my closest and oldest friends in the world. You are planning to marry my God-daughter and are therefore family. When we began this journey, we shook hands and I told you that I would like to think that you would play at the Stork Club from time to time and you agreed you would. I love working in behalf of you and the band. I want to help you and Carlos to learn how to run the business end of your music. If you learn to excel at that and play from time to time, consider me repaid". "Thank you Mr. G. You have no idea how much that means to me", Prince said. "I will get back to you if I hear from Andrea again or from Good Morning America", Andy said. "Enjoy your day. Bye Bella". "Bye Mr. G.", she said. Prince had done all he could to keep his emotions in check. He was pouring the omelettes into the pan and had not looked up once since he hung up the phone. He was not ready to talk about this conversation...he still struggled with understanding how much people loved him...but when he was ready, Bella knew, he would talk to her. She set the table with and decided they would have Orange juice this morning. She turned on the warming light to keep the omelettes warm and checked the muffins. They were looking and smelling great. Prince continued to work on the Omelettes. He asked her to go tell the house that food would be ready in 15 minutes. Carlos said great and thanks through the door. Frank said "10-4" and Ross said "thank you". Prince finished the last Omelette as they began to come into the kitchen. He told them what was in each omelette and they chose their plate from under the warming light. Bella pulled the muffins out of the oven and garnished each with a banana slice. They sat down at the table and Prince said grace. He closed the prayer saying "and thank you Father for all those that are so good and kind to us even if we do not feel like we deserve it. Amen". They dug into the food and there were lots of compliments on both the omelettes and the muffins. They had just had their first meal in their new home and it had been enjoyable. Carlos and Elaine took cleanup duty and all others went to dress. If they were going to the beach they wanted to get started soon.

Once they were dressed, Bella and Elaine made chicken salad and cut up some fruit for a fruit medley. They put some 7 grain bread in a plastic container and added some sugar cookies for dessert. They added little plastic containers of Mayo and salt and pepper and Bella looked in the lower cabinets and found the small cooler and told Prince they would need to stop on the way to get some ice. She put the lunch foods in the cooler but would reorganize it after they added the ice. She made a huge Thermos of Lemonade and pulled out some plastic cups and plates, forks and knives and spoons to serve the meal. There was enough for everyone. All four bodyguards would go with them today...they needed a fun day too. They decided to go to the beach down near the Balboa Peninsula. It was beautiful and not nearly as trafficked as Santa Monica or Newport Beach. Bella called her childhood buddy Anna Mitchell who lived on Balboa Peninsula who agreed to call the guard station and leave their names so they could enjoy the private beach. She asked them to come by once they got there to say hi. With that they got into the SUV as it was the only vehicle of the three large enough to carry all of them, and backing out of the garage, they immediately took to the air and stopping for some ice at an electric refill station they got it, put it in the cooler and returning to the air, flew south.

Who Are These People?

Andrea Williams POV

Andrea was more irritated than she had been in a while. She had waited all day to hear from Andy Grady but no call had come. She had left the office at 4:00 PM and headed to her favorite cocktail spot in Midtown. Walking in she ran into some of her cronies. Patrick Sullivan who worked the City Desk with The Times and Ella Hamilton who worked the Fashion Desk. They had attended a conference for senior news persons in the city today and had stopped in for a drink afterwards. She sat with her friends and ordered a Blue Moon Martini. They drank their drinks and talked about the day. Ella asked them what they thought about this phenomenon of no violence that was happening in New York. They were into the second day and in a couple of hours, if the peace held, they would be moving toward the third. Patrick added, yes and this is just the tip of the iceberg. The first reports of the peace had come from Los Angeles and they were now on their 22nd day moving into the 23rd. The peace in California had spread and the entire state was experiencing the wonder of no violence. Atlanta and New Orleans were reporting the same and now New York City too. "Has anyone looked into what is behind this strange albeit welcome string of occurrences", Andrea asked? From what Patrick knew there had been all kinds of theories but no hard facts to back up any of the theories. "That was odd" Andrea thought," but intriguing".

Andrea pulled her laptop out of her tote and fired it up. She entered into her browser, what was the first date of the peace in Los Angeles. The date came up in several news pieces in online articles. What other California cities reported the peace and in what order. Irvine then San Francisco, and it had spread from there additional articles pointed out. New Orleans was the first southern city to report the peace and then Atlanta. She now had a timeline to investigate when it came to this peace business. She had another Blue Moon. Patrick said he had to go as he was meeting his son at the gym and they were going to work out. Ella said she needed to leave because she had a very early meeting in the morning. Andrea said...take care and continued to dig into the peace thing. After the 3rd Blue Moon, Andrea was starting to feel really blitzed. As much as she did not want to stop digging...she needed to get home while she still could. She paid her tab and brought her computer down and returning it to her business tote, she went outside hailed a cab and went home. When she arrived at her place, she went inside, pulled off her clothes and got into the shower. She put on some pajamas and then went into the kitchen to find something to eat. She should not have had that third Blue Moon on an empty stomach. She still felt seriously buzzed. She made a turkey sandwich with cheese and stuffed it down. She really needed to lay down. She went into her bedroom moved the clothes she had laid on her bed onto a chair and pulling back the covers laid down and fell asleep. She had left the lamp on the bed stand on but she was so deeply under , it did not bother her. She would wake at 4 AM and only then because she needed to empty her bladder. She would have a horrible hangover in the morning and would go to the office only for a few hours that day.

Who Are These People?

Prince's POV

Prince was really quiet on the ride to Balboa even for him. Bella thought he might still be dealing with his emotions over what Andy had said to him. But he didn't seem emotional so much. It was something else more like he was organizing some important thoughts in his head. He looked up at her and smiled and put his arm around her. "Where were you" she asked him. "Your body was here, but the rest of you was not". "Yeah, I know" he said. " Do you remember when Frank brought up the Elephant in the Room", he asked? She nodded yes. "Well I am going to reveal the Elephant today. It is time". Bella's eyes opened very wide and she nodded again. This was going to be an unforgettable day. She quickly offered a prayer to the Lord. "Father please guide Prince's words in his desire to be obedient to what You told him to share. Let his words ring with Your truth that the unbelievable will be known to be completely credible because it came from Your will and Your direction. In Jesus Name Amen".

When they got to the beach and pulled into the driveway to the security booth the guard asked their names and Prince told them Bella Borden and Royal Anderson and friends. "How many total in the car", the guard asked? "Eight", Prince replied. He gave them a temporary pass to put on the dashboard and told them they could park anywhere other than in a red or pink zone. The pink was for residents and the red for emergency vehicles. "Oh" he said, "by the way, Mrs. Mitchell said that her husband called and needed her to come to the office to help him with something. She asked that you call her before you leave as she might be back by then. If not, she will catch up with you soon". Bella thanked him for the message and they drove to the parking lot of the beach. With it being Monday, parking was not difficult to find. They got a spot in the second row from the sand and getting out they grabbed the blankets, towels, a volley ball that Ross had brought along and the cooler and Lemonade as well as their individual totes. They found a spot that had 9 chaises in a row and decided to use those. The plastic webbing was hot, so each of them used either a towel or one of the four blankets to cover the webbing for comfort. They were all thirsty so Bella pulled the plastic cups out of her tote and poured each of them a cool glass of lemonade. They sat in the chaises and chatted a little and enjoyed their lemonade.

Prince said "Bella let's test the water", and the two of them walked down to the edge of the shore. He was always shocked at how much colder the water was in the Pacific than in the Atlantic...but after a few minutes it was comfortable enough. As he stood there staring out over the beautiful ocean, he remembered word for word what the Creator had told him about sharing who he was and sharing the mission, given to him and Bella, Carlos and Elaine and the band by the Creator himself. He remembered that he had woken in the middle of the night shortly before they went on tour. Looking at his phone he saw that it was 3:30 in the morning. He lay there and then heard in his mind,

"Prince, tell them of your death, of your time in heaven and your return to earth to do my will. Tell them of your Bella and how long you have known her and how she is your eternal companion to help you to accomplish my mission. And tell them that the two of you, and Elaine and Carlos and the music that you write and the band that you lead are my vessels that will be used to usher in a new age on earth for those that believe. This is the will of my Father, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all of the Worlds and the Universes".

This was his answer to a prayer he had prayed about what he should tell his bodyguards and Carlos and Elaine too. Frank had confronted him about the fact that the music seemed to be tied to the peace being experienced in several different cities, all of which seem to begin immediately after they played there. Prince reached out for Bella's hand. They walked back to the chaises and Ross asked "how's the water"? Prince answered "nice". He sat down and said "guys, I have something that I need to tell you". He began, "Frank, do you remember when you asked about the relationship of our music to the peace that was occurring in several different cities"? Frank looked at him and said nothing for a moment and then said "yes I remember". "Well I think it is time that you know. What I am going to tell you, some of you may not believe others may not want to stay on board after I tell you, and I want you to know there will be no hard feelings if that is the case, The only thing I do ask of you, is that as honorable men and women, you keep what I have to say to just those that are sitting here now". The body guards looked at each other as did Carlos and Elaine and they said they agreed.

Let me tell you a story. "I was once the person the world knew as Prince Roger Nelson. I was born in 1958 and died in 2016. I was a very well recognized musician and was given that gift by God. I however did not use it as He intended and unfortunately died young. In part it was because there were lessons I needed to learn to be trusted with this gift" . Bella said "I met Prince in heaven after having this incredibly real feeling that I was supposed to be with him for most of my adult life. We met only once in that past life time, but I was imprinted by him and knew I would never love another. Jesus told us while we were in heaven that the obstacles we experienced that kept us apart in that former life were also planned by the Creator. He said until Prince learned his lessons about fidelity and obedience and I learned to totally prioritize the man given to me by God that we were literally dangerous to each other in part because of the great love and passion we had for one another. Without discipline, the level of passion we share could become destructive. I lived in that former life as a woman who was 10 years older than Prince and he only liked much younger women which literally was a fence too high for either of us to see over. So I lived out my life, stayed in my marriage for as long as I could finished raising my daughter and died in 2021. I cried out to Prince while I was ill and Jesus was merciful and allowed him to hear me. We communicated through his music until my death, and he was waiting for me in the tunnel of light. We have been together ever since with the exception of the 19 years after he was reborn into the current incarnation. I am six years younger than Prince now, Bella said and therefore was still in heaven with Amiir, when Prince was born. We were brought back together when I was 14 and he was 20. We recognized each other right away but I lived under the shelter of my parents until they allowed us to visit with one another and due to our dancing with the band that became possible because all of our parents were normally with us when we were together. Prince was always respectful of me and my parents". Prince looked at his friends and saw that they were blown away by what they were hearing. He saw that Carlos and Elaine while shocked believed him...he was not sure of the bodyguards with the exception of Ross who appeared to have a glimmer of truth and acceptance in his eyes.

Prince continued, "we were in heaven for what would be considered a long time in earth time but seemed very short in Paradise. I have, however known and loved Bella for 200 years; she is my eternal companion and I will live with and love her forever, even into the New World in New Jerusalem. She was created just for me, to help with the Creator's mission before the foundation of the world. Carlos and Elaine were given to us as our closest friends also to help with the mission. In part they are to help us to be as grounded and focused on Godly things like love for other human beings and compassion for them as well and to focus on each other and the music, always the music. The music, even those songs that celebrate love and sex among loving partners, preferably lifelong husbands and wives as human beings, is infused with the Spirit of the Creator. He is using us to reach the people with that music and His loving Spirit to usher in a new time to the earth, one where those that believe in Him will know consistent peace, until the final battle. They will need to choose between doing good and doing evil. Those that do not believe will not have that peace. Although I do not know what will happen to them, I know they will not experience a good end. The Creator refers to the four of us and the band as his vessels. It is interesting that each of those in this musical family were literally sent to us, many when we were children. Only our horn players came to us when we were older, but they too came to us when we were in college. Frank said ..."wait, WAIT, WAIT! Bella your father let you go out with a 20 year old man when you were 14",? "No of course not" she said. "One night one of our guardian Angels, Michael the Archangel appeared to him in his room and told him who we were and that Prince could be trusted, would never compromise me and he never has...and yes since you want to ask, I am still technically a Virgin gentlemen and will remain so until our wedding night. This is both a vow I made to the Lord and a promise Prince made to my parents. Frank then said, "now you are telling me you communicate with Angels"? "Yes" Prince said "we do. They are always available to us". Frank stood up and said" I need a drink ". Prince sent a thought to Jesus. "How important is it that Frank believe what we are sharing Lord"? Answering right away, Jesus said" it is very important. Frank and his brothers will become an extension of the Holy Angelic Army on earth when the great battle comes". Do what you must to help him believe but know that in the end the choice is his. "Thank you Lord", Prince said in his mind. "Michael" he said in thought. "Yes Prince", Michael said. "I need for you to come here shortly but only allow those who are in our company to see you. No-one else is to know you are here. For good measure bring Sandalphon if it is okay". "Call my name again and we will be there", Michael said. "Thank you Michael". "My pleasure". "Frank, if God allowed you to see the Angels that we are speaking of would that help you to understand and believe that what we are saying is true"? Frank looked at Prince and said..."well yes, I guess that would". "I suggest that you sit down. Michael, please appear to us and our friends", Prince said. A heavenly haze of bright light appeared right in front of the chaises and the two Angels actually flew around them (for effect) before landing in front of them. "Hello", Michael said. " Hi", Sandalphon said. Prince said "this is Michael the Archangel. He is the leader of all of the Angels in Heaven and is the Angel of War. And this is Sandalphon, the Angel of Music. He is in charge of all of the choirs in Heaven both Angelic and those comprised of souls that were once human beings. They were also our first two friends in Heaven after Jesus. Sandalphon is also a renowned Warrior". The Angels closed their wings. Frank who had remained standing collapsed into his chaise. Michael saw the huge thermos and asked "Bella is that your famous Lemonade"? " Yes it is", she answered. "May I have some"? He asked...Sandalphon said "me too" and then said," Bella's Lemonade is legendary in heaven". "Oh you", Bella said laughing as she poured out two glasses. "In return", Michael said," I will make it so that you will not run out of Lemonade for 3 days". He touched the Thermos and said "there. It will remain full and chilled". "Gentlemen, do you have any questions", Prince asked ? Carlos said, "do we have guardian angels too"? Michael said you certainly do, and they will escort you to Paradise when this life ends. "But for now, if you truly need us and call me Carlos and Elaine, I will come just as I do for Prince. You just have to say my name". With a smile, Michael and Sandalphon were gone. "Are there any other questions", Prince asked? The look of surprise and shock had left Frank's face and in his eyes, Prince saw that it had been replaced with tears. Frank said, "all of my life I have struggled to believe in God and in His power. I wanted to but I just could not make the breakthrough that allowed me to truly embrace Him". Prince said, "Frank kneel with me", and Frank did . "Please pray this prayer with me, his brothers also got on their knees, as did they all. "Repeat after me", he said. "Father I come before you acknowledging I am a sinner and am heartily sorry for my sins". I acknowledge also that I need a Savior. I ask that Jesus Christ, your Son and Savior of the World, enter my heart and guide me and help me to amend my life. In Jesus name...Amen". Frank dissolved into tears. His brothers and Ross embraced him and stayed on their knees with him until he had recovered. Prince got up..."anyone want to take a swim before we leave"? Frank looked up and got up as did the rest of the group. "I want some more of that Holy Lemonade" he said. They all started laughing, but Bella let him pour his own glass so that he could see that the Thermos really did remain full. They ate their picnic lunch and they took turns asking Prince and Bella more questions about their time in heaven. Ross asked about his relationship to Prince Roger Nelson's family as he had always said he was his gggg Uncle. Prince shared, that he actually was from a standpoint of flesh. His own father was the ggg nephew of the 21st century performer and from a bloodline standpoint that was true. However his was the actual soul that had occupied the body of PRN all those years ago he said. The soul, which is the mind, the will and the emotions never dies he said. After more questions, they decided to pack up the vehicle and head for home. Bella called her friend Anna Mitchell who did not answer as she had not gotten back yet so she left a message thanking her and promised to call again soon. With that Melvin climbed behind the wheel and took the AirCar up and into the sky. This had been a very eventful day. There would be many more in the days ahead.

Who Are These People?

Andrea Williams POV

When Andrea had arrived at her office that morning, she had her sunglasses on and they stayed on for the 3 hours she remained there. Her head hurt horribly and her stomach was yukky too. After taking care of the few critical things she needed to, she sent an email to her editor saying she did not feel well and went home. She took some Motrin with some fruit juice and laid down. She woke up about two hours later and felt a little better. She made some soup and pulled her laptop out. She stared at the timeline of the spreading peace and knew that she was missing something, but what? She decided to write a query that was designed to find out what things went on in each of these cities for two days before the peace that might be a constant. For example, if it rained in New York for two days before the peace, had it also rained in Los Angeles and Irvine for two days before? The second part of the query was to identify if any of those constants were newsworthy. She used her credentials to access the Combined News Network Cloud files. She went back into the kitchen to get another cup of the warm soup which seemed to be helping to settle her stomach and let the query run. She turned on Cloud Stream to catch her favorite sit com. She would check the query just before she went to bed. A commercial came on and while they were discussing some mindless work out equipment, she remembered that she had not heard from Andy Grady again today. "What gives with these people? Don't they know that they need the Press and that they could be pushed forward or held back by the friends they made or didn't in high places? The New York Times was a pretty high place she thought..,Who the Hell Are These People that they feel they can ignore the press"?

If she only knew...and she was on a mission to find out. Hopefully...she would change her approach and her attitude or she might find out in a way that she really didn't want to!

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